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  • ********

    Your rapidograph pens are fucking dried up, the x-acto blades in your bag are rusty, and your mind is dull. Stop clicking your mouse, get messy, go back to the basics and make something fucking original. If you fucking give up, you will achieve nothing. Saul Bass on failure: Failure is built into creativity... the creative act involves this element of ‘newness’ and ‘experimentalism,’ then one must expect and accept the fucking possibility of failure. Fuck. Intuition is fucking important. The graphic designer’s first fucking consideration is always the size and shape of the format, whether for the printed page or for digital display. What’s important is the fucking drive to see a project through no matter what. Can we all just agree as the greater design community to stop fucking talking about Comic Sans altogether? It’s getting fucking old. Nothing of value comes to you without fucking working at it. Remember it’s called the creative process, it’s not the creative fucking moment. Never let your guard down by thinking you’re fucking good enough. Use your fucking hands. Why are you fucking reading all of this? Get back to work. You won’t get good at anything by doing it a

    • clean your pens, and rape some paper with ink, if you don't like what you see crumple the paper and throw it in the garbage,
      and START OVER.
    • until you don't see something unexpected and new, satisfaction is not an option.
      F and always take care of your tools of expression.…
    • timeline
    • tldr, too busy workingsarahfailin
  • HijoDMaite3

    Thank you corporate America! (Not sarcasm) Our office just got a 4-10 schedule approved, so now I have Mondays off!! woohoo!

    • welcome to the world of flexibilitymonospaced
    • Better!
    • SO STOKED. Monday is better than Friday IMO cause friday is always kind of an easy day and Mondays blow.HijoDMaite
    • a lot of places don't open on monday... it's more like a stay at home kind of day off...pango
    • fukin sweet! when trump wins he will kill that shit, make you work 24/7!moldero
  • ********

    I hate when people you don't talk to often email you a long email and want to "catch up" via email. I don't want to email you my life story for the last 6 months.

    • What's your email address?pango
    • You could troll him/her by replying with a "recipient email server rejected the message"....copy paste the content, you can find it online.Maaku
  • Maaku3

    Boss sends email at 4:00 regarding a happy hour around 5:30-6:00....then comes in at 5:00 with changes on a project. Thanks, massah!

  • utopian2


    • :/ same here. if you see me here i'm actually really busy.pango
    • go on break, i'll take over from here.KaitlinMcCarthy
  • bklyndroobeki1

    What to do when you notice you're losing your audience? Stammered and talked too much...

    • need more context... is this when talking w/friends, giving a presentation to a group... giving a speech to a crowd?PonyBoy
    • Show them something interesting.monospaced
    • never happened. mostly pre plan strategies but sometimes improvise works if you have a preconception of who you are talking to. try toastmasters.yurimon
    • ^ LOLpango
    • oh yuri the master of audiencemonospaced
    • mono it was an intro on a whim today - CEO asked us a profound question on the spot. Trying to get good at public speaking. I squash 1-1s & social events butbklyndroobeki
    • something about work meetings.bklyndroobeki
    • lol'ed @ yuri -- it's not really "natural" for us to speak publicly with poise but ur right abt taskmasters- will give u thatbklyndroobeki
    • Directly engage your audience, ask somebody something that they have expertise in, draw them in with humor, heckle yourself, engage your audience in some manner
    • Stand up comics are great examples of how to be in tune with your audience, if you feel them pull away you have to stop what your doing and engage them, trying
    • to soldier on and weather the storm is painfully for everyone involved
    • *painfull
    • @yurimon - lol.fadein11
    • One of my coworkers who is the quietest/most shy. Made a joke that wasn't even that funny, but he delivered it well... Totally evading the original question -bklyndroobeki
    • Totally dumbfounded. Maybe I should skirt toastmasters and head straight to Improv 101bklyndroobeki
    • It takes practice, but also there is coaching for it. business type coaching not sure along which lines to be exact, but there are voice coaches andyurimon
    • leadership type coaches that might specialize along the lines of what you are looking for but all execs i know have coaches for speaking.yurimon
    • yuri- my voice is like a perfect cup of mocha homeboybklyndroobeki
    • Yuri have you taken any of those classes and coaches?pango
    • take it as you wish ma lawds. bows*yurimon
    • slowly undress while speakingscarabin
    • yes, i have, my lordship. it was a Salacious experience me lord.yurimon
    • how come you never use those skills here?pango
    • cause im not going to do preparations for posting something id prob forget in 20 min. n doesnt make me monees.yurimon
    • Right. Got cha.pango
    • haha @scarabin, i'm telling ya, it's that goodbklyndroobeki
    • yurimon why the Old E?bklyndroobeki
    • trying not be condescending by calling everyone my lord. going to give it try.yurimon
  • pango3


    just heard this on the police radio.
    There was a road block by the police checking for drunk driving i guess.
    One guy was stopped. And after speaking with the popo briefly he ditched the car and started running. But he gave the popo his driver licence already LOL. The popo said on the radio he's gonna give the guy 5 minutes head start then his gonna call other popo to wait at his house.

