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  • dasohr7

    Did we not have a function to block people?

    • Free willGnash
    • gotchadasohr
    • Don't feed the troll, ignore themOBBTKN
    • Who's bothering you, my brotha? I'll take care of him (unless it's me, then fuck you).
  • drgs7

    I have the freedom to stream/download any movie I want. Yet if I catch some classic movie on terrestrial TV -- Jason Bourne, Taken, Collateral, some movie with Lindsay Lohan who falls in love with a talking race car -- I'm glued for hours

    • I don't recommend it
    • I know what you mean. What is that? WeirdGnash
    • I can relateGuyFawkes
    • Almost everything available and spend hours browsing. Unhappy most of the time too. Glad I don’t have cablemonospaced
    • Streaming services are no doubt going to start releasing curated TV channels that you can just press play on. Will come full circle.inteliboy
    • Netflix already doing that shitGuyFawkes
    • Indiana Jones gets me every timemisterhow
    • mainstream
    • Art house or movies with dogs as main character -- I will watch them alldrgs
    • Movies with dogs, I'm ok sir ! oh man you should watch The Call of the Wild (1972) Charlton Heston, small and wonderful dog movie
  • BusterBoy5

    So we're just going to allow a post where one person flat out accuses someone else of being a pedo are we now?


  • GuyFawkes5

    He's banned now, you never have to worry about him ever again, im sure that son of a bitch went outside for once, started crying and is doing some heavy self reflecting as i write this. Im pretty sure hes not just going to unlock one of his sleeper cell usernames, post a few things in something design related to try and get verified by drgs. We can all rest now, everything is fine.

  • utopian15

    I just seen my entire family for the first in over a year, I just got home and cried a little.

    • :)GuyFawkes
    • lovely to hear :)fadein11
    • Really cool. I've liked visiting my mum again too and look forward to the summerPhanLo
    • Happy for you man. Trying to get my wife over to US so hers can see her and their grandkid after 1.5 yearBeeswax
    • aww dude... i see my family every week... i'd be crying too, after a whole year.jagara
    • That's great. It's been over 2 years now since I've seen mine (usually 2 times a year).formed
  • autoflavour6

    I like turtles

    • sorry, just after reading all that Phanlo Stoic stuff, its basically how I was feeling.autoflavour
  • palimpsest-4

    "Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven."
    Matthew 6:1

    I see you.

    • DVs suggest that they see you tooGnash
    • Revelation 3:20palimpsest
    • Don’t need some lousy cash prize from a mass murdering genocidal ego maniac.futurefood
    • okay robomonospaced
    • : )palimpsest
    • If I had a penny for each of you 20/20.palimpsest
    • Anything in the Bible about using numerous banal and tired sock puppet accounts on a design messageboard with a dwindling membership?face_melter
    • 2 Corinthians 11:14-15palimpsest
    • ^ et voilaGnash
    • Matthew 7:7palimpsest
    • LolGnash
    • “You come at the king, you best not miss.”
      Omar Season 1 Episode 8
    • Garbage?! But, Squidward, in the right hands, this paper is a gold mine of entertainment.
      SpongeBob 03:46
  • jagara4

    It might contain parabens and artificial colors, but the high of smelling the summer-y smell of Nivea sunscreen on my skin is worth possible cancer and low sperm count.

  • NBQ00-1

    Does Napster still work if you have the app installed on your (old) PC? Since it’s peer to peer it should, right?

    • na, napster was indexed (back before P2P became synonymous with decentralisation)kingsteven
    • Still works, I'm actually downloading the entire Blink-182 catalog right nownb
    • soulseeksted
    • Soulseek is awesome. Impossible to find otherwise stuff is here, along with entire Blink 182 discography.jagara
    • soulseek lifer here.garbage
  • ********

    The Smiths will be back

    • ???oey_oey
    • Cunts, no doubt they'll be panicing on the streets of Birmingham again?Morning_star
    • with Nigel Farage on guitaroey_oey
    • ^your so gay and leftist
    • okpango
    • why dv? the smiths r dopeGuyFawkes
  • scarabin8

    Happy birthday, Tent Razor

  • utopian3

    Just went my first workout at the gym in over a year.

  • garbage4

    Had my Moderna Monday today. I'd read that if you'd had COVID and survived, your first dose is basically your booster and you will have the second dose level of symptoms.

