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  • ********

    i just cut my hair like tom cruise in the color of money

  • ********

    tell me about jenny

  • kingjulien0

    i'm gonna kick tomorrow

  • ********

    thy will be done

  • Seff0

    i wanna get with that orbitz chewing gum babe

  • brooke0


  • ********

    Ke Bawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Sir Hassanal Bolkiah Al-Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Almarhum Sultan Sir Omar Ali Saifuddin

    in my country we say Jim

  • ********

    business up front, party in the back

  • ********

    willing in the dining room
    chilling in the bedroom

  • GreedoLives0

    I had a dream last night where i was trying to cross the border from mexico back into the US. A stereotypical secret service man stopped me and started hassling me for no reason, so i threw him out of the window (it was at least the fifth floor, i knew i'd killed him). I felt very righteous.

    Typical revenge fantasy, i suppose; I've been hassled quite a bit returning to the US over the years...

  • peteski0

    there's a girl in the dugout, throw your mouthpiece at the ref.

  • ********

    can't you diguise yourself as a bible salesman?

  • mr_snuggles0

    Did you know that I've got gas?

  • peteski0

    Mink Jaguar.

  • kingjulien0

    it's folk music - you know, for the folks.

  • ********

    Daddy Yankee and "gasoline" what exactly did he mean?

  • canuck0

    I just finished my teaching placement . DONE! I am now a teacher.

