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  • drgs-4

    All I want is money for cool hats

  • Gardener8

    still not decided where to hang my Sawfish tusk - I considered putting it over a door entrance but it'll probably decapitate someone... I found it on a holiday in Ireland in 1972 and have had it ever since, tis a strange thing indeed. Thought I'd look one up on ebay (not that I'd ever sell the bloody thing) and they turn out to be quite rare!…

    • Is it a plant?dbloc
    • ahh yes a sawfish, cool!dbloc
    • How sharp is that thing?dbloc
    • sharp teeth, in the early 90's I even considered pulling them to make necklaces, thankfully a girlfriend talked me out of itGardener
    • Keys ring?grafician
    • i like QBN show-n-tellscarabin
    • You found it on a beach, or in a shop in Ireland?…
    • true story - holidaying with parents aged 10 saw derelict house near beach in Cork, dug around inside and saw it lying next to a piano, dad said take it so didGardener
    • it has moved with me since, I kissed the Blarney Stone on that trip too so have always considered this odd thing to be specialGardener
    • was it salty? i hear locals pee on the blarney stonescarabin
    • no, it just gave me the gift of the gab, it's worked for the past 48 years!Gardener
    • Blarney!nb
    • Reminds me of Se7en.calculator
  • kingsteven4

    Was reading about Ispolin last night, a race of pre-human giants that lived along-side modern humans in the mountains of Bulgaria and didn't care for blackberries...…

    Woke up to a reddit alert on my phone telling me "Bulgarian Palaeolithic modern humans and Neanderthals fucked"…

    Honestly want to know how the blackberry/bramble worked its way in to this tale, its cast as an a fucker in every culture... In Ireland the blackberries are said to be cursed until you turn them in to wine, which is very convenient.

    I'm convinced every time I free the dog from a vine at some point in human development the bramble was a more formidable opponent but I'm not sure that's what toppled the 'reclusive mountain giants' - I'm guessing we probably fucked them and THEN killed and THEN ate them and washed it down with blackberry wine.

    • thank you for this! i am talking to a friend of bulgarian origin to learn more.renderedred
    • Having just this week cleared a bramble from our garden, I suspect you've simply not met your match yet.Nairn
    • hah, been there a few times, painful. i've been suspicious of them since i saw this vid a few years ago…kingsteven
    • got curious and started looking for references in mythology and such and every story the bramble is a bastardkingsteven
    • yup, now i researched too, many folklore tales have it as the "bad guy".renderedred
  • Nairn7

    Just into the studio. Walking in, I got to the bottom of the local main street and a pretty girl smiled at me as she walked past. I didn't have much of a chance to be taken aback and perplexed, as when she did so I had the most peculiar sensation on the back of me left knee. Immedately, i wondered if I had somehow pissed myself as it was distinctly the feeling of liquid trickling, but - not warm enough to be pee, nor blood. Concerned that I might be having a wobble of some kind, I coyly bent down to check and - yep. Wet. More so, the top of my leg, then my back, then my - ah. I had a can of drink in my bag, didn't I? Shit. Laptop and notepad too. Cue - next few minutes haphazardly disgorging contents of bag to extricate pissing can and its bare remnants and check state of laptop. It appears to be fine. Annoying to have to walk around the local supermarket wet and stinking of booze though.

    Weirdly, when I stood in line to pay, the lady in front of me had actually quite clearly pissed herself, with a large wet mark described down the backs of her legs. Quite the pair, we made.

    • "described down the back of her legs"
      wonderful language
    • so hang on, the whole can emptied in your sack? so you went back to buy another can? Do you buy single cans? Too much to process*fadein11
    • *I haven't read the post properly, yet.fadein11
    • i just had a can in there randomly, then went to Sainsbury's to buy a microwaveable delight to eat as I work through til midnight. Unsure how the can broke tho.Nairn
    • Also, I'm fairly sure it was Iain Banks I stole that usage of 'described' from. I've never had an original idea in my life :)Nairn
    • Love it, it's strange yet familiar. Something Uncle Monty may have said :)fadein11
    • haha, noooNairn
    • loldrgs
    • @Naim write a book, dude; I might read itKrassy
    • Sartre would be proudStoicLevels
    • This is why I want for my future to work from home, shop online, and only go outside as far as my garden. When I get one.shapesalad
    • Not making this up - piss-lady was wearing thick ski gloves and going through her purse, looking for a receipt or somesuch. Lady behind counter was oh-so pissedNairn
    • Purse was FULL of receipts. Like, shit tonnes. Hard enough to deal with normal digits, never mind cold-snow glove-clad spastic digits.Nairn
    • Awww mate, I love how I can totally relate to your ‘am I having a wobble’ moments yet still find it a hilarious story. Glad it wasn’t a leaky nob moment!Ianbolton
    • Your writings are recognizable after reading a paragraph... Hahaha, nice one!OBBTKN
  • scarabin0

    Anybody here ever get into SFX stuff? Casting and moldmaking, sculpting with monster clay, etc...

