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    FY! FY8!!!!

  • e-pill0

    23 pages back i say...

  • MrOneHundred0

    You gotta read the ffffound debate a few pages back.

  • Horp0

    Knowing my love of The Pogues, somebody bought me a compilation CD of The Best of The Pogues for Christmas. I didn't hold much hope it would have anything on it that I didn't already have, but I was certainly not expecting it to consist only of the tracks on Rum Sodomy & The Lash, but presented in a different order. > LOL

    I'm still listening to it mind you. What a sad cunt I am.

    • Horp, if you play it backwards its actually the soundtrack to Mamma Mia...e-pill
    • I tell you what, Streep was majestic in the big screen version. A veritable triumph of bumptious fun. 10/10Horp
    • Transmetropolitan yip aye ay!MrOneHundred
  • Horp0

    With regards to presents, Christmas was a partial success this year, but a partial failure also. Apart from my missus, I told everyone, everyone, without exception, that I didn't want any unwanted shite any more and that everyone, without exception, had to go to oxfam and buy a charity donation of their choice. So everyone dutifully paid for 100 school dinners for orphans in brazil, schoolbooks for various African countries etc. Great, except some people can't resist adding a bit of shit as an afterthought. So I still got piles of bollocks like the "Best Of The Pogies Petrol Station Special" CD.

    Next year My instruction s for Christmas will be "You have to spend my Christmas present money on charity, and then when you leave the shop and think about buying a small piece of useless consumer shit as a little extra thing for me to unwrap (awwww, cuz its chwishmush int it), you have to go back into the charity shop and donate the value of that piece of shit as well, and then after that if an even smaller piece of shit seems like a good idea, you have to go into a newsagent and drop some pound coins into a collection tin. If so much as a fucking Trebor Refresher comes my way in 2009, I'm going to come round your house with a garden spade on Boxing Day morning and stove your soft heads in as you sleep you fucking well meaning stupid money wasting, shit buying, namby-pamby sentimental fucking shitlickers. Okay? OKAY MOM? YOU HEAR ME? DAD? OKAY?"

    • do you say mom or mum?e-pill
    • Mom, I'm a brummy. The rest of Britain says Mum I think.Horp
    • what is brummy?e-pill
    • Brummies say Mom? hmmm, I think you're rationalising an americanismkelpie
    • A despicable race of people, they dine solely on pies and mushy pies, sing about blue and grey buses and are usually unemployed.
    • unemployed. This is apparently due to them having the most unemployable accent in the UK. (According to a survey)
    • You cunt.
    • lol.Horp
    • A brummy is someone from Birmingham epill. We have the worst accents in the world. Much worse than Canadians. = DHorp
    • And yes Kelpie, I think Birmingham does steal Mom from America but I don't know why that is...Horp
    • werse den naw yaourkers?e-pill
    • I guess Mom sounds better coming out of our oversized adenoids than Mum does.Horp
    • cant be werse than Jox...e-pill
    • I'm trying to hear it in my head, but brummie is unique in being an accent I can't mimickkelpie
    • like my spelling?kelpie
    • just kiddin' me ol HorpFace
    • I may forgive you one day, but I doubt I can ever forget.Horp
  • chossy0

    Tell you mother and father to fuck off spooky.

    • I fucking bloody well will do so Chossy ten-four ten-four good budday over.Horp
  • kelpie0

    ok, I went back and read the fffound debate. I wish I could have contributed to the almost unprecedented level of confirmation bias on the go there, but its old hat now so I'll not bother.

    Just for the record though; you are all wrong.

    • also FTR; I stopped using it ages ago, too much interference blocking out the nice interesting stuff.kelpie
    • and I think that interference is the important thing that makes it shit, and an unavoidable fundamental of the functionalitykelpie
    • ...AND an unavoidable aspect of the crowd setting the agenda, using 'agenda-less' channels like fffound...kelpie
    • ...AND that from here on, new filters are what people need to develop more than anything, because its only going to get more like this, in every form of 'media'kelpie
    • ...more like this in every form of 'media'. Sifting and sorting and the capacity to do this are more important than ever beforekelpie
  • e-pill0

    kelpie...what ffffound debate??

  • e-pill0

    oh kelpie... i prolly asked you this but is this you??

    if so your art makes me laugh when i think of what you post here!!!

