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  • robotinc1

    Got the second shot, when does my 5G turn on?

    • No notifications from Bill? Hmmm oddgrafician
    • Did you reboot?monospaced
    • You might have to download the new 5G drivers so the update works.monospaced
    • LOLoey_oey
    • Press and hold your taint for five secondsscarabin
    • LOLoey_oey
    • try to disable the adblocker or use an other browsersted
    • You've had 2 of Bill's shots? You ARE the 5G. You're now a human 5G mast.Wolfboy
    • paging covid IT support pr2_niko
  • shapesalad0

    Was supposed to do a test project of a job interview this weekend... but just looked at it... and mind went blank, brain tired, body tired of sitting at computer. Tired after week of intense working on the same kinda stuff.

    Now going to flunk interview, got nothing to show them, and no ideas, will have to make it up as I go along. wish me luck. Really wanted this job...

    • *for a*shapesalad
    • Just tell them, and tell them before the interview. Don’t make an excuse, just get an extension. You have nothing to lose at this point.nb
    • wing it man!renderedred
    • It might not work. But some managers would prefer to see how you handle asking for an extension, if it were client worknb
    • yes, what nb said. Just tell them life got in the way at the weekend and try to get an extension.microkorg
    • If you try to bullshit your way through it they'll think that's your best effort which it obviously wouldnt be.microkorg
    • no extensions given, choice can withdraw or go ahead...shapesalad
    • been offered jobs paying almost 50% more without having to do a test project... so motivation is low on this...shapesalad
    • if they ask tests even if you're an experienced worker, they have a shitty HR department and you should bail.grafician
    • Don't even show up. It's over.StoicLevels
    • Funny, I'm going through the same thing; test assignment for a job interview. And my own motivation levels are pretty low.Continuity
  • kingsteven2

    After watching the magic robot video Scarabin posted yesterday the recommended videos made me aware that there's a magician called Piff that dresses like a dragon and has the exact face of one of my good friends...

    Sent it to him yesterday, let it settle a bit then sent it to my girlfriend last night who in turn sent it to his girlfriend this morning. This could be weeks of fun, thanks Scarabin!

  • shellie3

    Up at 3am coordinating the move of a set peice on the other side of the country. Fucking hell what wS point of writing a detailed pick up and delivery email if it's not going to be distributed to the rest of the moving team? 5 calls in already, basically reading off information I gave them weeks ago. Fml it's going to be a long day.

  • Continuity17

    Dear Nairn,

    Fuck you.

    I subbed to *that* Korean street food YT channel you've posted videos from in the Food thread.

    And, now, not only can I not stop watching — constantly swallowing like an utter spacker, because I'm over-salivating, with my stomach absolutely shrieking with desire — but I've become obsessed with going to South Korea and eating myself senseless, until I'm a disgusting, waddling blob of rendered pork fat, melted processed cheese, and kimchi fumes.

    That is, until I remember that 1) I'm unemployed, and am too skint to travel anywhere beyond Lake Starnberg on the S6 commuter train line, and 2) we're still in the middle of a pandemic, and travelling remains a total no-go.

    Instead, I must stay home in my southern German flat, eating my meagre homemade Spam and kimchi fried rice (with a fried egg atop it), wondering ruefully at what might have been between spoonfuls, as that unctuous, runny egg yolk oozes amongst the grains of crisped, chewy rice.

    So, fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you. Fuck. :(

    PS: You know I love you, right? Good. Now, fuck you.

    • Nikocado Avocado?NBQ00
    • ahahaha! ah, just give in - i use YT to consume vicariously and my nightly watching of two or three korean food videos has kept me a sane recently!Nairn
    • fried rice (with a fried egg atop it). YummmKrassy
    • kids dragged me to get a Korean hot dog yesterday, pogo-like thing stuffed with cheese and deep fried to perfection. one of the greatest things I've ever eaten!_niko
    • ^ Oh ... these things!…
    • lol is this a trending thing, or some sort of algorithm STD? A few months ago I had the tornado omlette pop up, and I've made it a few times since.garbage
    • It is absolutely impossible to do btw.garbage
    • Yeah street food in Seoul is awesome!microkorg
    • He be speaking Korean next week.pango
    • It's all an illusionoey_oey
    • I made a similar mistake clicking on some clips on YouTube now i just want to be a chefAQUTE
    • Haha. Oh mate, what a place to be. I found a tin of kimchi in my cupboard today :-)Ianbolton
    • What channel? I am subbed to a bunch of food channels. Always looking for anotherAkagiyama
    • @Aka, this one:…Continuity
    • I think Korea is actually one of the few places that's been allowing tourists this whole time.yuekit
    • Not that's it's easy, you'd have to do two week quarantine in a hotel. Seems more sensible than totally closing borders though.yuekit
    • @AQUTE there are so many food tourist channels still going, but go cook your ass off. I'm no pro, but I've grown up around people who work in high-end kitchensgarbage
    • Try and fail and try again. There's no better joy than making something for somebody and watching them love it.garbage
    • Yummyboy! I'm subbed to that one!Akagiyama
  • Nairn3

    So as an only child who grew up in the countryside and as someone who's worked alone for many years, I've always been the sort to natter on to myself when I'm on my own.