    Didn’t someone here work on building dinosaurs?

    Just curious, i’ve been learning a lot about it lately

    • Huh, fortuitous timing - I was just about to ask Dopepope the exact same as a friend is needing some pointers on the subject!Nairn
    • They working on anything fun?scarabin
    • Yeah, back in uni. It's how I met my wife. She go into it more, and ended up at a shop for a while making guts for the show houserobotinc
    • I always wanted to but I never got into fabrication or anything. Closest I get to movie SFX is concept art.dopepope
  • omahadesigns-6

    Anyone put their pronouns in their bio / profiles?

    All the young kids are doing it now.

    • For work yeah, otherwise nahnb
    • you think about this too much omaha, why don’t you go hit on your trans boss who you think is cute like Liz lemon?monospaced
    • write that you have no genderpango
    • "he/him" I've see here and there. FFS.shapesalad
    • What's the point of it? So dumbNBQ00
    • They do it to show support for transgender right. I'd say we need to go beyond genders and go genderless + all genders at the same time.pango
    • i have close friends here in CA that may present as male but identify differently - i do it for them.sarahfailin
  • NBQ00-1

    A mountain of invoices is burying me alive.

  • PonyBoy6

    Yesterday marked month 2 on my vegan-only diet. My only slip ups have been that I forgot to check if my impossibru burger had mayo on it from some burger joint AND I tossed a huge middle finger at a plate of cheesy tots at this silly gourmet bowling alley in scottsdale and crammed THREE of those fuckers down my nearly dairyless / completely meatless gullett...

    ... still pooping like a champ... I drink plenty of wine each night because that's how I do it right now YET in two months time w/next to NO exercise I've dumped 21 lbs. That may be an indicator that I was / am overweight... stow your judgement cuz NO CUTE LIL PIGGIES have sacrificed themselves upon an alter of turkey, lettuce, tomato, mayo and toasted bread for over TWO fucking months now... ... two... fucking...


    • Fuck that vegan shit!…
    • Put avocado instead!scarabin
    • avocado is on everything :)PonyBoy
    • How does vegan have to do with losing weight? Sounds more like a recipe/cooking thing?inteliboy
    • wine = sugar, you are replacing. Fats from meats with sugary wine.shapesalad
    • I know it, shape... my wife and I were just discussing ditching all booze... gonna be tough but it’s the right move for so many health reasons for both of usPonyBoy
    • you don't have to ditch all booze wtff are you talking about.. there's always low-carb stuff like hard kombucha and my new fave topo chico hard seltzer. cheers!sea_sea
    • also, are you doing this to lose weight/ healthy lifestyle? cause it's about calorie intake, sugar, and carbs. at least that's what worked for me just sayin.sea_sea
    • I want to try impossibru burger one day even though they kill you.GuyFawkes
    • sea's... my cholesterol / other numbers were ridiculous. Rather than touch another statin drug (horrid sideFX for me) I've opted to go the vegan route...PonyBoy
    • ... as food and dairy cause horrid inflammation / swelling that I wasn't really aware of until my cardiologist pointed me in the right direction.PonyBoy
    • So... it's a lifestyle choice but not necessarily to lose weight (nice side effect tho) but to get away from the inflammation / swelling that comes w/meat+dairyPonyBoy
    • *should have posted in the 'signs your getting older' threadPonyBoy
    • I saw an impossible burger once and it instantly gave me soy titties. Now i’m a raging liberal and only listen to diana rossscarabin
    • I prefer the Gardein™ brand over the impossibru stuff. My titties are intact, my political rage is balanced (I hate everyone equally)... fuck diana ross tho :PPonyBoy
    • Gardein is great, i like their wingsscarabin
  • StoicLevels-1

    have you ever been researching a hiree and their social media and noticed that they were a young, naive virtue signaler?

    now, should that get in the way of a hire because of a fear of a toxic morale? or should it be ignored as ennui?

