The Parlor

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  • dropdown0

    Why is it always a couple that do this kind of sick shit? How do they come to a decision that they’re gonna kidnap a little girl and do god knows what to her?…

    • humans by nature are scary7point34
    • terrifying actually. and when their brains break with reality it's even more alarming what some of them are capable of7point34
  • 7point340

    you shot me!

    you shot me in the face!

    that really hurt! jesus! why would you do that?

    • seriously, that's going to leave a mark7point34
    • Sorry 'bout that.
      Chicks dig scars.
  • juhls0

    My parents thought the girl's parents had something to do with it. Normally I would agree, but their reasoning is that the mother didn't show much emotion a few days after her little girl went missing. I tend to support people like that (depending on the situation and if they are not already a suspicious or outwardly fake person) because I think I would be the same way. Be completely heartbroken, but try to be collected when conducting an interview about finding my child. I could never say this for sure, of course, but I feel like I would be that same way.

    Anyway, I really hope her parents had nothing to do with it. It's still quite devastating to know that two sick people have murdered your child and god knows what else.

    It reminds me of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. Sick, sick people. Homolka assisted Bernardo in raping and murdering her sister, Tammy. I mean how the hell do two people agree on something like that? It's amazing how these couples make it together and then manage to pull murders off.

  • juhls0

    "Rodney Stafford [father] said at the time of the release that he "strongly believes" the woman is someone he knew in high school. Her [Tori's] mother, Tara McDonald, however, said she did not recognize the woman."

    Can you imagine if it actually was someone from high school?…

    The weird thing is that there are no other details about why they charged these people. I'm going to watch the news later and see...

    • supposed to be a conference @ 2pm or 3pm today.dropdown
    • They'll probably re-play it after work too.juhls
  • dropdown0

    Why has canuck disappeared?

    • him and greedo wandered off a while ago. i think they got tired of not being able to keep up7point34
    • emu is on the endangered list7point34
    • all 3 are on twitter last i checked7point34
    • poor lost souls.
      *lights a candle for vigil
    • yup, they are regular Twitter users.juhls
  • Rand0

    what are they finding on twitter? I only found page after page of dullness. Oh wait---

  • juhls0

    I'm harrassing canuck about my money.…

  • emukid0

    it's simple really -- i can follow twitter feeds simultaneously while working (by working i mean pretending to work). i don't need to read tons to understand something. i get all my news right there and seeing the world in constant chaos can be somewhat comforting. on twitter i dont have to try to figure out which thread people are referring to in order to get a joke. i come here and i see 25 pages of great stuff to catch up on overnight with no clue what is going on. i do realize all of this can be remedied if i just spend all day here following conversations but lately i haven't been able to do that. and not to mention my inability to use grabup has affected by self confidence terribly. so i make a post or two, perhaps post a note. and then i go away. soon enough, no one will remember me.

    • I know what you mean, and I don't blame. Except for the part about forgetting you, you lame-ojuhls
  • Rand0

    for me the net content of reading everyone's feeds ended even more confusing than sbt, because 90% of the people were responding to people they're following but I wasn't, and most of the rest, like taragee, were spouting gibberiish anyway

  • emukid0

    i am not saying twitter is better than qbn. nothing is better than qbn. and there is no substitute for qbn either. you can make twitter whatever you want it to be. if you follow people who are into incessant rambling and @replying all the fucking time then it will get annoying very quickly.

    BUT twitter made some changes recently and it longer shows @replies to people you are not following. so now you don't have to see one side of a conversation you don't give a fuck about. more importantly, i use twitter to follow news, blogs and other areas of interest. the friends/acquaintances i follow can be interesting but i mostly use it to stay informed about local and other news/events. it really is about who you follow -- that can make twitter a decent or an utter shite experience.

    but twitter is no substitute for this place. i've just been having a hard time keeping up with things here especially when i don't have much to say. and just trying to figure out which thread people are laughing about or which thread someone caused person A to put person B on their shitlist. but as i said, it's my fault for not being able to follow conversations properly.

    • *it NO longer shows @replies to people...emukid
    • fucking typosemukid
    • < that's exactly how I feel about Twitter too. Only thing is that I forget to post there, but I'm used to QBN.juhls
    • I agree with you about the keeping up with things around here, it's been pretty hard lately.canuck
    • Especially with all these secret threads.canuck
  • Rand0

    that change sounds good... maybe I'll check it out again

  • 7point340

    twitter was as close as i can fathom to being in room filled with screaming autistics, all trying to talk over each other. their counterintuitive speech and thought patterns would be difficult enough to unravel on their own but then you'd couple that with straining to decipher if any actual conversations were occurring and between whom, and what, if anything legible, they may have been talking about.

