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  • ********

    whats yer fffffound account ??
    mine is…

  • omgitsacamera0

    Almost two hours late

    North Tonawanda

  • Horp0

    Ffffound just really fucking pisses me off. I vow never to ever look at fffound ever again. No idea why it makes me so angry now, but fucking hell it makes me really really angry.

    • Why are you always so angry?moamoa
    • because he is one english mofo hooligan
    • I don't know Moamoa, but stuff just pisses me off.Horp
    • I'm no hooligan, I just hate ffffound. It drains my veins of all ambition.Horp
    • ;) everything started with Mamma Mia.moamoa
    • Would you like an invite?MrOneHundred
    • I would like an invite, only to bomb the place with utter shit that contributes to its eventual collapse.Horp
    • ok tim, you will get one.moamoa
    • NO! I don't want one. I have been given about 400 already. No desire to join up.Horp
    • Most of it is utter shit already. It's like panning for gold.MrOneHundred
    • Wow! You really are angry about it. That's like being angry about spanners.MrOneHundred
    • "Most of it is utter shit already"
      You said it. Why then... why do it?
    • I remeber I was also angry, a couple of months ago, when croatia lost against england.moamoa
    • Fuck, any country losing to England has a right to be angry about it. Angry at self maybe, but angry all the same.Horp
    • angry is angry.moamoa
    • wow that was some philosophic stuff.moamoa
    • The nuggets of gold make it all worthwhile.MrOneHundred
  • ********

    • That will, no doubt, appear on ffffound shortly.Horp
  • ********

    eagles up 24-7 at the half, after chicago and tampa bay lose to some of nfl's worst teams, making them eligible for the playoffs? I can't believe it

    • I can not fuckin believe it!!!
    • Do they actually deserve it?
    • no, but they're making up for it today so far
    • dallas just played the worst half of football ever. lol @ pacman jones
    • i had no idea you were in football, rand_salisae_
  • ********

    horp, don't look at the me-too bullshit posted there... just collect your own inspirations

  • moamoa0

    whats up with this Fitness Chic Guy? WTF.

    • is he still at it?
    • yes, its getting more & mroe absurdmoamoa
  • ********

    when Is superbowl?
    need to make that night free.

  • Nairn0

    One of my new housemates got the coolest 'ksmas present...

    Apparently a while back she made a photo-based stopframe video art piece type thing, ending with a vase flower arrangement that casts the shadow of a face profile on the wall. So, the last frame was converted by computer into a cross-stitch pattern containing nearly 20,000 stitches, each of which was then hand-stitched over 10 months by her mother.

    So she has ended up with a framed image of a highly-complex bitmap image that started life as a photo, became a video, was then grabbed and converted into a bitmap, which was then printed onto paper as a guide pattern, which was then rendered by hand, stitch by stitch by a Mum, into fabric.

    It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I'm deeply jealous.

    • mum is pretty cool
    • pics please
    • Pics or, etc.MrOneHundred
    • Sound sgreat Nairn, any chance of seeing it?Horp
    • Isn't she just? My mum never contacted me and my dad dumped me with Gran whilst he fucked off to Africa!Nairn
    • i don't get it, thats why I want to see pics..
    • I'm going to approach her about it tomorrow - she's deciding where to hang it up right now.Nairn
    • proviso - I love my Gran, so really don't mind. Inshallah.Nairn
    • sounds intresting, would also love to see it ;)moamoa
  • MrOneHundred0

    I like it because it satisfies my hoarding tendencies. I have bags with interesting wrappers/labels, pics from magazines, scraps of wrapping paper - that sort of thing. My ffffound is just the same thing.

    • But why make your reference material so public? What's wrong with 'save to desktop'?Horp
    • hm, true that, horp
    • ffffound is by far the easiest way I've found of reminding myself of design moves I want to remember
    • HA! The very thing that's wrong with fffound, in a nutshell. Thank you Rand.Horp
    • I often walk around with my schlong hanging out, so making my collection public is nothing.MrOneHundred
    • yes, the dirty secret is out--some of us look at other work for isnpiration
    • lol @ 100_salisae_
  • moamoa0
    • ah yes, how do i follow you?
    • I have no idea ;(moamoa
    • some collection...
  • ********

    this eagles game just keeps on getting better

    • this sport?
    • *go find me oil, eagle, go!*
    • I've never seen a team self destruct as badly as the cowboys today
  • omgitsacamera0

    FINALLY starting to cross into Canada..

    • i thought you were in NYC
    • He's stalking Jalinelocustsloth
    • oh hai ya !canuck
  • ********

    Horp, you made ffffound frontpage pretty often with your kickass drawings, so where is the love?

  • Fariska0

    my ffffound is what I want to be and what I never able to be.