    I would ideally like to avoid this type of work environment:

    (pardon my entertainment example as a metaphor for real life but whatever)

    • btw this is not QBN related so don't worry about that.StoicLevels
    • Yes, do not hire anyone under 40. People over 40 in design need help getting jobs, and are better works, less like to be distracted by social media.shapesalad
    • *workersshapesalad
    • oh, I'm sorry I'm not in design. I used to be but not anymore. I guess I want to know your opinion for a creative in general...StoicLevels
    • *likely... but more likely to be bad at typing.shapesalad
    • "Do not hire anyone under 40" is great advicenb
    • lol.StoicLevels
    • I take their social into account when hiring. They've put it out there so why not?TOMMYxGUNN
    • yeah, it's kind of hard to ignore, isn't it?StoicLevels
    • You'd take it into account if they had posted outright racist stuff, so yeah, judge away. I have.TOMMYxGUNN
    • Yes, it's fine to take their social into account when assessing candidates. (Assuming their profile is public.)nb
    • However, if you do this, you're the kind of boss that thinks they deserve to influence workers' free time / private lives outside of work.nb
    • You might say you're not that person, but you are. Bad bosses never know they're bad bosses. They all think they're good.nb
    • lol.StoicLevels
    • https://media0.giphy…StoicLevels
    • dont hire anyone above 40yrs old. that should cover almost everyone on qbn.pango
    • Lol. Nobody on qbn is qualifiedStoicLevels
    • It's not a design job at allStoicLevels
    • That's a bizarre sequence of hoops you've jumped through there nb. Would you hire someone who posted racist comments?TOMMYxGUNN
    • Trust your gut. If you are asking the question, I'd take that as a worrying sign.monNom
    • ooh that was a good one, thanksStoicLevels
    • it probably works both ways, show him/her this post, they will likely look for work elsewhere so problem solved.fadein11
    • Womp wompStoicLevels
  • Hayzilla4

    I have more money than I ever dreamed I would have to spend on a new house. Yet I'm depressed as fuck as to what we can actually get for that money. #FirstWordProblems #HumbleBrag

    • Share the wealth man!pango
    • Don't mistake the dreams of a lazy, dyslexic, stoner, graphic designer with your vision of wealth ;-)Hayzilla
    • What city/area?monospaced
    • It's a town in Berkshire, UK.Hayzilla
    • Sounds expensive.monospaced
    • Been there, know the feeling, best advice is to get on as soon as you can, can't see it ever getting easier.TOMMYxGUNN
    • ^
      only advice worth listening to. Prices never fucking go down. WHY DIDN'T I BUY A FLAT 20 YEARS AGO WHEN I FIRST MOVED TO LONDON?!?!
    • But yes, it's fucking depressing. I imagine what you can get in Berks is much less depressing than what you can get in the expensive shitehole I live inNairn
    • My apartment which bought in 2011 has doubled in valuedrgs
    • I*drgs
    • Good
    • Buy and stop being a little beeyotchcannonball1978
  • Longcopylover-1

    Hey ad-people (I know you are out there, dare to show yourselves).
    What sites do you go to see the latest campaigns/hot shit?
    Newssites like adweek, adfreak, adage, campaign and blogs like creativecriminals, adland, etc.?

    More and more blogs die and a lot of new stuff is behind paywalls.

  • i_monk9

    Took last week off. Other than the migraines it was a great little break.

  • section_0143

    I used to use Google Hangouts for everything. I have a Google Voice number, so I could sms text, message, make phone calls, everything in Hangouts. But, since it's google, they're dropping it for something with nearly the same functionality (but worse!).

    Now, I'm using Google Chat and Google Voice. I fucking hate it. Chat crops images on mobile, and you have to click to show them. I swear this process takes 5 seconds per click. Why is it like this? Just scale the damn thing, and if I want to see it bigger, I'll tap it. I can't believe how annoying this is. It worked perfect in Hangouts.

    Next, the web client is garbage for both. I used to be able to fit 3 or 4 message windows side-by-side in hangouts. Now, the chat window just takes up all the available space (except contacts).

    I'm half tempted to write my own chat app and make my friends use it.

    • If you don't like it move to Russianb
    • Google is so annoying with them killing off so many apps/ services. They did it with inbox mail app too which was absolutely great.NBQ00
    • (lol nb)NBQ00
    • I have a friend that works at Google and he forced me to swap over to Chat when it was in beta. It sucked for all of 2020 and they seem to be stubborn about..garbage
    • ..making it better. Hangouts was and still is superior, but it's finally getting the axe fairly soon. Unless Google does Google things.garbage
    • Writing your own is pointless because Telegram is kind of boss these days.garbage
  • Nairn0

    When I first came to London, twenty years ago, I had an option to buy a flat a family-member was renting, I think from the council or something, at the time.

