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  • Beeswax3

    Last year around this time I started a new company to focus on app development and custom Saas building.
    I got a $50.000 loan from my bank for entrepreneurs and $40.000 from my dad.
    Couple of months before this I had started discovering Forex markets. I had invested a little amount of money to see what it is. Also while in college I had worked as an intern at a stock exchange brokerage firm. So I knew a little about technical analysis of stocks markets etc...
    I almost lost all the initial small investment but right before I hit the bottom I was able to save it and made a little profit about $1000. This up & down and adrenaline rush was really exciting. So I decided to put all the money that my dad gave me into Forex to invest more comfortably in small amounts. You know instead of keeping it at the bank I was going to keep it in this investment account.
    I should also mention that the leverage of my account was 1:500. Which means for every 1 usd you invest, forex company actually puts in $500 on your behalf. And if you win, you win like you invested in that amount and if you lose, again you lose like you invested x500.
    First day I made $2000 longing(buying) crude oil. At that time oil had fallen tp around $50 from 100s.
    Second day I made around $5000. I was forecasting that oil was going to rebound from this level, and I was right.
    For a while.
    I decided to tell my wife what I've been doing when I gained over $10.000 in the 3rd or 4th day.
    I was winning at a great percentage of my buy/sell orders. So I increased the stakes.
    I began to gain over $60.000 a day.
    It was unbelievable, money had lost it's reality, it was just a number in my account. I was getting richer everyday without much change in my life. I didn't know what to do with that money I won. I began to make lists of people that I want to help from relatives and friends. This was such an easy way to make money and I decided I will keep doing this from now on and run my company with that money by hiring some senior managers.
    6 days after I deposited that $40.000, my account has reached $260.000. I was so proud of myself I told what I've been doing to my parents and my sister. My sister had gotten some money from my dad as well. She gave that to me to invest for her. I got her $50.000. My dad Also gave $20.000 for himself.
    And the downfall of crude oil have started.
    I really don't want to remember those sleepless nights and teeth grinding with stress or beginning to lose my temper even with the sligthest distraction while I was watching the markets.
    Forex markets run 24 hours 6 days of the week.
    While you are sleeping, a whole world can go upside down. So you can't sleep.

    I lost everything, the defeat was so heavy that it was unaccceptable.
    So I withdrew some cash from my credit card and used some of the loan that I got for my company to cover my losses.
    I was psychologically messed up, so I kept making wrong decisions in narrow timeframes. All I could think was making the money back as soon as possible. Market now had become unpredictable and the prices were going up and down as well as my emotional state.
    I lost again and again.
    I don't remember any other time in my life, where death was preferable over life.
    The self blame, the humiliation of defeat, the regret of decisions, the embarrassment in front of your family, loosing their money as well as their trust. On top of that, the physical decay of sleepless nights, the messed up psychology because of constant emotional roller coaster was unbearable.

    You might remember me from "Ask me I'm a muslim" thread.
    My belief was the last safety net before my complete destruction.
    I repeated every day believing in "God never closes one door without opening another".

    I decided to face the defeat and stop messing with this illusionary way of making money. I had skills and I had to use those to earn my life, step by step, slowly but surely.

    But this wasn't easy, because it wasn't only my money that I had lost.

    I reflected my current pyschological state to my mom, my supporter in any situation. She understood that I was really fragile around those times and gave incredible moral support by saying "life and well-being is more important than stupid money".
    I already knew this but it's more effective when your mom says it.
    My dad was like a classical dad but still understanding. He only said "What you did was very very stupid. You lost your sister's money."
    I felt really bad for my sister. I didn't know what she was going to say. But she said that "I owe her 50.000" in a teasing way. Nothing worse.

    I decided to learn from this experience. It took me months to start sleeping comfortably.
    If it came to my mind right when I went to bed, my body temperature would increase, I'd start sweating and couldn't sleep.
    When I saw something that I need to buy, I'd remember that I could buy that if I haven't lost all that.
    This went on for months but it's a lot better now.

    I landed couple of middle size clients that would help me to pay my bills and my rent. And I'm hoping, God-willing, to pay back my sister and my parents more than I owe.

    And I learned that;
    - Easy money comes with a burden.

    - Getting rich quick is like losing weight suddenly, your whole balance goes off. Rising up step by step is the healthiest way. It may be inheritence, or lottery, or some other lucky way, always be so careful with that money. It has destructive value with it.

    - Once you get some sum of money, SPEND IT! I wish I had bought a car or furnitures for my house. That way I wouldn't be able to liquidate that money in such a short amount of time.