    So I probably did have it in February 2020 because I am beyond loopy and have passed out 4 or 5 times today. No nausea, headaches, or site injection pain. Just waves of feeling normal and then completely zonking. My leg is numb, but that's because Leo slept on me all day.

    Shout to my mom, because when I called her to check in while in a delirious state, her words were basically "oh honey tomorrow is gonna be terrible", lol.

    • This actually sounds like a hell of a trip.Continuity
    • I only waited because my gf just got back from a 5000 mile road trip around the country to scout new places to live. She got hers when she got back.garbage
    • Now on schedule where one of us will always be able to take care of the other one. I do feel like I'm actually dead atm. But everyone go get your pokes.garbage
    • I had serious issues like this too. But didn't realize I had COVID? umonospaced
    • Oh manGuyFawkes
    • @mono…garbage
    • Brief rundown on a brief study, but who knows. It's mostly just crippling fatigue for me, and pain in my legs.garbage
  • ********

    Anyone here using Python for web development ?

    • No, just for AI stuffgrafician
    • AI like what ? with arduino ?
    • Arduino is for IoT...
      I meant python for machine learning

      Python for web development is pretty rare?
    • It is used, but yes still rare I think, it's growing up, php is full of shit, I hate php, what do you mean by machine learning ?
    • Machine learning chews through loads of data to find patterns. Something like text to speech uses ML to learn what words sound like.monNom
    • Python can wrap up fast/low-level c/c++ routines with a high level interface to make it easier to get stuff done. It's a popular interface for numbercrunchingmonNom
    • ^ cool
  • GuyFawkes1

    my second electric skateboard just arrived. first one (2 months old) already died, some short in the battery or some shit, still under warranty so they sent me a battery for free.

    now I have 2, I didn't really want 2, but that's where i'm at now

    old board:…

    new board:…

    • Can you fix the other one and then gaffer tape the two of them together to make a mega board?Nairn
    • One for each legspango
    • Those look funscarabin
    • Just took the new board out, that thing is like a tank, a tank that halls ass, scar they're super funGuyFawkes
    • Wasn't it you complaining of being fat ?
    • Me being fat? LOL uh no.GuyFawkes
    • i'm just the dude, playing the dude, disguised as another dudeGuyFawkes
  • NBQ00-2

    I have too many boogers in my nose lately. Why did god create them? What are they good for?

    • Dude, rule number one: every morning at wake up: evacuation.
    • ^ THAT's your rule number one?!!?nb
    • get yourself a nasal decongestion spraypango
    • Mucus protects your respiratory system with lubrication and filtration. It's produced by mucous membranes that run from your nose to your lungs.utopian
    • Try taking a hot steam shower 1 hour before bedtime for at least one week straight. Boogies be gone! Thank me later, you're welcome.utopian
    • your room may be too dry. get a humidifierpango
    • or maybe too dusty, clean your roomGuyFawkes
    • That just snacks for later, NBQ... god provides, my friend <3PonyBoy
    • just listen to @utopian he learned it from me :)sted
    • Spider food, pick and flickfadein11
    • Pick roll flick. Done and done.cannonball1978
    • Jesus made boogers to punish you for your sinsscarabin
  • face_melter0

    Checking YT videos on how to correctly make shadow catcher materials in Corona Render and I keep getting flashed with COVID warnings and health information.

  • ideaist5

    Homeschooling a 6 year old with speech issue(s), other child (2) in daycare (luckily) while working from home (as well as my wife) 9-5, Monday-Friday in an extended lockdown in Ontario, Canada.

    Hardest time of my life on the mind, body & spirit...

    ...Hope you're all hangin' in there.

    : )

  • shapesalad3

    My wife hasn't worked for almost 3 years, and all our 1.5 years marriage.

    I've given her an Amex, I gave her money each month from my salary. Apparently that's all gone. I've left my job recently as it wasn't for me, and just want some time off for a bit while I setup a little side hustle idea I have. So we're not exactly money flush at the moment, all bills/rent coming out my savings.

    She gets her hair done 5 day ago at £185. Which for me - that cuts own hair - seems like a massive amount of money, but fair enough it's been 12months since her last haircut due to covid.

    Then 5 days later she's stood there... yelling, in a rage at me. Accusing me to be a liar. I'm so confused... it transpires when we were talking about something, I though she was talking about one thing, but it was something else, and so I said something that sounds untrue, but was just a genuine misunderstanding of topic.

