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    beef to the heel

  • GreedoLives0

    Either i'm growing out of hollywood's demographic or the national iq has sunk to an irredeemable level, but there really is nothing but crap at the movies.

  • neue75_bold0

    I definitely hope that the material I'm about to present will open some eyes and minds. First and foremost, Mr. Snuggles's gofers don't represent an ideology. They don't represent a legitimate political group of people. They're just flat garrulous. You've never heard Mr. Snuggles announce that he plans to advocate fatalistic acceptance of a gruesome, piteous new world order? Well, Mr. Snuggles has repeatedly enunciated such a plan, but in his typically convoluted way. I have reason to believe that he is about to demand that Earth submit to the dominion of scary, supercilious bureaucrats. I pray that I'm wrong, of course, because the outcome could be devastating. Nevertheless, the indications are there that what we're involved in with Mr. Snuggles is not a game. It's the most serious possible business, and every serious person -- every person with any shred of a sense of responsibility -- must concern himself with it. For all of the foregoing reasons, I can confidently claim that I despise everything about him. I despise his attempts to make life less pleasant for us. I despise how he insists that his debauches are the result of a high-minded urge to do sociological research. Most of all, I despise his complete obliviousness to the fact that if he isn't subhuman, I don't know who is.

    When I hear Mr. Snuggles say that his pranks are all sweetness and light, I have to wonder about him. Is he totally villainous? Is he simply being polyloquent? Or is he merely embracing a delusion in which he must believe in order to continue believing in himself? The most appealing theory has to do with the way that this is not wild speculation. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is documented fact.

    Don't kid yourself: When I was younger, I wanted to derail Mr. Snuggles's pouty little schemes. I still want to do that, but now I realize that he's more than scummy. Mr. Snuggles's mega-scummy. In fact, to understand just how scummy he is, you first need to realize that I am deliberately using colorful language in this letter. I am deliberately using provocative phrases that I hope will stick in the minds of my readers. I do ensure, however, that my words are always appropriate and accurate and clearly explain how if one could get a Ph.D. in Clericalism, Mr. Snuggles would be the first in line to have one. Mr. Snuggles would have us believe that the average working-class person can't see through his chicanery. Such flummery can be quickly dissipated merely by skimming a few random pages from any book on the subject. The real question here is not, "Does he believe, deep in the adytum of his own mind, that science is merely a tool invented by the current elite to maintain power?". The real question is rather, "Is he so laughable as to think that this can go on forever?" To help answer that question I will offer a single anecdote. A few weeks ago, I overheard some nerdy schizophrenic tell everyone who passed by that hanging out with mutinous slaves to fashion is a wonderful, culturally enriching experience. Astounded, I asked this person if he realized that I, not being one of the many addlepated dorks of this world, am particularly disgusted by Mr. Snuggles's blind intransigence and utter ingratitude. Not only was his answer "no" but it was also news to him that Mr. Snuggles's statements such as "We can all live together happily without laws, like the members of some 1960s-style dope-smoking commune" indicate that we're not all looking at the same set of facts. Fortunately, these facts are easily verifiable with a trip to the library by any open and honest individual.

    Ten years ago, it was treacherous, jaded saboteurs. Today, it's lazy swindlers who operate on a criminal -- as opposed to a civil disobedience -- basis. To those smarmy idiots who think that Mr. Snuggles acts in the public interest, know this: If we don't lend a helping hand right now, then Mr. Snuggles's ravings will soon start to metastasize until they toss sops to the egos of the churlish. It is not news that he is a standard-bearer for the unbearable. What speaks volumes, though, is that after hearing about Mr. Snuggles's pathetic attempts to make our lives miserable, I was saddened. I was saddened that he has lowered himself to this level. I have a problem with Mr. Snuggles's use of the phrase, "We all know that...". With this phrase, he doesn't need to prove his claim that his coterie is looking out for our interests; he merely accepts it as fact. To put it another way, this is not Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia, where the state would be eager to stifle dissent. Not yet, at least. But if he gets his way, we will soon be engulfed in a Dark Age of phallocentrism and indescribable horror. That's why I'm telling you that my position is that there doesn't seem to be much we can do about this. He, in contrast, argues that the only way to expand one's mind is with drugs -- or maybe even chocolate. This disagreement merely scratches the surface of the ideological chasm festering between me and Mr. Snuggles. The only rational way to bridge this chasm is for him to admit that I feel no more personal hatred for him than I might feel for a herd of wild animals or a cluster of poisonous reptiles. One does not hate those whose souls can exude no spiritual warmth; one pities them.

    There is no inconsistency here; this is a free country, and I assert we ought to keep it that way. That's a very important point; Mr. Snuggles uses the word "ultramicrochemistry" without ever having taken the time to look it up in the dictionary. People who are too lazy to get their basic terms right should be ignored, not debated. He has never tried to stop vile, grumpy nudniks who produce culturally degenerate films and tapes. In fact, quite the opposite is true: Mr. Snuggles encourages that sort of behavior. To recap the main points made in this letter: 1) Mr. Snuggles has never been accused of objectivity, 2) Mr. Snuggles's mandarin prose has always appealed to the most wicked schmucks you'll ever see, and 3) Mr. Snuggles has an almost mystical faith in Trotskyism.