    - Even if you have good intentions like I did, helping others, providing a better life for your family etc. it might not work. Maybe after I fulfilled those things I'd change into a different person that would reck my marriage. Digesting wealth is hard. Ego is waiting in the dark to glorify you and turn you into a dickhead.

    - Financial markets are an illusion. You don't really create any value. If you win, someone has to lose, if you lose someone wins.
    Traditional way of making money is a win win situation in most cases, you create some value for somebody and you get paid for it.

    - If you're into forex, screw leverages like 1:500. At some point my invested lot amount was equal to $80.000.000. who the hell I am to play with that amount of money?

    - Don't ever think about ending your life. Things come and go. Your health and your beloved ones are the most important.

    It's been one year since I'd gone through these and I'm still learning from those mistakes.
    I'm now happy that I didn't keep winning and got back to my own way of earning my life.

    • you're blessed with a good family. hang in there.Gnash
    • You studied markets? what was your method for trading? I did the same only lost once. but average $200 a day 1 trade a day. I stopped after made good on cable tyurimon
    • prob 90% research and projections. I learned the methods of projecting if a stock is over sold. moving averages, stockastic, etc. psychology d biggest factor.yurimon
    • took to much time looking for good deals. if i had mo $ to play prob been worth it.yurimon
    • You're not really getting the moral of the story here, yuri ;)Gnash
    • Moral is clear i wasnt focusing on that aspect.yurimon
    • I tried hundreds of trading methods maybe. I also ran some expert advisors, followed every bit of news, copied other traders.Beeswax
    • You're right, psychology and having the right mind set is the key. That needs to be mastered first. I like to take risks and that defeated me.Beeswax
    • There also trends like. I knew banks were going down from heated housing market 2008. It was good to short bank stocks.yurimon
    • right now you have alot of algorithms trading. not sure how to do short term trades. what worked for me is rsi. if stock is over bought.yurimon
    • imagine a rubber band stretching and the resistance it gets if it has stretched to far. sometimes you have a breakthrough new highs or lows.yurimon
    • we're an interesting species, humans. no matter what mistakes people before us have made, we just have to make them ourselves sometimes to really see whatSteveJobs
    • it is we really value. good or bad as that may be, i'm glad you made it through that time and gained such valuable perspective. maybe someone here can learnSteveJobs
    • from it as well before going down a similar path.SteveJobs
  • garbage0

    Somebody stole my bike last night.

    • ugh.... hope you registered your bike number with the police... not much else you can do.. :(pango
    • Yeah, nothing I can do. They crawled up to my porch and nabbed it (2.5 stories up). I've listed it and camped out at the neighborhood skatepark, but no dice.garbage
    • Just sucks. I built it, and I guess it will be my last bmx.garbage
    • keep checking craigslistiCanHazQBN
    • sucks, happened to me a few months ago.pinkfloyd
  • imbecile3

    I bought a projector.

    I wanted one for enlarged painting but I bought an NEC presentation projector as opposed to one of those cheap tracing projectors.…

    Why buy a printer too if I can project direct from my computer?

    I admit though, I can't wait to browse QBN on my wall.


    Side note: I picked up a new bike last night, free of charge.

  • scarabin1

    wt holy f, just found out about this psychic octopus thing. 11 out of 13 predictions it got right?!…

    • another weird fact: octopuses are wild in the sack.garbage
    • do they have 8 dicks? cuz if they do... that's cool... if not... that's cool tooPonyBoy
    • No but they can wank off eight dicks
    • and tell you the correct lotto numbersscarabin
    • can they wank 8 dicks while providing correct lotto numbers? cuz i'm not sure I believe thatPonyBoy
    • they're pretty soft too, that would be a nice wank.moldero
  • ********

    What are these dogs and why do only old ladies and people with dated hair get them? I like animals but these are not a good looking or cool dog.

    • bichon frise?scarabin
    • there was a period of time in Sydney in the 2000's i think that they were dog of choice of the gay community. you literally couldnt walk down oxford st withoutautoflavour
    • treading on one of these little yappy fuckers.. and of course they all used bark at each other as they were fucking everywhere.autoflavour
    • my mom started bleeding these fuckers when I was a kid, useless yappy little bitchesmoldero
    • lol, my friends old mom in high school had this.pinkfloyd
    • Bleed them fuckers!
    • "old mom"
    • my grandmother had one of these, something in their eyes always looks just a little insane. Horrid creatures!formed
    • The only dogs that have ever bit me are shitty little white ones
    • ^that's racistbezoar
    • Ya know, I don't think being a little shit is a trait of the breed particularly, I think it's just the kind of people who want a tiny dog and how they treat the
    • Dog. For instance, many years ago, I was putting replacement windows in for an elderly couple that lived near me and the little shit dog was on a leash being
    • Walked by the husband, the dog ran up and bit my heel while I was fiddling with a flange, the owner ddnt apologize, instead, he just said to his dog some mildly
    • Chastising shit as if the dog was his young child. These fucking dogs get treated like humans and never get disciplined because so they end up being shitty
    • * because the owners think they are so small that it doesn't matter if they are aggressive
    • it's the ever-present eye boogers and smoking-hobo mouth stains that creep me outscarabin
    • people never seem to keep them clean like this onescarabin
  • ********

    Got turned down for a new job I think I wanted. I feel like I've already had every kind of client and having trouble finding something new and interesting.

