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  • drgs0

    My vaccination has been postponed with 8-12 weeks, ie. from July to Sep-Oct...

  • Krassy5

    where do you get your news? what sources do you trust?

    • Not sure I trust any source outright unfortunately, I find it's more a case of reading multiple sources and balancing it up.TOMMYxGUNN
    • Weather patterns and the entrails of birdsscarabin
    • @TOMMYxGUNN so what are some of the multiple sources you read?Krassy
    • NPR, PBS, BBC, CBC, AP, AFPnb
    • Facebook, FOX, 4ChanGuyFawkes
    • & PR2's postsGuyFawkes
    • AP mostlyGnash
    • QBN - You'll hear it first.dasohr
    • seriously though, PBS though I am aware of their slight bias, but at least they give the news & not their opinions about itGuyFawkes
    • CNN, FOX, MSNBC, all party propaganda, fuck all that.GuyFawkes
    • Found out my in laws friend watches newsmax all the time. Gross.monospaced
    • I just get my general news from here, and after that it's niche specific. I'm following crypto closely and twitter is where all the action is for that specific.ESKEMA
    • NPR, PBS, NYT, BBCutopian
    • https://kcnawatch.or…pablo28
    • +1 scarabinsausages
    • WorlOBBTKN
    • LolOBBTKN
    • godneverscared
    • DR (Danish national public service medium - sorta like the BBC of Denmark:) )jagara
    • pbs, bbc, the internetrenderedred
    • Chick of the Day threadNBQ00
    • Qbn. Only qbn.AQUTE
    • my wifeGardener
    • + we don't have a TV so don't watch the newsGardener
    • I make up my own news. More fun that way. Last week a gang of koalas invented a new form of clean energy based on playing albums by The Throwing Muses.face_melter
    • One accidentally swapped them out for the Bosse-de-Nage catalogue and it killed nineteen scientists and technicians. Terrible scenes.face_melter
    • I get my news from @face_melter and by summoning Ancestral ghostssted
    • Sign up for my weekly newsletter covering science, culture, high-impact violence, and cooking. This week: Fire. Does it really cleanse the weak?face_melter
    • Bosse-de-Nage is okay.dasohr
    • i have crayons and paper next to my bed and i scrawl shit descriptions of bits of dreams, then winnow them into a global morning narrativeNairn
    • Today was mostly purple.Nairn
  • scarabin-1

    i just realized the first several notes of this track

    are the same as the pornhub intro.

    it's like they just started with that intro and wrote a song around it

  • pango0

    If two vegans are arguing, is it still considered a beef?

    • and how does one project superiority by proclaiming "I'm a Vegan?"Krassy
    • they should fight to the death, though they might not have the energy to do so.GuyFawkes
    • ^ it should require barely any energy, no?Krassy
    • idle thoughts thread?sarahfailin
  • pango1

    Is there a synonym for “synonym”?

  • shapesalad2

    Have you ever quit a job?

    How do you manage the stress of no income when you have bills+rent. And the logic in not sticking it out, even though it's really not suitable job / company for you.

    Not sure how much more of this I can take.

    • Generally speaking, I suspect most healthy people try to find another gig first before quitting, in order to avoid the crippling stress of financial problems.Continuity
    • Partly in a shit economy like this one. I certainly wouldn't recommend rage-quitting.

