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  • scarabin0

    i'm not saying racism is okay, i'm saying that keeping people who snuck into our country without going through the proper process is NOT racism.

    just do the fucking paperwork like everyone else

    • *keeping people outscarabin
    • nope its just legality... i wasnt allowed in canada without a legal work permitmegE
  • vitamins0

    Ah, I was misreading things.

  • Lifeinvector0

    Who knows what I'd do if I was desperate to get out of my own country, unable to financially support my family, fearful of drug lords.

    • the logical thing would be to leave your country... legallyscarabin
  • locustsloth0

    i agree that the concept of asking people to enter the country legally isn't, by itself, racist, but the way the issue is being framed certainly makes it seem so. This also assumes that the process of being let into the country legally is a smooth process, without any snags, and the people asking to enter have the resources and time to go thru the process.

  • scarabin0

    the issue is "being framed" by whiny bitches and sensationalist media.

    it doesn't matter whether the process is smooth or not. i think checking out my groceries at the supermarket isn't a smooth process and i may or may not have the resources and time to pay for them but it doesn't mean i'm entitled to just walk out the fucking door with them for free

    • and then call "racism!" when a cop asks if i've paid or notscarabin
  • e-pill0

    whut are you guys talking about? what is going on in arizona? did pony and cosmo and emo move??

  • vitamins0

    I'm just as lost. I didn't have tv for 2 months now. Heard a little about what's going on in arizona. I'm clueless as usual.

  • scarabin0

    there's a new thing in arizona that says if you're stopped an officer has a right to inquire about your citizenship status, in order to crack down on their illegal immigration problem.

    • people are saying it's racist to askscarabin
    • its not racist to ask, but perhaps racist to act on the knowledge of your race.e-pill
    • or is it that i live in nyc that is ee so many new races daily that i dont even pay attention.e-pill
  • e-pill0

    wait what? if an officer stops you and asks to see identification.. ?

    this is something new in arizona? welcome to NYC rules after nazi mayor guilanni came and took away all our civil liberties..

    thats nothing what arizona is going thru.. in nyc we have zero tollerance laws.. so who cares if people are stopped for id checks.

    just show your id.. or is it targeting 1 race? either or thats nothing..

    in nyc we can get stopped at any time and searched if carrying anything..

    pfft show, vs showing your personal property.. wack stop crying.

  • iCanHasQBN0

    This is not about the legality or illegality of a person. It's about profiling people (US CITIZENS included) based on appearance, for whether police are going to harass, jail, and/or fine someone for having dark skin and not having multiple forms of ID on them at any given time - regardless if you're a citizen or not.

    Protesting this measure is more about protecting US citizens than it is about protecting illegals. How would you feel if you were a dark-skinned US CITIZEN who was being harassed by a cop and ushered to the police station in handcuffs for presuming you were an illegal? These people tout the idea of "freedom" so much, yet if the freedom of a dark-skinned citizen is taken away, they don't give a flying fuck. As long as the new law doesn't hurt the whites, thats fiiiiine & dandy. Shit.

    The whiteys just want the darkies out of the state because they're fearful of other races. It's as simple as that. This is a red state, and it's always been that way, I've been here for 25 years. Just look at the kind of people who support this law. This is not about "protecting our borders" from terrorism, or what have you. I've witnessed the people who support this measure first hand express how they truly feel about Hispanics, calling them "a nasty bunch" and such. It's fucking disgusting.

    Sure it's a problem, and illegals should NOT be here. But the end doesn't justify the means. You're giving up you're rights as a citizen if you support this bullshit.

    • hmm maybe you should keep this in the political thread,, this is why i dont go there,,e-pill
    • nobody's going to be "dragged to jail" for having dark skin. that's fox news alarmist shit right therescarabin
    • you will be dragged to jail if you've broken the law. all the bill states is that citizenship status can be askedscarabin
  • locustsloth0

    Your arrogance is disgusting, quite frankly, and your analogy is overly simplistic. What you seem to be glazing over is that these are not just numbers or little figurines or bunches of pixels in whatever fucked up fantasy world where you live. These are people. They are YOU, only separated by circumstances.
    It may work for you to walk thru life detached and unaffected by everything besides drugs and sex, but actual normal people give a shit about others and that includes people who don't live in this country.

    So if there's no element of racism involved here, why aren't people so up in arms on either coast or on our northern border? Surely, people are entering illegally on all sides. Does this mean that people who look Asian in California should have their papers in order as well?

    • To scarabinlocustsloth
    • technically China built California and all our railroads, so they get a free pass..e-pill
    • i mean that is in our history i studied that in 8th grade..e-pill
    • to the political thread with you!!e-pill
  • megE0

    umm... Happy Friday, eh? :)

    • happy friday you megA giant tv celebrity you!!!e-pill
  • scarabin0

    overly simplistic, my ass. i'm not being arrogant, i'm being realistic. people are ASSUMING that along with saying "are you a legal citizen" when stopped for something that the police are going to be abusive and that somehow the inquiry itself is a violation of some imaginary civil right, and also that ONLY dark-skinned people will be asked. the sort of professionalism and sensitivity required for this is the responsibility of the officers and the department itself, and is a separate issue. the bill on its own is only concerned with retrieving information.

    furthermore, personally attacking me or my my lifestyle hasn't, and isn't going to, help your argument in any way. there's no detachment here, i'm no whitey myself and know EXACTLY what racism feels like. "what is the status of your citizenship" isn't fucking racism.

