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- Last post
- 76,066 Responses
- GeorgesIV0
- "you know like, i just want a tattoo to, like, um express my individuality.." done with best Cali girl accent i can doautoflavour
- These are men by the way. Queens.iCanHazQBN
- because I want to share the knowledge for my bros out there, google "queen of spades"GeorgesIV
- ********-1
Anything interesting happening today Siri?
No. The answer was no.
- pango0
Gonna go to a 30 million dollar mansion this weekend for an event.
So gonna take a dump there.
taco bell? arby's?- Anything with lots of beans and/or brussel sproutsMaaku
- All-you-can-eat sushi at Shabusen on Georgia. Have a bag of Cheetos on the way to the event. Should make you fight like no one to drop something in that bowl.VectorMasked
- chipotlebrandelec
- don't do it in the toilet********
- upper-decker?cbass99
- Shabusen!!!!! Used to go that place quite often. Now I just hate all you can eat everywhere.pango
- Toxic Hell Drive Thru!vaxorcist
- Mickey D's will give you the bubble guttssea_sea
- e-pill-1
met a woman from south bronx tonight..!!!
she is so sexy!!! i saw her on the other side of the bar..
I'm sitting next to my boy from staten island and i tell him you look at that chick..he says she looks like..
i say wait don't i know her1/!??!!turns out we went to kindergarten together back in 1975..
oi oi
- how the hell do you know how someone looks like if you've only met her in kindergarten?!?!?!pango
- ^ It's called "stalking"Maaku
- How do you recognize someone from when you were 5 years old. HOW HOW HO WOH HOW OHWOOWH HOWhhwhksajdadiCanHazQBN
- @ teh above…
:Pblog - turns out it was a different 5 year oldsarahfailin
- lol sarahmekk
- lol sarah!bklyndroobeki
- GeorgesIV-2
Finally moved to CC from CS6,
I'm about to start photoshop!!!- Congrats!Ben99
- Living the dream********
- moving on up!********
- No worries G... I'll keep your credit card info and software upgrades safe!utopian
- Why?bklyndroobeki
- Ben99-3
Can someone explain me what does that line mean? Or how would you translate it in french
its a line of lyrics from a Daniel Johnston's song
''I took my lucky break and I broke it in two''
- He ruined his chance, basically.********
- A lucky break is when you're given an opportunity in life, and breaking it in two means that he threw the opportunity away...********
- thanks set! makes sense now :)Ben99
- :)********
- He ruined his chance, basically.
- chukkaphob-1
NSFW --->
- http://cummingordrum…chukkaphob
- haha********
- more drumming than expectedbezoar
- bklyndroobeki0
- GeorgesIV5
I'm so bored at the laundromat, I created a new emoticon
here is, cool dude with cap:
- (:|⥰pango
- ❨|:)pango
- ⟨|:)pango
- ■|:)pango
- ⨴|:)
construction helmet?pango - eheheh fantastic pangoGeorgesIV
- cuteJaline
- pfff, asians. :)_niko
- <}:)dyspl
- lol sombrero
《];) << canadian mountyGeorgesIV - i thought what i'd do was pretend to be one of those deaf mutesSteveJobs
- @georges lol close enough.pango
- d:Dfeel
- dude you live with wife and kids but you don't have washing machine in your unit?pango
- >8-Edrgs
- @pango, appartment here comes empty, had to shell too much already, washing machine is a luxury for now :(GeorgesIV
- I live with a cunt and i still have a washing machine. :(pango
- ********-2
I do not envy people in power. Some days I feel like Bernie Sanders, other days like Donald Trump. Some days I'm anti-war some days I think we should just nuke everybody.
- boo this!!!********
- we all go through it, upvotedmoldero
- More than a year to go before we cast ballots.monospaced
- http://cdn.fansided.…bklyndroobeki
- Translation, someday I feel like a communist, some days a socialist, some days I live with principles, somedays Im a scum bag that thinks humanity is the prblm.Hayoth
- boo this!!!