    Since having a kid this has went up a notch - I have a constantly running monologue that is slowly becoming a dialogue with her as I fart around the house or push her around in the pram or whatever.

    Since Covid my inane nattering to myself has gone into overdrive and my internal monologue keeps spilling out - for some reason my brain thinks that wearing a facemask shields my expressions, but they clearly do not. I really need to rein it in a bit. Turning a bit nutter.

    • y'day I found myself exhaling "ugh, what is this stupid fucker doing?" and said stupid fucker turned around and stared at me because it wasn't just in my head.Nairn
    • please write a book, NaimKrassy
    • what krassy said!OBBTKN
    • And Nairn... It is a clear symptom that you are getting old ;) no filtering. You're not alone, the same is happening to almost all my friends with the same ageOBBTKN
    • at least you have a child... i do this with the dogkingsteven
    • I bet you don't walk around Sainsbury's doing an entire monologue about each product you pass in a Gilbert Gottried/Richard Nixon voice.Nairn
  • StoicLevels-14

    QBN levels are currently depressing.

    Chin up, people. Your suffering is not unique.

    Walk through the fire.

    • Don't know what you're talking about, my QBN-level has been 32.6 for weeksnb
    • oh thats interesting. I will re-check the barometer.StoicLevels
    • we're all languishing apparentlyhans_glib
    • cry away, i guess... stupid of me to tell the internet it's being the internetStoicLevels
    • as long as you are on the stoic level we're finerenderedred
    • I currently lvl 64. Doing just fine.pango
    • shit. gonna have to come up with more original forms of sufferingscarabin
    • you know things are getting back to normal when qbn dies at the weekendskingsteven
  • StoicLevels-12

  • jagara-1

    "Another Round" is overrated. It's fine, enjoyable. Slightly quirky dramedy. Doesn't deserve an Oscar.

  • Continuity9

    So tomorrow, I've got my dog-and-pony show creative test presentation for one agency (I finally managed to activate myself, and get a workable idea), Thursday afternoon I get my first AZ Covid jab, and Friday at noon I have a video interview with another agency up in Berlin.

    Finally, stuff is happening in my life. But, frankly, the CVs-sent-to-reactions/interview... ratio in the last 15 months has been utterly fucking miserable. Christ.

    • April has been a good yearkingsteven
    • Let's us review your CVdrgs
    • Change your career dude, wake upi_was
  • garbage3

    My girlfriend and I have lived together for about 5 or 6 years. Dunno, I'm not the type that keeps count, and we're solid enough that we don't have to worry about numbers. About a month ago, she and her best friend set out on a sisters road trip, and I stayed behind to take care of the dogs. She's looking for a new place to live because she's sick of Seattle.

    Round trip total will be around 5000 miles over the month, and every place that I was hoping would resonate with her has fallen through. Here's a middle finger to Austin, Texas. You had one job. Maybe it sucks now, I dunno.

    Unfortunately her favorite place was my hometown, Birmingham. Middle finger to my old friends that I set up to host them. Y'all had one job.

    She's also a former forester with a bunch of degrees, so she's also loving some bumfuck nowhere spots. I don't know if I'm down with homesteading. She's a Seattle lifer, so I get wanting to get out. She gets home tonight and I've missed her, but fuck if it doesn't feel like there's a massive storm brewing.

    • Life’s short, just do it!nb
    • I’m not entirely following. What happened in Birmingham and what did your friends do? Why is it her favorite and why is that an issue?monospaced
    • If the sentence stopped at “bumfuck”, I would have been so scared. I wanted to be a forester growing up near Santa Cruzfuturefood
    • @mono They showed her southern hospitality and she is under the impression that it's a charming, hidden gem of the south.garbage
    • lol, gotchamonospaced
    • I fucking hate Alabama and she now seems dead set on moving there.garbage
    • @future Yeah she's a registered forester and used to do some really.. insane work that I can't discuss for NDA reasons. Now she wants to move to Alabama.garbage
    • I never really do personal rants on here, but I'm fucking stressed out. She's in full uproot mode and I don't think I can do it.garbage
    • If there really is a disconnect, perhaps she isn't recognizing the stress in you, or you aren't being forthright with your feelings about it.cannonball1978
    • Maybe she's got some ideas about what might be a good place for kids to grow up... Maybe Birmingham? you turned out alright.monNom
    • I don't know anything about your situation, but having been in the position of picking a new place to raise ours, I could only imagine places I'd been beforemonNom
    • Just saying, there might be some unspoken/unrecognize... underlying motivations behind this big move.monNom
    • Oh I've been very vocal about it. We're healthy and open with each other. It's just.. I hate my hometown as much as she hates hers.garbage
    • @monNom Ha, I appreciate it. We're actually both antinatalists, so kids are not part of the equation. Ugh I'm gonna end up in the south though.garbage
  • StoicLevels12

    I am never post anything in this thread again.