    "Pfft - I'm not staying in London for more than a couple of years. Besides, I live in North London - where the fuck is Bermondsey?"

    Twenty years later and that place is worth a small fortune and Bermondsey is actually not a terrible place any more (wasn't much then, to be fair) and I've spent close to £200k simply existing.

    Stupid cunt.

    Why isn't life like a computer game and I can go back a few saves?

    • Waiting for someone to say you should've also bought bitcoin back thengrafician
    • This is in response to Hayzilla's post above.

      Point being - buy as soon as you fucking can, as desperate as that sounds.
    • @graf - ha! Aye, I do wish I'd delved into the darknets back when and had a few pointless BTC lying around.Nairn
    • Now though? Super glad I don't do crypto. Shit's like a coke habit - super fucks up everyone along the chain, and peripherally.Nairn
  • scarabin1

    Just found a folder full of hundreds of bookmarks from 2012. It’s weird how that number has dwindled over the years to like two or three websites currently that i just visit over and over again.

    Did the internet change and these sites just happen to contain everything i want now? Did i get unwittingly funneled into this by some kind of marketing? Did i just get lazy? Maybe “the feed” replaced visiting dozens of sites a day?


    • Concretized neural networks.Nairn
    • Calcified?Nairn
    • Scrolling feeds replaced decentralised web and the joy of link-jumping thru rabbit holes until the morning
      Kids these days never knew pure cyber discovery
    • I used to guard that hoard of bookmarks carefully. It was like knowing about good obscure music or something.scarabin
    • Novelty effect disappeareddrgs
    • I was the same, had loads of obscure Japanese sites and the usual portals, but I reckon between Twitter, Tumblr you can still find the rare art grooves.PhanLo
  • drgs1

    Does anyone remember from the very early days of Newstoday, some NT member was in a fictive marriage with an east-european woman (to help her stay in US etc)? He described his journey through a series of posts (or maybe it was his friend)...

    • Was she the stock image of the girl with the shoes on the steps?scarabin
    • No its a separate story, I thinkdrgs
    • That's so bizarre. Does anyone remember the guy who said his flat had went on fire, but it hadn't? he posted photos of a burning building. Same energyPhanLo
    • @PhanLo
      This is the picture but I can't remember who posted it :…
    • Nothing gets past the archivist :…
    • Good find! That's proper mental illness that drank von Drake stuff.PhanLo
    • I’ve never seen so many banned individuals in one placescarabin
    • lolpango
    • She wore a white puffy jacket, and had a boyfriend. That's my recollection.monNom
    • so LOLsted
    • also thanks for the nice reminder that i have to hit the polish deli today.sted
  • BusterBoy2

    There's a Union called the United Firefighters Union, Victoria Branch. The head of this Union has been a controversial figure for years...allegations of wrongdoing etc etc but he's always kept his job.

    New story has come out...apparently he outsourced the design of their website to his brother...and the brother charged almost $75K for it!

    It's just a wordpress site..apparently also has a very basic intranet which only has a login and then some password protected pages! LOL...good work if you can get it.

  • Krassy2

    Zombie Preparedness on…

  • sarahfailin4

    I got the J&J vaccine *yesterday* the last day before they pulled it from vaccine centers in California.

    Fortunately I am not a woman, nor at any risk for blood clots in general, so I don't feel nervous. In fact, I'm glad I was able to get a very safe vaccine before the availability of vaccines was suddenly reduced.

    Feel a little feverish and tired, but not so much as to keep me from working from home (or shitposting).

    • "FORTUNATELY I am not a woman"
    • My wife and I had this shot last Thursday...
    • only 6 in 6 million people have had this issue. may not even be causally related.sarahfailin
  • stoplying6

    Had a crazy busy morning today and forgot to do a rinse/brush before my dentist appointment. As the dentist is rather aggressively scraping my teeth I see him getting some sizable chunks of food out of my mouth. He finishes the session telling me to suck on the little spit vacuum thing and says he needs to suck the breakfast out of my mouth. Shit sorry doc.

    • lolGuyFawkes
    • Doesn't he get paid regardless?

      Do you clean your house before the cleaner arrives!?

      ; )