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  • scarabin4

    Made a silicone mold of this and am waiting for a cement positive to set up. Memorial to fallen pets

    • Seemed more fitting a sculpture for my garden than dickbutt :/scarabin
    • nice work!dbloc
    • I can't remember, but I might have suggested dickbutt. You've found a more fucking awesome solution, great stuff.garbage
    • dopeGuyFawkes
    • Dickbutt’s not off the table yet :)scarabin
  • dbloc1

    I've had a persistent cough for over a year now. I hope it's nothing serious. I have a virtual doc appointment next week.

    Also doing some mold tests in the house. It seemed to start right when we moved into our new house.

    • One time I had 'walking pneumonia' for 4 months and didn't know it.DRIFTMONKEY
    • cancer?
    • Dude...oey_oey
    • Try Black Seed Oil Capsulespablo28
    • Interesting. I'll look into it. Thanks!dbloc
  • SimonFFM4

    Today I have my first shoot since August 2020 (with a nude model). Feels very weird after such a long time. And with CoVid testing prior to the shoot and mask. Feeling a bit puzzled shortly before driving to pick up the model.

  • scarabin21

    Type is a bit rough and i had some bubbles, but it’s pretty neat to see this thing in stone finally. Never worked with clay or cement before

    • thats one nice hard cockGuyFawkes
    • stone cold cockutopian
    • Looks cool, I assume that you sculpted this and what is this for?utopian
    • One of my hens passed recently. i wanted to make something to remember her and other pets. Good chance to try a new mediumscarabin
    • So good!BaskerviIle
    • You might try rigging up a vacuum chamber to degas your concrete before pouring. I think they do that with cast countertops.monNom
    • Ahh good idea. I have one of those, i’ll try it with my next pourscarabin
    • respect scar, other people learn stuff during quarantine, but you push it to another level by doing cocks.oey_oey
    • “Push it to another level by doing cocks” has always served me wellscarabin
    • a rock-hard cock, no less.monNom
    • we all love your cockGuyFawkes
    • a cock in the hand is worth two in the bushutopian
    • fucking Morrissey fans...oey_oey
    • Skills dude. Really dig it.
      Even better considering you hadn't done it before.
    • cock — hen = cocaineESKEMA
    • So dope. I kind of like the rough type, and I think it will weather well. Keep being cool, scara.garbage
    • it's lovely, great work.fadein11
    • such a nice cockpango
    • looks awesome! a very thoughtful memorial.bezoar


    What a week, a month, a year... gosh! Ok, the day is finished at least...

    I miss the sea, the regional gov is going to lift the curfew and the mobility bans this weekend, but I've already had a plan for a couple of barbecues ... the sea will have to wait.


    Have a nice weekend... locos!

  • ********

    holy smokes, just discovered the Cuban Black Beans at Trader Joes. I was previously buying the Plain Organic variety.

    never going back to the Plain.

  • sausages0

    We got some of my wife's old jewellery appraised and 1 ring is worth 40k USD. It was left to her by a grandma she had a special dislike for so she wants to sell it. Question for QBN, does this make her a bad person?

    • Go fuck off evil cunt. Happy?
    • I forgot what I was going to write after reading previous comment.
      I don't think it wouldd be relevant anymore.
    • Had a similar thing with a necklace given to my wife. If you had it appraised for insurance, it's doubtuful you'd sell it for near that price.BusterBoy
    • We had a piece valued at $45K but were told it's sale price would be closer to $10K.BusterBoy
    • Sorry. I was drunk.
    • I meant what you wrote was worse than what I intended to but mine wasn't that nice eitheroey_oey
    • Haha I feel better now for suresausages
  • jagara2

    Is there a home decoration (don't know the exact word) thread? Got a bit inspired by