      Although I have done when I was much younger.
    • Particularly, not partlyContinuity
    • I've got interviews lined up, 3 next week... I guess I just got to hold on till an offer comes in...shapesalad
    • life's too short if making you seriously unhappy, better to be skint sometimes (as long as you can pay main bills). Are you not daytrading still?fadein11
    • I'm pretty sure nearly everyone here (40+) has quit a jobfadein11
    • never was fired or let go by the other side.
      always went into the void and got picked up quickly after taking a large-ish break. i think this helps a lot
    • I pretty much rage quit my previous job. They were a bit shocked and offered my to stay in on a freelance basis, which I did until I found a new job.scruffics
    • I got more money to work less. I also got to focus on the one project I actually enjoyed and didn’t have to go to any of the meetings I hated so muchscruffics
    • Whatever you do, don't burn your bridges. Leave on good terms and professionally. You never knowBaskerviIle
    • I'm on the same boat, looking for my options as we speak. I'm a key player in the company so it's gonna be a shit show if I don't plan it out right.sea_sea
    • Usually I had another job lined up before I quit. But there were time that I didn't. How I managed? I didn't... Not really. Just went into hibernation mode topango
    • Stretch out my savings. Also I've always had small freelance on the side.pango
    • Not had time to trade beside a nice 20min in/out trade with $CHZ coin the other night, pocketing 1/2 my day rate.shapesalad
    • I quit my last job and never had anything lined up. I'd just had enough of the place. Did have a good bit of savings and wife had income coming in too...microkorg
    • Finished job in Nov, got a new one late December, then a few months in Covid/Lockdown hit so I'm glad I took this job!microkorg
    • Left the Agency world behind after 20+ years. Fuck 8.30am-9pm! Work for tech company, strictly 9-5! More time for own projects and freelance work I want to do.microkorg
    • If you are severely unhappy at the place then just leave and put all your spare time into job hunting. If you just think its a 'doesnt fit me too well' then...microkorg
    • ...just stick it out. Maybe even talk to bosses and let them know how you feel, say you're looking for something else.microkorg
    • Lean on fam/friends if you can, make side hustles, keep active, buckle down and grind it out. It aint easy, but u can do it.desmo
    • I was out of work for about 15mo from 2019-2020 - so I know where you are coming from. Sending you good vibes.desmo
    • i even quit my freelance jobs no big deal.renderedred
    • Create a Youtube page about something that you're passionate about. Hey, you never know.ok_not_ok
    • or start selling NFTs ;)microkorg
  • BusterBoy-10

    What the fuck's a Magic you pretentious cock!

  • Hayzilla0

    I was thinking of moving to Boulder Colorado for a laugh. But god it's expensive there.…

    • That is like $150k house anywhere else in the midwest.utopian
    • jesus thats a shithole. pipes on the ceiling and allkingsteven
    • jeezuz, that is worse than here in San Diego!capn_ron
    • On the market 160 days, so way the price is way too highrobotinc
    • I wouldn’t call it a shithole. The pipes on the ceiling are because it’s the finished basement. It isn’t like that in the main floor.monospaced
    • Here’s one under a million and 3x larger. https://www.zillow.c…monospaced
    • NOT saying it isn’t insanely priced in the central area. It is. Totally bonkers.monospaced
    • i dunno, tiled work surfaces and layers of white gloss and exposed pipes there is nothing of merit in these interiors. needs gutted and rebuilt.kingsteven
    • It’s a two floor duplex. The piping is the bottom floor under ground mostly. The house is fine.monospaced
    • Yea, I wasn't saying it was a shit house. Just very expensive for what it is. All the houses in that area are similarly over priced.Hayzilla
    • I just bought the NFT of this houseGuyFawkes
    • I don't know how anyone survives out West. Outside of maybe Nevada where the taxes are low. 600K for a house in Denver. Lol, why?section_014
  • nb0

    Real Estate prices in America are insane, right? Everyone has lost their mind, right? We're going to hit another crash, right?

    • Canada, UK, most of Europe and other places too. So yeah, another one...grafician
    • OR the M1 money supply went from $4.2T to $18.4T in one year, and house prices are one of the areas that inflation is showing up.monNom
    • Yeah it does feel like that. Everyone's like "there's no inflation" but housing prices are thru the fuckin' roofnb
    • And fuel, and building supplies. Some food. Some electronics. Used cars. Dogs. Trailers and RVs. There's some inflation.monNom
    • Low interest rates play a role in that too. In Canada up until just recently you could get a 5yr mortgage for 1.5%, 10yr for 2%. That's a big lever on prices.monNom
    • damn, that Michael Burry guy is 2 for 2!grafician
    • when money is devalued you put it into crypto or assets, such as property. this is feeling a bull run in both sectorsshapesalad
  • kaiyohtee5

    I grew up privileged and was so annoyed I had to get allergy shots as a kid. I would even fool my mom and tell her I got one and didn't—to the point where my immunity dropped and I had to start all over. I hated getting sore arms and the stronger doses weren't fun. Times have changed. I got stabbed yesterday. My arm is mildly sore from my Moderna No. 1, proof it is working. Now I understand what is actually happening to my muscles. The whole technology behind mRNA has gotten my brain so curious. The idea of isolating a protein chemically, and with that spinny, centrifuge, it's all fascinating to me. Yay nerds!