- ********0
Do you look your age? All my peers are balding and all of a sudden I am feeling young.
- eat it up while it lasts.bklyndroobeki
- Well right now I look older I think cuz my beard and I'm a smoker. But if I shave my beard I will get ID checked at bars...pango
- Some guys look younger by completely shaving their heads, rather than letting the patches grow. Depends on the face.Jaline
- Smokers have less stress because they smoke. Stress = balding.iCanHazQBN
- depends on various factors of lifestyle choices. press 1 for more details,yurimon
- *hangs up...pango
- A couple years ago it looked like I was starting to go bald but it seems to have reversedreanimate
- pango switch to vaping, get off dat shitmoldero
- :( I Ain't a quitter!!!pango
- it's the only few thing i enjoy sucking on... (cock not one of them) it's the hardest part. (still not pun intended...)pango
- hehehe…pango - i have very long, shaggy hair and a gnar bear. sometimes i wonder if i should clean up to seem younger. i kinda wanna stay on the grizzly adams path tho.garbage
- if i shaved i would get id'd. i have a fucking baby face.garbage
- *beard. now peeps be thinkin' i gots some mean mammals.garbage
- Lol @ smokers have less stress. Generally if you're pathetic enough to need to smoke all day every day then you're a stressed out person....********
- I'm 31 but a lot of younger people seem to think I'm more like 25. Not bad considering I'm slightly overweight too :Pkalkal
- hah, i'm enjoying this recently. always looked old for my age until i hit 30, now 33 and passing balding 25 year olds in the street brightens my day.kingsteven
- set, i believe smokers have just as much stress as anybody else, but when they smoke a cig, the stress levels decrease. Non-smokers remain stressed for longer.iCanHazQBN
- pango, are you happy smoking?bklyndroobeki
- not so much on what it does to my wallet. and too bad 2nd hand smok is gross cuz what we're smoking is the shit!pango
- kidding. ya i do want to quit for the health reason. i'll look into vaping soon enough :(pango
- i'm not one to judge --i know what stops us from "quitting" a thing is it's difficulty but man what future awaits us when we get over the hard part.bklyndroobeki
- yurimon-11
- What's with all these boyish actors playing fighters, he was impossible to take seriously, like Casey aflec in that other one. Not believable********
- First time I recall agreeing with you, but yes, celebrities do have a 'look' when they know they've been made...BuddhaHat
- lol, yeah, funniest one i've seen was one of the waynes brothers, in Souen take out, he was trying to make an angry unapproachable face.yurimon
- jealousy downvoted..yurimon
- He's been in Toronto since Friday for TIFF, not sure how you stood next to him on a train in New York Saturday.i_monk
- I didn't know you were in NYC yurimonospaced
- 2 train 72nd. exact like this. bearded confirmed with person i was with. so im not crazy. i didnt want to be that guy with cellphone photo. exactyurimon
- would be a unique match if it wasnt him.yurimon
- yeah mono, im in a trailer in my moms basement. heheyurimon
- Trailers don't have basements brobro********
- It sounds to me you were on the set of his film Enemy.HAYZ1LLLA
- a trailer in a basement. haha... read....yurimon
- What's with all these boyish actors playing fighters, he was impossible to take seriously, like Casey aflec in that other one. Not believable
- pango2
had my itune on shuffle and QBN RAP came up.- incase some of you missed it.
- incase some of you missed it.
- BuddhaHat0
Sorry, Apple. Turns Out Designers Don’t Use iPads
- Well of course they don't. Because an iPad has never had this feature before. I'd love to sketch ideas on an iPad.iCanHazQBN
- Innovation never sleeps.utopian
- i_monk-18
Hey, some guy, I noticed you're downvoting everything I post. That's cool I guess.