  • StoicLevels-9

  • sarahfailin4

    Since I'm plugged in with all the local environmental groups in my city, I set up a garbage clean up for Earth Day. Recruited the orgs to recruit their own volunteers, and I got a list of places needing cleaning from the city.

    We got about 360 volunteers out cleaning up garbage for a couple hours this weekend, got all the equipment donated for free, and the city carried the legal liability. All I had to do was send a handful of mass emails and set up a few phone conversations. Maybe about 20 hours of work on my part. Feels good :)

    ...oh and I didn't pick up a single piece of garbage myself! lol

  • babydick0

    I'm a cuck troll myself, but pussy retard squared is just a faggot ass human waste. I'd love to piss into his mouth in front of his mother (dead or alive, I'd dug her up).

  • scarabin2

    my youtube feed has degraded into utter shite. i can't go two thumbnails without something offering to reveal a scandalous secret, a morbidly obese man eating garbage, or a fifteen-minute top-ten list i could have just read in seconds.

    after a bit of digging i found this. stupid obvious, i know, but it's a feature they slipped in without notifying anyone. it helps. thought i'd share

    • LolNBQ00
    • That „feature“ was there since ages.NBQ00
    • oh, EmmyMade - she's that really cute one?Nairn
    • what's it like being a genius? where do you put all your gold stars and awards? do you even see the same colors we do?scarabin
    • @nairn yeah i guess, but her content is just watering down my lifescarabin
    • NBQ00 spens about four hours a day watching absolute bilge on YouTube.
      He's a God compared to us there.
    • I had no idea about that option - thanks !Gnash
    • Actually only 10% of what I watch on YouTube is „garbage“. The other stuff is documentaries and tech/ space stuff.NBQ00
    • NBQ only watches garbage on YT, that's all he posts here, fuckin Drama alert and all that shitGuyFawkes
    • I don‘t watch drama alert.NBQ00
    • You guys are exaggerating. I occasionally post a weird YT video. Come down from your high horses :)NBQ00
    • what are you on, a fuckin' giraffe?scarabin
    • you only commented here to throw shadescarabin
    • No I didn‘t, why do you think so?NBQ00
    • ...aaaand back to the schrodinger's douchebag routine. you can't be that self-obliviousscarabin
    • Why so mean? I only said „lol, it was there since ages“ in a light-hearted jokingly way with no harm or mean spirit behind.NBQ00
    • obligatory xkcd…
    • sure you did, buddyscarabin
    • I think this kind of misunderstanding happens when people communicate via message boards or chats.NBQ00
    • I think this kind of misunderstanding happens whenever you communicate via message boards or chats.scarabin
  • Gnash0

    Anybody use the email service? Looks kinda good but wondering how well it plays with most of my clients outlook crap.

    • that's really thought out well and has some great features like screening, but I wonder if the paid aspect of it will turn off most users?_niko
    • I’m so tired of email grind - been pretty much the same for years. Wondering if there’s a way out!Gnash
    • Love that company, too. Base camp was awesome when I used it in-houseGnash
    • Basecamp is shit, but Hey looks goodnb
  • pango1

    Fuck you trading tax!!

    That is all

  • maquito13

    Yesterday I went to sleep totally decided to kill my username first thing in the morning. I literally got into my bed trying to remember the email address of the superior mod in charge of making accounts disappear.

    I got really, really upset with the whole situation. Family, deepest feelings, anger... Even if virtually, I felt disturbed, and It really triggered the worst in me.

    I really appreciate the words of those who had commented in the State of QBN post. I feel uncomfortable. It’s been more than 10 years since I made QBN one of my daily-basis-visited communities. I’ve made some friends, it’s helped a lot to make my shitty english a little less worse, and I won’t let anyone take that away from me, no matter how hurtful, disgusting and disrespectful anyone else can be.

    Stay safe, be respectful, and hail Satan.

