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  • Fariska0

    Would you like to swap? I'm refining anally a bunch of layouts before handing them over to the flash dev.
    I loved that period of art

    • atleast you are making money! I wish I had a job.
    • / or clients
  • SkyPoo0

    I just spoke to a QBN member on the phone. Its like reaching into the code of the matrix and finding real life in all its glory on the other side. I may need to play some emotional film score music for a while and do a bit of slow-motion walking away from the camera.

    Wait, there is no camera.

    • hey thats cool.
    • It was 7.34, wasn't it? ;)Jaline
    • I did that once and it was WEIRD! Cool, but also expensive because of the phone bill :)Jaline
    • Worth it, of course.Jaline
    • No, not 7.34... I got a voicemail from him once though - he sounds like Johnny Cash.SkyPoo
    • who did you called with.
      did you guys ever met a qbn dude irl.?
    • haha i don't sound a thing like johnny cash. you said you didn't answer because i sounded like a sex fiend7point34
    • I didn't answer because the message reached me two after I got back to England. I told you you sounded...SkyPoo
    • ... like a husky dude. I only joked the other day that I ignored you becuase you were a sex pest...SkyPoo
    • but it was only a jork my fren, a simple jork.SkyPoo
    • i'm not husky! i'm pleasantly plump!
      *runs off crying
    • *and eating7point34
    • so who was it?hallelujah
    • such coyness is unseemlyhallelujah
    • ... changeover. He flips the projectors, the movie keeps right on going, and nobody in the audience has any idea.ian
    • hahaha, which is why we should switch to text messages.
    • As I don't like hearing 7point34's sex fiend's voice either. It's just g-ddamn creepy.
    • hahaha, no one calls you, flavorful. don't lie.7point34
    • I only have a land line.
    • And I'm never home. Though, no one leaves any messages at the beep now that I think about it.
  • 7point340

    The hairs on your arm will stand up. At the terror in each sip and in each sup. For you partake of that last offered cup, Or disappear into the potter's ground. When the man comes around.

  • kelpie0

    I feel like everything at once and nothing forever

    • just finished reading Not Fade Away, brilliant - anyone into Jim Dodge? spooks must bekelpie
    • my face has no shape at all7point34
    • I can't feel my handshallelujah
    • I've read that, and stone junction. Preferred not fade away though, t'other was just too weird.ian
    • I can't feel my feetFariska
    • not sure which I prefer - stone junction bent my mind, but the end on not fade away is way more far outkelpie
    • Never heard of him Kelps, but I'll take that as a recommendation and git me some.SkyPoo
    • he's only written 3 books, I've not read Fup, his 1st, but totally recommend the other 2 to youkelpie
    • he's waving shapes around his mindkillthefish
  • kelpie0

    His smile is like a cold toilet seat.

    He shakes my hand as if he's found it

    floating two weeks dead in a slough.

    I tell him I need money.

    Tons of it.

    I want to buy a new Lamborghini,

    load it with absinthe and opium,

    and hit the trail out of these rainy hills

    for a few years in Paris.

    I try to explain

    I'm at that point in my artistic development

    where I require a long period

    of opulent reflection.

    The banker rifles my wallet.

    Examines my mouth.

    Chuckles when I offer 20 Miltonic sonnets

    as security on the loan.

    Now he's shaking his head, my confidence,

    my hand good-bye. "Wait," I plead,

    "I have debts and dreams

    my present cash flow can't possibly sustain."

    "Sorry," he mumbles, "nothing I can do,"

    and staples some papers

    in a way that makes me feel

    he'd rather nail my tongue to an ant hill.

    I stare at him in disbelief.

    And under the righteous scathing of my gaze

    the banker begins to change form.

    First, he becomes a plate of cold french fries

    drenched in crankcase oil.

    Then a black spot

    on a page of Genesis.

    Finally, a dung beetle,

    rolling little balls of shit

    across a desk bigger than my kitchen.

    Yet even as I follow these morbid transformations

    I never lose sight of his bloated face,

    the green, handled skin

    shining like rotten meat.

    But then his other faces

    open to mine:

    father, lover, young man, child -

    our shared human history

    folding us into one.

    And only that stops me

    from beating him senseless

    with a sock full of pennies.

    • you had me at 'sock full of pennies"
  • kelpie0

    Amalgam of electric jelly,
    constellated neural knots
    in the briny binary soup,
    as surely as stimulus prods response
    brains are made to choose.
    And through a major error in pattern recognition
    or a significant cognitive fault,
    the bullfrogs brain has selected
    a two-pound rock
    as the object of his rampant affection,
    a rock (to my admittedly mammalian eye)
    that neither resembles
    nor even vaguely suggests
    the female of his species.

  • kelpie0

    He does seem to be enjoying himself
    in a blunted sort of way,
    but since the rock so obviously remains unmoved
    one suspects it's not the blending of sweet oblivions
    that fuels his persistence,
    but a serious kink in a feedback loop--
    or perhaps just kinkiness in general.
    The less compassionate might even call him
    the quintessentially insensitive male.

  • kelpie0

    Assuming a pan-species gender bond
    and a common fret,
    I advise my amphibious pal,
    "Hey, I don't think she's playing hard to get.
    That's the literal case you're up against, Jack--
    true story, buddy; stone fact.
    And I'd be fraternally remiss if I didn't share
    my deep and eminently reasonable doubt
    that she'll be worn down
    however long and spectacular the ardor."

  • kelpie0

    Ignoring my counsel
    as completely as he has my presence,
    the bullfrog continues his fruitless assault
    with that brain-locked commitment to folly
    which invariably accompanies
    dumb, bug-eyed lust.

