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  • pango4

    New Shoe laces won't stay tied. Imma get velcro...

    • are they the waxed leather kind?dorf
    • signs you're getting old?
    • round laces versus flat. get flatGnash
    • ^ it is round...
      not leather tho.
    • doesn't need to be leather, just not round. the flat ones will stayed tiedGnash
    • Are they New Balance? I find that with anything by NB their laces never stay tied.see_thru
    • Round laces suck so bad. Replaced the round ones in on my boots with flat, and they stay tied all day.section_014
    • Thx shoe lace enthusiasts!
      I'll go get flat laces.
    • Science, bitch!Gnash
    • ITS WORKING!pango
    • https://media.giphy.…pango
    • Not sure why the factory laces suck so much...pango
  • ********


    such much branding potential in this word.

  • ********

    nice to read the old posts from 15 years ago

  • pinkfloyd0

    I don't know what to do. I need to pay X amount in taxes for freelancing but I don't want to. If I buy things as a write off, I can pay less in taxes. Do I:

    A) Just pay the taxes
    B) Buy stuff where i'll have stuff, but end up paying more overall?

    • A.monNom
    • A is the better option.capn_ron
    • Buy more watchespango
    • lolpinkfloyd
    • Not sure how it works where you're from, but you can only write off so much tax. Sooner or later, you gotta pay.ben_
    • Buy stuff, take the write off and also invest in your talent.robotron3k
    • Athumb_screws
    • a.
      and work with an accountant to aggressively write off more expenses. irs doesn’t blink an eye until a certain amount is reached.
    • I'm sure you're already doing that, so apologies if that is wasted advice :) When I was in a similar situation, I found it good to simply put away 1/3 of the $monospaced
    • thanks guys, yeah I have an accountant i'll consult with eventually.pinkfloyd
    • Or C. Invest all profits into an offshore company you own, that then invests into a second off shore company you own by proxy, which loans the money back to youmonNom
    • Welcome to the 1%monNom
    • A. You are capped on the right off amountHayoth
  • uan8

    hi blog

  • thumb_screws10

    I bought a house. Now i have to pay the fucker off.
    Housing market in Australia is fucked. The whole experience of trying to buy a house and compete against cashed up baby boomers that are buying their 12th investment property is awful.

    • I'm on the same boat, tired of renting an apartment. Bought a plot and hired an architect, going through the process of licensing...dmay
    • It's cheaper than buying a finished house, but it will take about a year to get it donedmay
    • congrats. I haven't dared to enter yet... need to a multi millionaire these days.inteliboy
    • Would love to build my own place at some point dmay. Now that I’m in I can use the equity on this place for a shackthumb_screws
    • Would love to build my own place at some point dmay. Now that I’m in I can use the equity on this place for a shackthumb_screws
    • @intelliboy, i made the move to a regional city a few years ago, only reason I could get into the market. Bit cheaper.thumb_screws
    • https://www.rethinkt…ArchitectofFate
    • < whoah!!!!thumb_screws
    • I'm like you, thumb_screws, I can only afford this because I live in a small city away from Lisbon.dmay
    • ^^ architect - we;ve been thinking of that.mugwart
    • ^ dmay - would love to do that. UK land is crazy thoughmugwart
    • Edinburgh prices sky high at the moment. We bought at end of last year, place needs a small fortune spent on it. It'll be our long-term home though...microkorg
    • ... not looking to sell it in near future as probably wouldnt make anything on it. Work just started a few weeks ago. Finishes about March/Aprilmicrokorg
    • is it still the same in oz where you buy the house with all the furniture in it?ben_
    • my wife and I bought our place about 16 years ago now. at the time, it was worth about's now upwards of 900k..freaks me out thatexador1
    • If i tried to buy my own house now, I likely couldn't afford it.exador1
    • the housing market is fucking crazy... our place is almost identical to my childhood home...which my dad BUILT himself, for about 20k (including the price ofexador1
    • the land/property) so i was pissed at the time that ours cost SO much more for the same fucking thing... but time has made the investment worth it...exador1
    • and most importantly, our kids love it, and love the's home :) not as big as most of our friends houses, but I've never been one for bigexador1
    • mansions etc...or that 'keeping up with the Jonses' kind of mentality...exador1
    • @exador1 thats what I'm expecting to happen, at least to some point... Its my retirement plandmay
    • @dmay, you're on the right track dude. :)
      takes a while, but the years pass by quick. and suddenly you're in your mid-late 40's, close to paying it all off...
    • and you realize it was ALL worth it :)exador1
    • i think when you buy now the investments get up for sure (place matters) but never like that what we saw in the last 20 years....api
    • Yeah, I'm not expecting to get that kind of appreciation, but in Portugal the rents are allmost as high as mortgages. Instead of paying a rent I'm "saving"...dmay
    • As someone starting a new job in London, zero chance of even being able to afford a house. Can't even afford to rent my own place. Flatshare while making £60k+shapesalad
    • = :-(shapesalad
    • I'm london + work in film (not so much money) + with family = not able to even able to get on the property ladder. Its fucked, I want a yellow jacket movement!mugwart
    • Good for you, thumbs!stoplying
    • Farking hell the place has been revalued 50k more than what bought it for in the space of 2 months. Its madnessthumb_screws
    • You guys need to get the fuck outta london!microkorg
    • ^ cant afford to!!mugwart
  • trooperbill-1

