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  • e-pill0

    try to whistle with a mouth full of saltines

  • locustsloth0

    Mostly i don't like the blues cause it's so boring to play and never seems to end. And most of it sounds the same. And it's usually depressing.
    i'm more of a pot-smoking metalhead than anything else, though, i must say, my tastes are quite eclectic

    • * shoots self for using the word eclecticlocustsloth
    • You like Clutch don't you.canuck
    • i don't mind Clutch. i imagine if i listened more to them, i'd probably get into themlocustsloth
    • are they better than katy perry?emukid
    • No, but i'm pretty sure they've kissed a girl and enjoyed itlocustsloth
    • Clutch fucking rock.killthefish
  • sea_sea0

    so my bf is moving out... does that mean i'm single again?
    not feeling too good right now.

    • i'm sorry sea_sea. But look on the bright side, you have us.
    • Sorry to hear it.MrOneHundred
    • let me look for inappropriate web comics...emukid
    • http://www.explosm.n…emukid
    • thanks guys, this might mean i'll be either around more often or not.sea_sea
    • we like you. be here more often.emukid
    • hahahah @ #4 :) thanxsea_sea
    • http://www.explosm.n…emukid
    • thanx emu :' )
    • also, please email me your mailing address. i would like to send you some bear stickers.emukid
    • And then everything will be alrightlocustsloth
    • mr100, did the stickers ever arrive? i was surprised how quickly they got to europe. australia probably takes longer.emukid
    • locust is right. those stickers have healing powers,emukid
    • :) what bear are we talkin about exactly here? lolzsea_sea
    • and were exactly do you stick em?!sea_sea
    • care bear of course! and you can stick it pretty much anywhere you feel like. but keep in mind, i do ask for one photo of the sticker posted somewhere (for my sticker project)emukid
    • photo of the sticker posted somewhere (for my sticker project).emukid
    • :) that's actually funnysea_sea
    • sorry to hear lady, but just think how much more you can get done not to mention the sex will prob be better :)neue75_bold
    • A door closes. A gate opens.Fariska
  • locustsloth0

    Nestle yourself in the bosom of our pseudo-meta-support, sea_sea. But be forewarned, you may come out of it smelling like Doritos and stale sweat

    • i don't believe this is helpful or makes senselocustsloth
    • hahaha it's both thanx, i think...sea_sea
  • MrOneHundred0

    When consoling someone over a break-up, I can never think of something which will be funny to them and me, so I end up sounding like I don’t really care.

  • MrOneHundred0

    I got them. The mail man got them wet in the rain, so I am drying them out in the drawer and thinking where I will stick them. Options I have come up with so far:

    1. Back onto the backing paper
    2. My arse

    • < Stickers, that is.MrOneHundred
    • arse is fine if you are okay with sending me a photo of the sticker so i can share with the world.emukid
    • hmmm. OK.MrOneHundred
    • on second thought, forget the sticker. just post a photo of your arse.emukid
    • Done and done!MrOneHundred
  • sea_sea0

    no need for console i'm ok, i'm just in the middle of it and it's hard to see him pack his things... i'm in for a looong day tomorrow.

    • Go and have a spa day, if you’re into that kind of thing.MrOneHundred
    • that sounds good actually, but i go in to work @ 5.30am tomorrow! so i better hit the sack.sea_sea
    • goodnight guys <3sea_sea
    • Goodnight and good luck.MrOneHundred
  • airey0

    Consider the wafer cracker. It's thin, waferish and a cracker. Not a cracker as in 'a good time' but a cracker that you might eat. Possibly named from the noise it kinda doesn't really make when eaten. Anyways, when considering it, think about it's deep and meaningful links to the meaning of life the universe and almost everything. Consider it a metaphor if you will. Just consider it. And then, after you've considered it for a while you'll realise that that's all bollocks and it's just a fucking cracker. and an average one at best.

  • MrOneHundred0

    What, gets stale after a few days?

  • ismith0

    Signed up for Spring semester, unfortunately some of the classes I needed to get into are only offered in fall... which basically means I'll need to do them on my own and try to get a pass through pre-requisites since I can't stay there for another whole year after this. I got Three Dimensional Design (sculpture), Visual Communications (probably should have tried to get waived from this, as it is easy but prereq-wise what is holding me back so far), Nutrition, and General Psychology. Those will fulfill my science and social science electives.

    To get my associate's degree in Graphic Design (which, according to most of the design and art schools I've talked to would allow me to enter their schools as a sophomore) I would need to take 6 more classes: Digital Imaging, Digital Illustration, Design and Production, Typography and Design I & II, and maybe a humanities elective or something else I forgot. Typography and Design is the trouble maker since they only offer one level each semester, so it seems I will try to take the first one, figure out what they want, and show them a portfolio to get completion on II.

    Also, I've taken to riding my bike daily to a friend's house which is about 5 miles of hills away. With a guitar on my back. I feel pretty good and the fact that it's remained over 40º has helped significantly, although I have had to ride through two thunderstorms. My bike is an older Giant mtn bike, rusted chain, warped wheels, and shoddy gears. What I need: lightweight, gears, road bike that will last minimum 10 years of heavy use.

    I'm hesitant to get a new bike though since I have no money, and my road test is net Saturday. My family only has two beat station wagons, neither of which are for my own regular use. Should I look for a cheapy at the impound lot or work out my legs and get a good bike to take me from town to town while not driving to school?

    • I would say more but it's 2:30, this entry was already getting very wordy, and for the most part I will have to figure this all out for myself anyway.ismith
    • out for myself anyway.ismith
  • airey0

    ...and i thought to myself, does anyone have an internal monologue anymore or do they feel it necessary to share the minutia of their daily lives...

