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  • maquito2

    Ok... time to come clean: we, Bennn and maquito, are the same person. Hi!

    • Banquito &/or maquennn winning so far.maquito
    • LOLoey_oey
    • I thought Bennn was French and you from Uruguay?oey_oey
    • Lol, stupid joke. At least I’m going to bed smiling. Tks guyz.maquito
    • wut no otherutopian
    • never did get your stickers banquito.
    • ^ thisoey_oey
    • hehe :PBennn
    • iam not French oey_oey, iam Canadian :))Bennn

    Going to start a "month sober experiment" since this friday, I need it, lots of beer and cigs latelly (this lockdown thing is being very toxic on me, lol).

    I've got a bubble bbq with friends this thursday, whereby, it's going to be easy due to the "a week long hungover" what I'm gonna have next morning.

    Lots of work, exhausting. Hope I can relax a bit soon, because I can already feel the burn, ouch!

    P.s.: parents vaxed with first dose, next one in 2 weeks. They're doing well, dad recovering from knee surgery, mom out to long walks again.

    Stay safe, locos ;)

  • rybo8

    I'm now 32. Can't actually believe it. Jumped on here when I was about 16. I check in pretty reguarly.

    Work for a DOOH business now. Freelance outside of that is becoming a time management issue and the work/life balance is tough but between a load of start ups, art direction for record labels and my own projects, I'm generally happy.

    Living in a cottage in a trendy suburb of Birmingham with a house mate who has a mild cocaine habit...

    From a council estate kid. I think I'm doing alright.

    • birmingham has a trendy suburb?hans_glib
    • It has about 7/8. Get out of London my friend. You can find many an article online about Birminghams rise. Amazing food scene. Culture. Housing. Investment etcrybo
    • The Jewellery Quarter
      King’s Heath
    • Not sure I could stand hearing the bummy accent all day.shapesalad
    • ^ 1.15 million Ozzy Osbournes, all mumbling incomprehensibly at you.Continuity
    • A Common mistake people make is thinking the 'Birmingham Accent' is infact the Black Country Accent. It's like thinking Manc's speak Scouse.rybo
    • You're doing right, council estate is abjecti_was
    • Fellow brummie, nice to meet you.fadein11
    • Curious, is the Brummie accent accurate in Peaky Blinders?garbage
    • never watched peaky blinders, likely not, prob black country like anyone who hasn't been thinks it is.
      Brum's still pretty awful though.
    • I hail from the other Birmingham, and we all have confusing slang and a weird drawl that we try to hide, but it comes out when heated or drunk.garbage
    • Sounds sweet, rybo :)
    • Nice! Would love a little cottage somewhere!scarabin
    • ha garbage, that sounds familiar here!fadein11
    • DOOH - Digital Out of Home.
      Tommy & Arthur Shelby are really good reference points for the Brummie accent.
    • ok the jewelry quarter is understandable (must be a shame for all the craftsman who work there tho) - it's more like spitalfields, but it's not really a suburbhans_glib
    • the other names mean nothing to me (no surprise there)hans_glib
    • is there really a part of brum called "gay village"? according to goggle there is...hans_glib
    • yep, one small area in the centre, Manchester's is called the same.fadein11
    • Aye, yeah - wtf is DOOH? Also, good to see you're still kicking around - ah memba you as a wee laddie on here, lol!Nairn
    • tell us more about the house mate with the cocaine habit - do you hear business ideas all day/night long from hin/her?Krassy
    • DOOH = Digital Out-of-Home
      In other words, video billboards and posters.
    • This post has some good vibes, I dig itstoplying
    • Hi Rybo, also a fellow Brummie AND we have two mutual friends.Morning_star
    • Ahh 32.. I remember it wellautoflavour
  • grafician-1

    problems on qbn appear due to the inherited anonymous posting style from older internet communities and forums