    • glad you're staying, maq.scarabin
    • Well, at least the “hail satan” part was worth it ;)maquito
    • Respect, maquito! Don’t try the idiots ruin it for you._niko
    • Yes, I'm glad you decided to stay man, good decision.oey_oey
    • Tks, I really appreciate it :)maquito
    • Don't be a narcStoicLevels
    • Bienvenido, de nuevo, Maqui ;)OBBTKN
    • Don't you dare fuck off, maq, you're one of the good ones.Continuity
    • Go away dude you're not worth a pennyi_was
    • @i_was What the fuck is wrong with you? Show us on the doll where the QBN hurt you, you massive saddo.garbage
    • He’s trolling like a cuntmonospaced
    • loli_was
    • maquito, you belong here and you got an army of cool cunts behind you . Stay golden, maquitoboy!Krassy
  • Bennn7

    QBN has been mildly toxic at times for some time now. It's a bit heavy at times and I now stop myself from saying certain things because I know it's going to be ridiculed and downvoted for no reason.

    I'm in other web communities, and the tone is lighter than here and people tend to be nicer than here.

    We've been here for years and I think we've become like brothers who just keep annoying each other sometimes.

    As you may have noticed, I have been much less present here for a few months. And the few times that I come back, there's always someone to remind me that it's not 100% fun coming to QBN.

    I already hear your comments saying that I think too much or that I am too sensitive.

    I dont know... I'll be very sad to quit QBN after so many years. It's been part of my life since forever.

    • its a case of diminishing returns with QBN..
      I wonder if Yayhooray has the same problems.
    • Cryptocurrency is brainwashing you!!!!oey_oey
    • Seriously now, I feel you Bennn. I went for the same reason but in my absence I found better reasons to be here.oey_oey
    • So I joined back and try to avoid certain discussions or commenting when someone's being rude. I try.oey_oey
    • Bennn, you're like the QBN mascot of this lil community. No way are you to leave us. You're fun & interesting ...and you know you're loved around here! Stay!Krassy
    • if someone shits in my hot tub i remove the shit and don't invite the person back. for some reason we just sit in it herescarabin
    • it's a great place to crack jokes and shitpost if you can avoid the chunksscarabin
    • you don't change the water?autoflavour
    • Today I was going to post what happened to bennn? He became a crypto millionaire and forgot the little people? Lol_niko
    • It’s funny we tend to think of and worry about each other when one of us isn’t around for a while. You cunts :)_niko
    • people take this site way too seriously.inteliboy
    • Sentimental snot chewing gang bang, which will take 1 week to resolvedrgs
    • In 30 years time we'll all be here, dribbling while we post from the care home.shapesalad
    • stick around, Bennn.Fax_Benson
    • Edgelords can't help themselves. Just ignore them.Fax_Benson
    • Why would you bring your personal life tragedies to QBN to being withdrgs
    • You really don't know when to stop, do you, drgs?Continuity
    • I stop when I hate myselfdrgs
    • Don't quit. I want to see photos of your car in the snow. Silly me, but I really enjoyed such posts.SimonFFM
    • Don't quit cryptocurrency geniusi_was
    • This place is shit, it's so damn slow and gay, only gay dramai_was
    • Gay drama that people like continuity must lovei_was
    • well fuck off then, you pinheaded little cunt.face_melter
    • ^ fuck off disgusting sverige commiei_was
    • ^ why?oey_oey
    • because he's a fucking commie who likes vomiting his leftist violencei_was
    • Now, this is QBN i know and lovedrgs
    • iam not leaving :)Bennn
    • Hey Bennn, hope you're having a good day.garbage
    • @scara So you have a hot tub ay? Where's the invites?garbage
    • Only the metaphorical one :/ you’re welcome to join my fire pit, though! Got plenty of marshmallows herescarabin
    • What are these "other web communities" you speak of?thumb_screws
    • I'm mostly a lurker but I like this communityCalderone2000
    • Excuse our mess calderone, we’re implodingscarabin
    • @thumb_screws: communities on DiscordBennn
    • @garbage: yes thanks :DBennn
    • haha little bennn is not leaving, drama queeni_was
    • Don't let autoflavor and drgs and detritus and grafician, or any bag of assholes get you down bruvcanoe
    • Once I've made over £1m with crypto+trading+hard graft, I'll be out of here too.shapesalad
    • @shape, you've already left 3ish times.fadein11
    • I agree with you Benn.pinkfloyd
    • other web communities = that 1 discord :)sted
    • And he threw a fit there too.
      Don't change, Bennn.
    • there's no other cooler place than QBN #hardfactKrassy
    • 'detritus'?

      I'm #4 on Bennn's fan list, right behind Palimpsest.
    • want to join my Patreon?Bennn
    • You have a Patreon?
      I always believed you were sous curatelle.
    • @canoe what? autoflavor an asshole?oey_oey
    • Grafician? Detritus? Drugs is not normally an asshole is he?oey_oey
    • Imagine a QBN where you see something you don't like, you ignore it and move on.DRIFTMONKEY
    • bennn, my man, we need you here! you are like no one!renderedred
    • hugs bennn!mantrakid
    • yeah looks like he needs dat :\sted
    • One day, we will come and it will be gone forever; like a relative who u rarely see, love but who has diedautoflavour
    • And we will all be less because of itautoflavour