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  • GeorgesII-1

    yo, I may sound like a broken disk, but this is my exact feeling when I work with arduino, IOTs or other less known device like brainwave readers..

    copied from CST


    Basically all of the tools, technology and non centralized concepts born in and popularized by the information explosion are starting to change things beyond information. Thus we're bordering on a new age in the same way the industrial revolution gave us the means to create the information age. IE: One era always bleeds into and precedes the other.
    Now to be honest, I don't know exactly what this means or how it's gonna play out. I'm connecting some dots here and have a few examples, predictions and hopes.
    EDIT: Cracked posted an article today[1] talking about some of what I didn't get into. It's pretty on point for a fucking comedy site.

    UBER, LYFT, Air BnB, 3D Printing, Lynda, Code College, the sharing economy, micro jobs, basic income, big data.
    Anonymous, Occupy, Hacktivism, paypal, bitcoin.
    Social Media in general disrupting the MSM Iron grip on the zeitgeist. Do they have shills? Are they fighting for control? Yes. But that's the point. It's a battle.
    Driver free cars, autonomous everything, the cloud, internet of things, mobile everything, advanced robotics, electric cars, space x

    Toffler and Mcluhan talked a lot about how the industrial revolution changed everything from our concept of time and space to that of wealth creation (and meaning) and our politics. One thing historians have in common with futurists is that they but talk about the influence new technology has on everything from fashion to love to war to death itself.

    In short, without getting too specific. Take all of your assumptions about democracy and government. What war is and how its fought. What wealth is and what power is and what violence is. Now imagine a self Driving UBER smashing through all of them. Imagine 3D printing a workaround, imagine standing on the shoulders of the cloud. Get it? Instead of a top down bureaucracy running everything imagine a Local User Solutions Team (or L.U.S.T) Kind of like how this forum has admin, mods and users all contributing to the betterment of the forum in their own distinct ways. Instead of cops imagine a volunteer Enforcement Authority Team or E.A.T.

    In everything remove the profit motive, and the singular identity aspect. No more fear or profit based control mechanisms. It's more about self sustaining first and community second. Look at the way start ups work. It's more like the bridge of the enterprise than the bridge of a star destroyer. This influence is going to reverberate through out every organizational paradigm.

    De-standardization and decentralization will inevitably fragment every existing Institution, Industry and Idea it touches. I call this 'The Three Deaths of I." Now i'm not talking about a Anarchist utopia here. There will probably be a lot of blood shed, a lot of death and a lot of spasms and twitches as the world as we know it changes. Remember that scene when Louis's human body died as he became a vampire? The terrible convulsions and seizures? The vomiting and his inability to eat normal food? O.K that. But applied to the world at large. As we spit up standardization and bureaucracy and grow a new nervous system, find new sources of energy.

    We're on the brink of a change that would mimic hunter gatherers tribes aggregating as agricultural communities. We're talking about a change on the level of inventing the written word and the printing press. This is the industrial revolution on both speed and acid.

    My Hope is that the human race will have some sort of mass awakening to their own potential and power. Imagine an Elon Musk or a Steve Job for progress, not profit. There will be a return to tribalism after we accept that it's not about state vs state and border vs border but rather about just 1 tribe: the human race.

    Everybody around here seems pretty cynical in their certainty that the powers that be are just gonna use it as an excuse to _______ then _______ and finally take over the world as a one world government. I agree that globalization is inevitable But it doesn't have to be distasteful. I disagree that the powers that currently be are going to be the ones who always are. That they'll impose some 700 year old plan on mankind, that we'll either be marching lock step to their tune or exterminated outright. Imagine every NWO doomsday scenario that has been spoon fed to you by alternate media and then just... disrupt it. I'm not saying they won't try it I'm saying it's not gonna work.
    I think religion will have to die. All of them. Not just the forgotten sins of the Christians or the current villain du jour (the muslims) or the totally and inescapably perfect jews. But all of them. We'll need new and constantly evolving philosophies. We'll need to embrace science and not worship it. We'll need new ideas, good ideas, the means to share and implement them on a rapid scale. Instead of an "NWO" I imagine a Global Recognition of Organized Consciousness" or G.R.O.C. Now G.R.O.C will have it's faults but it'll have a lot more upsides. I believe that a warts and all disruption renaissance is more likely and more palatable than any straight line out of the headlines or millennia old doomsday scenario. In short...
    The future is.