  • ********

    What's with girls getting nose rings now?

  • pinkfloyd0
  • bainbridge-7

    When people see these kind of headshots, do they think the people actually look like this?

    Does the photographer just blur the fuck out of the photos?

  • pinkfloyd0

    I've been told a tattoo is bad for the liver? So many people get tattoos.

    • i don't think the effect is significantpango
    • are you getting a tattoo pango?pinkfloyd
    • sticker tattoo. maybe. lolpango
    • Maybe because some people get tattoos when drunk?bainbridge
    • it's becoming a rockstar immediately after that's bad for the liverscarabin
    • lolpinkfloyd
    • please ignore the tit, but I like this tattoo placement nsfw https://i-d-images.v…pinkfloyd
    • One of those peekaboo. Nonody can see it unless you make them smell your armpit.pango
    • Isn't the ink trapped in the upper layers of the skin? I don't see how it could get to the liver.i_monk
    • Something about it blocking sweatpinkfloyd
    • "Please ignore the tit."

      Not really possible.
    • Possibly for this guy, otherwise a complete non issue..
    • Christiano Ronaldo refuses to get one because he wouldn't be able to donate blood, and he donates tons of blood_niko
    • Tons
  • bainbridge-8

    It amazes me that places like Walgreen's can find people to work there. If you're over the age of 18 aren't there better places to work even if you have no skills like a movie theatre or restaurant?

    Why anyone would choose to be a cashier at a terribly boring place is beyond me.

  • Bennn4

    Going to see my first concert by a symphonic orchestra, Mozart's Requiem ... one of my favorite classical music. Can't wait!

  • georgesIII0

    I watched a movie just because it was staring patrick swayze

    it was exactly what I was expecting from a swayze flick..

  • mekk0

    So I'm carrying a cold for weeks now that comes and goes, and everytime when I finally get rid of it and back to work... SOME FUCKING OTHER SICK DUDE RUSHES THE OFFICE and infects me.

    Fuck you if you come in ill. Really, fuck you. You're not the hard working special dude, you're just afraid of someone stealing your job.

    • Get antibiotics stat!utopian
    • Shouldn't be getting a cold right after another - immune system should be v.strong after.fadein11
    • You have to be a fucking class A moron to suggest antibiotics for a cold. Utopian, throw yourself off a bridge.
    • Was gonna say the same thing set.monospaced
    • i could recommend what works for me but its a long discussion. my cold prevention advice.yurimon
    • I've had a cold off and on since November. Fuck this winter.i_monk
    • yurimon, perhaps because you aren't a primate?monospaced
    • I haven't had a cold for many years. I think it's mainly because I juice vegetables every day
  • georgesIII-8

    I have lost all hope for my dear america,
    now tell me how bernieBots are better..

    why don't you all move to canada already if you're not proud to be americans!!

    • yeah, keep on dumbvoting me, I don't care, Trump will win, if not I'll vote hillary, she's a woman after allgeorgesIII
    • someone should have proofread that shirt. it's supposed to say 'fuck trump.'sarahfailin
    • you not getting enough attention in the presidential or politics threads?scarabin
    • wrong fuckn post, but it stays!georgesIII
  • ********

    To the person who created the username Email_Request

  • chukkaphob3

    What do you think about the fact that there are some very popular websites out there (such as and that have hideous designs AND offer poor usability?

    • also wikipedia_niko
    • It is poor usability?studderine
    • yes, both sites would fail most basic usability testschukkaphob
    • That perhaps it's not as important as peoples makes out. Just like good branding, as proved by Google (until last year, anyway).MrT
    • Or is it that websites that are already popular can get away with it and users just get used to dealing with their bad design and poor usability?chukkaphob
    • Yep probably that, but then isn't user ability to deal with bad usability seriously underestimated?MrT
    • Ebay, Amazon etc...fadein11
    • apart from Amazons payment process the site is dogshit.fadein11
    • what's wrong with amazon?scarabin
  • Al_dizzle2

    Just noticed my socks have "L" and "R" printed on them... like it fucking matters... I can't believe I own these bossy socks.

  • bainbridge-2

  • bainbridge-3