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- bliznutty0
hypothetically, if some foreign country were to take over the United States they wouldn't need to kill a single person. from what i understand they just need to capture the IRS building, keep the tax rate the same, rake in trillions in Revenue, and be done with it. if this were to happen, the people probably wouldn't know the fucking difference anyhow as long as it appeared 'Internal' to us. thus making me question, perhaps we are already captured and the IRS actually is a foreign entity consisting of powerful international bankers in cahoots with corrupt members of the US government (past or present)? but of course, i am just being hypothetical..
- In the 70's, when the UK was fucked, it was posited that the Mafia could essentially own the country by buying its dilapidated industries - coal, steel etc.face_melter
- got a riddle for you. who pays the pres?yurimon
- A theory which played a part in The Long Good Friday.face_melter
- ********2
So my friend that I complained about last time for not paying me and avoiding me finally came through and added extra coins in the pot. He didn't have to do that. It was cool to see him have a heart so he is completely exonerated.
The end.
(cue party music)
- Beeswax2
Man, like I don't get exposed to the insanity of politicians in my country everyday, whenever I check to see what's happening in the US politics I see that the level of insanity is not a bit less there.
Was it always like this for humanity or are we really nearing the end of times?
Then I remember people like Nero who burned Rome, like Adolf the fascist, Like Alexander the war monger, like Bush the whatever, like Erdogan the fake sultan.
Now Trump or Hillary...
I guess there is an ever existing human stupidity for power and control.Why am I not even slightly interested in asserting control or power over others? Is it normal? Am I too lazy? It's so tiring even to watch and follow what these people do for their own glory. What a life they have. What a stupid life. I just want to plant some tomatoes in my yard for the summer.
- This is the most exciting news we get in Canada...…pango
- for what its worth those people didnt do it by themselves. someone had to follow orders for things to happen.yurimon
- Plant those tomatoes... Or i'll point my Spanish cruise tomatoes to yor loved Turkey ;)OBBTKN
- It's not just the politicians here in the States... it's the journalists, lobbyists, pundits etc that fire-up 'the issues' and turn it into our 'media'PonyBoy
- ********1
god i hate seeing these kids puffing on vapes like they are taking bong loads followed by trying to blow O's like idiots
- Join the vape bro~pango
- ive worked for Kilo, Beyond Vape, Vape Nights, Ruthless, Cosmic Fog, Juicy Ohms Drip Club and many more.. used to be into the vape just so i could make dab rigs********
- now i just see all of this shit as retarded********
- pays the bills i guess********
- I buy my shit at Beyond Vapemonospaced
- Billy and Michael Chen own beyond vape, nice guys(brothers)...wel... atleast billy...he was a club promoter in Dtla before opening BV. Corporate is in Baldwin prk********
- I made both shitty zen cart mobile sites, when I say both I mean bv and Billy and Mike run 7 different businesses under one roof********
- The industry is cool but these trick cloud chaser idiots just make me wanna punch a dead baby********
- I was on a train recently, some 17 yr old kid across the table had a vape... that didn't have any nicotine in it. I couldn't get my head around ..Why?detritus
- it wasn't a weed vape either, before you say anything - he had a bottle of ... flavour. just fucking flavour. So odd.detritus
- man I've never Vaped....feel so fucking old.Al_dizzle
- ********2
Angry Birds became a movie already?!
- i can't wait until they come out with the game based on the movie... that was based on the game._niko
- yeah, it only took them 6 years!monospaced
- can't wait for the Sonic movie!!sarahfailin
- i took the spawn to see it.. i had very low expectations, and i walked out satisfied.. but yep, it pretty flimsy on the storyautoflavour
- fadein113
QBN public anxiety. People sat behind me where I am working and scared to click on many threads in case...
- Krassy2
Just logged on to Ello (first time in a at least 6 months) and seeing lots of cool posts.