  • monospaced4

    Four days with no cigarettes. I have a level of energy this morning that I haven't had in awhile and the cough is already going away, but withdrawal is a bitch. I don't think it's psychosomatic either. Wish me luck.

    • awesome! it's been almost 2 years for me -- never thought it would be possible. hang in there!Gnash
    • great work.yurimon
    • http://www.happycort…imbecile
    • https://quitsmokingc…imbecile
    • It's been over 10 years quit for me. The physical withdrawal is real, but it shouldn't last much longer. Usually just a few days.nb
    • Thanks all. I'm using my first e cig mod thingy that I got on Monday. Low nicotene scratches that itch. It's the first thing that gives me hope.monospaced
    • i say ditch the e-cig and commit to quitting cold-turkey, you're just stringing yourself along. #GoodLuckimbecile
    • fuck that, keep vaping man, its works, I havent smoked in almost a year now because of it! great job brother, keep it up!!moldero
    • Congrats mono, I'm at about 90 days since I quit, hang in there. You have to fidget with the vape stuff to get what's right for you, but it works.BuddhaHat
    • Addiction is tough. Go cold turkey. I turned it into a "stop being a pussy and handle this shit" issue in my mind. (I was in my 20s) That attitude helped me.nb
    • In those 90 days, I've gone from 18->12->6mg every month, and slightly upping the PG to compensate for the throat hitBuddhaHat
    • dont smoke it broh. think of your future.yurimon
    • Pre-order one of these, it will do everything you need: http://www.kangeronl…BuddhaHat
    • I have tried going cold turkey many times, but that only lasts a week or so. This ecig at 6mg is working nicely and I definitely need the nicotine.monospaced
    • When I quit, about 5 years ago, the physical craving lasted about 5 days - the mental adjustment took a while longer - not smoking after meals, out walking etc.face_melter
    • I'm not proud to say but, I've been moving up in the world of nic levels, I started at 6mg and now at 24, its better than where I was 2Y ago at 1.5 packs/daymoldero
    • I went cold turkey - one Sunday morning I just thought 'fuck it' and forced my way through it. Don't miss it - no craving or moments of weakness.face_melter
    • @face, yeah the social stuff sucks, heaps of my friends still smoke. Also, remembering to not rage about stupid shit when you're withdrawingBuddhaHat
    • Yeah, do whatever works for you. I tried to quit dozens of times over the years before I finally succeeded.nb
    • Yup, withdrawal is an absolute cunt. I'm still trying to work up the nerve to try and get through it.Continuity
    • oh man, you're going pack on more pounds monopinkfloyd
    • http://www.uhs.wisc.…

    • hey pinkfloyd, why do you have the impression I'm fat?monospaced
    • Thanks for the food links imbecile. Luckily I happen to love and regularly eat all of those. This is all helpful.monospaced
    • also look into the gerson diet to detox. lots of juicing veggies.yurimon
    • I did... Gelson seems a bit extreme. I feel like my already balanced diet should suffice. Thanks anyway.monospaced
    • monospaced, best thing i've heard all day. go go go go; i'm cheerleading for you!bklyndroobeki
    • Thanks! And getting married in 3 weeks from tomorrow. :)monospaced
    • good look and congrats! i'd say cold turkey is the way to go, people fool themselves with e-cigs.garbage
    • also now i want a cigarette, thanks a lot!garbage
    • the e-cig seems to fool my body into thinking it's satisfying a craving (which it is), but with no carcinogens... to me that's a winmonospaced
    • Did it cold turkey 2 years ago after smoking for 12-13 years, you can do it, bitch.Maaku
    • just don't be one of those that keeps upping the dosage. it's cleaner, but only to a point. brb, walking to the corner store to buy a pack.garbage
    • Four days... I would have killed 3 people by now...pango
    • I don't plan to up the dosage. Honestly I knew nothing about these until 4 days ago.monospaced
    • The 8-24 doses were too much for me. This 6 feels right so far.monospaced
    • Great to hear. I'm trying to ditch cigs myself before I turn 40.
    • i picked up smoking at the burn (as i do every year) but went cold turkey again afterward. i don't crave cigarettes but have dreams in which i'm bumming smokesscarabin
    • it's weird, like my body probably wants the nicotine but i'm too dumb to know and smoke to get itscarabin
    • Vapes are well and good until you're ten pints and a gram of Charlie in and morning quite hits the spot like a good old fashioned roll up
    • Nothing quite hits *
    • haha, set, so true... I told my girl that the real test will be a night drinking out... I'm not a morning smoker at all so maybe there's hope for memonospaced
    • and if the fresh powder comes around, I'll probably cave and hate myselfmonospaced
    • But it's a great replacement until that point. And Hey in my opinion have a smoke every once in a while, on a night out, isn't a bad thing
    • :)monospaced
    • Quitter!pango
    • smoked for 25 yrs 1-1.5 pack a day and quite 2 yrs ago cold turkey