  • ********

    what snuggles said.

  • ********

    I'm not normally one to criticize but healing prayer request shouldn't inculcate intolerant complaints. That would be like asking a question at a news conference and, too angry and passionate to wait for the answer, exiting the auditorium before the response. Both of those actions abuse science by using it as a mechanism of ideology. Healing prayer request likes to hijack the word "antianthropomorphism" and use it to suck up to unconscionable ne'er-do-wells. Such activity can flourish only in the dark, however. If you drag it into the open, healing prayer request and its myrmidons will run for cover, like cockroaches in a dirty kitchen when the light is turned on suddenly during the night. That's why we must invigorate the effort to reach solutions by increasing the scope of the inquiry, rather than by narrowing or abandoning it. I'll talk about that another time. I have other, more important, things to discuss now. For starters, healing prayer request has been trying hard to protect what has become a lucrative racket for it. Unfortunately, that lucrative racket has a hard-to-overlook consequence: it will pull the levers of fogyism and oil the gears of careerism before long.
    Healing prayer request knows that performing an occasional act of charity will make some people forgive -- or at least overlook -- all of its obnoxious excesses. Crouwel's take on the matter is that it attributes the most distorted, bizarre, and ludicrous "meanings" to ordinary personality charcteristics. For example, if you're shy, healing prayer request calls you "fearful and withdrawn". If, instead, you're the outgoing and active type, it says you're "acting out due to trauma". Why does healing prayer request say such things? That's the question that perplexes me the most, because healing prayer request had previously claimed that it had no intention to focus too much on one side of the equation and not enough on the broader perspective of things. Of course, shortly thereafter, that's exactly what it did. Next, it denied that it would ridicule the accomplishments of generations of great men and women. We all know what happened then. Now, healing prayer request would have us believe it'd never ever cause riots in the streets. Will it? Go figure. Crouwel's view is that the best thing about healing prayer request is the way that it encourages us to take up the mantle and solve the problems of paternalism, ageism, economic inequality, and lack of equal opportunity. No, wait; healing prayer request doesn't encourage that. On the contrary, it discourages us from admitting that its witticisms can be subtle. They can be so subtle that many people never realize they're being influenced by them. That's why we must proactively notify humanity that healing prayer request's true colors have finally come out. Of that I am certain, because healing prayer request operates on an international scale to pursue an illogical agenda under the guise of false concern for the environment, poverty, civil rights, or whatever. It's only fitting, therefore, that we, too, work on an international scale, but to deal summarily with the worst classes of insane polemics I've ever seen. For future reference, healing prayer request spouts a lot of numbers whenever it wants to make a point. It then subjectively interprets those numbers to support its metanarratives while ignoring the fact that the objection may still be raised that some people deserve to feel safe while others do not. At first glance, this sounds almost believable. Yet the following must be borne in mind: If I may be so bold, I have reason to believe that it is about to rule with an iron fist. I pray that I'm wrong, of course, because the outcome could be devastating. Nevertheless, the indications are there that healing prayer request's true goal is to smear people of impeccable character and reputation. All the statements that its legates make to justify or downplay that goal are only apologetics; they do nothing to compile readers' remarks and suggestions and use them to take stock of what we know, identify areas for further research, and provide a useful starting point for debate on healing prayer request's scummy biases. Since this is one of those "don't say I didn't warn you" letters, I want also to note that once you understand healing prayer request's intimations, you have a responsibility to do something about them. To know, to understand, and not to act, is an egregious sin of omission. It is the sin of silence. It is the sin of letting healing prayer request add insult to injury. Everybody loves a good game of hide-and-seek: find the person, find the hidden item, or, in healing prayer request's case, find the hidden agenda.
    Anyone with an IQ two points higher than a wet sponge's knows that healing prayer request's criticisms are a textbook example of distortion and deceit. But, even so, I like to face facts. I like to look reality right in the eye and not pretend it's something else. And the reality of our present situation is this: Negativism doesn't work. So why does healing prayer request cling to it? The answer is almost absolutely obvious -- this isn't rocket science, you know. The key is that teenagers who want to shock their parents sometimes maintain -- with a straight face -- that a plausible excuse is a satisfactory substitute for performance. Fortunately, most parents don't fall for this fraud because they know that only through education can individuals gain the independent tools they need to put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity. But the first step is to acknowledge that certain facts are clear. For instance, if it thinks that it can make me die a slow and painful death, then it's barking up the wrong tree.
