- georgesIII
Ok go - End Love
Fantastic stop motion
- georgesIII
PSB: Save the puppy
Because you can't make this shit up.
"A German student created a major traffic jam in Bavaria after making a rude gesture at a group …
- georgesIII
(i highlighted all you need to know)
In a new warning, Nasa said the super storm would hit like “a bolt of lightning” and cou…
- georgesIII
Estimated 1 $trillion
Poor Afghanistan, this is actually the worst thing that could have happend to them.
Yeah, we can pretend this discovery will help…
- georgesIII
3d in Flash CS4
I have a small question,
Is it possible to have a movieclip rotate on the y axis
and have two different graphics on the front a…
- georgesIII
Mortal Kombat
Mmmaybe they won't fuck it up this time,
trailer looks violent
I'm happy :)
* tears run down my face
- georgesIII
I'am Georges's liver,
I purify his beer, he loves me.
- georgesIII
going to space
I had this dream the other day that I won a free trip to space and I can't get it out of my head. It has been obsessing me for the past 3…
- georgesIII
Bansky saved ???
Apparently some good soul have "saved" a painting that bansky did in Detroit?
would have they done the same if they weren't sure …
- georgesIII
pics or gtfo
while on the phone with my wife, she bursts out laughing and tells me some random couple is having sex in the parking lot in front of her work,
- georgesIII
I just quit
Yep, I finally did it,
but I'm not as adventurous as some of you so I'm starting my new work in two weeks,wish me luck
- georgesIII
Flash import layer
Is it possible to import photoshop layers in flash like in After Effect?
you know like
import > "file photoshop" > layers
- georgesIII
Iphone 4g part2
any Vietnamese care to translate, apparently another 4g was lost......
- georgesIII
Extraordinary Gentlemen
The world needs more of them!
- georgesIII
Google Recorded future
pretty cool innit,
can't wait for google to announce A.I……
- georgesIII
Timeline of the day
let me see your timeline
btw: do you know how twilight should have ended?
- georgesIII
WTF and I mean
is it what is has come down to, poor child probably traumatized for life
"This video shows a search warrant served…
- georgesIII
Mac Grey blinking folder
one of my coworker's Macbook pro starting displaying a grey folder, that blinked and the computer shut down,
now it won't…
- georgesIII
The Volcano That Stopped Britain
Lol, the fastest documentary ever done