    all would be splendid if we all known eachother irl or at least have known identities here - no more crazy talk/posting, no more flames, just peace and quiet and community building all the way

    but like the flames, you like the drama

    • That and the nonexistent moderation. One mod who actually did anything would clean this shit right up and we wouldn’t have these weekly meltdownsscarabin
    • Even 4chan knows that. QBN is the only forum i’ve ever heard of that’s too scared or lazy to run their own sitescarabin
    • You're totally wrong, the only problem is you people love gay dramai_was
    • hey i_was why do you continue to provoke? just curious.oey_oey
    • I totally agree with scarabin, QBN would need MODSBennn
    • I vote Benm to Modfuturefood
    • @oey_oey no one is provoking, stop being pathetic pleasei_was
    • @grafician, I see you saying rude shit too dude, look at i_was with his "gay drama" comment and his childish perspective on lifecanoe
    • @canoe the difference is I'm not hiding behind anonymous, if I say something you consider rude, it's you not me, but most often I don't overstep common sensegrafician
    • @canoe the idea was that if we get to know eachother personally, there will be less fighting...maybe?grafician
    • but many simply shitpost and fight just because they're anonymousgrafician
    • Having seen Bennn lay waste to the QBN Discord channel, I do not back Bennn for mod ;) (not being too serious, before you get your knickers twisted, Bennn!)Nairn
    • He's amazing that Bennn!
      He knows the same 3 people are on QBN too. Once again: that child ain't right.
    • He just vibrates on a different frequency.
      Protect Bennn at all costs.
    • 'vibrates on a different frequency'
      LOL! I'll have to remember that one.
    • Newstoday anno 2001 was x10 more viledrgs
    • I'm not sure that's true, but it certainly wasn't some halcyon ideal back then. More idiotry, rather than aged bile.Nairn
    • Idiotry? fuckit, it stays.Nairn
    • Nothing has changed thendrgs
    • Most of us matured 20+ years since then. Some didn’t.scarabin
    • Old people who discover that they can enjoy dark chocolate because it no longer tastes bitter, say that their sense of taste has matureddrgs
    • Its your taste buds are dying off -- like yourself.
      Cherish every shitpost while you can
  • NBQ001

    Could it be that drgs, i_was and some others were hacked? It's unusual to see such BS coming from them.

    • that could be possible, I like this option more than anything elseoey_oey
    • Maybe it’s all ORAZALmonospaced
    • What? drgs is pretty much always a douchecanoe
    • drgs is only a douche if you take certain things he says literally. He's always been quite a dry, slightly aloof fucker. Don't be dumb.Nairn
    • I meant to add 'sardonic' in there too.Nairn
    • i_was is only occasionally not a poisonous dwarf playing adolescent games of needless, bitter provocation.
      Mostly he's just a cretin.
    • pr2 is also only occasionally not an arrogant, sociopathic toad - what was that buggering women shit he came out with years ago? Twat.Nairn
    • I, on the other hand, am a shining light of beatific brilliance, warming glowing hearts of good Chritian souls everywhere.Nairn
    • we love you Nairnmonospaced
    • Nairn, you're a jar of fermented kimchi farts. And I love you.Continuity
    • +1 Nairncanoe
    • what did I miss?utopian
    • ^be like utopiandrgs
    • yeah, Ive been banned a few times………
    • nahhh i_was have always been a cunt.pango
  • canoe0

    Launching a new social media presence for music and design. I'm definitely going to use "...of the day"....

    Designer reaction, "You're stealing from QBN"

    Art Director reaction, "You're borrowing interest from QBN"

    Copywriter reaction, "You're paying homage to QBN"

  • Gardener2

    Friday night in The Garden, there will be...

  • sarahfailin3

    The second to last episode of the HBO Q Anon documentary, Q: Into the Storm, Fredrick Brennan (aka hotwheels, founder of 8chan) breaks down saying that he had always thought the internet was a separate place where he could do and say anything.

