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  • ********

    could you expand on the mathematics bit? i'm curious what you mean.

    isn't there much more to it than a study in demographics ('elite opinion formers'/'early adopters'? i mean, something progressively anthropological like.

    • "There is a beautiful 'mathematics' to these things which I see and like the idea of"
  • kelpie0

    'mathematics' in terms of how a mass of people given free reign to post whatever they like will sort itself naturally into patterns which reflect a true representation of the 'value' of the content. Like chaos theory, or how crowds flow in natural patterns despite each individual having free will to act however they want.

    We might be bored by pictures of naked chicks on ffffound, but if they are reaching the top, then they are the most interesting images, and no individual has a right to protest that.

    The maths of the thing provides its own de facto editorial emphasis.

    (I'm confusing myself now, hehehe)

  • kelpie0

    "isn't there much more to it than a study in demographics ('elite opinion formers'/'early adopters'? i mean, something progressively anthropological like."

    yeah, I think so, and I think its really really interesting in general. I just have a built in elitist fear of the unwashed getting their hands on anything that powerful ;)

    • The logical conclusion to democratic thinking is that we all eventually embrace the lowest common denminatorHorp
    • well, you know, the unwashed have got their mucky hands all over it. in more ways than one.
    • true innit, but then all the other systems have embraced tyranny and murder instead. what to do??!?!?kelpie
  • ********

    'the patterns reflecting the value of content.' Yes!
    I see it as a representation of the vulgarity which to which we should protest!

  • NotByHand0

    Is there something more to MrOneHundred than meets the eye? If so, I'd really appreciate some kind of email...

    • (...i wonder if he is an alter-ego or real person?)
    • Random and out of context...
      I know...
    • ... or is it?NotByHand
    • Mr100 is a fine man Notby. He is not the alter ego. FungalBum is his alter ego.Horp
    • (what's that yer insinuatin'?)
    • I know, Horp... it was just a silly post of me in reflection of a couple of Mr100 posts 2 pages back.NotByHand
    • Ah, okay, I thought t'was a serious enquiry. Its all a bit serious here today. = )Horp
  • kelpie0

    "well, you know, the unwashed have got their mucky hands all over it. in more ways than one."

    indeed they do, but not in its eventual fully mature state, I think. How do we build in the right levers so that we can pull them when this happens, and control the world?

    (I'm starting to drool a little and my eye is twitching, I'm thumbing an old copy of das kapital)

    • Hhgahgahagah
      ^ Laughter, performed with a handful of pencils.
    • (unfortunately 'elite opinion formers' aren't all marxists...)
    • I'm only kidding :Dkelpie
  • ********

    One of my good friends living in another city just sent me these IM's:

    happy new years

    that's something like a phenomenological

  • NotByHand0

    Evidently, I'm far too hung-over and tired to take part in the blog thread today - given the highly intellectual posts you fine fellas are currently crankin' out.

    * farts and burps simultaneously

  • ********

    i guess the more i think about it the more a point of contention it is for me this idea of ffffound being invite-only. why shouldnt the (www.) proletariat (.net) have open access? it's not like it functions to protect from manipulation as one could hypothetically auto-invite themselves until they're following each others tails * times around? (am i wrong?)

    • True. It seems its already (content) fucked, so what are they protecting now?Horp
    • (i'm only an occasional ffffound spectator, no following of opinion making here)
    • (er, i meant that only to say that i technically don't know how this invite system works)
    • correct, and properly misused to some extend by bloggers to draw traffic
    • completely open I think it would be a better gauge of liked images in general, but a less useful resource for designers.kelpie
    • that's right horp, i forgot about the 'quality control' asspect, i think it's shit!
    • (which were already thinking might be fatally flawed, haha)kelpie
    • i think it would be a far more interesting resource for designers, wouldn't it?
    • you are completely and totally right, of course it would. It would require designers to arrive at it with a different motivation thoughkelpie
    • ie. not to see other design, but to understand what images and symbols resonate with people in a more general sensekelpie
    • what about these meta-demographics? how deep is the user profile?
    • i mean, designers could filter designers if people listed their profession? (admittedly a double edged sword)
    • yeah, it could do that, and that could be useful. I'm not sure what though, but something in my head is telling me there is a more elegant way to sort through it, hmmm...kelpie
    • more elegant way to sort through it, hmmm...kelpie
    • optimally the ways of sorting would be kind of open source something or other
    • where you can develop your own algorithms and editing devices
    • aye, curves I tell you, curves! not 'designers' but designers and progressively less people on either side of them. know what I mean?kelpie
    • mean? that way you'd get the target, and the social culture around the target?kelpie
    • (incomprehensible jargon, kehlps..)
    • sounds pretty though ;)
    • (the curves)
    • (www.)proletariat(.o...
    • (www.) proletariat (.org) **
  • ********

    1 WEEK BEFORE my exam, the fucking teacher mails me telling me I have the exam in June.

    And only because I double checked and asked her. otherwise I would be there next week. for nothing!!!!