      screw vaping.
    • Vape pango, VAPE! you will like!moldero
    • Nice 2002. I tried before a couple of times too and can honestly say that the vape is the first thing that makes me feel I can do this.monospaced
    • I believe I'm addicted as much to the act itself as I am the nicotine. Many people are which is why it's hard to quit.monospaced
    • you just need a weekend for yourself to quit where you are home and not exposed to any outside 2nd hand smoke.2002
    • have a plan for vaping if it helps you. figure out how you plan to reduce.

      i tried vaping before and it doesnt help
    • I hit the vape when I have a craving but I am trying to not use it. I actually use it far less than I smoked cigs. It's a combo of the crutch and a true effort.monospaced
    • try you best not to use it. get over the hump of the psychological addiction -- the nicotine thing doesn't last that long.Gnash
    • I still crave it but it's a brain game now.Gnash
    • Thanks. I felt great about it this morning, now you all are scaring me a little though. Haha, yes its' a brain game. I'm in it to win this time.monospaced
    • Ya finally have extra money this month. Gonna get vaped...pango
    • puff puff, aaaaahhhgarbage
    • cool, so, instead of smoking now something is smoking you. awesome, nice work!doesnotexist
    • lol, wut?monospaced
    • Good luck! Quitting smoking is one of the healthiest things I've done for myself.bezoar
    • Keep on vapin' on, bro. I'm right there with you.DRIFTMONKEY
    • Fuck I've been smoking for 15 years O_Opango
    • DO IT MONO.iCanHazQBN
    • http://media.giphy.c…moldero
    • http://www.candyware…

    • ^ 80's memorie?
      hats off to you monospaced. i recently slowed down on the drinking, started jogging more. feeling so great these days.

      here's to day 5!
    • focus on breaking your routines2002
    • ^ all of thisbklyndroobeki
    • ...just not the GOOD routines @2002bklyndroobeki
    • well done. go e-cig all the way... yes you are still addicted to nicotine but its not as intense hit so that should pass... that being said I am now on my 5thfadein11
    • attempt at giving up, this time vaping and nicotine gum lol... I am such a nicotine addict. Such a tough addiction to break.fadein11
    • Thanks for the lulz and the support all. To all of you also quitting I am also thinking of you. We can!monospaced
    • my dr said, "nicotine is a bs addiction because when i tell them they have cancer, they quit immediately"2002
    • really? some people keeps smoking.
      "fuck you! I've got cancer!"
  • moldero1

    I'm such a cheap little gear slut, I just bought this after telling my wife last night, "nah, I don't need that shit, we need shit for our food truck baby"

  • GeorgesII0

    I'm about to reheat and eat a left over kebab,

    • still thinking about this as a halloween costumesarahfailin
  • stoplying0

    Just bought this 2" chisel to try my hand at woodworking. I have a couple really big oak stumps that were too thick to split and I'm gonna try to turn them into either a table or a chair.

    • I'll wager $50 that you'll end up stabbing someone with that before you ever finish a piece of furniture.iCanHazQBN
    • NOt if that "someone" has a gun.monospaced
    • ^great point mono. if nothing else we need guns to protect us from mad, frustrated, amateur sculptors.sarahfailin
    • The crazy sculptors need mental rehabilitation. stoplying, are you trying to tell us something? Do you need help, buddy?iCanHazQBN
    • sounds like they are still pretty wet. don't want it to split on you as the grain opens up as it dries. seal that shit up. iahve worked with oak, it is a pain i
    • in the ass, too brittle, has the tendency to splinter
    • wantbklyndroobeki
    • Thanks Gilga...I know nothing about this stuff. Do I need a wooden mallet or can I use a regular hammer?stoplying
    • Tbh, you would be better off doing the bulk of it with a sawzall and a fein tool. But if you want to use a chissel get you a one pound dead blow hammer. It's no
    • Not so much about damaging the chisel as it is not wanting hammer bounce from metal on metal
    • Thanks homeystoplying
    • No problem
  • ********

    Wake up and girlfriend tells me shes super sick, been puking all night... get up email boss im sleeping in, ill be in late to pick up some work... now at home working and seeing my girlfriend keep getting up to puke and just waiting for it to hit me....