    • lolmoldero
    • ohhh shiet. *different incident. Some body wielding a sword just attacked somebody.pango
    • woop wooputopian
    • Hahaha. Years ago I ran away from a taxi without paying, while extremely drunk. Only to realise once I got to safety that I'd paid him at the beginning
    • LOL you thought you were getting away!pango
    • https://c2.staticfli…
    • you have a police radio at work?.... brilliant idea!mugwart
    • guy sitting across me bought bunch of police scanner from russia and decrypted bunch of them so he can listen to encrypted channels.pango
    • he still can't figure out how to decry the channel emergency task force uses though.pango
  • ********

    Got to love amazon. I bought a pair of headphones 6 months ago and one side has suddenly stopped working. I just spoke to an amazon guy on their online chat. I simply said 'my headphones have stopped working' and they are having a replacement sent out to me tomorrow (sunday). Literally no questions asked.

    • That's arriving tomorrow not being sent tomorrow. I might have to start saying more things have stopped working.
    • now plug in that jack correctly and sell the replacement.uan
    • yeah, but sad that you have to return the faulty one :)sted
    • They have little competition too.
    • ali :)sted
    • I don't have to return the faulty one
  • bklyndroobeki1

    Where's the best place to pick up a refurb MacBook in NY? Can't decide... Mikes? B&H, Apple? Tekserv? So many good spots can't decide.

  • utopian2

    Have great weekend everyone!

  • ********

    My computer set-up is getting out of date, my car is falling apart, I feel so wasteful if I buy new things.

    • Fuck new things. I just switched from iPhone 4 this month. My last MBP was 7 years old when I switched. New cars are for insecure people with low self-esteem.nb
    • My next car is going to be minivan, and I'm not even planning to have kids. Fuck everyone's opinion!nb
    • (or maybe an electric car, because it might be a decade or two before I replace my old car....)nb
    • i have this problem. I am incredibly cheap. cheap cheap cheap. it drives my family nuts. I'm looking for a 1965-72 vw Bug right now actually. $3,000 max.shellie
    • planning on driving it until it explodes, and then probably just replace the engine. so basically, 20+ years or until they outlaw gasoline.shellie
  • autoflavour1

    god dammit..

    so out basement has been broken into, again..

    twice in a year.. the same year which coincidently aligns perfectly with they new housing corporation who purchased the building.

    not to mention it comes at a time where they are in the middle of a massive push to get a whole bunch of the tenants out, or at least "temporarily" relocated ..

    of course there is no proof, so this is all speculation.

    but yep, its all very convenient that as soon as they bring builders into the house, our shit gets raided, again.

    • they only stole a bike, but its the second bike in a year which has been stolen.. so we are not sure how the insurance is going to react.autoflavour
    • not to mention the previous 5 years of living here we have felt super safe here.. and its not like the area has gotten worse.. its actually gentrified a lot..autoflavour
    • maybe thats the problem, because its gentrified people now target it.autoflavour
    • or just someone knows that your basement is an easy target and keeps coming back... this sht happens, get a cam :)sted
    • 2 words hidden cameras.yurimon
    • hidden cameras which upload to an FTP server!mugwart
    • fuck cameras!

    Hungover monday... after 3 days "celebrating" my bd, i'm totally wasted...

    I'll need all week to recover and detox from this

    • happy birthday! well done on the celebrations.capn_ron
    • Thanks mate... i'm done for today, time to restOBBTKN
  • Maaku1

    I woke up at 8:56 this morning, good thing I live right there from the office....Only had time to shower, I'm so hungry.

  • ********

    I still can't find a job in my industry. Will be making a move in august. Things are getting bleak. Trying to find a part-time but my industry experience doesnt mean jack squat to these places.

    • What city?nb
    • What industry?nb
    • miami, graphics + video production
    • fuck1 sorry to hear that. wish you can find something soon.
    • thanks oey
    • make a move? you went to an interview as a bartender or waiter right? was it you?
    • hang in there. Can't really help out being on the other side of the globe! Aren't there any VFX/agencies out there? Whatmugwart
    • Ignore the last What! Laptops a bit sensitive these days!mugwart
    • fuck1 indeednb
    • freelance?studderine
    • i must suck. noone wnts to freelance me
    • i'm prob doing it wrong
  • pinkfloyd1

    The power went out yesterday so my fridge was down for 2 hours. Do I need to toss anything? There's no meat in there, but I got rid of the eggs and yogurt this morning along with the mayo and jarred items.