    • Thanks :)jagara
    • some great decoration ideas:…
    • This room needs serious help. Not just design either. This would drive me insane.monospaced
    • Aesthetics are on point, IMO. But yeah, weird distribution of stuff...jagara
    • +1 for warm lights

      also is that real marble table with short columns?! LOL
    • Paint peeling off walls. Wtf. No window treatments. Picture leaning on window. This needs serious work.monospaced
    • Lighting is a poor afterthought. Useless for any kind of practical use at night.monospaced
    • What makes it cozy? Bad weather outsidedrgs
    • that entire wall is wetsted
    • 100% they bought that rat tail cactus and didn't grow it themselves, and it will fester and die in that corner.garbage
    • This looks like a "way more money than sense" scenario. What the hell is even in that frame?garbage
    • Money? Everything looks like it was dragged in from the street or from ikea. Weird.monospaced
    • I'm going from the plant bro. Rat tails half that size are about $100 and given the fatness of the stems it came from a hot house.garbage
    • Given the placement, they did not grow it, and probably paid a good bit for it when they saw it in the shop and flowering, and now it's gonna die in a corner..garbage
    • ..of a horrible looking room. Never said they had much money, but they definitely have much less sense.garbage
  • Nairn1

    Italian partner needs to get her passport renewed. Since we have a kid together, the authorities need to vouch my identity too, which kind of makes sense where any nationality claims of our crotchfruit might arise.

    What does not make sense is that this requirement essentially means I can prevent my partner getting a new passport, if I don't comply.

    If we'd split up acrimoniously or I was just a one night stand, she would not be able to a renewal. Crazy.

    What's irritating is that Becoz Brexit, I can't simply sign a photocopy of my identity papers, so I've got to trudge along to the embassy too so I can sign documents in front of some bureaucrat.

    What's going to be annoying is that I have *never* had a consistent signature, and the one in my passport is itself a poor facimile of a much older variant, from a passport I renewed in my teens, so is much warped by decades of non use. I literally sign anything I need to with a pointless wee swoosh, because fucking hell if signatures aren't a stupid form of validation.

    I love Italy as a country, and its people (well, most of them), but fuck if it doesn't do itself any favours with its often paternalistic and generally over-complicating bureaucracy.

    • I'm the same with signatures. Mine's really basic, shit and difficult to reproduce - especially under pressure.Fax_Benson
    • When I first came to London I got security-checked at a supermarket, and had to phone up the bank to confirm my identity 'cos sigs didn't match.Nairn
    • Funny to think that since we've gone with chip and pin and then contactless and now younglings repeatedly tapping their phones or watches at other electronics.Nairn
    • Japanese signature much better: hand crafted wood block cut device, unique to you.shapesalad
    • I've thought about laser-etching myself something like that from a nice block of wood. It's on some list I've never completed. One of many.Nairn
    • Maybe I should do a side-line in counterfeiting Japanese woodblock signatures. High res scan of sig, PS, laser etch exact same thing.Nairn
  • renderedred0

    keeds utd, by far the most enjoyable team to watch this year.

  • Nairn1

    Just cleaned my keyboard - baby wipes and toothpicks all the way baby! - whilst I had computer on, doing something in background.

    I hit up SublimeText so that I mostly don't interfere with shit going on in the background, and here's the output.

    • ijust sold this as an NFT for 75p.Nairn
    • Sell that to Aphex Twin.mg33
  • shapesalad0

    Death by Parkinson's disease, not something you'd wish upon your worse enemies.

    • I would. And more.

      Fuck my worst enemies.
    • ^ lolinteliboy
    • my grandfather died from parkison's. extreme illness.renderedred
    • My dad is at the end of his torture by it... a month without eating and a week without water, his body is still strong...shapesalad
    • My apologies to you, shapesalad.
      I meant my joke literally, but I would of course not wish that on anyone who was not a genuine cunt.
    • All such diseases are horrid, and terrifying. Shit humour is all we have to deal with such unassailable inflictions upon our being.Nairn
  • Nairn3


    Just realised that I'd quoted 3x what I thought I had on the job I'm just about to complete. It's been in the cogs for weeks nows. I forgot.