    • wait... i'm still not providing much of a case for SBT.7point34
  • dropdown0

    ^ I have a twitter account and I don't ever use it because of this very reason/description. I just assumed I was too old to figure it out. So I gave up on it, hoping that some day my child will set up an account for me and teach me how to use it.

  • locustsloth0

    i spend too much time as it is on the various sites i keep checking to prevent myself from working. Adding another would surely kill me

  • juhls0

    All of these points make sense. It all depends on what kind of an experience you want. In my opinion, neither Twitter nor SBT is actually "better" than the other.

    • always CYA with you :) haha7point34
    • haha, it's actually how I feel about the whole thing.juhls
    • Mainly because no one who hates Twitter has a good argument about why SBT is so different.juhls
  • canuck0

    Tag, you're it...

  • Horp0

    "Mainly because no one who hates Twitter has a good argument about why SBT is so different"

    SBT is a conversation. At times in the past we have had some great conversations in SBT, free from the interjections of the greater QBN community. Granted that has declined now but there was a sort of glorious moment for a while. SBT is an opportunity to share jokes, in-jokes, memes, bitch about things without it turning into all out verbal war, and a place to just dump thoughts and comments free from any need to validate them. SBT for most of us is just a speakeasy, not to be scrutinised too closely. That it is SBT is almost irrelevant, it could just be a bunch of people emailing each other, but the mechanics of QBN make it fairly convenient to catch up, refer back, add links, co-ordinate japes etc.

    Twitter is, as far as I can make out, a post-modern thought publisher, highlighting (to my mind) how inane and mediocre most of our ongoing functional thoughts are. It doesn't offer a means for in-depth dialogue, it appeals to a generation who have less to say, and no grasp of the nuances of articulation. Its enough to cut out the rich bridgework of the conversational style and just deliver buzzwords. Language evolution is always moving towards greater economy. Less words, less letters per word. Hyphenating phrases as part of the process of welding them together into new single words that are more efficient than the two or three they replace. Likewsie Twitter is about economy of words... for me its too extreme, but then I'm really keen on longer comments.

    I'm not dissing Twitter, but for someone as verbose as me it just seems spasticated and peurile... I fully accept that I am a dinosaur in a modern world though. I prefer dialogue to soundbites so for me something like QBN, or SBT if you will, is a suitable means to an end.

    Its the difference between a moped and a truck. I can't deliver my thoughts on a moped whereas other may not feel they need a vast truck to deliver theirs.

    • huzzah!!locustsloth
    • as usual. yours is the most apt and well worded answer7point34
    • you fucking dinosaur7point34
    • I made it as long as I could to addle jaline's branes. hahahaHorp
    • FUCK YOU I'm not reading all this. Can you just tweet it or something?dropdown
  • juhls0

    Thanks, Spooky.

    Twitter provides links, resources, as well as one-liners, and news. QBN does this as well, but it's not as straight-forward. You could argue that QBN is based around one thing: design. But then you could say that Twitter provides information and links about design too, since you can choose exactly what you want to see.

    The difference to me is that, with Twitter, I can see the most recent update right at the top of the page, whereas you actually have to read through pages and pages of SBT in order to catch up on inside jokes (which is a completely different thing in Twitter; I would even say that it barely exists; and if it does, it's easier to ignore). At the same time, it's easier to see context in SBT (since there are more posts per page). One of the amazing things about Twitter is that people in war-torn countries and other news sources are able to post single sentences about their situations in specific countries. It's an aspect of citizen journalism.

    I know that at least 60% of Twitter users use the site once and then leave, so who knows how long it will exist. But I think, if you're - dare I say - "smart" enough to know how to use it, it can be very, very useful.

  • juhls0

    I'm trying to distinguish between QBN and SBT because they are different things. Even though there are lots of nonsensical posts in all of QBN, I find the SBT to contain so many inside jokes and memes that it's almost annoying to read. This is just a personal preference, of course, but I like discussion more than anything else. Twitter does not provide much of a discussion, but it has a different purpose.

    • I'm not saying I don't like the SBT. It's just "different".juhls
    • I mean, I post in it all the time :)juhls
  • 7point340

    haha hi, dropdown