    • So I celebrated and bought Michael McClure's last book, Mule Kick Blues, from City Lights. I've never been there, but hope to sometime!kaiyohtee
    • Wait, McClure died?! Poets pass in the night, I suppose. RIP.garbage
    • Check out Jennifer Doudna and mRNA…Ianbolton
  • omahadesigns-7

    Are white people the subject of racism anywhere where they are the minority?

  • Gardener0

    Discovered this pretty incredible prize offer which came with copies of The Womble Shuffle 7", I tried Googling any images of the hairy buggers on top of the Empire State Building but to no avail.

    not their best song

    • never forget!…
    • Wannabe muppets?monospaced
    • pre dates Muppets by several yearsGardener
    • Coolmonospaced
    • But Sesame Street aired in 69 and Wombles aired 73. Years after muppets.monospaced
    • The Muppets were created in 1955 by Henson, almost 20 years before wombles.monospaced
    • it's nothing like the Muppets mono, it's animated for starters.fadein11
    • I only had these images to go from.monospaced
    • true. basically very early eco warriors with an incredible theme tune. and like most UK kids TVof the 70's slightly sinister (although that may be just me).fadein11
    • Foot stompindrgs
    • shit I never knew the Muppets had been around so long, they were a late arrival to UKGardener
    • no surprise there, you all had something like only 3 channels back then ;)monospaced
  • omahadesigns-3

    Friend of mine lost his job at the start of the pandemic. He was working in convention and trade show type stuff and that industry disappeared.

    He hasn't gotten a job since.

    I know other people who do similar sorts of things and are starting to work again, but my friend isn't.

    I don't know if he's just lazy or what.

    • tell him he should start smoking cigarettesGuyFawkes
    • Get him into day trading ffsakegrafician
    • Guys I knew who worked in that world ended up working in the courts. They do all the tech support for virtual juries who watch the case in a cinema.PhanLo
    • All the groups I know working in that space went to virtual events. Which nobody likes.monospaced
  • SteveJobs1

    So, I'm working on a logo and start trawling dribbble and b*hance seeking inspiration. I come across a dude out of India who has a trove of logos, most of which look straight from istockphoto or similar, all of which are for sale. One of these does use an approach that I'm actually interested in. But the overall look, feel, proportions are horrible. I do a mockup using his as inspiration but I admittedly don't feel like there's enough difference (at least for my conscience) to just run with mine without compensating him somehow for the inspiration.

    Problem is, this is just a single-letter logo. There's not much to it and since I've never purchased anything like this before I'm wondering what am I buying exactly? Is this original work? Can he prove it?

    I guess I'm more concerned about the moral aspect of it, but I don't know the implications of buying something that's publicly available, and may already be in use, or might be a take on an existing idea that's been done a bazillion times already. For all I know it's one of those letter logos you'll see that have the entire alphabet done in a similar style, but who knows, maybe it's unique?


    (ps. not a designer)

    • Username checks outnb
    • ^hahahkingsteven
    • thanksSteveJobs
    • I don't show logos anymore because dudes from India or Asia anyway stealing and reselling them on fiverrr or 99designsgrafician
    • So basically I could be wasting my money buying something that you created from someone else :/SteveJobs
    • Probably, yeahgrafician
    • Wow, this sounds an awful lot like the NFT issue, or I suppose the issue that NFT's *should* solve - but fail to.SteveJobs
    • Actually turning logos into NFTs is the best use case for designers.grafician
    • Link to the designers work?utopian
    • If you could've put it down to chance, and you change it enough to be different, then in your shoes I might've not posted this and just been a cunt.Nairn
    • Especially if you don't consider yourself a designer. But what's the charge? $20? If so, fuckit and pay the guy to subdue guilt, then modify anyway.Nairn
    • Every designer copies. It's just how much and how that matters.Nairn
    • How could an NFT solve this? Which 'version' of the design would be entrusted to the NFT - the visible artwork on the web, or the original vector? Can't be bothNairn
    • Unless NFT hashes can represent packages, with different aspects within the package visible contextually? I doubt it.Nairn
    • Thanks Nairn, I'll probably wind up reaching out. The do-gooder in me always wins it seems.SteveJobs
  • Gardener0

    For the 2nd time in a week a sat nav has sent a big lorry down our street and written off a neighbours car, I spoke to her and she said it's a fancy new electric one she only picked up and drove home from the showroom yesterday!

    just last week

    • I'm guessing that's a right-off?