  • Horp0

    "yes, the dirty secret is out--some of us look at other work for isnpiration "

    Nothing dirty about collecting inspirational references. But when did personal inspiration collecting evolve/degenerate into a self-congratulatory parade? Isn't the point.. sorry, I mean: WASN'T the point once that we tried to have a little bit of individual style about our work? Wasn't part of that our own private collections of inspiration that informed our work *uniquely*?


    Yes Digs, I am aware that I make it onto ffffound enough to possibly make me feel favourably towards ffffound, but my mind is not made of a soft pliable jelly and my thought processes not so easily massaged. Its another case of pop eating itself. We have nowhere left to go but to reference, and reference that reference, and to make a virtue of the act of referencing by doing it publicly in the hope that we make good references and are rewarded by the fact that lost of other people liked our references enough to reference them themselves, and then share that reference and feel some sense of kudos that our references get referenced by others who are busily referencing, and then we hope, hope, hope like hell that one day we will also get referenced when some interested party sees some work we produced as a result of referencing references from fffound and likes what we did enough to stick it on ffffound as inspirational reference for other referencers to reference.

    How far away are we from a moment when someone sees a piece of their own work and thinks it looks so right for ffffound that they put it on ffffound as a reference?

    Its all lost when that happens.

    • the public part is not for flaunting one's taste to the public, it is part of the functionality of finding work to save
    • save to one's collection.
    • this man has a serious point ;). but you are one of the less people I know with a unique style.moamoa
    • So its a goldfish bowl of references then. It urges you to collect the same references!Horp
    • and you´re allowed to place your statement ;)moamoa
    • actually I have added a few of my own pieces to my fffound collection for the same reason I have a website... to expose it to a new audience
    • new audiences. That's how I was selected to be in a book, for instance
    • so there are multiple possible reasons to post something there
    • let's not oversimplify how and why you would employ this tool
    • do you look through books for inspiration? do you ever wishe you could remember something you saw, which is now buried in your bookmarks?
    • your bookmarks? I do
    • Maybe I just dont understand. I am thinking of retiring next year. I am so at odds with this industry now.Horp
    • Being at odds with the industry is all that motivates my artistic impulses.MrOneHundred
  • MrOneHundred0

    At this stage of my “design” “career” I am little more than a glorified quick copy shop employee, so when my boss says we 9 logo concepts or 9 layouts by the end of the day, it is handy to have a bunch of design “riffs” at ones fingertips. My ffffound is a bit like that. My ambition is to not be in a job where my ffffound is the first tool I grab from the kit. But until then, until I become a REAL designer, or God forbid, an artisté I will continue to use it thus.

    • Next time your boss wants 9 logos, challenge yourself. Its fun being creative.Horp
    • Sadly, no time. It’s not the creative environment it once was.MrOneHundred
    • most of us are under pressure to come up with ideas quickly, even if self employed
    • he doesn't copy the logos, horp, looking at lots of good work sparks your own ideas
  • omgitsacamera0

    the border people are so courteous !

    Dig; at nigagra falls for two nights;

    • Wait til you meet the ones coming back in. If you're not American they can be fucking horrible just there.Horp
    • Did I miss something ?omgitsacamera
    • I don't know. Check your itinerary.Horp
    • I mean with all this strife in the B-DMZ ( blog - demilitarized zone) as of lateomgitsacamera
  • Fariska0

    In periods of crisis the past, even if it's yesterday, is the only place you'll find good things and good ideas. One day a new idea and ideal will led us towards something new. Probably this idea will burst from this referencing process or probably not. In the meanwhile, look how good is yesterday, and keep referencing it.

  • MrOneHundred0

    Duchamp said (allow me to paraphrase) “in the future, all an artist will do is point”. Now, I don’t like Duchamp and never have, but when a guy can put a urinal in a museum and call it art, the artistic arm of our society is going to explore those sorts of possibilities and suggestions. I can’t wait until originality and original thought is at the fore of the art world, but unfortunately for me, pushing that barrow does not feed my family or allow me to pay my mortgage. I am raving, i have kids running around me and I am supposed to be getting ready to go grocery shopping, so...

    • the Urinal was not the art piece. the concept behind was the artmoamoa
    • or am I wrong?moamoa
    • Exactly! So how can anyone criticize ffffound if this is the basis for the idea of art?MrOneHundred
    • ffffound is just lots of fingers pointing. Duchamp never explained how the artist is defined.MrOneHundred
    • hmmm good point.moamoa
    • it’s no-holds-barred. Everyone is an artist and everything is art.MrOneHundred
    • not everything is art my friend.
      everything is design.
    • Lumps of soil Tom.
    • you design a mug, you design a pen, you don't art a pen.
    • you also don't art a website, you design it
    • And these days, sadly, we also design our art.Horp
    • yes, but thats not the point my friend.
    • Duchamp didn’t art that urinal or design it, but there it is in the National Museum.MrOneHundred
    • it proves that everything is design, but not necessairly art.
      those are 2 different terms.