    • ‹‹ i agree, i have dark skin and have been a target of racial profiling my whole life too.e-pill
    • So if either of you were traveling thru AZ and for whatever reason lost or didn't have proof when you got pulled over, you'd be ok with being detained?locustsloth
    • with being detained?locustsloth
    • why make up what if scenarios, i would always have my ID because its a law.e-pill
    • who the fuck is driving around lost without an ID?scarabin
    • locust your targeting of us to make up a scenario to fit your idea is ridiculous.e-pill
    • if that's the worst thing to happen to me all month i had a pretty good monthscarabin
    • how about i take your same scenario and i have my ID.. then what?e-pill
    • am i just getting pulled over?
      if i dont have ID and then what, am i sent to jail?
    • isnt this how it always was?e-pill
    • was arizona asleep to the laws existing everywhere else in america?e-pill
    • carry an ID, if not face the consequences. period.e-pill
    • e-pill, a driver's license is not enough. anybody can get a driver's license in AZ.iCanHasQBN
    • and it's not just when you're driving. could be just when you're walking down the street.iCanHasQBN
    • Are you going to remember to carry your birth certificate in your pocket 24/7?iCanHasQBN
    • in nyc we can get stopped for nothing and we have dominating more races..e-pill
    • this is not something new.. i dont understand why people make it to be crazy..e-pill
    • in nyc you can be driving/ walking standing still, sitting, running.. all same..e-pill
    • ZERO TOLERANCE!! means no one is special, everyone is equal.e-pill
    • and we MUST have an ID at all times or else its considered loitering.. illegal.e-pill
    • i was taught this since i was a kid in the 70s.. now arizona has a law in 2010.. wow!!e-pill
    • you guys ever go thru customs when entering another country?e-pill
    • you have to show a few forms of ID... whats the difference.. just carry an ID..e-pill
    • yeah, but this isnt customs. this is me walking down the street. i may not have 'multiple forms of ID' on me at all times.iCanHasQBN
    • and like i said, 'just carry an ID" isnt enough. a License wont cut it.iCanHasQBN
    • then learn the law and start carrying the proper id you need, or break the law..e-pill
    • if you need to carry your birth certificate then do so. what do you need to hide?e-pill
    • like i said in NYC we deal with this everyday and any day for over a decade..e-pill
    • just carry an ID, end of story. or face the consequences. pretty simple math..e-pill
    • really? you carry your birth certificate, etc. with you all the time? BSiCanHasQBN
    • Just because it is LAW, does not mean it is right, epill. Do you think every law that has ever been pass was a..iCanHasQBN
    • a FAIR and JUST law???iCanHasQBN
    • we have had a law to carry an ID at all times for many years.. i follow the law, what ever it is.e-pill
    • so yes, if i had to carry a piece of paper in my wallet identifying me then i will.e-pill
    • i dont see the problem other than people who dont follow the new law..old law? do it!!e-pill
    • this note box is like page 1.. are you really reading thru all 35 notes??e-pill
    • 37 i made it to heaven..e-pill
    • i just hold down the right arrow. it quickly flies right past your rubbish! ahaha ;)iCanHasQBN
    • pfft on i just hit ⌘ + → and it takes me directly here.. :Pe-pill
    • this is all news to me really.. i understand where you all are coming from..e-pill
    • but i think there is a larger issue than just IDs.. so really they are going to get you..e-pill
    • when i say guilanni took away our civil liberties, i dont say it lightly..e-pill
    • it was a major change to everyone's personal anythings..e-pill
    • 44- he you dropped your ID on the floor..e-pill
  • bigtrickagain0

    scarabin, if you were an arizona cop, i have no doubt that you'd carry out the law fairly, and you're right that the law itself is fair. however, canhasqbn and locustcloth's misgivings about *how* the law will be carried out have merit - the people who pushed for this are *not* necessarily fairminded, and yes, the onus will be on the police to let that citizen bias not affect the way they carry out their work.

    previously, this was a nonissue, but now that az cops have an obvious way in which they can potentially racially profile, i'm afraid i side against you in this case - it will lead to more racial incidents, and the losers will not be fairminded non-hispanic people...

  • bigtrickagain0

    a similar law was used in the old south during the early 60s i believe - they required voters to pass a literacy test before they could be registered. this in itself is fair enough, but segregationists pushed the law through so that the vast majority of blacks would not be able to register to vote. so, a law that taken by itself is fair, but in its application is going to be highly racist...

    • then your problem is not the law, but with your educational systemscarabin
  • scarabin0

    they have guns. they can POTENTIALLY go around shooting hispanics, but they don't.

    just because they can POTENTIALLY harass doesn't mean they will and will not be investigated for it.

    if racism in the arizona police force is really the problem, then that should be the real issue.

  • bigtrickagain0
  • scarabin0

    anyway, my apologies for this taking over the blog thread, to anyone who cares.

    • isn't this what the blog thread is for?bigtrickagain
    • thanks brother, now back to megE on the jumbotron!!e-pill
  • bigtrickagain0

    i think i made a very valid point a few posts back and not enough of you are taking it seriously, so i am forced to repeat myself below:

  • iCanHasQBN0

    You could cut the tension with a knife in Phoenix right now. People paranoid about who is legal and who is not. This only results in further segregating humans ("us vs them") and creating unnecessary fear amongst each another.