    Was thinking I'd done it a little cheap, but now I'm feeling guilty.

    • I'll charge 2½, like the good, totally useless businessman that i am.Nairn
    • businessperson.

    • The only thing honesty will get you is the fire of righteousness to inspire fear on your enemies.palimpsest
  • spl33nidoru8

    Having a gf who recently lost her sister to cancer and obviously still dealing with grief, I find it incredible the amount of films and shows in recent years that incorporate cancer or terminal diseases to their narrative.

    It's pretty much impossible to watch anything without her being constantly reminded of it.
    Went for a very safe rom-com last night, both very happy with my feel-good choice until one of the main characters had to learn about her aunt's terminal diagnosis though it was completely unnecessary to the story overall.

    Million-Dollar Idea : an app that lets you sort through films based on topics you want to avoid.

    • I know what you feel, my wife had a miscarriage a few years ago, so every movie or show that had pregnancies or babies was off limitsdmay
    • Sorry to hear dmay, hope it's easier to deal with now.spl33nidoru
    • Does anyone really think they have original ideas anymore? Honest question. https://www.doesthed…nb
    • (not that this site is good, but it is what it is)nb
    • Thanks, has the time got by we slowly learned how to deal with it, and having a baby last year helped a lot, but it never goes away completelydmay
    • I hear you, these remain sensitive memories, but I'm glad you're in a better place now.spl33nidoru
    • nb, I'm speechless.spl33nidoru
    • Easy, don’t watch movies, watch an old Coldplay live concert on YouTube. Safe as houses.shapesalad
    • I wasn't trying to be rude or insensitive, sorry if I came across that way.nb
    • no no nb, i meant it literally, actually amazed that such a website already exists!spl33nidoru
  • NBQ000

    Should I get involved with an arty somewhat hipsterish 32 year old woman that skateboards?

    • please do and update us frequently :)renderedred
    • depends if she really can skateboard or just a poser.oey_oey
    • Let her access your QBN account.utopian
    • LOL we already established that telling girlfriends about qbn is not a good thingrenderedred
    • You're 16, right?nb
    • Paging pockets.palimpsest
    • No.cannonball1978
    • I mean we definitely have enough information to help you with this decision.nb
    • Only if she can do a kickflip.section_014
    • yes, get involved the shit out of her!_niko
    • Yes and blog it out in detailsdrgs
    • https://www.blogogra…
    • YUSmisterhow
    • If Rodney Mullen isn't her fav skateboarder then fuck her. Darkslide that ass first, though.
    • Do it and update us in detail.
      Also how old are you? Older or younger than 32?
    • If she mallgrabs, run.garbage
    • Yes, get a woman and stop being a wanker.shapesalad
    • Then marry her, and after a few years you can go back to being a wanker once the sex life dies off.shapesalad
    • ^lolscarabin
    • LMAO @ "paging pockets"sea_sea
    • Thanks for all the comments and advices, always fun to read. She’s really pretty/ cute and a cool personality. I’m just not into skating & surfing much.NBQ00
    • Are you 32?
    • skateboarding is not a crimeSimonFFM
    • lol @ garbageinteliboy
    • I'm 36. No skateboarding is not a crime but it's something I wouldn't be able to do with her.NBQ00
    • thought you're younger than 32.pango
    • I'm 14 on QBNNBQ00
    • go easy on the labeling. if all you see is histerish skateboard girl, you're not giving people room to grow. And other stuffs.pango
    • she's not that hipsterish. more alternative arty and she's not like a typical skatergirl. She's really cool. Maybe I should give it a try.NBQ00
    • Ask her if she’d like to ride on *your* board. Don’t call her your board-bitch!shapesalad
    • remember, it does not matter if she blew guys before yourzu-rzu
    • Imagine a 36 yo man simping on qbn for opinion. Lol
    • Imagine 40-50+ yo old men doing "Finish the cat" :) or maybe don't take everything so serious. I wasn't.NBQ00
    • It's fine. He's 14 on qbnpango
    • exactly. like you, pangoNBQ00
    • Lol
    • That was a damn fine cat project!!
    • LOL @commentsrenderedred
    • define get involvedautoflavour
  • scarabin2