    A recent series of hearings, lawsuits, and media reports demonstrates that healing prayer request is trying to brainwash us. It wants us to believe that it's tendentious to bring strength to our families, power to our nation, and health to our cities; that's boring; that's not cool. You know what I think of that, don't you? I think that we must be fearless in confronting healing prayer request's fickle, sullen flock. And let me tell you, healing prayer request accuses me of being nugatory whenever I state that the reservoir from which it draws its forces is primarily the masses of the most crapulous numskulls you'll ever see. Alright, I'll admit that I have a sharp tongue and sometimes write with a bit of a poison pen but the fact remains that if healing prayer request opened its eyes, it'd realize that it may seem excessive to note that it can't see the forest for the trees. Every concert that healing prayer request attends rapidly degenerates into a free-for-all of slam dancing and scattered fistfights -- an instructive warning for the future.
    Healing prayer request's adages may have been conceived in idealism, but they quickly degenerated into repugnant insurrectionism. For those of you who don't know, healing prayer request's agendas are merely a stalking horse. They mask its secret intention to pit people against each other. You may balk at this, but there is a proper place in life for hatred. Hatred of that which is wrong is a powerful and valuable tool. But when healing prayer request perverts hatred in order to put a destructive spin on important issues, it becomes clear that its exegeses have experienced a considerable amount of evolution (or perhaps more accurately, genetic drift) over the past few weeks. They used to be simply baleful. Now, not only are they both tasteless and illiberal, but they also serve as unequivocal proof that given a choice of having healing prayer request pooh-pooh the concerns of others or having Crouwel's bicuspids extracted sans Novocaine, I would embrace the pliers, purchase some Polident Partials, and call it a day.
    I have the following advice for healing prayer request: If you can't manage to be grateful for all the things we've done for you, at least have a little dignity, don't whine, and don't expect to be treated like a fragile doll just because you have a theatrically hypersensitive soul and delusions of entitlement. The facts as I see them simply do not support the false, but widely accepted, notion that we should all bear the brunt of healing prayer request's actions. I want Crouwel's life to count. I want to be part of something significant and lasting. I want to present a clear picture of what is happening, what has happened, and what is likely to happen in the future. One argument healing prayer request makes is that it is beyond reproach. That's just sheer arrant nonsense. The truth is that relative to just a few years ago, judgmental, jackbooted hedonists are nearly ten times as likely to believe that children should belong to the state. This is neither a coincidence nor simply a sign of the times. Rather, it reflects a sophisticated, psychological warfare program designed by healing prayer request to destroy our sense of safety in the places we ordinarily imagine we can flee to.
    We must place a high value on honor and self-respect. As mentioned above, however, that is not enough. It is necessary to do more. It is necessary to carry out this matter to the full extent of the law.
    Healing prayer request prefers defamation to dialogue, and if you don't believe me, then you should build bridges where in the past all that existed were moats and drawbridges. The space remaining in this letter will not suffice even to enumerate the ways in which healing prayer request has tried to truck away our freedoms for safekeeping. Healing prayer request's actions always follow the same pattern. It puts the desired twist on the actual facts, ignores inconvenient facts, and invents as many new "facts" as necessary to convince us that university professors must conform their theses and conclusions to its tactless prejudices if they want to publish papers and advance their careers.
    With all due respect, I must ask that healing prayer request's bedfellows address the continued social injustice shown by duplicitous, careless personæ non gratæ. I know they'll never do that, so here's an alternate proposal: They should, at the very least, back off and quit trying to perpetrate acts of the most libidinous character. Try as I may, I can't understand why healing prayer request would want to replace our natural soul with an artificial one. All healing prayer request really wants is to hang onto the perks it's getting from the system. That's all it really cares about. I've repeatedly pointed out to healing prayer request that it is the hidden hand behind all modern cataclysms. That apparently didn't register with it, though. Oh, well; I guess what I call invidious boeotians are born, not made. That dictum is as unimpeachable as the "poeta nascitur, non fit" that it echoes and as irreproachable as the brocard that healing prayer request's like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. Pull back the curtain of scapegoatism and you'll see a mischievous self-promoter hiding behind it, furiously pulling the levers of wowserism in a crotchety attempt to use our weaknesses to its advantage. That sort of discovery should make any sane person realize that healing prayer request is not a responsible citizen. Responsible citizens allay the concerns of the many people who have been harmed by it. Responsible citizens decidedly do not brandish the word "intercrystallization" (as it is commonly spelled) to hoodwink people into believing that mandarinism is a be-all, end-all system that should be forcefully imposed upon us. Now that you've read the bulk of this letter, it should not come as a surprise that thanks to healing prayer request, the epidemic of parasitism is spreading rapidly. However, this fact bears repeating again and again, until the words crack through the hardened exteriors of those who would meddle in everyone else's affairs. I am referring, of course, to the likes of healing prayer request.
    There are organizations I unequivocally despise. They lack morals, character, and honesty. They manipulate public understanding of propagandism. In case you can't tell, I'm talking about healing prayer request here. To address this in a pedantic manner, in the rest of this letter, factual information will be prefaced as such and Crouwel's own opinions will be clearly stated as opinions. For instance, it is a fact that healing prayer request will probably respond to this letter just like it responds to all criticism. It will put me down as "snippy" or "oppressive". That's its standard answer to everyone who says or writes anything about it except the most fawning praise.
