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- 76,067 Responses
- inteliboy-4
I hate you all.
i love you all.
I hate.
- ********2
I'm an ignoramus of the first order.
2001 was one of my favorite films and I had unending theories to it's monoliths and story...
that is until I started studying up on Arthur Clarke's original book and sequels which killed a lot of my theories and explained everything...
now I'm just feeling stupid and cheated by my own imagination.
- cbass992
I think my favorite thread is "weird 3D stuff"
- +********
- It's a good thread.iCanHazQBN
- +
- cbass990
I'm one of two people in my office who likes sports or being active. There are 12 of us...and that kind of boggles my mind. I get strange looks if I mentioned that I went for a three mile run or that I play hockey on the weekends. I have no problem with people who are not into it, but find it kind of odd.
When growing up, did these people just stay inside all day playing video games..? Isn't it good to get kids outside and have them be active? I'm one of the older people in my office, so maybe things have changed..
- It's been said that ppl spend an accumulation of 13-16 years watching the tube and BSing. You're spending it outside and on QBN :D - I'd say it's good!bklyndroobeki
- ps. What kind of hockey? The real deal or field?bklyndroobeki
- I understand that feeling. I also can't comprehend how a person can live without breaking a sweat every now and then.VectorMasked
- And it's like people in this neighbourhood know me as the "guy who exercises".VectorMasked
- bklyn - the real deal.cbass99
- vector, no kidding! i get thatcbass99
- A while back this incredibly obese dude went to the office to see his friend... he was like "wtf!? why would you even do that?" when he heard me say I was...VectorMasked
- a little sore from a 15k run the day before. It's just sad. That guy is not gonna make it past his 40's.VectorMasked
- nice cbass :) *bucketlistbklyndroobeki
- Stay home and watch netflix, play video games, eventually jerk off? why not?pango
- I literally hate fat people. No I do not accept them.iCanHazQBN
- bklyndroobeki0
Have you ever suffered such a devastating blow that it changed your whole entire life?
- Yep.
1 1/2 times.VectorMasked - Been fired before, so probably.********
- Breakups change your path.********
- Blow as punch, no. I don't play football.********
- been so broke that i couldn't pay rent and phone bill. Had to borrow money from friends. Does that count?pango
- Yeah pango, that counts. What'd you do to turn things around?bklyndroobeki
- Aye, about 12/13 years ago. Haven't been the same since, but it did set in motion other things such as moving to Sweden.face_melter
- good!bklyndroobeki
- I pulled through by desperately doing every single option I had. Borrowing money from friends+Went on EI so I had enough money to last me for 2 months.pango
- Then I did every single quick small jobs I can find. All paid up front or retainer of half total. Graphic or photo gigs. I was even teaching seniors how to usepango
- Computers. Just gotta really be on it for months straight. I managed to get my self on track in 2 to 3 months. And paid everything I borrowed in 3 months.pango
- My drive was panic and desperation. Lolpango
- It's a terrible feeling to borrow large amount of money friends. And it's not just money you are borrowing from friends. That's the kind of debt you have to paypango
- Back asappango
- Glad you made it work pango, im sure the emotions from being down so low, made u push harder.bklyndroobeki
- Yep.
- ********0
I like my job, my job is easy, I don't make enough $ and I'm afraid I'll hate a job that pays more and what I think I'm worth.
- sandwich artist? you do know jared's a pedo?garbage
- it's courageous action that risks self destruction what makes the foundation of true freedom. -parsing nietzschesarahfailin
- ********-7
Think about you every time I hear that tune.I won't wonder if you think about me too. I won't ask all your men how you are doing. I won't feel no regret pretend that I'm glad that we met. I won't, cause last know? what I know so you better call that number twice. Hoping that you'd pick up this time,I haven't spoken with you for awhile and now baby.I know you know I know. I think about you even so. I'm no fool.
- ********1
I'm currently playing an excellent Mario3 hack called Mario 3Mix.
This shit is good.- did an image search. looks dope!sarahfailin
- oh man, i'm so in. i've been on a retro game kick for the last 2 weeksscarabin
- stoplying0
Went to a restaurant last night where they had "Family Night", face painting for kids, balloon art, and it's a great beer bar. Our waitress was really nice, friendly, chatty. But she dropped some "shit" and "asshole" while talking with my wife and kids. And even told my son "earmuffs"...not cool lady.
I emailed the place today to let them know to remind their staff to not curse in front of kids. I didn't give names or specifics, just asked that they don't swear at little kids. Right?- Is "earmuffs" a bad word?i_monk
- "muff" is.sarahfailin
- iCanHazQBN-4
- "oh, yeah?"…******** - it didn't work, muricuns are shooting mother fuckersmoldero
- HOW CAN YOU DOWNVOTE THIS?! Wake up Sheeple!!iCanHazQBN
- FUCK HIMbklyndroobeki
- "oh, yeah?"
- utopian1
Heroes Reborn
Tonight at 8pm EST
on NBC- Heroes is one letter away from Herpes. On the keyboard too.iCanHazQBN
- Not badpango
- horrible :/PonyBoy
- ********1
I just finished watching Borgman. It's most def one of the creepier films I have come across lately.
Very well crafted.... Hitchcockian, even.
- +1. Love a bit of Nordic Noir.MrT
- You saw it? SO good.********
- autoflavour2
turn up for an appointment at, am 10 minutes early..
person meeting appologizes that they are in meeting, will be 30 minutes, 50 minutes later she comes and says she needs 5 more minutes.
you know, because i have nothing better to do that sit here and wait.
