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- ********1
Lol at the last 5 comments. What is this the share your complaints notice board in the geriatric ward?
- keep in mind the humble beginnings ...Gnash
- "finding myself a bit hungry, so i may go and get a snack"Gnash
- this thread needs more of your dad-jokesmonospaced
- You once resided in your dad's bollocks, just remember that.********
- You once resided in your mother's womb, just remember that.monospaced
- Yea but that's not funny in the slightest. Mono of the day********
- I think this is where the autism comments always came from. As lovely a chap as you are, you're about as funny as contracting HIV********
- Are you mad because I made fun of your dad jokes? Don't be so sensitive.monospaced
- And for the record the autism comments came from a different user who actually suffers from severe asbergers.monospaced
- So whenever you make a really really really stupid not funny joke can I just call you autistic?monospaced
- Oh and you're a lovely chap too. Peace man, would love to smoke a j with you some time.monospaced
- Ha assbergers...pango
- Lol I didn't even know I made any dad jokes. Just friendly banter my old chap.********
- I was referring to your gut busting joke about being trapped inside a phone. That one had this autist in tears! :)monospaced
- Haha. Check the upvotes son!********
- mmmm hmmmmmonospaced
- I guess some people thought it was funnier than contracting HIV :)monospaced
- mg330
Got a crown on one of my molars last night after a root canal 3 weeks ago, and a jagged temp filling until yesterday. It's so disorienting to start chewing on the right side of my mouth again.
- yep - been there... and also weird how quickly it all feels normal again.fadein11
- The theme continues haha********
- gold cap next?bklyndroobeki
- sarahfailin2
we need to throw some kind of party when PotD gets to 100,000 posts.
- Maaku0
Jammed my finger with the car door on Friday. I had to drill a little hole through my nail this morning to release the blood/pressure. I think I need to make the hole a little bigger.
- Please video record it.pango
- Slow motion.monospaced
- at least picsCALLES
- I did it with the tip of an exacto knife. 3 little holes because I couldn't make one big enough, my hands were shaking.Maaku
- email photo of finger to ISISutopian
- pfff. email the actual finger to ISIS.pango
- wait. i meant mail.pango
- No, you meant email.garbage
- Alright then :( why notpango
- I did the same 2-3 years ago. Cut my finger tip with an Exacto to release the blood stuck under the skin. You will lose that nail, you know that?Bennn
- :( I've been told that, my finger will look like an uncut little penisMaaku
- Gross. Your nail is totally gonna fall off. The grow back process is gross af.shellie
- Bennn-1
All the t0rr3nts i get from k1ck4ss.t0 are stuck and doesn't download... even if they have seeds. Is the problem on my side or their?
- I gave them a try about a month ago and all the content was proper. i'm a big user though.********
- *I'm NOT a big user though.********
- I don't use it often, but yesterday I noticed the same thing. Deleted the file, haven't tried anything since.nb
- What is it that you're looking for? I have midget porn on deck!********
- i'll be fine thanks ORAZAL :)Bennn
- i just got better call saul yesterday, had no problems.
- oh was i not supposed to post that?sarahfailin
- its weird everything is stuck and doesnt download here...Bennn
- Might be a Canada problem.nb
- I gave them a try about a month ago and all the content was proper. i'm a big user though.
- mg330
Ugh... Friend with minimal design and visual art skills is now referring to himself as "the creative director" for artwork for his new side-project band, that he probably "designed" with a phone app. Why do people feel the need to label themselves things they know nothing about and that they really aren't?
I know a few creative directors who would kick this guy in the scrotum if they didn't get more pleasure out of just silently laughing.
