- Started
- Last post
- 76,066 Responses
- ********0
wtf georges?
- wtf is happening to this fucking place********
- wtf is happening to this fucking place
- ********2
EVerything is cool today. Super chill. And then...
Pic of the Day dies!!
Everyday another episode.
Life never ceases to not bore.
- now we have to say:
"POTDIITN100K"moldero - Life finds a way.pango
- Life doesn't never not cease to bore.sarahfailin
- Allow myself to introduce... Myself********
- now we have to say:
- ********2
- face_melter0
I got a tattoo today, my first, interesting experience all round. Booked time at a place in Kungsholmen which came recommended for doing tight work and having a professional reputation, rather than the walk-in-off-the-street shitshows that seem to be on every street in Söder.
Being my first I had no idea what to expect in terms of how it would feel - but you know what, it was totally cool. The occasional 'bite' on certain parts of the skin but nowhere near being severe or painful. The whole thing was oddly calming and relaxing, a very (obviously) mechanical and artificial kind of feeling - unlike anything else - a hot, buzzing sensation for a few seconds then nothing. Buzz. Hot. Nothing. Buzz. Hot. Buzz. Hot. Nothing. But never to the point of distraction or irritation. My artist was great, we chatted and she explained what was going on - what kind of needles she was using and whatnot. Took her time and did it right and I got exactly what I asked for. No complaints whatsoever.
In the background various hits of the 80's were playing so my first tattoo experience will forever be linked to Duran Duran, Billy Idol, and Freddie Mercury in a leather skirt pushing a vacuum cleaner.
- what kind of tattoo?yurimon
- ^ http://motherboard-i…moldero
- lol, was thinking something like this would be his speed
http://www.desitatto…yurimon - https://2.bp.blogspo…yurimon
- As some Qbners would say. you are now ruined... >:(pango
- I got a pair of lips on my thumb and forefinger with 'yurimon' next to them, so whenever I have a wank you're always in my thoughts.face_melter
- picture or didn't happenRamanisky2
- lol, glad you have a sense of humor.yurimon
- Ach, it's cool. Although sometimes you can be an infuriating little shit - and you know it. But this is the internet, so everything flows like water.face_melter
- Bennn0
How do you carry your stuff ?
I have a big cellphone, a wallet, keys and sunglasses that I dont know hot to carry in the summer... In the cold days i always plenty of pockets on my coats but summer... I started using a small and light backpack, but I feel like a kid sometimes using this.
- sup********
- supBennn
- pockets & https://item5.trades…********
- http://www.feldfire.…BabySnakes
- Hire a servant.pango
- I use:…sted
- Messenger bag?pango
- Here in California we use our car.HijoDMaite
- and when you're not in yo car? where do you put that stuff?Bennn
- im currently using this… (smaller than it appearsBennn
- any links to companies like https://www.dsptch.c… that sells bags ?Bennn
- wear pants that aren't comically tight and this isn't a problem. i have never put sunglasses in my pocket so maybe that's the distinction********
- Sitting on wallet is bad for your spine. Lose Keys in the pockets might poke a hole in the pocket. Never put sunglasses in pocket unless it has memory frame andpango
- Scratch proof.pango
- Wallet in back pocket or in car with just my id and bank card on me. Sunglasses always on my shirt collar or face.HijoDMaite
- Cellphone front pocket pants. Or back pocket sometimes. Keys in hand or just the fob in pocket.HijoDMaite
- I carry most things in a backpack as I hate having bulk in my pockets - no wallet, only a card holder, and my phone. Keys in bag with my camera, notebook etc.face_melter
- Get rid of all that shit to the bare bones and use a money clip. Sunglasses can just hook on your shirt or whatever when not wearing.inteliboy
- https://d1t8ok2zesyv…inteliboy
- sup
- PonyBoy0
- Yo mom!pango
- Sry...