      If so, what a stupid waste.
    • yeah that would cost too much to repair, driver was really nonchalantGardener
    • I'm sure - a nice insurance pay-out, I assume. A shame though. I'm sure a lot can be reclaimed for teh repairs market, but fuck if that isn't a sad wasteNairn
    • May be different there, but here if the car is new (not sure how new) the replacement payout covers the cost of a new car, not depreciated valueGnash
    • fuck satnavs and the morons who use them.hans_glib
    • looks like a smart place to parkGuyFawkes
    • right-off? nngh.Nairn
    • Define:
      Sat Nav
    • Over sized lorry being told to drive down street to small for it by a computerGardener
    • Thats a Nissan Leaf. Not a fancy electric car LOL. Shit what happened to it though.Hayzilla
    • she told me it was electric, bloody lying neighboursGardener
    • I know nothing about cars btw, except mine is blueGardener
    • The leaf is electric, just not fancyGnash
    • ^Hayzilla
    • Hey Gardener, I've got a second hand Nissan Leaf you can buy for just £45k.Hayzilla
  • SimonFFM3

    Today I received 485 book orders. Unfortunately all of them came from a spammer.

    Not cool when someone vandalizes your system. I had to get all orders deleted because my system automatically generates tax invoices.

  • Nairn0

    I entirely forgot that I have a client to meet in like 2-15 minutes and I've just been sat here at what I thought was the end of my day, processing jobs in the background, doing a couple of invoices for the day, dillying with some shit in illy and ps, smoking a couple of joints, drinking a couple of boozes and ..oh.. shit, i have a client to meet. d'oh.

    i have to wear a mask.

    the only bit of my face they can see is the bit that immediately gives me away.

    Stupid old fool.

    • turned out: not massively awkward, but perhaps i do overthink things when stoned.Nairn
    • happy holidazemonospaced
    • Wear sunglasses, tearfull eyes, allergies... You knowOBBTKN
    • drugs are for the weakbabydick
    • No happy 4/20 for you then? haha

      [Mild] Drugs keep me sane.
    • JK, it's hard to say "no" to some good crack.babydick
  • omahadesigns-2

    Friend of mine started a new project I was excited about and I volunteered to design a logo for them under the premise that I could trade them for some things in the future.

    Gave him a few options I was happy with. He comes back a few weeks later and says thanks but his gf/partner has it all sorted out (he's not very design savvy and she is more).

    Today they launch a site with an ugly logo that's just a junky font and the worst Wix website ever.

    • share so we can yelp about the logo poorlycapn_ron
  • kingsteven3

    Got my first AZ shot this morning, in and out in 25 minutes (including 15 min wait afterwards). Was really enjoying the dystopian look of the stadium-come vaccine centre with all the white treatment cubes and then Californiacation by Red Hot Chili Peppers came on the PA as I was getting the jab and totally ruined my vibe.

    On the way home I saw a surveyors measuring wheel abandoned by a bench in the park. Now, I have no need for a measuring wheel but I can remember as a child thinking "at some point when I'm old I will own a measuring wheel" so I dunno, I had a look around and no one was about, I doubled back on myself to have a closer 'look'

    On closer inspection the wheel looked brand new, but sitting next to it there were two empty bottles of poppers and a sealed stack of rice cakes. I mean I doubt its the work of sex people but I couldn't bare to split up such a random and thought provoking combo of items

    • never mind the sex shit, did you purloin the surveyor's wheel or not?hans_glib
    • hah, its still there. i have too many tools that i don't use but i may swing by with the dog this evening and see if its still therekingsteven
    • Did you happen to see what distance was on the measuring wheel?Nairn
  • Hayzilla0

    Is Google Maps on chrome acting odd for anyone else? Zoom scroll has gone bonkers.

    • was on google maps just a few minutes ago, painfully slow.renderedred