- not just you. somebody's been doing massive downvote on entire page.pango
- so there's either 11 people who down voted this comment for laughs, or there is a troll with multiple accounts...inteliboy
- I think there's a serial downvoter, sometimes even downvoting comments months old....GeorgesIV
- it's clearly cool to downvote this comment as mentinoed by imonk.pango
- I notice that people downvote when one complains about downvotes.monospaced
- Not complaining – downvoting does what, exactly? nothing? oh – just letting him know I noticed all the effort.i_monk
- Complaining for lack of a better word. You know what I mean. If you question a downvote it invites even more. Of course it means nothing.monospaced
- i want to face my downvoters.yurimon
- Easy. That's pretty much everyone.pango
- rabbit-4
Damn it.
I was not supposed to feel this way about her.
Can. Not. Stop. Thinking. About. Her.
She is honestly the most beautiful girl I have ever met. In every single way. I have kept it pretty light and playful with her up to this point. She really has no idea I feel this way.
I will keep it light and playful. Patience is paramount.
She says...
"I was waiting for you to text me all week, you were supposed to text me that thing""
Honey. If you only knew.
:D <3
- Whats the deal guys? Do we let a girl know how we feel? Or show a bit more patience...
Im voting patience. Distance also.
Need advice.rabbit - is this a "pop" song?dorf
- reads like you're 16 years oldinteliboy
- I would have fucked her by now. Seriously though, this patience thing is something I did as a wee lad. If she's any good, someone else will swoop in quicklyiCanHazQBN
- before you. Don't wait too long. I overdid it once years ago and I regret it. Just go out on a date already.iCanHazQBN
- Also, post a picture of her.iCanHazQBN
- Pic or get the fuck out!pango
- btw whats that thing you were supposed to text her?pango
- Why all the games? Stop being immature or she will lose interest fast. Just saying.sea_sea
- Don't put the pussy on a pedestal. I'm sure she is great and all but if there is something there than so be it, if not than get a grip and move on, don't live i********
- In a fantasy********
- And also, you sound like you are talking about someone who is already spoken for or something. Once again, just cause she is nice to you doesn't mean she wants********
- To fuck you********
- oh, i should mention i have already fucked her, several times. but i want more than that. FUCK!!! what a mess.rabbit
- @pango - musicrabbit
- not posting a pic. too much respect. lol. she looks like mirand kerr - dimples and all. so classy, so down to earth, just BEAUTIFUL. lolrabbit
- i don't understand what the problem seems to be then********
- He wants things to be official.pango
- gayCGN
- wakw up shple!1pablo28
- This is how Rabbit does it...
Step 1: Fuck her several times
Step 2: Pass her a note in class asking her to go steady with him. "Circle Yes or No".iCanHazQBN - throw her looks which are 1 second too long, for a couple of months, she will know -- this creates a romantic tension of something about to happendrgs
- girls need to be liked by other people, even by people they dont like. by instinct she will want to maintain your attention, even without any goal from her partdrgs
- but the idea will brew in her and it will turn the other way around, know your timingdrgs
- Lol wtf, are you talking about how to act at a middle school dance or something. You've got to go talk to her you numbnuts. Lol, he said give her akward looks f********
- For a couple months. Gahaha what the fuck, are you afraid of women bro. Go use your words like a big boy and stop creeping out chicks by staring at them for mon********
- Months, that's some creepy ass behavior********
- This is like some Benjamin Button shit. Fucking for weeks, then foreplay after.iCanHazQBN
- lol icanhaz********
- Whats the deal guys? Do we let a girl know how we feel? Or show a bit more patience...
- ********0
When should you use mm and when do you use inches?
- mm for your penis. inches for mine.iCanHazQBN
- Whenever you're in a civilised part of the world use metric, otherwise slum it with imperial measurements.face_melter
- metric for drugs and small arms ammo, standard for everything else********
- ********5
I actually played barefoot basketball today and my feet look like ballerinas feet right now... Maaybe not that bad.
Waiting for the downvotes.
- I have a dirty foot fetish. Have an upvote...iCanHazQBN
- ^^^^utopian
- Hook warm!!pango