Made in phx.compango - Made in phenicksHijoDMaite
- hmmm... it does sorta read 'yo mom!'... if you squint :).
Is 'made in phx' an easy read? or do you battle to read it?PonyBoy - hard to read. Almost read "Made phx" and skipped "in" all together.pango
- affirmation... illegible...
appreciation :)PonyBoy - pnx right?monospaced
- HijoDMaite0
Can't decide what is more annoying. AC/DC or Green Day.
- Green Day... easily... I wouldn't even slip AC/DC into that category of 'annoying'... SHAME ON YOU!!PonyBoy
- loved Green Day when I was in High School though... the early 90's wouldn't have been the same w/out them... but AC/DC is timeless in comparisonPonyBoy
- AC/DC?!?! Shame on you!
http://imagesmtv-a.a…pango - ACDC is annoyingBennn
- You too benn. Shame on you!pango
- shame on you!hotroddy
- over 30 green day is just boring, acdc thunder as ringtone now that's annoying.sted
- HijoLocomoldero
- ac/dc has some great songs and greenday is worse than nickelback********
- Haha ac/dc = hick music lolHijoDMaite
- Ugggh no Nickle back is the worst.pango
- so is all classic rock hick music or just ac/dc********
- Submission:…DRIFTMONKEY
- Green Day are certified shit. As if a committee sat down and designed a Punk Band. Whereas AC/DC are thunder, lightning, earthquakes, and fire in musical form.face_melter
- face_melter, I salute youPonyBoy
- acdc - no hesitation. green day is easily forgotten about by the time you read the next post on this page.cotton
- Shame on your terry for trying to take away Nickleback's number 1 shitiest title away from them!! Shame!!!!pango
- I like them both so fuck you ALLRamanisky2
- Now I imagine you all to be like this dude…Maaku
- *Maaku is a greenday-acdc fansted
- that is one kick ass submission DRIFTMONKEYhotroddy
- there are hicks in Paris?hotroddy
- Ok driftmonkey that was pretty good.HijoDMaite
- Maybe your more of a Bon Scott fan.hotroddy
- Spot the music noob. AC/DC are great...********
- Incomparable to green day********
- http://imagesmtv-a.a…pango
- He is right, this is music for salesmen in afternoon traffic listening to commercial radiomekk
- try streaming from pandora in little to no traffic.hotroddy
- AC/DC without a shadow of a doubt. Green day ... not much better though - some redeeming quaities I guessmugwart
- I guess the moral of the story is... oh look, people have different tastes in music. Fucking surprise surprise.********
- they should play against each other and annoy themselves until death********
- 1 more vote for AC/DC being: overplayed, generic, obnoxious, douche anthems, music to rape your cousin byeighteen
- eighteen's cousin knowsPonyBoy
- i keeeeeeeed :)PonyBoy
- ********1
it was such a nice page...…
it made my day yesterday :(
well, it is what it goes on.
- Maaku3
Gave her the divorce papers last night.
