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  • GeorgesIV-16


  • GeorgesII-5

    ok, so I've stumbled across this ace of spade cougar's blog and it's insane..

    the lady went on a vacation with a friend in new orleans, somehow ended getting banged by a black dude, went back home, divorced her husband of 20years and moved back to N.O, where she decided to let go of all her inhibitions and become the queen of A.o.S.

    she documents her adventures (pictures always included) and rate her conquest like:

    Tyrone: had a raspi voice but could keep up for hours
    Germayne: younger than my daughter but came too quick,
    sha'quan: big dick, mounted me like the whore I am...

    so far in the past she's banged more than 350 black men... and documented it, sometimes getting her older daughter for a candid mom and daughter gangbang,

    the more I read her adventures, the more I felt bad for her husband of 20 years, hope he will never stumble on her blog,

    • URL or bullshit.
    • sauceApeRobot
    • From now on, refer to me as "sha'quan"ApeRobot
    • delivered, good luck punks!!GeorgesII
    • Georges. What's wrong with you??!! Link that shit for us.iCanHazQBN
  • GeorgesII0

    because sharing is caring cI:)

    I’ve been on Tumblr for almost 3 years now, telling my story, sharing my videos and my passion for black men. In that time, I’ve collected quite a few new followers. So, in case you’re not really sure who you’re following or what I’m all about, here’s a quick primer.

    - I’m a white woman in her early 40s. I was born in SoCal but I’ve lived in NOLA since 2005. I have two kids in their early 20s. One boy and one girl. I’m recently divorced from my husband of almost 25 years.

    - I’m a submissive and a slut and I’m owned by a beautiful black man named Clarence. I only sleep with black men. I consider myself a Queen of Spades.

    - My daughter, Jessica, is engaged to a black man and is also kinky and promiscuous. She now lives out west with him. She and I wrote our first book together, In Spades, almost three years ago. It’s an honest account of how our sex lives changed and grew after we moved to New Orleans and how they sort of intertwined.

    - I believe black men (and women) are beautiful and amazing. I’m not into objectifying them or reducing them to sexual objects. I’m not into the cuckold scene. White men don’t interest me and I don’t want them in my bedroom(I had 25 years of that with my husband, that was enough)

    - I wrote 3 books in the In Spades series, all about my real life sexual adventures here in New Orleans (and my daughter’s). Currently, I’ve started to write fiction erotica. My goal is to eventually be able to quit my part time job so that I can be an author and a full time slut.

    - Kate Rousseau is my pen name. It’s not just to protect my privacy. It’s to protect ALL of the people we’ve written about over the years who don’t want their sex lives talked about in the open. That’s why everyone’s names have been changed in my writing. That’s also why (with the exception of the four closest people to me in the world) no one who knows me as Kate Rousseau also knows my real name. And vice versa. No one who knows me in real life knows I’m Kate Rousseau. I don’t care how big your dick is or how well you’ll eat my pussy. We aren’t going to meet. We won’t skype or kik or text or party. There’s too much for me and all the people I care about to lose over getting some D. I hope that if you were in my situation, you’d do the same.

    Lastly, here’s some links to give you more info.…

    • haha, Clarencemonospaced
    • she's gross but thats her business.
    • ...I would gather that her marriage repressed the hell out of her and she snapped and is now a racist nymphomaniac.
    • ...which is pretty damn fascinating.
    • I would prolly kill myself if my wife left me for clarence, ehehehGeorgesII
    • i'm voting this up!utopian
  • sarahfailin0

    My boss isn't giving me a raise, but for all the new responsibilities I've taken on, he's letting me take a title with "Director" in it.

    I'm pissed about not getting a raise for all the work I've been doing. But I guess I like the title, though it seems a petty consolation.

    • You ain't no Jim from Detroit.utopian
    • ^lol_niko
    • "Director" will look good on your résumé.i_monk
    • ^yeah, when I leave this job far behind lolsarahfailin
  • moldero1

    There's a big ass crocodile loose out where I surf/spearfish now, & I think my spear gun would only piss him off.