  • airey0

    A baby seal walked into a club.

  • neue75_bold0

    Baby went to Amsterdam
    She put a little money into travelling
    Now it's so slow, so slow
    Baby went to Amsterdam
    Four, five days for the big canal
    Now it's so slow, so slow

  • SkyPoo0

    I just had an email from someone named Elise Coker...

    "Your artwork is good, but your presentation of it is horrible! You're showing too much of your process, which is self-indulgent and naive and egotistical and awkward to look at! For example, why show us your paint tools and shit below the picture? Why drop that you drew it in a band meeting? Why specifically put headphones awkwardly placed beneath the canvas? "Oh, you listen to music while you draw? What music?" No one gives a fuck, dude. It comes across as vain and nauseatingly narcissistic, which probably wasn't your intention, it's just naive and sloppy of you. It shows a lack of discretion. Why mention it's a re-done version of a notebook sketch? So is all art. It makes you seem like a toddler so proud of every piece of shit you pick out of your ass that you put it on display as if you think everybody would care. Hide your thought process and present the final piece; performance. Let them try to figure out the genius behind it later if you merit it. In the meantime, it's obnoxious to present it so annoyingly. Put that shit away. Your pictures really are good. They deserve better".


    She forgot to mention it says "Untitled Document" at the top.

    • I love her already...neue75_bold
    • she is my Jenny..neue75_bold
    • Wow. Tell that bitch to chill the fuck out and listen to coldplay or keane.ian
    • Also, sounds like she's the egotistical one who's convinced her opinion means something to a complete stranger.ian
    • I love getting fan mail.
    • Yeah, if this is the kind of mail you get imagine the shite that chris martin gets. Now thats something Id like to be part of.ian
    • I must stop writing to him. He looks a little peeky of late.SkyPoo
    • Elise Coker = Max Prophetneue75_bold
    • HAHA, I googled Elise Coker. She's a 20 yr old hotty, with a big fucking mouth, from California.SkyPoo
    • big fucking mouth? hott.kelpie
    • hilarious email btwkelpie
    • MOUTHCOCK!!!killthefish
    • LOL!!hallelujah
  • Fariska0

    Ahahahah. Print that email, frame it, Hang it in your studio. Take a picture of it with your artwork and "all the shit below the picture".
    Put the picture on your site. And send her an email with
    "thanks for your advice, as you can see is very highly considered".

    • I'm going to put it on my website, under "fan mail" hahahaSkyPoo
    • Btw, nice frontpage you have.Fariska
    • Still says Untitled Document thoFariska
  • Fariska0

    Friday evening when i got home from my trip, one of the first things my girlfriend said to me was: You got a strange letter from this "Emukid",
    who the fuck he is and why did he send you stickers of Pedobear?

    • Don't talk to me about Emukid and his gifts. He didn't see fit to include me in his special deliveries, the bastard.SkyPoo
  • SkyPoo0

    Trying to get a fuicking website online ois just so fucking bone grindingly dull and frustrating. I spent four hours yesterday, three so far today, just talking to help desks trying to figure out what particular little sequence of numbers needs to be placed in which of about four million dialogue boxes at either the nameservice place, the hosting place, the Dreamweaver software place... really, I just feel like say OH FUCKING FORGET IT I WONT FUCKING BOTHER. It'll be two weeks of dedicated grappling in the dark before I finally get this shit online.

    Make it fucking easier people. I could buy a gun in South London in 1/10th of the time with 1/10th the complications.

    • your site?Fariska
    • No, something else. Fucking annoying as fuck. ANNOYING. AS. FUCK.SkyPoo
    • Its my lack of knowledge, I know, but I have to crawl one tiny pace forward via help desk info, then hit...SkyPoo
    • the next brick wall, back to helpdesk, resol;ve that, then the next one... AAAARRRGGHHHHSkyPoo
    • Is plenty of web guys here. But all of them are Rockstar Designers,
      with a terrible attitude.
    • Yeah, its okay anyway, I need to learn this shit not rely on other people to do it for me. Its painful, but I'm learning.SkyPoo
  • kelpie0

    hi blog, back in Glasgow. Sad. Had a wicked time and all my best pals are down that london now. Want to move down but even getting a portfolio together is going to be a nightmare, then I have to face facts that, though smart as a tack, I am actually pretty average as a designer, and actually quite scared of starting work in the big city. hmmm.

    I'm reading Ellie's books about advertising planning now, I may leave my pupae as a soulless ad hack instead...

    • nice one! glad you had a good time and glad I didn't end up going as well...neue75_bold
    • Do it, DO IT.
    • I want to, I want to!kelpie
    • me too! me too! I even got in touch with my recruiter contact but he advised to stay put for the next 6 months..neue75_bold
    • its that long at least that it would take me to get my act together. lets get a flat somewhere scrotum achingly cool!kelpie
    • yeah, it'll take me that long just to get my folio together.. but it'll be harder for me since I need a company to sort myneue75_bold
    • visa/work permit out...neue75_bold
    • me, me, me... fuck I'm a twat..neue75_bold
  • kelpie0

    "Make it fucking easier people. I could buy a gun in South London in 1/10th of the time with 1/10th the complications."

    this is the trouble with modern life in general I think. Thing is; is it easier for Gordon Brown to make work easier, or gun buying harder for the kids of tomorrow?

    • Gordon Brown definitely needs to make web hosting much easier, and guns more expensive. Definitely.SkyPoo
  • kelpie0

    ps. apologies to all @ QBN that I didn't get to see - I think I'd realistically need a fortnight down there to catch up with everyone