    • just print off this discussion and pretend you've written it to illustrate this point. then tell her you don't care about the subject of the exam because this is FAR MORE IMPORTANTkelpie
    • ...of the exam because this is FAR MORE IMPORTANTkelpie
    • (listen to the marxist-linkinist)
    • (your inner marxist-linkinst, that is, ALL OF YOU!)
  • moamoa0

    yippih, we finally fffffound the right location for our next shooting.

    • Shooting?canuck
    • jaaa ehhm, I don´t shoot of course... the photographer will. I just do the direction.moamoa
    • Who's it for Moa? Can you say or should I not ask...?Horp
    • Maybe "What sort of shoot?" will be a better question.Horp
    • yes what hoor.p saidcanuck
    • Image shooting for a Fashion Label. ;)moamoa
    • and yes I can say it. its Kinga Mathe, but a complete different collection compared to the last shootmoamoa
    • That should be pretty sweet, nice location.canuck
    • Beautiful location for a fashion shoot, most definitely.Horp
    • thanks. I love it. exactly what we were looking for.moamoa
    • btw: this is a provate castle, and they use this room once a year, for a family lunch. ;)moamoa
    • privatemoamoa
    • God bless rich people.canuck
  • kelpie0

    frankie: "(incomprehensible jargon, kehlps..)"

    haha, how to explain this... if you want to see what resonates with a housewife, wouldn't you want to understand it in a cultural context? (maybe not, fuck) so you would want to see what her family likes, then others she comes into contact with etc. But you'd want less of what the others like, depending on how far they are from the target. So you'd catch everything that sits inside a curve sloping off from her at the apex. That would be your context. Maybe it could work on degrees of separation, similar to a linked in network or something...

    • (based on what you were saying about algorithms)kelpie
  • ********

    Nice Moa, is that schloss ludwigs?

    • not directly but its a part from ludwigsburgmoamoa
  • ********

    i guess my issue now is that we're back in target market territory, and i'm failing to see the progressive potential of that kind of information. seems more like fruit for manipulation. (of course it's anthropological, but i wonder if in the right direction)

    i want more educational curves. something to break the spell of the images rather than increase their potency.

    or do you see them one in the same? (could be / that double-edged sword of duality)

  • kelpie0

    "i want more educational curves. something to break the spell of the images rather than increase their potency."

    not sure I understand you completely, how do you mean?

    • curves of interpretation perhaps? the addition of text? does that defeat the format?
    • or maybe interpretation through/with images? a dialogue rather than isolated rants...
    • I see what you mean. tricky eh? do you make it more useful and sortable, or are you just defeating its purpose?kelpie
    • (I think I may be a bit spent for now on this, btw, I'll be thinking about it more though, thanks for the chat – more later, I dare say :) )kelpie
    • or does dialogue defeat the format? unless the dialogue could be algorithmic?
    • (simulated conversations between the cross-sectioned demographics of society.)
    • hehe. i'm running on no sleep on a red-eye flight and first joint in a week. shall resume later...
    • (i mean, i need to shower.)
    • (and nap.) :)
    • haha, much love man, I'm off for lunch myself :)kelpie
  • ********

    I present you

    look how big my name is.
    I feel like an art director now.

    • you're doing an ma?
    • MA / MFA*
    • Bachelor now.
      maybe master in 2years.
    • why?
    • "I am a graphic design student studying and working on freelance projects in Meeuwen, Belgium. I am currently working
    • towards my master in graphic design."— sounds like you're studying for your masters now.
    • changed
  • Jaline0

    Hey, I missed the Christmas surprise! But there was one :)

  • ********

    QBN said thanks to me. how cool is that.

    • fuck you.
    • (balancing the universe with one 'fuck you' at a time.)
    • fuck up.Jnr_Madison
  • Jnr_Madison0

    someone send me an invite ffs.

  • moamoa0

    dear qbn can you please stop posting marc atlans portfolio.

    my weener feels much smaller when I see his work.

    *out of jealousy