    Is this ok behaviour? For her to immediately judge me as liar, her husband, who is the only one contributing towards the life together and pretty much so far paying for all life costs and clearly loves her.

    I was trying to imagine it the other way around, what would i do, and being in a rage accusing my partner of lying is a million miles away from how I'd be behaving, especially after they paid my expenses and living costs and holidays etc.

    4 years ago she had a series of traumatic experiences. I keep thinking... is this PTSD? High anxiety, high level of accusing and judging and siding with the negative scenario, zero intimacy, everyday dullness and fatigue, bad sleeping patterns, low motivation, highly sensitive....

    I've wondered it before and tried to suggest to her that perhaps she's struggling with something.. but it's met with "do you think i'm crazy? that I have mental problems?" any gentle suggestion that no, it's all ok, but clearly she's struggling with something not her fault is brushed aside....

    • Firstly, i hope you and your wife find a way through this. Secondly, could you suggest she sees a doctor because her behaviour is concerning? I had a similar...Morning_star
    • could be the PTSDcherub
    • ...issue a decade or so ago with my wife and it turned out to be an underactive thyroid that effected her mood and motivation. I'm not...Morning_star
    • i don't want an answer, but what's your thinking as to why she's not worked in 3 years? She might be seriously questioning her role in existence.Nairn
    • ...suggesting that what it is but if often helps to get a professional opinion as it could be something that's really easy to address. Good luck.Morning_star
    • My partner's worked about four months in th elast 2 years (maternity, then covid) and was getting really pissed off at Everything. She's back on track now tho.Nairn
    • ^ Sound advice; thank you both! Strangely @Morning_star she's getting her thyroid / blood work done now for weight gain issue(s)/stress/etc.ideaist
    • ^ Mistook these comments for mine below; lolz.ideaist
    • Is your relationship transactional? Because your first 3 paras are about money you give her as if it's relevant context for how you relate to each other.i_monk
    • She needs therapy and you need to think about the nature of this relationship if you frame it in terms on money in/out.i_monk
    • I'm sorry but she sounds really selfish. £185 on her hair with no job!!?? and you've given her an Amex!!?? She's going to get you into some serious debt.Leigh
    • 3 years is a seriously long work gap.Leigh
    • from what I'm reading you need couple's counseling. best of luck.dorf
    • Thanks guys. I guess I do see it as transactional now... I started thinking we are team, but it was such a one sided effort.shapesalad
    • It's less money in/out, more responsibility, stress, effort in/out. And given I carry the team's stress the most, the responsibility, it feels offside to thenshapesalad
    • fly into ultra rage with me and immediately judge me badly from her side.Yeah she or we or something needs help...shapesalad
    • It's couple's counselling time.zarkonite
    • Couple of stray observations/questio... ...
      Foremost in my mind being, why hasn't she worked in 3 years? Is she the sort of person to want to be 'taken care of'
    • ... or does she not know what she wants in life, or what? Is she actively looking for work?Continuity
    • Secondly ... the range of her behaviour you're describing doesn't sound promising. I hate to say it, but it sounds like she's done, and too cowardly to say it.Continuity
    • She hasn't worked due to fear, trauma happened in past job. And so she's ultra picky, takes ages to apply, often too late, and is going for jobs she has noshapesalad
    • realistic chance of getting... Rather than thinking, ok, we need extra money, I'll go for anything reasonable I can get to help the team.shapesalad
    • I gave her money to FX trade as that was her thing, but she lost first several k of her own money, then half of what I gave for her to trade.shapesalad
    • She wanted to start her own business so I've paid for squarespace, ingredients, products etc.. a few 100's but so far she's not developed anything or sold anyshapesalad
    • She seems totally lost in it all. I have no idea what she is now aiming for. And if she wanted to be a 'kept' woman, well i'm not in the career for that,shapesalad
    • and that was never mentioned to me since the day we met... I thought she was independent and entrepreneurial.shapesalad
    • Well, it's *possible* the PTSD has caught up to her, in which case, she needs urgent therapy. Like, muy pronto. It might be causing her to lash out, among otherContinuity
    • ... things.
      But the combination of behaviours you describe, I don't know. I can't help but be suspicious of that.
    • What's so frustrating is, switched positions, I'd be super happy - life paid for, can do my own business! wow. I'd never be in a mood with her, total love.shapesalad
    • It could also be that she's dying to be independent, but has both gotten used to you covering for her, and come to resent it.Continuity
    • But again, therapy would reveal that for sure.Continuity
    • don't mix stuff. like just don't use the financial situation to put yourself above eye level in discussions. that's my only advice/opinion.oey_oey
    • If communication is difficult around these issues, which it often is, couples counselling might be the thing that shines a light on what’s really going on.mort_
    • I feel for you. It can be heavy going. Add kids to the mix and it gets even heavier.mort_
    • I don't understand Amex.