    just about to go into my annual performance review - wish me luck.


    • Hope they don't have a log of QBN screentime ;)microkorg
    • Dead?Gnash
    • Be defensive about everything!pango
  • Ianbolton0

    I bought a iPhone 8 from Gumtree several months ago, second hand. The seller seemed like a decent guy, giving me extra bits with the phone and said let him know if I have any issues. Since then I moved house, lost his details, but no big deal right?

    On Friday I phoned EE as I was getting 'No Service' on the phone. After lots of pissing about turning it off and on, changing sim cards etc etc, they finally told me the phone has been reported stolen and now it's useless. Surely there are ways around this? No shop will touch it. Online IMEI number checkers are saying it's NOT blacklisted. How do I know EE aren't just saying this to make me buy a new phone? And why would a guy report it stolen so long after selling it?

    So fucked off right now.

  • Ianbolton0

    Does anybody know where I could get a vast array of seat covers from?

  • mugwart7

    just had my first major interview in about 9 years ... think/hope it went well.

    • Good luck bro.Ramanisky2
    • Hey mug - I had a client in for a personal job, he works in your industry, apparently on some high-end movies much like you - he hates it, much like you. hahahaNairn
    • I mentioned you, my 'talented internet acquaintance' and how you felt about it too, to which he laughed. But that sort of clenched teeth laugh. of despairNairn
    • (I hate my job too - at least this week/month(/year), so not mocking, lest you think that...!)Nairn
    • Lovely guy though (much like you, *cuddles*)Nairn
    • good luck mug.capn_ron
    • Be defensive about everything!pango
    • ^ was defensive!
      ^^^ yeah Nairn ... we are bitter c$nts! Even joked about in in the interview. Great people though. Incredible pps!
    • (cuddles back!)mugwart
    • Good luck man! Nice to change it up every now and again for real ; )antimotion
    • Good luck, hope you land itdee-dubs
    • youve got it dude!!!shellie
    • all the best m xfadein11
    • ^ love that!mugwart
  • pinkfloyd2

    Is buying a used aeron chair a bad idea / gross?

  • MrT-1

    I need some Xmas advice on alcoholics. We’ll all be drinking but how do you deal with a close relative who wants/has to open a beer first thing in the morning?

    • Ask if you're in his will.i_monk
    • make sure you have enough beer in the fridge to last the whole day?uan
    • more seriously, I would put in some beers, so he doesn't freak out because there is none, but help him moderate his consumption by not drinking to much.uan
    • also integrate him into the festivity/family so he feels the support and feels accepted and doesn't fall into the abyss of drunkenness.uan
    • Spike their drinks and have them knocked out all day. Peace for everyone.shapesalad
    • can't you keep him busy? like make him a driver?
      anyway lock him in the basement.
    • Pour the drinks for him/her, use alcohol free booze ;)microkorg
    • yeah, give them a task that precludes drinking. don't let them mooch around the house with nothing else to doFax_Benson
    • Alcoholics will always find a way to drink. Dear God don't make him the driver. I think shapesalad hit it on the nose, put him to sleep early. Lol Goodlucksea_sea
    • All jokes aside, dealing with alcoholics is exhausting, multiples in my family wake up drinking over xmas, if you're not going to join them I'd steer clear.sea_sea
    • Kombucha?mugwart
    • Thanks guys, I’ve put shape’s suggestion to the family!MrT
    • ‘Tis the season. Don’t be so judgmental. If you don’t want them to drink, have an activity planned. If not, leave them be.imbecile
  • shapesalad3

    I want to eat Yakitori in Shibuya, then take the Keio-Inokashira Line to Shimo-Kitazawa, have a few hi-balls in some little bars, then go see a Japanese indie band that are technically amazing and completely incomprehensible and get blistering drunk untill 3am, then go to a karaoke joint and drink more till 5am, then get some Mr Doughnuts for breakfast, take the first train home and spend all day in bed till 2pm, have some green tea and Daifuku Mochi before heading out for some mid afternoon Tonkotsu ramen... and start it all again, like groundhog day.