- ********1
so hard staying awake at work when you have no work and they tell you to "sit tight"
- sit tight for what though?monospaced
- can you take off to a coffee shop or a book store for a bit till that hang tight becomes actual work?capn_ron
- yurimon0
Is there anyone on here who has not yet been offended by the ymon?
just curious.- I'm either incapable of leaving notes, or this is my 13th note but I can't see them. Don't worry, I'll keep going.Muncher
- I have yet to be offended. Please offend as soon as possible.Muncher
- <<<< finally I said it!Muncher
- Not me my off friend********
- Odd off not all that different********
- me? I think we never argued about anything. but then again I rarely argue over any issue here. I used to be more into georges side...********
- the discussions when I participated or read, writing small notes. but after the feminist thread and the loving trump I don't even get close to those type********
- of discussions. I don't have much time for this kind of stuff nowadays. I come here to check useful thread. sometimes COTD. mostly design related stuff.********
- and I don't see yuri as most.********
- Muncher1
Hey Set, I saw a note earlier with your name on it. How're you doing Monsieur? It's been focking agis!
- < This is dinky, by the way.detritus
- < This is Hedge, by the way.Muncher
- I wondered who this was until I read the next post. The incredibly English, well written, familiarly and poetically insulting next post...********
- I'm incredibly well old bean. Lovely to see you're still as comically stressed by the world as ever :)********
- I've been living in your neck of the woods for the best part of two years********
- Also gfy********
- Muncher0
Oh god.
I used to work with this bloke. Chubby, very middle class British, a bit pompous, total mommy's boy still pulling vital life-fuel out of all that talk about being a special child, and still really high on those fumes. Total egocentric little Fauntleroy, did a doctorate, so now insists on being called 'doctor' even though he spends his life asking members of the public what their favourite brand of yoghurt is in a room with dry croissants and cheap filter coffee.
Anyway, he's essentially a nice bloke, but in a very kind and gentle way he's totally full of himself and utterly fucking oblivious to everything. Too dumb to ever realise he ain't a tenth as smart as the person he likes to think he is. A smiling hapless buffoon. You get the picture. Nice, but a bumbling halfwit and a liability.
So I'm sat at a train station this morning trying to assemble a presentation I didn't do yesterday, which I'm due to deliver in twenty minutes. Busy train station, I've got a coffee on the floor below my seat, an apple laptop (one of those super thin ones hey do, whatever those are called) on my lap, and I'm eating a breakfast bagel. I'm All fucking hunched up and cranky because it's early and I haven't had coffee or breakfast and I'm late, and I'm all cramped up like an old tramp with withered arthritic limbs, and the crowds of commuters are swarming past, and suddenly one of them, a fat one in a sweater that is way too small for a fat person, aims directly for me, and I can tell by the bright white upside down star-trek badge shaped smile nestled inside a deeply unfashionable dad style 80's beard that it's Doctor Yoghurt, and he's really pleased to see me after many months since I left the company. "HELLO YOO!" His Star Trek badge mouth boomed as he just came directly into my space at 30mph like I'm just there to stop fat people hitting the glass... "CHRIST, WATCH THE COFFEE" I yell, followed by "FUCK" as he kicks it all over AND INTO my open laptop bag lying under my seat. "OH SORRY ABOUT THAT HOW ARE YOU? IT'S BEEN AGES!" He booms as he attempts to rectify the damage by flapping his doctor's arms around mid-air, which hit the top of my screen and send this fucking laptop on my lap, sliding like a toboggan down my legs, off my feet, onto the back of the screen-half and skating across the floor to get wedged under the edge of a construction masking board opposite me.
"OH SORRY ABOUT THAT" his big fucking face said, as I put all my shit next to me and run to retrieve the laptop.
When I got back my breakfast bagel had rolled off my coat, onto the floor, into the pool of coffee.
"SO HOW ARE YOU?" He asked again, smiling. Total devastation. Utter and complete. No presentation, no coffee, no breakfast, a borrowed company laptop irrevocably damaged.
I hate meeting that bloke.
- < This is clearly not Dinky, by the way - Dinklevitch would never write this much.
*strokes chin*detritus - I'm two and a half ciders in, by the way,detritus
- I'm no ciders in. I'm nowhere. NOWHERE. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN NOWHERE? I am the wilderness wolf.Muncher
- he owns your mind, though. funny to see.********
- sir, i am the plankton rabbi, the effervescent macrobiotae, the willing/unwilling vestibule of miasmatic condensate, how dare you.detritus
- How. Fucking. Dare. You.detritus
- I had no idea. I do apologise high commandant of the liminal space. I feel such a fool.Muncher
*scrolls pastlvl_13
- < This is clearly not Dinky, by the way - Dinklevitch would never write this much.