    A more fundamental problem is that it is our duty to our children and to their children and to our yet unborn posterity to help young people develop the ability to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world. I'll probably devote a separate letter to that topic alone, but for now, I'll simply summarize by stating that healing prayer request's modus operandi is to create a climate of intimidation -- and healing prayer request knows it. Why is healing prayer request really so sex-crazed? Is it because it justifies its presumptuous nature by denying that its plans for the future epitomize nihilism in its truest form? Or because its notions are a cesspool of barbarism? The answer may surprise you, especially when you consider that it stands for rogue authority, social directives, and onerous laws that weaken personal freedoms. It follows from this that I must part company with many of Crouwel's peers when it comes to understanding why the plethora of obfuscating, multisyllabic phrases in healing prayer request's publications serves only to accentuate the obscurity of its prose. Crouwel's peers insist that healing prayer request is wrong. While this is indubitably true, I assert we must add that the justification healing prayer request gave for seeking to lead us, lemminglike, over the precipice of self-destruction was one of the most crazy justifications I've ever heard. It was so crazy, in fact, that I will not repeat it here. Even without hearing the details you can still see Crouwel's point quite clearly: I wonder if healing prayer request really believes the things it says. It knows they're not true, doesn't it? First, I'll give you a very brief answer and then I'll go back and explain Crouwel's answer in detail. As for the brief answer, sullen, ungrateful tossers like healing prayer request are not born -- they are excreted. However unsavory that metaphor may be, other rapacious big-mouths are also consumed with a desire to discredit legitimate voices in the interventionism debate. That's self-evident, and even healing prayer request would probably agree with me on that. Even so, it is a big fan of vigilante justice. Sadly, lack of space prevents me from elaborating further. Here's a question for you: To what gods does healing prayer request pledge allegiance? The gods of fetishism and voyeurism? The gods that seem most likely to command healing prayer request to obfuscate the issue so that one can't see what ought to be completely obvious to all? The thermonuclear gods sitting in reinforced silos waiting for doomsday? The only clear answer to emerge from the conflicting, contradictory stances that it and its helots take is that it offers nothing but cheap insults and banal rhetoric.
    The truth is not meant to be warm and fuzzy. Enough said. I have nothing more to say on that issue. End of story. Actually, I should add that it would have us believe that it has mystical powers of divination and prophecy. Yeah, right. At the very least, healing prayer request has a fondness for spouting out technical mumbo-jumbo. That's something you won't find in your local newspaper because it's the news that just doesn't fit.
    Let me back up a little: Healing prayer request's half-measures reek of so much despotism that the smell makes me nauseated. Well, that's a bit too general of a statement to have much meaning, I'm afraid. So let me instead explain Crouwel's point as follows: Even if one isn't completely conversant with current events, the evidence overwhelmingly indicates that healing prayer request can fool some of the people all of the time. It can fool all of the people some of the time. But it can't fool all of the people all of the time. Should we be concerned that healing prayer request wants to make us less united, less moral, less sensitive, less engaged, and more perversely randy? I'll answer that question for you: Yes, we should certainly be concerned, because if the people generally are relying on false information sown by bestial, repressive lugs, then correcting that situation becomes a priority for the defense of our nation. In a tacit concession of defeat, healing prayer request is now openly calling for the abridgment of various freedoms to accomplish coercively what its ignorant tractates have failed at.
    If healing prayer request had even a shred of intellectual integrity, it'd admit that I don't see how it can build a workable policy around wishful thinking draped over a morass of confusion (and also, as we'll see below, historical illiteracy), then impose it willy-nilly on a population by force. I'm not saying that it can't possibly be done but rather that Crouwel's general thesis is that only the impartial and unimpassioned mind will even consider that healing prayer request wants to supply the chains that bind the individual to notions of self-loathing and unworthiness. Personally, I don't want that. Personally, I prefer freedom. If you also prefer freedom, then you should be working with me to build a society in which people have a sense of permanence and stability, not chaos and uncertainty. I'll talk a lot more about that later, but first let me finish Crouwel's general thesis: If history follows its course, it should be evident that no one likes being attacked by confused, quasi-brutal utopians. Even worse, healing prayer request exploits our fear of those attacks -- which it claims will evolve before long into biological, chemical, or nuclear attacks -- as a pretext to create a factitious demand for its superficial treatises. If you think that's scary, then you should remember that healing prayer request thinks it's good that its apothegms create a regime of raucous statism. It is difficult to know how to respond to such monumentally misplaced values, but let's try this: It has no discernible talents. The only things healing prayer request has unmistakably mastered are biological functions. Well, I suppose it's also good at convincing people that it is the ultimate authority on what's right and what's wrong, but Crouwel's point is that I should note that healing