  • kelpie0

    But, in fairness,
    whose brain hasn't shorted out in a slosh of hormones
    or, igniting like a shattered jug of gas,
    fireballed into a howling maelstrom
    where a rock indeed might seem a port?
    One can only conclude
    that such impelling concupiscence
    serves as a species' life-insurance,
    sort of a procreative override
    of any decision requiring thought,
    thought being notoriously prey to thinking,
    and the more one thinks about thinking
    the thinkier it gets.
    Therefore, though the brain is made to choose,
    its very existence ultimately depends
    on the generative supremacy of brainless desire--
    for with all respect to Monsieur Descartes
    you am before you can think you are.
    Dirt-drive compulsions riding powerful desires
    render any choice moot, along with
    reason, morality, taste, manners,
    and all those other jars of glitter
    we pour on the sticky and raw.

  • SkyPoo0

    When I first moved into this building I was, naturally as per my disposition, quite friendly and jovial. Then a number of things happened:

    1. I found that people liked to stop by at other people's offices to chat and pass the time. it got to be 6 people, twice a day. One of whome would be here at 7:30am and if I had an early start due to a panic deadline, she would sidle in and start talking at me incessantly until about 9:30am.

    2. I found that everyone was always complaining about the building and getting very angry about being badly treated by the people who run the building.

    3. I found that there was a weird bitchy / gossipy undercurrent and I was unwittingly finding myself agreeing with people's vaguely spiteful mutterings for lack of a better response.

    4. I found that if I said one thing to one person once, a week later somebody totally unconnected would ask me about it.

    So, given that I was way too busy to have a stream of people dropping in to ask me to explain to them what exactly it is I'm doing, and why, and who its for, and how do I do it, and how do I find my work, and whether or not I do the work, or whether the computer does the work, and so on... I decided I would have a closed door policy and limit my social involvement to smiles, hellos, bare minimum chitchat and no involvement in the aggressive action commitees that spring up to tackle issues such as 'the kettle', 'the toilets', 'the rent' etc, but then rapidly dissolve again before any action is agreed.

    It really funny to see that various people ( namely the ones who clearly like a bit of aggro ) have taken this 'closed door Spooky' thing very personally indeed and now do their very best to try and blank me completely in the communal areas.

    What I like about that is that having said a cordial hello and received a schoolyard blanking, I then repeat much louder "I SAID HELLO" at which point their resolve crumbles and they have to do a bit of acting to pretend they didn't hear me.

    And I'd love to make a video of those moments when ordinary people employ acting as a social mechanism. I think it would be great.

    Me and an old friend once tried to make an art film called "When the laughter stops"... which would be an ongoing series of edits of only that few seconds when someone who has been laughing eventually comes to a stop and has to step of the escalator of mirth back on to the solid ground of self conscious seriousness.

    I wish I was an arty film maker sometimes.

    • Sorry Kelpie I fucking rear ended your literary excellence with this shite.SkyPoo
    • fret notkelpie
    • tis gold, my friend. tis solid fuckin gold! if i had my own office i'd nail the door shut7point34
  • kelpie0

    The hard truth is we never chose to choose:
    not the brains we use to pick
    between competing explanations for our sexual mess
    nor these hearts we've burdened with our blunders
    in the name of love.
    Do whatever we decide we will,
    the choice isn't free;
    we live at the mercy of more pressing needs.

  • kelpie0

    Thus, urges urgently surging,
    we mount a few rocks by mistake.
    A bit more embarrassing than most of our foolishness, true--
    but so what?
    The power of the imperative
    coupled with the law of averages
    virtually guarantees enough will get it right
    to make more brains to be made up
    about exactly what steps to take
    toward what we think we need to do
    on this stony journey between delusion and mirage--
    when to move, where to hide our dreams--
    a journey where we finally learn
    freedom is not a choice
    a brain is free to choose.

  • kelpie0

    Fortunately, my warty friend,
    the soul is built to cruise.

    • Unnatural Selections: A Meditation upon Witnessing a Bullfrog Fucking a Rock
    • – Jim Dodgekelpie
    • .... with bollocky interlude by Spookytim. I was looking at an old unrefreshed blog page so had no idea you...SkyPoo
    • ... were dropping this in.

      = (
    • no bother, you just ruined MY LIFE :(kelpie
    • ahahahaha.
      Oh God I feel bad now.
  • kelpie0

    I'll stop now

    • I just read all that. I like it. I like i a lot. I will now proceed to devour everything he ever produced. Thanks!SkyPoo
  • hallelujah0

    so who was it?

  • kelpie0

    well there's one thing to be said for money. It makes you rich.

    • And by Worthington's Law, better than those who have less. Which as a result beyond criticism.
    • More Money
      Better Than.
    • Oh look!
      Water, hot water!
  • 7point340

    sometimes in searching for images, i tend to want to know how popular something is before ffffinding it.

    if i click on the image and see a long list of names underneath occasionally i become jaded to it and think maybe it's not as interesting as i previously thought. i wouldn't want to add something that everyone is adding just because it's the hip image of the day.

    i also tend to scan the names to see if anyone of interest may be there. i find myself scanniing for fluxism and jaline or other random qbn names that look familiar. if i see these names i may reconsider and add it anyway.

    i'm not always this snooty, mind you, just on occasion. often i add things i like regardless. often i like things that are purely aesthetic and not very unique or creative conceptually.

    • I am the same way. The problem is...I am also this way (sometimes) with certain things that are popular. Which is snooty.Jaline
    • snooty.Jaline
    • that was the exact point of the post. sometimes when i see that 100 people have added the image i feel less interested in it7point34
    • it certainly applies to other things as well. things... out side of the internet [dun dun dun]7point34
  • e-pill0

    did some threads just pop to the top and then disappear??
    like the "show recent work" thread??

  • ********

    wtf happened on the previous page