- 55 minutes browsing QBN?Krassy
- you should have left,
30 min is the max courtesy you should have given her..GeorgesIV - does it involves getting laid? add 30 mindrgs
- rude and unacceptable. she must not like you.********
- i had a boss once that would get notified someone was waiting in the lobby for them...and she'd let them sit there 20 minutes...even if she wasn't busy.cbass99
- Abandon ship********
- leave.sir-tristan
- yep.. complete ball acheautoflavour
- ********-2
Everyone loves a good bit of jizz
- Maaku7
I quit my job!
Wednesday the 30 is my last day in the advertising industry. No more social media crap, no more tvs, radios and shit like that. Never again...Going from a Omnicom owned big ass agency to a small graphic design firm, woot!
- win********
- congrats!zenmasterfoo
- Thank you, gracias, merci :)Maaku
- nice! congrats!Krassy
- wednesday is my last day too. except im going from a small design firm to a big ass agency! I guess the grass is always greenerboom
- gotta switch it up every so often********
- Congrats on leaving the Omnicom family, been there :\ben_
- mazel tovGnash
- Good work fellacitizen_h
- Congrats! Best thing i ever did 5yrs ago too. Also:…rabbit
- congratsss********
- win
- ********1
It's just occurred to me that 'hit' is a rather odd word and has no past/post tense.
You hit. You did hit. You will hit.
... and I'm not even stoned.
- similarly with words like "shit" and "bite" (unless "shat" is a real word)monospaced
- I am stoned and thought about this for too long, I admitmonospaced
- Yea, not so much though. Like you said... we have "shat" and also "bit"********
- past tense of 'hit' is 'hat'sarahfailin
- shitted is legitFax_Benson
- no idea what the fuck I was talking about with "post tense" lol********
- you meant future tensemonospaced
- It's the only form of the word to survive in English, but if you look at its Norse cognates you'll find it used to have other forms.i_monk
- slappppppedbklyndroobeki
- swattedbklyndroobeki
- catspraddledbklyndroobeki
- just noting good alternatives if you want to post tense. haha, i love that ur a grammar geekbklyndroobeki
- I'd hit it.pango
- wondering now if there are any other words like this.bklyndroobeki
- Found one!...
what about "If anyone hits you, tell the teacher"bklyndroobeki
- ********3
Disney just contacted me for a interview, digital designer.
i wonder what i should expect. im still in shock
- If you email them, don't write
'a interview'******** - Noice!Maaku
- they called, interview next week in glendale, 35/hr starting********
- i didnt even apply********
- dont be jelly set********
- I'm not jelly, just a bit of a grammarcunt********
- Are we bringing the word "grammar nazi" back?pango
- That's two words.i_monk
- lol********
- Shup I monkpango
- Did they ask for you bank account details as well? to give and advancecitizen_h
- oh cool, i go there for meetings a lotscarabin
- The Motherfucking Money Snake.********
- Is $35/hr low? Seems low. I have no idea, I just do my own thing.nb
- $35 hr sounds sucky for disney/LAfourth
- $35/hr for a digital designer. sounds about right. grammarcunt is better than grammar nazi—which is trite and boring.jaylarson
- W2 or 1099? 35/hr is super junior rate if a contractor.studderine
- Disneyyyy********
- set that's fucked up LOLbklyndroobeki
- dat money snakebklyndroobeki
- $35/h? do they pick you up on a corner and drive you to work on the back of a ford f150?cannonball1978
- <3********
- No actually Mickey comes and picks you up in his boat.…reanimate - Also working with Disney as a licensee, they're way better than their reputation! Prepare for Star Wars Episode VII stuff :Dmekk
- Ask for a day rate at least.********
- Don't take it unless they give you the title "digital prophet"pango
- i second that********
- seems risky posting this here. I know tons of people at Disney that look at this site. lolshellie
- M I C
QQbklyndroobeki - lowballed tho.bklyndroobeki
- If you email them, don't write
- rabbit-3
Turns out I am $100,000AUD richer than I thought I was one week ago.
Had a real estage agent walk through the place. Based on recent sales his conservative figure makes me $100,000 richer than I thought I was. Finally, at 36 I have a net worth that I consider substantial enough to make my next moves.
I have always worked hard, saved, boyfht a home etc. Now its time to build on this and turn it into $100,000,000.00
If I sold my place tomorrow I would pocket $350,000AUD tax free. :D
What would you do?
- P.s - money is just a tool in my eyes. A tool to achieve personal freedom. Nothing more.rabbit
- Serious question. How do I turn it into $1million? Wash and repeat? I guess.rabbit
- Buy drug patent and sell it for 5000%pango
- If you gonna brag. You have to share!pango
- Like quite seriously how can i sell, take my $350k and put a deposit on another development project to turn that into a ten bagger..rabbit
- how much is that in american dollars? like US $50?scarabin
- The Money Snake strikes again.********
- nothing matters until yurimon speaksmonospaced
- Lol, nice work though. Owning property is the way to do it. Don't sell. In stead, get a fifteen year mortgage on some condo units and get a good passive income********
- Going. They say it takes money to make money, you have that leg up. Unless you have some resources, I.e. people who are experienced, real estate investing is a********
- Fickle endeavor.********
- i would buy scarabin this immediately…scarabin
- Buy a house. Rent out that house. Mortgage that house. Buy another house. Rent out that house. Mortgage that house. Etc?pango
- Yup, except you pay the mortgage with the rent you receive. You have that step in the wrong order********
- I can't rent it out 1 day before I sign the mortgage? Is that really he case? I seriously don't know.pango
- 1) take that money 2) watch narcos 3)???
4) profit_niko - pango is be right. don't forget to give to charity. good for you man!bklyndroobeki
- oh... i was thinking sharing with us... or specifically... me...pango