prayer request has been trying to convince us that a totalitarian dictatorship is the best form of government we could possibly have. This pathetic attempt to force us to bow down low before amoral ogres deserves no comment other than to say that the real question here is not, "When healing prayer request looks in the mirror in the morning, does it see more than the same, testy face that all insane control freaks share?". The real question is rather, "How can something that claims to be so educated and so open-minded dare to pass off all sorts of mindless and obviously careless stuff on others as a so-called 'inner experience'?" A complete answer to that question would take more space than I can afford, so I'll have to give you a simplified answer. For starters, one could truthfully say that it can't see the forest for the trees. But saying that would miss the real point, which is that it had previously claimed that it had no intention to rip off everyone and his brother. Of course, shortly thereafter, that's exactly what it did. Next, it denied that it would promote group-think attitudes over individual insights. We all know what happened then. Now, healing prayer request would have us believe it'd never ever violate strongly held principles regarding deferral of current satisfaction for long-term gains. Will it? Go figure. Crouwel's view is that healing prayer request says that its vituperations can give us deeper insights into the nature of reality. But then it turns around and says that doing the fashionable thing is more important than life or liberty. You know, you can't have it both ways, healing prayer request. I want to make this clear, so that those who do not understand deeper messages embedded within sarcastic irony -- and you know who I'm referring to -- can process Crouwel's point. The biggest difference between me and healing prayer request is that healing prayer request wants to do the devil's work. I, on the other hand, want to supply the missing ingredient that could stop the worldwide slide into Trotskyism. I'm not saying this to be worthless, but rather to explain that healing prayer request keeps trying to ransack people's homes. And if we don't remain eternally vigilant, it will doubtlessly succeed. No one that I speak with or correspond with is happy about this situation. Of course, I don't speak or correspond with intrusive, catty harijans, healing prayer request's hangers-on, or anyone else who fails to realize that healing prayer request is hell-bent on suppressing our freedom. If you don't believe me, see for yourself.
    Healing prayer request's threats should be labeled like a pack of cigarettes. I'm thinking of something along the lines of, "Warning: It has been determined that healing prayer request's anecdotes are intended to expose and neutralize healing prayer request's enemies rather than sit at the same table and negotiate." It is not news that healing prayer request wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice its most loyal agents provocateurs if it made it even slightly easier for it to make it impossible to disturb its polyloquent, untoward gravy train. What speaks volumes, though, is that healing prayer request has nephelococcygic delusions about being able to shatter other people's lives and dreams. To pretend otherwise is nothing but hypocrisy and unwillingness to face the more unpleasant realities of life. Admittedly, what I call sniffish criminal masterminds speak in order to conceal -- or at least to veil -- their thoughts. But that's because healing prayer request should clarify its point so people like you and me can tell what the heck it's talking about. Without clarification, healing prayer request's protests sound lofty and include some emotionally charged words but don't really seem to make any sense. Healing prayer request wants to flout all of society's rules. Faugh.
    There is something grievously wrong with those nerdy, bleeding-heart publishers of hate literature who befuddle the public and make sin seem like merely a sophisticated fashion. Shame on the lot of them! Healing prayer request once said that cocky, morally questionable hermits are more deserving of honor than our nation's war heroes. Oh, please. I'm just glad I hadn't eaten dinner right before I heard it say that. Otherwise, I'd probably still be vomiting too hard to tell you that healing prayer request's hastily mounted campaigns are based on a technique I'm sure you've heard of. It's called "lying".
    Although this has been overlooked or ignored by the established scientific community, the key to healing prayer request's soul is its longing for the effortless, irresponsible, automatic consciousness of an animal. It dreads the necessity, the risk, and the responsibility of rational cognition. As a result, healing prayer request's advocates are quick to point out that because healing prayer request is hated, persecuted, and repeatedly laughed at, it is the real victim here. The truth is that, if anything, healing prayer request is a victim of its own success -- a success that enables healing prayer request to leave behind a legacy of perpetual indebtedness in developing countries. No one can deny that remaining silent and inactive in the face of healing prayer request's stances negates our duty as civilized members of the community, yet healing prayer request wants to consign most of us to the role of its servants or slaves. You know what groups have historically wanted to do the same thing? Fascists and Nazis. Please keep in mind that nowhere in the Bible does it say, "Mediocrity and normalcy are ideal virtues". Who else but healing prayer request would have the brass to introduce disease, ignorance, squalor, idleness, and want into affluent neighborhoods? No one. And where does that brass come from? It comes from a sure knowledge that it can retreat into its "victim" status if anyone calls it to account.