- cbass991
Bought 2 tickets to San Diego, bank called and thought it could be fraud...I told them it was me but they went on to say "we declined the charge, just incase."
So I decided to book the tickets again, but this time with the airline.
Next day I see the first set of tickets went through and I was charged. Told my bank and they said they'd stop payment and not to worry.
Now I"m getting emails from the first airline that they are going to sue me if I don't pay.
(All of this because the guy on the phone from my bank said they were declined incase of fraudulent activity)
: /
- wtf kind of airline would sue you instead of giving the flight up?monospaced
- mono-I guess they have a "no cancelation" in their T&C's..cbass99
- your cc company will sort hem out.
no worriesimbecile - *themimbecile
- its going to cost them the amount of the flight plus more to sue.yurimon
- yeah, and they're located in Spain. Thanks for making me feel better about it..cbass99
- yurimon-6
when i leave i'm going to miss long notes about nothing, cause someone we know cant listen to the words written on the page in proper progression. dem notes doe.
- poor grammar and guilty of your own insults. nothing new.imbecile
- not really but only the grammar cause i type fast,yurimon
- yurinidiot™imbecile
- lol, yeah, nothing like being called that by a guy named imbecile. irony ∞
true story™yurimon - i embrace my faults. you claim to have none. I can understand how that concept escapes youimbecile
- lol, where did i claim i have no faults? haha find me that link.yurimon
- you imply it every time you speak down to others in a condescending manner as if they are unable to understand your flailing attempts at a making a pointimbecile
- oh look, the house moron taking a side job in cuntville, posting in the blog for the sole purpose of talking shit, and looking bad doing it. nice assholerymonospaced
- are you or are you not leaving?monospaced
- lol, the douchebagery is all yours. sorry you cant recover from your butt hurts.yurimon
- mono whats the value of my leaving on the free market?yurimon
- I have no idea what you're talking aboutmonospaced
- mg337
- HijoDMaite1
Friday afternoon before my four day weekend. The next four hours are going to be the longest ever..... or wait! Maybe the longest four hours of my life are going to be NEXT weekend when I run the half marathon i haven't trained for! LOLOLOL!
- KaitlinMcCarthy-1
Jury form asks, "Do you have any physical or mental disability that would interfere with or prevent you from serving as a juror?"
Would you consider ADHD a mental disability?
- I don't think so, would not impair your judgment, good questioneryx
- Yes, if you take meds for it. just start spouting off your nazi shit you were saying when you first joined and you won't get picked********
- ...but Terry_cloth, with a blindfold, I can Nazi.KaitlinMcCarthy
- If you are a progressive then yes.Hayoth
- lol,yurimon
- I bet they did nazi that coming...pango
- Damn it! That's kinda weak... Ugggh I messed up.pango
- ^ it was cheekyyurimon
- I usually just tell them I used to beat up black kids at my inner city school. Always does the trick.********
- bklyndroobeki1
How do I tell a colleague NOT to put bells and whistles (literally) on their resume, gently. C'MON!
So many poorly designed resumes out there... hurts my brain.
- tell them the truth, they won't be offended, they're the one looking for workmonospaced
- what do you think a good designed resume is post a pic. just curious.yurimon
- you're right mono. i don't think this person will be offended, and if they are, either way it'll be "good" for them.bklyndroobeki
- its only a question if their success is tied to the design. just tell them which types of resumes get more success n rest is their problem.yurimon
- post the successful design resume on here for me to confirm if you are correct.yurimon
- yuri,
1. Find a clean but unique typeface that speaks to you (see fonts you want 201-) 2. Set up an really nice grid in InDesign (you can break the rules if yobklyndroobeki - you know what you're doing.)
3. Bring your personality to it -- though keep it simple.bklyndroobeki - i want to see a literal bell and/or whistle adorned résumé. I feel like it would garner attention.imbecile
- @yuri, a well-designed resume is one that puts legibility above all elsemonospaced
- I don't want to point out any specific individual but look @ this search…bklyndroobeki
- ugh! just google: "ui designer resume"bklyndroobeki
- A CV/resume is designed to present information. The optimum design was achieved with typewriters. Anything more than selecting a favoured typeface is waste.Muncher
- your information has been approved.yurimon
- ********-10
My rounds parted their gunsmoke.