    • Dude, those eggs were fine.nb
    • I saw an embryo hatchingpinkfloyd
    • if it was only 2 hours, everything probably stayed cool enough and insulatedmonospaced
    • First World Problemz©
    • But seriously, what mono said. It wasn't that long, even the yogurt was still probably good if you didn't open the door frequently.Maaku
    • Throw out the entire fridge, not just the contents. Buy a new fridge. Now. Better safe than sorry.nb
    • man existed for millions of years without fridges, you'll be fine :)scarabin
    • also a lot of people say you shouldn't refrigerate eggs in the first placescarabin
    • you are trolling aren't you?
    • you are joking I hope? God how detached from reality have we become.fadein11
    • not trolling, except the embryo part.pinkfloyd
    • Never travel - I think it may stress you out.fadein11
    • Now you're just being a cuntpinkfloyd
    • lol @ both of you!
    • oh shiet. it's too late now! you ave to burn the entire house down. there no other way!pango
    • eggs might need fridge if the Temperature is really high. if...
    • it's only 2 hours it's fine! :)pango
    • yougurt is already fucked up milk it can't get worse ;)
    • seriously, I have a link for you. for all of us.
    • Chicken would be the only thing I would be worried about. You're good pink.sea_sea
    • You the threw eggs and mayo left out for two hours. loldat
    • set, are you drunk?
    • cleary I don't know how food works.pinkfloyd
    • clearly*pinkfloyd
    • eggs and yogurt are the last things to go baddrgs
    • @oey, yogurt has the potential to get sooooo much worsemonospaced
    • I know mono, it's a joke based on how does one makes yogurt.
    • yeah, totally got that, and mine was a joke based on how I wait until it's crawling before I throw it outmonospaced
    • I'm always drunk
    • Except now
    • But every other always I'm very all the drunks
    • What
    • You threw out all the stuff that was good to keep for days out of the fridge? What did you keep? You have severed human heads in there, or something?detritus
    • Maybe not the yogurt, I suppose, but it still keeps ok in cool conditions for a day or so.
      It's rotten milk.
    • You DO let eggs get to room temperature before you cook them, right? Jesus. les Americains! Zut.detritus
    • Actually.
      Nuke from Orbit.
    • europeans don't refrigerate or wash their eggs.sarahfailin
    • Wake up sheeple! Fridges were created by the Bilderberg Group (aka HILLARY CLINTON) to keep Americans invested in the Fed Reserve! Big Fridge owns you!nb
    • You should probably throw away the beer too. Feel free to drop it off at my house and I'll dispose for you.wagshaft
    • Nuke your city. It's doomed.janne
    • ffs it was already mentioned...janne
    • Burn the fridgebklyndroobeki
    • ^ i second that.pango
    • My posts always goes viralpinkfloyd
    • because that was exceptionally stupidGreedo
    • This thread gave me salmonella.MrT
    • A breaker tripped when I was away for a month. That was devistating the fridge was ruined.shellie
    • 43 comments about a fridge...I'm impressedformed
    • make indiana proud!jaylarson
    • everything you threw away was fine :/GeorgesII
    • whole apartment is contaminateddrgs
    • if its their fault for the outage you can get $ back by filling out a form, look it up.yurimon
  • ********

    Not only was my last freelance gig managed poorly but now the guy is giving me the run around on payment. He is a friend but he pretends to be doing well and he probably isn't since he is giving me these run-arounds. Unless he is only being a jerk, nevertheless it is making him look like an asshole.

    • fuck!
    • should i become a male escort? is that what you are implying?
    • no! yes! no! LOL!
    • that was not what I meant. if you like so.
    • You live in Miami? How long have you been in the Industry?
    • 5-6 years on and off
  • ********

    pockets, is that you?

    • hi
    • :)
    • how did u know i was on?
    • i read your rapidograph post for the third time and felt i should ask
  • Muncher-6

    Blog, I have missed you.

    I am woven in to your roots, and these fresh sprouts know nothing of me. But you do, blog. You know me very well.

    I am she that posts belligerent and vulgar things, at nobody's risk but mine own. I am she that posts full URLs for images and video, but no html.




    • I like this this ass muncher!utopian
    • I don't miss you in the slightest.
      I don't know you from a gum spot on the sidewalk.
      I forbid you to broadcast ever again.

    • blog's sentient now? skyblog? sending out texteditnators to destroy sarah connor?Greedo
    • ...and i quote
    • i was here before you, so cram it with walnuts you bloated old windbagGreedo
    • hahahahahahallelujah
    • Haha
    • you talk a lot of talk, but im yet to be aroused..autoflavour
  • e-pill0

    so like almost all of my Newstoday/ QBN bookmarks are all invalid..

    makes me so sad..

    i wish all dem links still werked!!
    so many psb's so much godliness!!!

    so much gone..


    -Thread Closed

    (May 23 16)

    • pinkfloyd's fridge goes out for a couple of hours and e-pill had to throw all his links out. GOODBYE CRUEL WORLDGreedo
    • OMG Greedo.. lives
      if only the bookmarks for greedo's site still werked.. oi!!
    • ha, everything's still there, it's just got a url redirect on it. haven't cleaned the server in 10+ years.Greedo
    • hey manmonospaced
    • hiyae-pill