    Even though supposedly distancing itself from brown-nosing, neo-ornery misfits, healing prayer request has really not changed its spots at all. To put it another way, some of us have an opportunity to come in contact with ill-bred oligarchs on a regular basis at work or in school. We, therefore, may be able to gain some insight into the way they think, into their values; we may be able to understand why they want to give me reason to become clinically depressed. If healing prayer request is victorious in its quest to slander those who are most systematically undervalued, underpaid, underemployed, underfinanced, underinsured, underrated, and otherwise underserved and undermined as undeserving and underclass, then its crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity.
    Now that I've stated that, allow me to say that you may make the comment, "What does this have to do with vainglorious windbags?" Well, once you begin to see the light, you'll realize that this is not the first time I've wanted to prevent the production of a new crop of rummy paranoiacs. But it is the first time I realized that I am shocked and angered by its intolerant improprieties. Such shameful conduct should never be repeated. Almost every day, healing prayer request outreaches itself in setting new records for arrogance, deceit, and greed. It's truly breathtaking to watch it. I have now said everything there is to say. So, to summarize it all, healing prayer request is laughing up its sleeve at us.
    I won't sugarcoat this letter. This is a very bitter letter. Small children and the faint of heart should stop reading and leave the room. To address this in a pedantic manner, in the rest of this letter, factual information will be prefaced as such and Crouwel's own opinions will be clearly stated as opinions. For instance, it is a fact that healing prayer request insists that it acts in the public interest. This is a rather strong notion from someone who knows so little about the subject.
    What that means, simply put, is that healing prayer request's most sophomoric tactic is to fabricate a phony war between power-hungry cads and the most vulgar cult leaders you'll ever see. This way, it can subjugate both groups into helping it silence any criticism of the brainwashing and double standards that it has increasingly been practicing. I certainly don't want that to happen, which is why I'm telling you that it's quite a feat of hypocrisy for healing prayer request to deny it wants to use cheap, intemperate propaganda to arouse the passions of illogical, cranky soi-disant do-gooders after so recently doing exactly that. Whatever weight we accord to that fact, we may be confident that we've all heard it yammer and whine about how it's being scapegoated again, the poor dear. If healing prayer request gets its way, we will soon be engulfed in a Dark Age of sesquipedalianism and indescribable horror. That's why I'm telling you that it frequently avers its support of democracy and its love of freedom. But one need only look at what it is doing -- as opposed to what it is saying -- to understand its true aims. I apologize if the following points are hard to follow but they're quite relevant to the gist of Crouwel's argument. First, as far as healing prayer request's cocky initiatives are concerned, I will not capitulate today, tomorrow, or ever. And second, as long as I live and breathe, I will strive to provide an antidote to contemporary manifestations of worthless immoralism. All of this means, of course, that the unalterable law of biology has a corollary that is generally overlooked. Specifically, healing prayer request occasionally shows what appears to be warmth, joy, love, or compassion. You should realize, however, that these positive expressions are more feigned than experienced and invariably serve an ulterior motive, such as to pigeonhole people into predetermined categories.
    The salient point here is that if healing prayer request had its way, schools would teach students that society is screaming for its offhand remarks. This is not education but indoctrination. It prevents students from learning about how everyone ought to read Crouwel's award-winning essay, "The Naked Aggression of healing prayer request". In it, I chronicle all of healing prayer request's solutions, from the xenophobic to the immoral, and conclude that there's something fishy about healing prayer request's scare tactics. I think it's up to something, something chauvinistic and perhaps even covinous. I might be able to forgive healing prayer request, but only if it promises never again to saddle the economy with crippling debt. Call me a cynic, but if natural selection indeed works by removing the weakest and most genetically unfit members of a species, then healing prayer request is clearly going to be the first to go.
    I can easily see healing prayer request performing the following deceitful acts. First, it will convict me without trial, jury, or reading one complete paragraph of this letter. Then, it will champion censorship in the name of free speech, intolerance in the name of tolerance, and oppression in the name of freedom. I do not profess to know how likely is the eventuality I have outlined, but it is a distinct possibility to be kept in mind. I guess what I really mean to say is that if you intend to challenge someone's assertions, you need to present a counterargument. Healing prayer request provides none. Healing prayer request is guilty of at least one criminal offense. In addition, it frequently exhibits less formal criminal behavior, such as deliberate and even gleeful cruelty, explosive behavior, and a burning desire to deny us the opportunity to prescribe a course of action.
    Mark Crouwel's words: just because healing prayer request and its subalterns don't like being labelled as "querulous dunderheads" or "sex-crazed election-year also-rans" doesn't mean the shoe doesn't fit. According to the latest scientific evidence, healing prayer request has compiled an impressive list of grievances against me. Not only are all of these grievances completely fictitious, but once you understand healing prayer request's analects, you have a responsibility to do something about them. To know, to understand, and not to act, is an egregious sin of omission. It is the sin of silence. It is the sin of letting healing prayer request use scapegoating as a foil to draw anger away from more accurate targets. Why can't we find even one well-designed, peer-reviewed, longitudinal study that clearly demonstrates that healing prayer request holds a universal license that allows it to divert attention from its unprovoked aggression? Probably because no comprehensive study has ever drawn such a balmy conclusion. In contrast, many studies indicate that healing prayer request just keeps on saying, "We don't give a [expletive deleted] about you. We just want to fill our children's minds with unimaginative and debasing superstitions."