- ''Graphic Design is dead''
;-)Bennn - speaking as a nuclear physicist, I know exactly what you mean.Gnash
- Why does it bother you so much, what he is doing?bklyndroobeki
- Because cluelessness isn't admirable. And it's easily corrected. But humans are too think skinned for criticism these days.mg33
- I guess what I'm asking is, what if he's got a plan to "fake it you make it?" If the thing looks like it was designed by a toddler that's one thing, but what ifbklyndroobeki
- it's part of his program or goal to be a CD and he's working his way towards... IDK just asking...bklyndroobeki
- if he is your bud, i hope you help him (if he asks or even if he doesn't ;)bklyndroobeki
- He's an accountant and a musician. He is very new to art/design creation of any kind. Uses lots of buzz words and talks very highly of himselfmg33
- I wish I were better friends of felt like I could give him some basic advice that would both improve his skills, and keep him from getting laughed atmg33
- And, does any legit designer refer to themselves as "creative director" on solo projects? It's weird right? Who/what are they directing?mg33
- ''Graphic Design is dead''
- bliznutty1
people need to stop working on an 'ism' (or rather stop working with and/or negotiating with the powerful elite of the world on this 'ism'), and go back to working on freedom (for yourself, your nation, and everyone else in this world). there is your answer, plain and simple. freedom from tyranny has been the enlightened, timeless struggle of our civilization's history
- ya. never agreed with any ism.pango
- bklyndroobeki4
- :)Maaku
- i'm gonna text all these people now.sarahfailin
- Saw this on Imgur - some people are unbelievably sweet.detritus
- HAHAHA the art of playing along.pango
- amazing.garbage
- On the train, I once whispered into a pregnant lady's ear: "I'm going to buy your child a nice present when he comes out of you".iCanHazQBN
- She had me arrested. This kind of thing doesn't always work, guys.iCanHazQBN
- yeah, parents hate Furbies.mekk
- Maaku0
Every time the boss gets to the office you can feel the stress in the air. It was such a peaceful day.
- PonyBoy0
how did I only just discover that you can hold the shutter release on an iphone and it'll fire off image after image almost like stop motion animation?? ohhhh I'll be filling up my 64gig in no time now...
- thos buzzfeed spam of 10 best iphone tip never popped up on your facebook?pango
- you gotta go back over them after and delete all the shite ones.sarahfailin
- make sure to upload every one of them to facebookscarabin
- pinkfloyd0
Man, installed one of these messaging apps and an ex pops up with another guy. This burns because I thought she was the one :(
- bliznutty0
it is a fallacy that free society can successfully operate under authoritarian government as free people. it will be the inevitable destiny of mankind to attain honor, self-respect and responsibility in a way that they do not legitimize systems that facilitate a powerful ruling authority
- monospaced1
Did my taxes for 2015 and now I'm already looking for things to write off this year. What are all of you writing off?
- Adobe CC membership, hosting fees, Macbook Air for my wife. We have an LLC which makes it far more advantageous to do all that.mg33
- Cool. I covered Adobe CC fees. Thinking of getting monitor calibration hardware too. I overlooked hosting and domain fees this year. Ugh.monospaced
- Google "purchase orders" for a list of all the shit you forgot you bought.nb
- Good idea. Thanks.monospaced
- i wonder if people get receipts at those place where prostitution is legal and can write it off tax.... :/pango
- ^always use a credit card, pango... don't need a receipt when you can login and itemize your whoring
http://static1.squar…PonyBoy - oops…PonyBoy - hehe swipe...pango
- you could write off your time on qbn as a loss.yurimon
- and you can write off your chance of being a contribution to mankindmonospaced
- wish i could write off grassjaylarson
- writing off my hours spent on QBNKrassy
- I forgot how mono is the wise altruistic contributor to man kind by supporting deadbeat candidate brands that make false claims in being caringyurimon
- you can write altruism off also for taxes i heard.yurimon
- you can write off ever being taken seriously, here or elsewhere, forevermonospaced
- at least I do contribute to society; I'd be surprised if you could even hold a job, let alone procreatemonospaced
- and since you don't pay taxes, why don't you simply fuck off instead of coming here to talk shit and nothing more? what a piece of shit troll you aremonospaced
- "deadbeat candidate brands that make false claims in being caring" isn't that alllll the candidates? LOLpango
- drgs1
singing happy birthday to this lady... imagine that…- :)bklyndroobeki
- hahahahahaha_niko
- discovering a treatment for Malaria that saves millions of lives... imagine that!!nb
- Bennn-1
Malcom in the middle's Malcom is with a girl out of his league since 2007, good job man!
- damn yeah she's hotsarahfailin
- Isn't he like a racecar driver too?HijoDMaite
- He seriously agedHayoth
- utopian1
- Elephant?face_melter
- Z73.289X.MNSNTOBennn
- Pig earbezoar
- turkeydrgs
- bad grilled chickenpinkfloyd
- with marinated jizzpinkfloyd
- elephant lipbklyndroobeki
- +1 pinkfloyd********
- The Mystery Meat is: Chickenutopian