    This dude has allegedly been doing ayahuasca (i doubt this, probably something else) “every couple hours” since wednesday. He’s totally cracked and has been livestreaming the weirdest shit…

    I guess he’s a well known fitness youtuber. Kind of a trainwreck to watch

    • woooah!! I feel like im slowly cracking just watching thisIanbolton
    • Looks like coke. Hope he gets help. Everyone around is just enabling himscarabin
    • the insect brain took over. now hes a rapist.
  • maquito13

    After 11 years in the same company, I’ve just accepted an offer for a job in a new company.

    Just had a 30 min phone call with my “old” boss 20 mins ago. Luckily, he felt happy for me. We’ve become friends after all this years. I feel so weird.

    • +1pango
    • Good job! Congrats.bezoar
    • Never ever burn the bridges, buena suerte Maqui!! ;)OBBTKN
    • I'm still friend of all my ex-bosses, and always changed for better, not weirdOBBTKN
    • not me tho. my ex-boss was a fucking idiot. who eventually stepped down because everybody kept quitting on him.pango
    • My last 2 ex-bosses cheated our teams, long in short; not cool guys... But, you know, it's the market ;)OBBTKN
    • There is no grudge on me, time healsOBBTKN
    • no grudge from me either but no way in hell I'm working on anything closely associated with him.pango
    • More money, better work? Most people can rationalize things
    • yes, you are absolutely right. people can rationalize things...
    • good luck man!renderedred
  • Bennn2

    the new Spotify layout... Why did they put the artist's name on the left, super tiny under the song's title like it's the least important information ??????????????????? So annoying!

    • Design by committeegrafician
    • People trying to justify their jobs with unnecessary updatesfuturefood
    • spotifykingsteven
    • Design for design's sake. It's how big digital teams remain employed.mg33
    • So many fails. It’s shit now. Also runs hot, my iMac fan comes on now if Spotify open.shapesalad
    • spot-theartistname-i...Krassy
    • none of these changes were needed! most of them ruined a much better experience. awful upgrade!Krassy
    • Such a shitty appGuyFawkes
    • The problem is Spotify does shit like this what feels almost every month. I have no idea why they constantly keep changing shit.NBQ00
    • Apple Music is not much better. Have so many problems with that app...inv
    • Spotify is still the bestNBQ00
    • On the Mac desktop, the search bar is now a click away from the home page. What's the thinking behind that bullshit?Wolfboy
    • yes! search, where the heck is that. and why artist bio at bottom after a big scroll. total mess.shapesalad
    • It took me a while to find how to order the playlist by most recently added.Chimp
    • Represents how much they're compensatedwhatthefunk
    • also, you can click on artist's bio to get more info, but your cursor stays as an arrow so you dont know its clickable...Bennn
  • shapesalad0

    ‘ Those near National Priorities List Superfund sites (sites known to be contaminated with hazardous substances such as TCE) are at especially high risk of exposure. Santa Clara county, California, for example, is home not only to Silicon Valley, but 23 superfund sites – the highest concentration in the country. Google Quad Campus sits atop one such site; for several months in 2012 and 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found employees of the company were inhaling unsafe levels of TCE in the form of toxic vapor rising up from the ground beneath their offices.’

    ‘ A 2008 peer-reviewed study in the Annals of Neurology, for example, found that TCE is “a risk factor for parkinsonism.” And a 2011 study echoed those results, finding “a six-fold increase in the risk of developing Parkinson’s in individuals exposed in the workplace to trichloroethylene (TCE).”’…

  • ********

    Is anyone working in an office these days? Do you have to wear a mask?

    • Only trans people. You probably know a few but they will never tell you. Harder with a mask.monospaced
    • I have a medical condition that says fuck other peopleGuyFawkes