    • to hit you that you are going to be a father?CALLES
    • haha hell no. just looks like a norovirus type thing. Im kind of getting hungry too but i know what ever i eat now ill be coming up later...
    • your the father of a baby virus?yurimon
    • HypochondriacHayoth
  • ********

    So she ended up being married.

    • fuck all that business.capn_ron
    • yeah, man. I folded.
    • the dogs, man.
    • We all want things we can't have.pango
    • She will remember me.
    • O_O did you leave a mark? Or did you tattoo her while she was sleeping?pango
    • I treated real good. :/
    • docpoz is the other woman
    • i.e. homewreaker
    • what the fuckgarbage
    • I treated her* real good.
    • I loved her.
    • find another girl. everyone's replaceable. including you. :/pango
    • I guess it is now OK to share pics?OSFA
    • Pango consolation
    • I'm terrible at consolation :(
      Usually when friends come crying to me I just start running. "DONT DO THIS TO ME!!!"
    • lol pangsea_sea
    • Pango are you a modernist?
    • I feel ya.
    • modernist as in i don't go out of my way to fit into a certain tradition? then yes. I do whatever is convenient for me at the moment.pango
    • http://www.lowbird.c…
  • bklyndroobeki2

    Met a woman tonight who said,

    "Visual designer? What other kind of Design is there? It's all visual"

    QBN please redeem my ego.

    • Boozy bday party-
      Sending luv to my qoobs
    • say: "Shorty—some things are designed to fit in your hand" (then grab her waste and pull her in close), then lean in close and whisper sexily...PonyBoy
    • "Cutie— some things we designed for to be heard"... then point out that you can see goose bumps on her neck... THEN... pull her in closer so she can feel...PonyBoy
    • ... young bklyndroobeki poking her 'hello'... and kindly remind her that some things were meant to be felt too. :)PonyBoy
    • And then goto jail I guess... probably helps if you know her before using those arguments as other forms of design besides visualPonyBoy
    • did you tell her that corporations define our industry, and designers just go with the titles companies are willing to pay for?
    • "some things we designed for to be heard"
      hahaha... 'for to be'... ... anyone else want a beer while I'm up?
    • Titles overall are meaningless because they can never seem to define the entire scope of all your talent, therefore limiting your possibilities to go beyond.
    • she's a little smart ass. heh
    • I only saw her eyes/body language when she told me what she gets up for (in the morning). not sure why she was being a smart ass with me, didn't really take itbklyndroobeki
    • to heart.

      she is a Family lawyer ;)
    • is that the nice way of saying a divorce lawyer
    • LOLbklyndroobeki
    • her body language truly said "i hate my job" :/...bklyndroobeki
    • family lawyers figure out custody rights and what have you. i'd imagine it's a super challenging facet of law.bklyndroobeki
    • A former project manager & account executive and now she a senior UX designer! Deal with it!utopian
    • She has a point.
    • She's rightyuekit
    • She has a point and who introduces themselves as a visual designer lol.fadein11
    • Lol
    • When meeting women I usually go with design power ranger
    • are your clothes skin-tight and your head masked?PonyBoy
    • Hi I'm Barry, visual designer.fadein11
    • what about sound design? that's an entire fieldscarabin
    • Dildo design....once it's in it's no longer about the visual.see_thru
    • @scarabin, thanks bud.

      i didn't disagree/argue w/ her. just listened.
    • Taste designer

  • PonyBoy1

    I had a man-bun when I was a teenager (circa '91)... it formed itself one summer when we all stopped cutting the hair upstairs yet managed to maintain the upkeep on our 'step' (the shaved part of the head that surfers started doing to the lower part of their heads back in the day to keep their mask straps from chafing... (look it up—true story... there was purpose behind it)... we weren't the first... it's just the bun appeared when hair got longer during the trendy new wave 'step' rehash phase)...

    ... btw, my man bun looked damn good w/my stussy shirts, flannels, oversized jeans and many-colored vans...

    Shit's not original... you just wear different clothes, man-bunners. It's close to the style it once went with but now it's not by accident / part of the 'whatever' attitude that used to come with it... ... now it's associated w/ 'look at me'...

    ... thank God I went bald...