    But because of his activities, he was facing criminal charges and was being forced to flee the Philippines before he might face years of incarceration.

    The internet is not a separate place from the real world. If you are an asshole on the internet, you are an asshole in real life.

    • +1. I haven't watched the doc, but do they get into Jim Watkins? I'm pretty sure he's the one who started Q, and then it just started rolling from there.garbage
    • jim watkins is a principal character for sure.sarahfailin
  • scarabin5

    Btw, i can’t comment on i_was’ “gay drama”, but if you’re interested in gay HORROR i suggest “The Bride of Frankenstein” (1935, by gay director James Whale- pretty shocking to see Dr. Septimus Pretorius enticing Dr. Frankenstein on screen in this era imo), “Dracula’s Daughter” (1936, vampire Zalesca seduces both men and women DECADES before the lesbian vampire trend of the 1970s), “The Picture of Dorian Gray” (1945 [his appetites always reeked to me as homoerotic]), and “A Nightmare on Elm Street 2”, which is possibly the gayest thing i’ve ever watched that nobody seems to acknowledge

    • Will watch.StoicLevels
    • Stop trying so hard, bobo. You’re turning me off a little.scarabin
    • Just saw 1931 Frankie. I don't give a shit whatt turns you on you anime rejwct you on you rStoicLevels
    • You anime rejwct. Don't flatter yourself. LolStoicLevels
    • RejectStoicLevels
    • Calm down and make a new account like usual. This one’s finishedscarabin
    • I am not calm?StoicLevels
    • You’re typing nonsense posts and making numerous mistakes. You’re clearly flustered.scarabin
    • My phone got stuck. It's acting weird. I type and the form doesn't update.StoicLevels
    • Anywho just saw the 31 Frankie.StoicLevels
    • Patheticscarabin
    • You're quite miserable and antagonistic. Work on that. LolStoicLevels
    • I would never hire you. Too toxic.StoicLevels
    • I wouldn’t work for you. Too retardedscarabin
    • Good. Then we go our separate ways.StoicLevels
    • We were never on the same way, idiotscarabin
    • That's true. You're not my style at all. Can't even have a convo about vintage film without a hissyfitStoicLevels
  • scarabin3

    Couple gems from Nightmare on Elm Street

    • LOL.

      I think the top one alone would've sufficed to make your point tho.
    • The last three gifs are SO i_was.Nairn
    • I'm guessing dude on the right in #3 is pr2?Nairn
    • I’m pretty sure IMDB will confirmscarabin
    • ...nope, says he’s the dude on the leftscarabin
    • I’ve done gayer shit than this and none of it was as gay as thisscarabin
    • ^ LOFL. I'm sending #1 to all of my friends and not providing an explanation or contextgarbage
    • Fine cheeksStoicLevels
  • Bennn-3

    palimpset and utopian is the same person, I just noticed

    Why do you need two account utopian?