  • kelpie0

    hahaha, I remember you posting this but I thought you were joking! no, its not me, it would make me cringe considering what I post on here :D

    • I don't have a single online outlet for what I do. That'll change this year though I promisekelpie
  • e-pill0

    well i will not stop thinking you are KelpieMcManga!!!!

    • maybe one day I'll draw myself as KelpieMcManga and post it here just for youkelpie
  • Horp0

    I have to say the whole fffound debate is not soemthing I feel particularly strongly about long term. I tend to have short term reactions to things. I had just been to fffound after a googlealert told me a piece of my work had been added there. I came here to vent my spleen after getting suckered into scrolling through page after page of stuff on there and coming away from it feeling disorientated and unsure what my own work should be about.

    It is only that which I resent about ffffound: the resultant sensation of feeling llllost. I never meant to spark an entire debate about it though and I really have no problem with the place.

    Or the sad cunts that rely on it to scrape through another miserable day at the office.

    (I'm joking Rand)

    • The one thing I enjoyed in that minor debate, was the sound of my own voice. It seems I was not alone in this.
    • I have to be honest and say I LOVE THE SOUND OF MY OWN POMPOUS POSTULATIONS.Horp
    • fuck it
  • kelpie0

    I'm glad you did though. It got me thinking about it and all those types of 'resources', which taken together is utterly worthy of debate.

    There's a lot of massively important points to that argument which touch on the change in what we're exposed to as a result of contributing to it, post-internet, and whether the functional framework of something which is designed in that way is capable of self-sorting in a manner that allows it to ever find the equivalent of editorial quality control.

    • fuck that was a long sentence. see max's post abovekelpie
    • Any chance of re-presenting this in French?Horp
    • is it really that shrouded in wanky language? I worry I'm too far up my own arsehole at a time when I need to be able to communicate clearly :-/kelpie
    • ...clearly, for my workkelpie
    • It was just too sophisticated for me I think. ...Horp
    • I couldn't tell if you were being sincere, or just saying something grandiose for fun.Horp
    • * Munches mushy pea pie.Horp
    • its sincere, imagine fffound were a news source, instead of an image service. Wouldn't that be dangerous?kelpie
    • Yes, that, if anything, was my point I suppose. Paul Horrell writes an interesting article about that in....Horp
    • ... January's Top Gear magazine, about the decline in journalism over population sorted, unsubstantiated, "information".Horp
    • "information".Horp
    • we have to edit everything ourselves, but I doubt most of us are capable yet....kelpie
    • ...and more and more people distrust 'authority' figures in editorial roleskelpie
  • ********

    i hate paleolithicum, neolithicum and the prehistorical & megaliteculture.

    • you wrote cum twice
      thats CUMMISH!!!
      That's what they'll shout, as you cycle by.
    • Cum again?creative-
  • creative-0

  • ********

    i share kelpie's acknowledgment of worthiness.
    but kelp, what do you mean by post-internet? and the point to me is that such an image bank relies on interpretation to be made interesting and which even the most meta of tags could not replace... to me it's beautiful, it's only the quality of editorial and some fundamental functionality which lacks.

    • (which is to say; it's mostly shit now. but these tools have bona fide future potential)
    • by post internet I just meant post the advent of the internet. not like 'post-modern'. 'post-human' etc...kelpie
  • kelpie0

    I agree about potential; that's what I meant by people learning to sort and sift more effectively going into the future. This is what media and information is like now and it can't be rolled back. There is a beautiful 'mathematics' to these things which I see and like the idea of; I just worry that as it becomes everything, that we'll like it less as we see the reality of these concepts working without our big current bias toward elite opinion formers and early adopters (yeah, like us ;) )

  • kelpie0

    bad ideas spread virally as well as good ones, you know? I wonder if the kind of scares like the anti-vaccination stuff, peodophilia terror, etc etc will become more or less dangerous if they are fed through these kinds of platforms more than the current fear-mongering one-way media. but maybe not, eh?

    • fuck me, have I gone way off the fffound debate or what?? sorry folks ;)kelpie
    • No I agree, and its interesting... I truly do lack the insight or intellect to contribute now though...Horp
    • I am a luddite, and my original ffffound rant was the rant of a pure luddite fumbling hopelessly with technologyHorp
    • (no need to be apologetic, both of you)
    • Its sad how quickly I run out steam once a discussion gets beyond "peurile silliness".Horp
  • e-pill0

    ...brought to you by Kelpie McManga Productions