    • not if it goes right between the eyes
    • You'll shoot your eyes out kid!utopian
    • I might have to shoot In his eye towards his brain, I imagine his skull would be tough as nailsmoldero
  • pango-1

    Me: "Have you ordered those paper I requested?"
    OM: "what makes you think it hasn't arrive yet?"
    Me: "The fact that I looked everywhere in the building and couldn't find it?"
    OM: "let me show you... Oh it hasn't arrive yet...."

    LOL Failed at trying to be a ass hole.

    • Really? No up vote or even down vote?pango
    • There are 12 of each. It evened out. Lolmonospaced
  • Ben99-1

    i almost hit a car's door opening in front of me, so so so so close. I had to turn violently to avoid it and almost fell off my bike.

    i didnt have my GoPro to document it


    • turn your what?? what did you turn violently that you almost fell off your "bike"?

      pics.. or video or it dint happen
    • this should be friday's PSB- ole'd benny twisting violently passing a car door open on his hoverboard™ with a broken GoPro..

      FRIDAY 2015-09-18 PSB - right?
    • lol, my english skillz are regressing recentlyBen99
    • epill, how does that not make sense? the english is fine.iCanHazQBN
  • e-pill34

    im smokin a lot of weed now


  • e-pill-1

    i wish i could reply to a note.. and not beneath it, but beside it

    its like on that giant right side margin!!

    like what if i want to reply to a note in a yuri vs mono thread takeover?? but i want to post in the notes.. but there is 49 notes and you just get there and you read thru it smoking a fat blunt.. and finally you post in the notes but now that you are the last post.. but you wanted to reply to JazX who posted 49 times about refilling the Cyan toner in the printer because he likes .. blah blah it blah blah, you want to own it.. so really you want to respond to K0na_an0K the president of hammer pooping!!

    just want to reply to a note but reply within the note to right side of it like i bought new property!! oi

    QBN hook it up!! yo!! kthnxbye - e


    • i wish i could post my note in big black letters on TOP of the original postscarabin
  • ********

    Do you concern yourself as cloud users, that your projects stored in their clouds are open for people see. It would be very easy for Adobe to see classified designs from corporate designers who store their work in Adobe's cloud. Clients go out of their way to have a designers sign a NDA. Many more companies maintain absolute secrecy about internal workings within. Meanwhile the clouds we use either from Adobe, Google, and Dropbox all have a peephole into what we are working on. Is this any concern, or have people just gone the way of not giving a fuck, or do any companies instruct you not to use these cloud storages?

  • PonyBoy0

    A 'client' (term used loosely) has me on an itty-bitty nothing retainer as we are basically 'friends' and this measly rate I charge them is basically a gift (an investment in a sense... this friend / client may not pay much themselves but they often provide nice leads so SOMETIMES it can be win / win).

    I was given some reference art and asked to create a 'day of the dead' folkart-ish looking poster for an up-coming festival... no problem. Thing is we have no deadlines etc... there is an unspoken understanding that they'll get it when they get it (and it's always long before any mass marketing takes place... weeks in advance)

    I was dicking around on facebook and one of the guys w/the company posted the poster but was kind of a dick in acknowledging me and my turn-around as if I'm some slowpoke slacker who fortunately does good work.

    Dude couldn't even credit me... :/

    I'll probably just let this slide and not mention to them that I saw the post... but what a dickhead way to present the poster to the community... ... a-holes

    • Living the Dream!utopian
    • Call him out on it, arseholes like him think 'oh, it's just clicking a few things in Photoshop. It's easy'. Winds me up no end.face_melter
    • what a dick. nice work tho.iCanHazQBN
    • i'd send him a private msg...pango
    • Not sure the gradient works here. Tattoo type in the arch looks forced?
    • If you drew the skull tho, good job!!!
    • everything blended well, freedom... but thank you for your critique ;)
      Here's a larger link:…
    • It's really more of a back-handed compliment. I wouldn't worry about it... just up your rate to "ensure you don't miss any more deadlines".SteveJobs
    • Tell this cunt it wasn't ready yet and you'd have to make some changes. Then let them wait for ages and finally deliver the same file without changes.grotesk_neue
  • sarahfailin-1

    I found a custom made furry cat suit with a rainbow tail on the side of the road. It already looked clean except for some dead leaves and dirt, so I washed it. Maybe I'll become a furry...