    Oh and be half my current age.

  • hans_glib0

    apropos of MrT, just ordered a pin (half-barrel) of beer for the famalam xmas get together.

    so now i just need to get some cornflakes...

  • section_0143

    Two guys I work with, who workout approximately two weeks per year, are trying to tell me they squat 100lbs. more , and bench 50 lbs more than I do.

    For one, they're both soft as marshmallows, and for two, I lift weights three times a week, and have been consistently for years. I'm ready to setup an office powerlifting meet, but don't want to be liable when one of these idiots puts 405 lbs on they're back and their spine snaps.

  • PonyBoy1

    "omg.. Kiarra and her Mom wanna go to Benihana's Monday night... let's go!"

    Monday arrives... 4 people: drinks and meals: $310 after tip... FUCK ME.

    ... I mean... of course I was expected to pay... but FUCK ME... we were there barely an hour and fucking YIN overcooked my chicken... RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

    $ThreeHundred and TEN fcuking dollars...

    • fuckkk never going there.sarahfailin
    • shitty chain gonna' chainlvl_13
    • but did you get to catch a shrimp in your mouth?shellie
    • lol... nah... I hate 'participating' there... I just went cuz I was expected to. Yin did toss and catch all the shrimp tails in his toque though.PonyBoy
    • Did you at least get a flaming rice volcano???Ramanisky2
    • +1monospaced
    • It was a flaming onion volcano, Ram! :PPonyBoy
    • Noice!! Well worth the $310 price tag.
    • Why the hell did you go to Benihana's? That's like spending $300 at Olive Garden.garbage
    • lol that $ for a chain?inteliboy
    • yes... that much FUCKING $$... I'm still disgusted.PonyBoy
    • That's insane.section_014
    • $75 a person isn’t that bad if everyone is drinking. An entree and starter each and two drinks is easily that much at most decent places where I am.monospaced
    • Kiarra and her mom should have contributed.monospaced
    • keyword being 'decent', mono... BenihaHas is a cooking clown act w/food I might liken to the quality of Applebees (or Olive Garden as noted by garbage) :)PonyBoy
  • imbecile0

    <cry> Did I mention my FJ is 5 inches too tall to fit in my garage? </cry> Did I mention it's actually a '73, not a '74? I got insurance through Hagerty. Title check complete, not stolen, not registered in the last 10 years. Manuals ordered. Wish me luck on my title.

  • inteliboy-2

    fucking tax office has really screwed me the last few years. impossible to save money.

  • shellie0

    My old employer really pisses me off. Still trying to short my checks a couple hundred dollars for petty shit and I will NOT accept it.

    If they keep this up, I'm going to the labor board and airing out all their dirty laundry. They really shouldn't pick this fight with me because I'm about to get really petty back. I'm sick and tired of this bullshit for real. It's mother fucking Christmas. Pay me in full. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT BABY JESUS.

    • You always seem to stand your ground quite well... I expect you'll come out on top... sorry you have to deal w/the fucking stress though. Good luck. :)PonyBoy
  • imbecile1

    non-traditional christmas movies?

    die hard
    lethal weapon
    edward scissorhands
    the ref

    any others you can think of?

    • The Fabulous Baker Boysshapesalad
    • National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is my family's go to. My mom loses it every time when grandma wraps the cat. its like the first time every time.shellie
    • The 5000 fingers of Dr T isn't a Xmas story but feels like one.robotron3k
    • Die Hard 2drgs
    • Trapped in Paradise.DRIFTMONKEY
    • ghostbusters 2inteliboy
    • Crittersmugwart
    • Scrooged.bogue
    • Ah... And The GooniesOBBTKN
    • ^ more of an easter film no?mugwart
    • The Goonies, The Neverending Story, Krullmicrokorg
    • (not xmas themed but always on through the holidays)microkorg
    • Batman 2
      Eyes Wide Shut
    • ^ interesting.mugwart
    • Home AloneGucci