      They feel thoroughly un-British a thing.
    • BTW... This is all playing out a week after my Dad died.shapesalad
    • Amex cashback 1.25%, is worth using.shapesalad
    • Sorry for your loss. That’s a lot to be dealing with.mort_
    • Fuck. Sorry, Shape.
    • Thanks. It’s been a tough week. And the weather sucks. Freezing cold for may.shapesalad
    • Oh man, you've been through some tough times. Sorry for your loss :(Krassy
    • yikes, brah.. you need to get some help.. she needs to work and contribute.
      and the rest, issues
    • Maybe she is depressed, maybe traumatised, maybe not that into you, maybe you'll never know what the issue is...monNom
    • But having spent 10 years trying to fix the very same issues you are describing, the only solution turned out to be find a different partner.monNom
    • That was 8 years ago now. I found someone new that valued our relationship as much as me, and it's been _wonderful_ ever since.monNom
    • You owe your wife to try. But the only discipline that really works is self discipline. You can't change someone. They have to change. Most people don't change.monNom
    • Really sorry to say, but you've become her enabler. Your constant giving has brought out her worst traits, allowing this selfish / lazy behaviour to unfold.Leigh
    • I guess what I'm getting at is that maybe there is no solution to a mental health issue, other than to make your own mental health equally as important.monNom
    • She shouldn't be giving you any shit after the passing of your father. Now you're not working either? Suppressive people can bring you down. I don't like this.Leigh
    • It might well be that your good intentions are allowing her pathologies never to produce consequences that might shock her out of them.monNom
    • Sorry that you are stuck in that situation. I know from experience. It SUCKS. A partnership is about both partners contributing to make a greater whole.monNom
    • When one partner refuses, that's not a partnership anymore.monNom
    • Leigh's right, shape. Having a go at you after losing your dad? Unacceptable. She's sounding more and more like you need to eject her. That's toxic.Continuity
    • I think calm open communication is key before making any big decisions. Get that elephant out of the room, with help if necessary.mort_
    • ^ Just to be clear, that wasn't me calling your partner an elephant!!mort_
    • Thanks for all the advice. I think a talk, and if no willingness to seek help, progress, i'm going to have to walk away.shapesalad
    • Would she put up with the same behaviour if roles were reversed?monNom
    • other way around, hell no!! And roles reversed, only highlights how she needs help, i'd not behave like that at all...shapesalad
    • At this stage, 1.5 marriage, these storms every few months... I'm pretty much at the end of this. Having kids with her, I don't think she could cope with it.shapesalad
    • @shapesalad talk to her please. talk to her like you're both human beings, understand that none of you is better than the other and you both decided to solvested
    • problems together 3 years ago. Start living according to that or divorce.
      What you described leads to nowhere, you just loose confidence in this every day.
    • obviously being out of work for 3 years after a trauma has has these psychological consequences, there is no need to judge. Just try to find a solution TOGETHERsted
    • I'm against involving a 3rd party, unless you feel like you want to get out of this. (post doesn't looks like that)sted
    • + Money is a third-rate thing in this.sted
    • I’m curious @sted, why against 3rd party?mort_
  • face_melter-2

    Working on a project in Kiruna - the very north of Sweden - and I get the model from the architect.

    Because they (obviously) use the Swedish coordinate system to place their models correctly, when I open it in 3ds Max the location translation operation manipulation goes totally fucking batshit and places the model somewhere near the outer reaches of Neptune space, having a laugh with Dave Bowman and that bald twist from the first Star Trek film.

    Note the second number - the numbers that are ~visible~ make it over 7000km. Sweden is only 1500km, North to South. Makes model navigation practically impossible and the further you travel from the zero-zero the more corrupted the geometry becomes. The model was so far from 3ds 0,0,0 that I couldn't zoom out far enough to have both in the same viewport.

    Good times.

    • Could it be that units were off and mm became m? That happens in 3D software translation all the time.monospaced
    • That's basic 3d knowledge, something like local coords world coords, not the best place to ask here