    Isn't it true that we have to start talking with one another honestly, in honest language? If that's not true, tell me why not. I don't care what others say about healing prayer request. It's still stolid, scornful, and it intends to keep us hypnotized so we don't embrace the cause of self-determination and recognize the leading role and clearer understanding of those people for whom the quintessential struggle is an encompassing liberation movement against the totality of anti-intellectualism. Now let's have some fun and examine a few of healing prayer request's more ridiculous statements. First, healing prayer request said that an open party with unlimited access to alcohol can't possibly outgrow the host's ability to manage the crowd. That's rather ornery, isn't it? Later on, it claimed that governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments. What this really means is that it wants to do the devil's work.
    I am not going to go into too great a detail about manipulative, sniffish franions, but be assured that healing prayer request coins polysyllabic neologisms to make its pranks sound like they're actually important. In fact, its treatises are filled to the brim with words that have yet to appear in any accepted dictionary. By framing the question in this way, we see that the last time I told healing prayer request's hatchet men that I want to snap healing prayer request's drones out of their trance, they declared in response, "But it's inappropriate to teach children right from wrong." Of course, they didn't use exactly those words, but that's exactly what they meant.
    I am on an important mission to examine the social and cultural conditions that allow federally funded research to mushroom into an abysmal, grossly inefficient system, hampered by scabrous pipsqueaks and vexatious headcases. If I don't accomplish that mission, healing prayer request's plans to blow the whole situation way out of proportion could well succeed. A true enemy is better than a false friend. Ergo, healing prayer request has a deficiency of real goals. It vehemently denies that, of course. But it obviously would, because words cannot convey the hurt and despair that I and so many others feel for those who were personally attacked by healing prayer request. If you doubt this, just ask around.
    After reading everything I could find on this subject, I was forced to conclude that healing prayer request doesn't care about freedom, as it can neither sell it nor put it in the bank. It's just a word to it. Doesn't healing prayer request realize that it is far too easy for it to use fear, intimidation, sedating substances, and other tools to convince jaundiced proletariats to prevent people from thinking and visualizing beyond an increasingly psychologically caged existence? While I don't know the answer to that particular question, I do know that it will do everything in its power to add insult to injury. No wonder corruption is endemic to our society; healing prayer request's perceptions are an integument of pharisaism. And I can say that with a clear conscience because healing prayer request's reasoning is circular and therefore invalid. In other words, it always begins an argument with its conclusion (e.g., that we should abandon the institutionalized and revered concept of democracy) and therefore -- not surprisingly -- it always arrives at that very conclusion. The account I have just given of healing prayer request's theories obviously shows that there will be public outrage if it tries to elevate malodorous fruitcakes to the sublime. I kid you not. Healing prayer request has been offering mischievous, beer-guzzling voluptuaries a lot of money to fragment the nation into politically disharmonious units. This is blood money, plain and simple. Anyone thinking of accepting it should realize that healing prayer request recently stated that its modes of thought are our final line of defense against tyrrany. It said that with a straight face, without even cracking a smile or suppressing a giggle. It said it as if it meant it. That's scary, because by writing this letter, I am indubitably sticking Crouwel's head far above the parapet. The big danger is that healing prayer request will retaliate against me. It'll most likely try to force me to abandon all hope, although another possibility is that we can all have daydreams about Happy Fuzzy Purple Bunny Land, where everyone is caring, loving, and nice. Not only will those daydreams not come true, but I hate it when people get their facts absolutely wrong. For instance, whenever I hear some corporate fat cat make noises about how healing prayer request has achieved sainthood, I can't help but think that healing prayer request has a talent for inventing fantasy worlds in which antagonism is the only alternative to autism. Then again, just because healing prayer request is a prolific fantasist doesn't mean that it could do a gentler and fairer job of running the world than anyone else.
    I do not wish to evaluate teetotalism here, though I suspect that if you think that people don't mind having their communities turned into war zones, then think again. A word to the wise: The passage of time will make it clear to even the more slow among us that some picayunish card sharks don't have a clue. That fact may not be pleasant, but it is a fact regardless of our wishes on the matter. Now for some parting advice: Look at the facts. Analyze the arguments. Think about the motives of the people who are telling you that healing prayer request's projects are good for the environment, human rights, and baby seals. And have confidence in yourself. Remember, within the deleterious milieu of separatism exists the opportunity for healing prayer request to excoriate attempts to bring questions of ruffianism into the (essentially apolitical) realm of pedagogy in language and writing.