    • https://thumbs.gfyca…scarabin
    • Are you sure, Bennn?NBQ00
    • Yes, why you need two account?palimpsest
    • @NBQ yea…Bennn
    • you're a special kid palimpset, dont changeBennn
    • The mods have over 1000 accountsStoicLevels
    • This is why we can't have nice things.palimpsest
    • QBN consist of 25 dudes having 5 accounts eachBennn
    • Some are probably responding to themselvesBennn
    • UtoPAIN.
      First you go shit on our Discord server then you complain about QBN being toxic.
      Don't change. You are not the problem.
    • :Dkingsteven
    • Oh, shit. You left the Discord server. Why didn't you contact me directly if your have an issue with me?
      Instead of being a little bitch and starting drama here
    • Nobody cares.StoicLevels
    • I have one account and it has my name in it too bennn, I love this shit but my god could you be arsed...kingsteven
    • @palimpsest u distopian for rilz?sted
    • It's always one step forward and ten steps back with QBN.
      Yet we're still here, for the people.
    • And according to utopian and monospaced I'm their beloved Robo.
      I'll be whoever you need me to be.
    • Get hooked on phonics, kids.
      For reals.
    • https://media3.giphy…
    • Yes.palimpsest
    • so weird, I didn't even notice :D
      makes me happy and sad at the same time.
    • He can't read utopain, he can't write palimpsest, he can't even conjugate.
      He is the hero you need right now.
    • haha just noticed its utopAIN .. my bad on this one palimpsest. You're still special.Bennn
    • Fuck you, Bennn.
      You don't get a pass based on "your condition" on this one.
      Stupidity does not excuse cowardice.
    • aaaah its so fun to visit QBN!
      palimpsest, you setted the tone between us. This is exaclty why QBN is toxic. Do i need to deal with people like you?
    • so lets see:
      1. you criticize a place of which you are also a pillar member
      2. you start to challenge another person
      3. it wasn't you it was him who started it
    • 1. solutions solve problems, not manifestos
      2. significance of those alt-accounts are overrated for a loong time
      3. kids do that when they feel cornered
    • Read the invite more carefully. It says "invited by utopain" I'm utopian > not utoPAINutopian
    • yeah lol i had to go to his profile page to understand this shit with the "utoPAIN"sted
    • yeah @sted, he actually set the tone in the Discord earlier this week. You miss a part of the story here. Anyways...Bennn
    • a story what happened outside qbn...nobody cares, just you. calm down please and apologize to utopian for starters.sted
    • Let's do this, Bennn.
      You went on our Discord server and deleted the few threads there to replace them by a bunch of empty ones.
    • We let it slide because it really wasn't that big of a deal.
      You also claimed that you had started the server and got kicked out. Both false, we let it slide.
    • i explained to you why. Most were already empty or dead since 3 years with 3 posts in them. I also thought it was my Discord by mistake it seem.Bennn
    • Finally no one is using the QBN Discord anyway... so its not a big deal.Bennn
    • Then you come and post in the blog thread as a victim.
      I find it shitty but don't say anything because I don't want more drama.
    • You make false accusations against utopian and myself on QBN. So I go looking for you on the Discord but you have left the server, like a little bitch.palimpsest
    • Yet we are the toxic ones, right?
      You could have reached out to me on Discord and have avoided yourself this whole situation.
    • You are clearly not for the people, Bennn.
      While I will always be for the people.
    • My post on QBN has absolutely no link with the Discord thing, its something i have felt in here since a while nowBennn
    • And for the "false accusations" regarding you and utopian, ive said it was my bad earlier.Bennn
    • Look palimpsest, i dont look for confrontation, the opposite, this right now is exactly what i dislike on QBNBennn
    • You set the tone by calling me names on Discord. What were you expecting?Bennn
    • What names did he call you, Bennn?Nairn
    • How low can you go? You lied about starting the Discord server, you lied about utopian and me being the same person. You are now lying about me insulting you.palimpsest
    • Don't you realize the same three people on Discord that saw our conversation are here.
      I was under the impression that we were getting along fine on Discord.
    • Do I have to post screenshots of Discord?
      I think you just like drama, as anyone that's willing to read this with a cool head will be able to see.
    • Palimpsest, you said something like "this kid ain't right" or something and kept that tone instead of talking like an adult.Bennn
    • An adult would say they don't like the way someone is talking to them to the person in front of them. That is real adult behavior.palimpsest
    • They don't hide and go post bullshit somewhere else to get sympathy from others.palimpsest
    • This conversation is over, I'll say no more. Let's move on, seriously. Here, virtually shake my hand and let's get back to QBN fun, ok?Bennn
    • Act accordingly.palimpsest
    • You've been carrying this grudge against me for 3 days? And during that time we've been talking on the Discord serverlike everything was alright.palimpsest
    • That's some real little bitch behavior to me. There's nothing adult about it.palimpsest
    • I don't shake hands with cowards.
      Handle your shit your own way.
      I'm defending my name because I'm not a little bitch.
  • StoicLevels-10

    Nobody cares.
    I don't care.
    You don't care.
    We don't care.