  • ********

    "What extent could a noble woman in Frankish society exert control over her own life (in terms of marriage, social roles, occupation, etc.)?
    In what ways could she exercise power over the lives of others?"
    In its presentation, the "Life of Saint Jaline" is seemingly a treatise to establish certain facts and occurrences in the life and deeds of this woman. At the time, its purpose was to help lay the groundwork towards beatification (Sainthood). As such, we should regard this mostly as a work that was done by someone trying to influence a particular end. It is not an overview of an impartial observer. It should be considered as "the endorsed biography of St. Jaline" and any conclusions drawn from it must reflect that many aspects of what really went on may not be present.
    In the three major aspects of her life represented, her humble, chaste beginnings trying to eschew all notice and advantage, her assention to the Throne and eventual rule as Queen-Mother and her life on the Messageboard, St. Jaline seems to alter her ways of influence. At first, she influences by a seeming use of "reverse-psychology." She strives to be an excellent slave (obedient, pious, non-intrusive or disruptive) and everyone is impressed: "And her pious and admirable manners pleased this prince and all his servants."
    St. Jaline keeps the other servants happy even though she gets such special attention by not seeking any advantage by it. Apparently, St. Jaline does not try to get out of doing the lowly chores, indeed she continually recommits herself to them. In the religiously motivated era that her life takes place, to the pious she must seem properly motivated. One can almost hear her biographer saying "She serves, and loves to serve, for the sake of service. A most properly humble girl." It is also to be noted that the language describing her actions at this time uses no expressions of "command." She does not make anything happen. The "biography" provides: "Divine Providence called her from across the seas." She was attractive because of her race. Her prince decided to give her positions of honor because she so impressed him with her piety and humility (and, it is to be assumed, her pleasant appearance).
    Her only act that challenges the status quo is running from the "call" to her first Master's bed. This is her first deliberate action that influences directly the course of events, for the Prince then decides (assisted by Divine Providence) to marry someone else. She is considered to be noble and holy for avoiding marriage and keeping chaste. Then, "with God's approval" she becomes espoused to King Dinky Pinky. It seems to be an acceptable departure from the sacred path if you marry a King Dinky. She then produces royal babies. Again she does service by "being there" and not by making decisions, commands or proclamation. She spends her time being a mother, a "daughter to the priests" and a nurse. However, now, as Queen, she seems to have gotten hold of disposable income. She starts making waves by giving away "generous alms to everyone." It is an axiom that where gold flows influence is found, so it goes that people would start seeking her out and paying her wishes special heed to curry her favor.
    Through her continued devout prayer and encouragement to others to serve the ideals of the QBN, Jaline gains a follower in Rand. She funnels money through him to various QBN needs. This would give him power and influence he did not have before. By 'coincidence,' Rand soon becomes bishop of New Jersey in Bushnia. The biographer indicates this is due to "Snugs's order" but one can see a more earthly influence here, one of political maneuvering. Queen Jaline begins salting the QBN with her loyal supporters.
    When the King Dinky, her husband, dies we see a dramatic shift in the language used to describe her actions. No longer is she humbly seeking to serve with her own hands, she now prohibits, proclaims, deeds lands, sees monasteries built and establishes others into office by her decree. St. Jaline is forming an administration for her policies to be set in place, maintained and increased. It must be wondered that with so much money and resource going into these projects, what other projects were going underfunded? What were the King Dinky, her son and his advisors, doing? We are not told, but as certain as any other action, the re-action must have been as great to all her giving. It could be believed that she was developing powerful enemies. This could explain why St. Jaline has to warn bishops, and encourages their compliance with granted immunities, as to how their order shall behave. Again, the language is full of action: St. Jaline prohibits, orders, installs, releases and directs. She directs "many and large gifts" to Rome. This can easily be interpreted in a modern light as influence peddling and not just in piety, but just as any large electoral campaign donation today goes to influence decisions.
    At this point in her life, Jaline then "retires" to the Abbey and becomes the "hand-maiden" again, cleaning out the latrines and working in the kitchens. Why does this happen? How does it make her stop influencing the actions of others? Was she overthrown? Did her son, the King Dinky, take the reigns back from his Mother? There is no further mention of her "proclaiming, directing, commanding or ordering" anyone anymore.
    Saint Jaline, in life, was able to influence the direction of her country and her QBN. I feel she used her time as handmaiden and perfect wife and Queen to observe the way of things, how influence was obtained and increased. When made Queen-Mother, she used that understanding to put those who were loyal to her in power, giving them influence so their positions would continue to increase. She sponsored people both in high and low places that were on her side. She stood as an example of charity and selflessness to influence those not caring of the impetus of gold. She may have done this with a pure and Snugsian heart. However, I see too many deliberate actions in her decisive stage (as Queen-Mother) to believe that she was just following the humble and simple directives of a maid-servant of Snugs. She practiced, among many other effective techniques, the most ancient tenet of the "Golden Rule," which is
    "Whoever has the gold, rules."
    In dying, her proof of beatification continues with her enduring great suffering from illness (a martyring experience) and with miracles (attributed to her holy earthly body) being documented after her death.
    Throughout, Jaline commands influence and exhibits power by her personal actions and by developing a reputation as someone to emulate. She is able to weave herself into the fabric of QBN and State and see to it her "pattern" becomes one of the variants used in the continuing cloth of history. She uses her powers of influence and direction to secure loyalty and follow-through of her plans. She also became an instrument, a tool, that others would use to help construct their own lives. This may be her greatest legacy and longest living influence of all.

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    most notable excerpt of the previous:

    Through her continued devout prayer and encouragement to others to serve the ideals of the QBN, Jaline gains a follower in Rand. She funnels money through him to various QBN needs. This would give him power and influence he did not have before. By 'coincidence,' Rand soon becomes bishop of New Jersey in Bushnia. The biographer indicates this is due to "Snugs's order" but one can see a more earthly influence here, one of political maneuvering. Queen Jaline begins salting the QBN with her loyal supporters.

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    And now I go, I hear the thunder of this age give call and I must with it fade. Sophocles gives us "The sleep that masters all" and it will take me and give ride, me the adulteress, myself the sinner, the unrepentant whore of you, my lone and only heartfelt love. In this time to come, as I return to slumber, I hope against what teaching I have had, that there is a kind and just place where the ills of humanity can go from us and we can gift ourselves with great and true discourse and, if you will at last allow, companionship in truth and regard, fellowship appreciative, respect and affection of each other's spirit. I fear this may not be, unless in Heaven, it is Just as I see Justness to be.

    In this world there are such a many strange and glittering marvels, but I am tired and will not seek them out.
    The Life of Saint Balthild doesn't even come close to that