Been a slow process, trying to make things work. This sucks.- Morning, drgs.Maaku
- onwards and upwardsGnash
- sorry maaku. things will get betterkona
- Thanks, I know.Maaku
- All the best, changes are good, take it easyOBBTKN
- <3PonyBoy
- hope you are taking care of yourself through all of this. It will for sure make you feel better.capn_ron
- good luck to you maaku********
- Not sure if an upvote's the best thing here, but god luck to you!detritus
- yes good luck maaku.sea_sea
- Thanks guys :)Maaku
- The sun is shinning at the horizonBennn
- you know why divorces are so much money?...they're worth it.eryx
- I downvoted, but then want to express support. Onward. Godspeed, Maaku!Krassy
- if you file in Guam its 24 hours.yurimon
- done that shit twice. be strong man!renderedred
- stay strong, bredren********
- Awesome, thanks, for real :)
and @renderedred, twice?! All good?Maaku - yup. twice my man :) all is peaches.renderedred
- In the same boat. Rips your heart out does it not? Hang in there and Godspeedmugwart
- mekk2
we were having a small party outside the office, heard someone say something like "crap, it's this skinny designer and his weird music again"
heh, not sure if I should take it as compliment for myself
- weird music compliment. skinny designer offense.********
- to be fair i'm really skinny at 6'3 / 145lbsmekk
- 165lbs not 145mekk
- start throwing things out from the windowsted
- I'm in europe I will not convert :p I believe you. It was all compliments. By skinny they meant elegant for sure. Envious people!********
- I am european I converted for qbn :-( all my efforts were worhtless. Be thankful!mekk
- A little skinny, but most women dig that. As for music, you should see ppl's face when I tell 'em I design while listening to death metal. "Weird music", lol.Maaku
- Better than being a fat dustman, my friend.********
- yeah, what they mean is they wish you would play some AC/DC. ZING!HijoDMaite
- Play beastly boys brass monkey at max volume!pango
- what music was it??inteliboy
- see post above :Pmekk
- weird music compliment. skinny designer offense.
- ********2
- That bird have a death wish?BabySnakes
- You call that a bird?!?pango
- Yes pango that is a bird and that is a moving rock. What of it.********
- I ain't heard of no bird that can't fly!pango
- < my GF getting up to pee in the middle of the nightscarabin
- penguin trollingbklyndroobeki
- Chickens?********
- Dodo?********
- Ostrich?********
- Yurimon?********
- ********0
An inconsistency I have found in the design of QBN is that replies for threads started by a user does not show up in that user's feed.
- gotta have some surprisesmonospaced
- You have a list of your threads on your profile page...********
- moldero0
after yesterdays Adobe CC update, some of my Adobe dock icons are wrong, PS is now an Illustrator icon , After Effects is now the Adobe Media Encoder icon.
anyone else have this happen with this or any past update?
- pango3
After doing OT every day for last 2 month. I'm so ahead of schedule I have estimate 2 weeks of almost nothing to do... lolBetter find new ways of messing with interns to look busy.
- email inbox never looked so empty T_Tpango
- i work maybe 2 hours out of any given 8 hour shift.********
- hardest part is trying to look busy********
- sometimes i go view source on qbn an leave it up on my screen.. people think im hacking the cia********
- Lolpango
- just tried amazon fresh and bought groceries********
- wowhat? Amazon has groceries?pango
- mind blownpango
- but not in canada... BOOOOOpango
- really, you can do extra work and then use the time to do nothing? that's how it works where you work? really?monospaced
- Really you have that little faith in me?lol *almost nothing to do. I'm using This time to do the those house work that I normally don't have time to do.pango
- Organization. File format. Paper work. Instructions for new people. You know. Chill stuffs that keeps the future panic to minimum.pango
- Also 35% of my total hours worked were OT. Managements telling me to stahp. And take it easy.pango
- But in no way I will be *busy.pango
- I could take a week off but there were things I never had time to do. I'm staying to finish them.pango
- People thought I live at the office man!!!!pango
- Have I mentioned I do extra on tv shows on the weekend? Mostly office worker. Lol Im getting good at looking busy.pango
- Who's OTTO?********
- What's otto?pango
- ********0
- HijoDMaite2
- remember when a bowl of soup cost a nickel?!Al_dizzle
- They sell its' can for 50 bucks now.…Beeswax
- no but i remember when smokes were $2.10HijoDMaite
- wow beeswax. yea he talked about having to punch two holes on top. for that Air Vortex™HijoDMaite
- My pop used to be a packaging salesman for breweries and he always looks at my funky craft beers, inspects the can, and says something about Yuengling!stoplying
- once in a while i will find an old beer can top in my yard from my dads drinking days. :) http://westerndigs.o…sea_sea
- wow that was a weird link! lolsea_sea
- Lol sea_sea your dad used arrowheadsHijoDMaite