  • StoicLevels-7


  • StoicLevels-7

    Currently reading Plato's republic.

    Slaves gonna slaves, I guess.


    • Same old shitscarabin
    • You've read it?StoicLevels
    • Like every other kid in high schoolscarabin
    • Yea so slaves are such cuntsStoicLevels
    • It’s only recently that some parts of the world abandoned slavery. Still going strong elsewhereGnash
  • StoicLevels-8

    Going for blog downvote record. Because bored.

    Scarabin is a retarded, Final Fantasy rejected design. Convince me otherwise.

    • Hell yeah, let’s have a vote. Scarabin vs bobo. FIGHTscarabin
    • https://thumbs.gfyca…StoicLevels
    • here is the guy whose account isnt even a year old, but its shit is already everywhere.sted
    • get buys to be able to post things into the show some recent work, then you can address people like scarabin here..sted
    • *busysted
    • This blog thread effects this community greatly I see lol
      Yet chick of the day does not.
    • You’re not “bored” you just know you have no fucking footing here. Make a new account like usual. As i said, this one’s done. nbd, you do it all the timescarabin
    • This is my one and only account. I'm a mere visitor here. You started this fight with me.StoicLevels
    • Well you lost. Fuck offscarabin
    • I merely respond Ed to Frankenstein movies. You're a cunt lolStoicLevels
    • Not that that means anything here. Just make up a new name and you’re golden, cowboy.scarabin
    • Bah no way Jose. I only have one phone number. You old timers don't know how it works lolStoicLevels
    • For me it's one and doneStoicLevels
    • Cool, have fun being the village idiotscarabin
    • The who now?StoicLevels
    • Lol you think I'm your enemy. You're so misguided and delusional. LolStoicLevels
    • I don’t have enemies. Just ankle biters like you.scarabin
    • Ok sure guy lolStoicLevels
    • Bobo is back!utopian
  • NBQ001

    StoicLevels is docpoz?

    • Stoic is every troll account robotron/bobo has ever beenscarabin
    • I am the what?StoicLevels
    • Scarabin still stuck on that idea if his. LolStoicLevels
    • Retard says what?scarabin
    • Yawn.StoicLevels
    • Anyway, i’ll leave you here to try and mop up whatever you think you have left of your self. I gotta take a piss and go do some meaningful shitescarabin
    • Go away. None of this matters.StoicLevels
    • When i return i expect a fully thought-out response that doesn’t make you look like a fucking idiot. 6 pages, double spacedscarabin
    • Like I said.. delusionalStoicLevels
    • StoicLevels hasn't fuck everyone's mom yet.pango
    • Sure robo, we're all delusional. LOL.zarkonite
    • alt confirmed.StoicLevels
  • Maaku17

    What up, nerds? Just passing by to say hello!
    Left TX in December and came to the Dominican Republic before moving to the East coast. I met this girl and my plans changed. I've been freelancing and recently started hunting for remote work, yesterday I had a second interview and it seems like I will be staying here for a while, haha.

    Anyways, I hope y'all are doing great.

    • wow! congrats and the best of luck to you!oey_oey
    • Congrats!OBBTKN
    • cool, some good news for a change. all the best!renderedred
    • Noe fuck off :)utopian
    • Were you away?drgs
    • Thanks, guys!Maaku
    • @drgs I don't remember the last time I was on QBN before yesterday. Maybe January.Maaku
    • East coast where?stoplying
  • oey_oey2

    is QBN imploding?

  • BusterBoy-1

    What's that meme...or cartoon with rednecks yelling something like "how dare you tax billionaires"? Or am I imagining it?

  • Hayoth-1