    • yeah it's odd that everyone gives a shit now, when we all had that cut as kidsscarabin
    • it's odd people care so much how different people look compare to them. They need to travel more. see other culture. once you've seen it all. it doesn't reallypango
    • matter anymore.pango
    • yes i'm talking about gilgamon. please comment below. lolpango
    • only reason it's on my mind is that it's literally being 'banned' in places... it's a freakin' haircut :/…
    • whoops... that was a link to some news articlesPonyBoy
    • Whoa there Leslie!MrT
  • bainbridge0

    Was at a big party put on by a friend and was randomly standing next to a guy who was a cousin or something. Said hello, but right away it was clear he was a "little slow" and I assume we had nothing in common.

    So I was eating and just standing there and about 2 minutes later, he felt it was awkward enough to ask "what do you do for fun?".

    So I said "oh, normal things I guess" and kinda just walked away.

    Does it make me a terrible person to not want to talk to everyone? I would rather have just stood in silence next to him.

  • scarabin0

    it's kind of cute how the "share" button on anything is basically just wishful thinking on the part of advertisers. i can't think of any time i actually clicked one

    • primary case in point: pornhub.
      Who tweets that?
    • the autists.dorf
  • bainbridge0

    How often do you go to the doctor for a physical or check-up? Was talking to a woman and she was shocked when I mentioned that I hadn't been in a few years. I'm under 30 and feel fine.

    • i went to the doctor for a "check up" - he looked at me like I was a hypochondriac freak. never again.inteliboy
    • I thought you were older...pango
    • I've never been for a check up in my life. You don't need a doctor to tell you you're feeling fine, woman.
  • ********

    A girl who works at an office I'm freelancing at is cute, but she has a BF and loves him.

    She asked for my Facebook and was all surprised I didn't have one. Now she has found ways to work that fact into random conversations. I guess she really wants to be friends online too?

    • its obvious.. time to get a restraining orderautoflavour
    • she's from yayhooray!
      don't fall for her charms!!
    • she's probably 10-15 years younger than you.bklyndroobeki
    • I forgot my yayhooray password already... that place is boring... too much hand holding...pango
  • fourth0

    Brother Ali/Heiroglyphics concert tonight. The flaming lips tomorrow night. too bad none of my friends could go so I'll be forever alone, but I'm sure I'll have a blast.

    • you won't be alone if you text the play by play to QBN of each song!!e-pill
    • flaming lips = amazingfourth
    • Heiroglyphics :)))cbass99
  • chukkaphob4

    I'mdrukn and checking it out on here and QBN is as hot as I thought

    • you posted all the good pics yo yo

      this is where it's at!!!
    • yeah. baby
  • ********

    I haven't been feeling myself lately, any suggestions?

    • When you've lost your self, it's always good to listen to Mr.T's Wisdom.…
    • Thank you pango. I'm lucky to call you a friend.
    • ehehe but I am iswst, or is he I?? I'm confusedGeorgesII
    • We are one.
    • Yawnmonospaced
    • #isleptwithtrollston...rouncey
    • Sorry I forgot to quote you monospaced, you still hold a special place in my heart.
    • Hello rouncey,
      I hope we can get get to know each other in the future.
    • *yawnmonospaced
    • what do you mean, you forgot me? you are just posting some side comments I wasn't involved in... yawnmonospaced
    • you may have forgotten me, but the others did not ;)monospaced
    • #insomnia?
      I haven't forgotten you. You are still special in our hearts.…
    • rock out with your cock out ;)
    • come on people! staph.
    • not insomnia, that is ancient and forgotten... plus I know it's #iamnotyurimonmonospaced
    • You couldn't be more subtle. Great job everybody!
    • subtle? didn't you go around saying you're not yurimon? I was clearly incorrectmonospaced
    • if you have been feeling yourself lately we don't wanna hear about itscarabin
  • ********

  • inteliboy0

    had some mad anxiety all day, stomach in knots.
    not sure why.

    • Sending good vibes your way.
    • There is something terrible about reality, and sometimes we can't put our finger on it.
    • Try to drink warm water with fresh ginger for your stomach.ApeRobot
  • ********

    • except the 'spoiled cunt' factmoldero
    • or they do know the facts and that makes the opinion strongermonospaced
    • The cunt's cunt.MrT
  • ********

    • we know its you YURIMON,
      you're nothing to QBN now,
      You're not a brother, you're not a friend.
    • When you see our mother, I want to know a day in advance, so I won't be there. You understand?moldero