    • the furry cat suit with rainbow tail choose you not the other way aroundCALLES
    • lolpango
    • furry pics or it never happened...
    • this is so weird. please don't ever put on that suit.iCanHazQBN
    • i already have.sarahfailin
    • lol
  • ********

    I really don't see the point in reading Kafka in English. A ton of his prose has German-specific word-play.

    • depending on who wrote the translation, I don't know about Kafka in particular, but some translations can match or even surpass the originalsuan
    • a good translation translates also the word-playuan
    • I don't know man, some writers have told me Kafka is neutered in English. Have you read his work?
    • just das Urteil and die Verwandlung, but a long time ago, seams like in another life.uan
    • megalolz - same can be said for any writer read in translation... megalolz. you'd be surprised how well good translators get the meaning across.fadein11
    • ehh... dunno about that. Have you read Kefka in German and English or are you just talking out of your anus?
    • *kafka... not Kefka from FFVI
  • sarahfailin-1

    • http://media.giphy.c…CALLES
    • its gonna look great along with that light pink shirt of yoursCALLES
    • "found" he says. "I'm keeping it for a friend" he says. "It's just a phase" he says. "I can quit anytime" he says. Slippery slope my friend. Slippery. Slope. :Dmrpt
    • lol @ mrpt i know right? would I wear this in public?? hmm.sarahfailin
    • It's only a furry suit away from being a bronypango
    • Worthless if not crotchless.iCanHazQBN
    • that would be my video game onesiescarabin
    • if you don't want it i'll take it!scarabin
  • utopian0

    Fuck every last domain name squatter.
    He started out at $5,400 and now is down to $3,750.
    Fuck off!

    • squatters gonna squat
    • isn't that better than the other way around?Gnash
    • everytime this one guy offers to buy the domain I'm squatting on, I up the price another 20%. He's infuriatedmonospaced
    • I don't get it. Isn't he selling it for less now??iCanHazQBN
    • cheapyurimon
  • Ben99-1

    I'm looking for the album 'Discovered Covered' by Daniel Johnston and i can't find it and it cost like 40$ on amazon... Anyone have it in here?


    My best friend just emailed me a link to the burning man festival and was genuinely amazed that it existed. He'd never heard of it. You wonder sometimes, don't you, how people go through life not hearing of something.

    I mean, I'm probably the same. There's likely something out there that everyone has heard of and I'd be like... What the hell is a Kardashian?? for example.

    Just interesting innit.

    • Kardashians were in Star Trek, right? Kinda like Klingons, but uglier if I remember correctly. Pretty sure Kirk banged one of them.monospaced
    • You'd be surprised how many people never heard of Helvetica.
    • You'd be surprised how many people have never been to New York or left their country.
    • You'd be surprised how many peoples miss out on quicksand fetishism
    • I dont know if i could survive if i never heard about it.yurimon
  • ********

    I read somewhere that ads on TV still cost $200,000 for 30 seconds to air.

    How much do companies spend on advertising?

    A clorox commercial will cost the company millions to air, and probably a million to create? Does it really work?

    • $200,000+ that is.
    • It works if you can change people's habits to buy your product over brand X. It has more long-term benefits if you create repeat customers.ETM
    • Commercials don't create repeat customers, good experiences with the product/service does. McDonald's spends billions, but I haven't been back in over a decade.i_monk
    • ppl still eat at mcD? where they getting those bones from? producing crack under the table? ... oh ...bklyndroobeki
  • ********

    If an average TV show cost a million+ to produce, how much do they earn?

    • Like the above, is a long-term play. It could earn money for decades in syndication, Netflix, DVDs etc.ETM
    • Well... I don't think decades are in the cards for physical media anymore, but you know what I mean.ETM
  • ********

    Had lunch with someone and she took a photo of me to "snapchat to someone" we know.

    I didn't want to ask, but have no idea what the meant. Is it available for a short time only?

    Is it like a text?

    • 24 hours I think is the initial time it stays liveHayoth
    • but people take screenshots. you're in trouble.Ben99