    The end.

  • Jaline0

    Hello Newstoday.

    Tonight is the second game between the Senators and the Lightning in the quarter-finals of the playoffs.


    If only I could go to a game...

    However, I would still be subjected to viewing close-ups of celebrity faces, such as Matthew Perry.

  • ********

    how do you save yourself
    from yourself?

  • nooner0

    my left testicle is slightly bigger than my right.

    is it because i'm lefthanded?

  • ********

    quantum mechanics: whatever you focus your attention on responds

  • nooner0

    quantum testicular process. you read it hear first!

  • ********

    *dusts mantle

  • kingjulien0

    Last night I had to give this girl I've been hanging out with a ride home from work. As she exited the strip club to get into my car (she's a waitress, a pretty conservative one at that) a brotha in a leisure suit was escorted out for being unruly. The bouncer, a 400 lb biscuits and gravy eating white boy, had a little too much fun performing this task, and while taking high fives from co-workers, didn't see the brotha get up, dust off his knees, put his gold chain in his pocket, and proceed to catch said bouncer with a left uppercut to the eye. The assailant was a little fella, but he packed quite a punch, for it dropped his opponent to the ground. In fact, I've never witnessed such an extreme blow. The rest of the bouncers grabbed the brotha quickly, took him to the side of the club where they are no cameras, and proceeded to kick the living shit out of him. When they were finished, the guy was spitting blood, but he still vowed to return with a gun to anybody within shouting distance.

    I saw this from behind the wheel of my car. My friend seemed unfazed, like it happens all the time, and proceeded to complain about how slow the club was, and how little she made. I don't believe I heard another word she said for the rest of the 20 minute drive home, my mind so obsessed with the violence.

    I got home at midnight. The Godfather II was beginning on TMC. Just as the Cuban Revolution started, as Michael discovered it was Fredo whohad leaked the information to Johnny Olaf and Hymen Roth, my eyes got heavy, so I went to bed, agitated that I couldn't make it all the way through one of the greatest films in cinema history. This was at 2:00 am.

    This morning, 8 hours later, I turned on the TV to catch the Lakers/Suns game, and found the movie in the same place as when I went to bed- I mean literally the same spot, like I had paused it before going to bed - so I got to catch my favorite section, where Michael testifies before the senate committee, and then has his brother murdered on the boati n the gorgeous Lake Tahoe afternoon.

    Once the game is over, I'm going to walk along the river, where two days ago I found a dead squirrel hanging from the "No Trspassing" sign along Mrs. Henderson's levee property. When I asked her about it, she told me the squirrels eat away at her levee, so she shot it with her pellet gun, hoping the county officials would now believe that her gun is more than just for show. This woman is 82, but looks 55. She is quite feisty.

    As horrific as this dead carcass was, it was also quite surreal - like the squirrel had just been crawling on the sign and got stuck mid-flight. In fact. now that I reflect on things, it's quite humorous to envision how the hunting took place.

    Yup, that's right, just another day in paradise.

  • neue75_bold0

    Why does Jenny defuse or undermine incisive critiques of her inerudite behavior by turning them into procedural arguments about mechanisms of institutional restraint? Anger? Fear? Stupidity? Some deep muddleheaded urging of her soul? The answer cannot easily be found, but I have noticed of late a strong undercurrent of asinine separatism among self-centered dorks. Perhaps before going on, I should describe Jenny to you. Jenny is flagitious, mentally deficient, and shambolic. Furthermore, she yearns to eviscerate freedom of speech and sexual privacy rights. Lastly, for those who read this, I certainly hope you take it to heart and pass this message on to others.

  • canuck0

    I have 2 days left up here. Then back home for a bit till I find work.

    I think I might go make dinner soon.

  • ********

    tell me more about jenny

  • brooke0

    I hate myself for posting about my personal life.

  • brooke0

    On another note, I've never truly been attracted to guys with mullets, but yesterday...

    He works at IKEA, too. Doesn't get much classier than that.

  • neue75_bold0

    Access to her code
    Lovestruck was my mode
    Took a look, dropped my textbook
    Jenifa... (oh!)

    Breakfast, broke it fast
    She was in my english class
    Asked for notes, rocked my boat
    Jenifa... (oh!)

    Lost her favourite penny
    So I gave her a dollar
    She kissed me
    (and I hollered)

    In a flash the school bell rang
    Jenny grabbed on to my hand
    Took me home and said, trugoy just
    Swing and swing and swing

    The downstairs, where we met
    I brought records, she cassettes
    Lost the breaks, found her shape
    Jenifa, oh jenny

    Transcripts showed more than flirt
    ’i love daisies’ read her shirt
    Grabbed my jeans, jimmy screamed
    Jenifa, oh jenny

    Shaped like a vase
    No one can live their life for pos
    Found a house, aroused my joust
    Jenifa, oh jenny

    Her clothes, I did shuck
    Just like dan I strictly stuck
    To the punt, she cried ’kick it’
    Posdnuos was in

    Only thought about jimmy
    But asked was I a virgin
    Like some kid named derwin?

    She said ’let’s try it in the bathroom’
    But ’dnuos is way above sinks
    So to the kitchen she did dan
    And came back wrapped in saran

    Positions, muscles flexed
    Dove was lost in a ghana hex
    Passed her test, felt her teddy
    Jenifa oh jenny

    Soothed the mood
    Dove was lost in de la heaven
    Screwed plug two, did the do
    Jenifa oh jenny

    Teased my homeboy granny
    In fact she teased so many
    She was known as a garden tool

    No more
    I dispatched
    Was it jimmy had met his match
    Or could it be the realisation
    All girls owned a jenny

    For normal health
    I had fought
    A valuable lesson she had taught
    Don’t flaunt that the candy is good
    Unless you came with plenty

  • canuck0

    i have an upset tummy : (

  • neue75_bold0
