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  • scarabin2

    Skunk picked up this new one-handed stomping intimidation behavior. They’re territorial now and don’t forage together anymore. Shit woke me up last night!…

    • Have they been de-stinkified?Gnash
    • Nah, they’re wild. I don’t handle themscarabin
    • Thumping like pissed rabbits?GuyFawkes
    • cute, just watched the clipGuyFawkes
    • skunk drum circle.thumb_screws
    • Requesting skunk cam. Do they go after the eggs? Also nice cacti.garbage
    • Do skunks spray each other ?Gnash
    • They do, but just the tiniest of squirts when scrapping. It takes time for them to refill and are defenseless then so they save it for more serious predatorsscarabin
    • They only come at night so this pretty much is the skunk cam. Not sure if they eat eggs but we lock up the hens at night anywayscarabin
    • Alternate universe: there are skunk cops that get called to settle this skunk squabble, and they hose them down while your house is declared a disaster zone.garbage
  • shapesalad4

    Could you design a logo in 1 hour?

    From scratch. Paid... a little.

    Would you do it as a test for a potentially ok job?

    • Sure, why not. Go for it!utopian
    • they don't pay me for the 1 hour of work. they pay me for the 20+ years of experience. Do it.capn_ron
    • If it's to see your process of solving a problem, sure. If it's to prove you can pump out good work in no time, just run.nb
    • after the logo they will ask for a website in 20 minutes. you'll be rich!capn_ron
    • +1 capnGuyFawkes
    • Possibly. Some of the best shit I ever did was from the first thought.

      Many other times, not.
    • Personally I need to spend at least a week on logos. Yes the first one might be the best, but you got to try everything else to know it 100%shapesalad
    • For me, it's about hitting a concept and sleeping on it. Your gut is good, if you're at least half way good; but sometimes you need to sleep on shit to check.Nairn
    • If you awaken and it's still shit, well, you've more than an hour ahead of you.Nairn
    • Actually, sorry - you ALWAYS need to sleep on shit. But mostly, your gut was right, behind a little tweaking the morning after.Nairn
    • Yup.monospaced
    • https://www.horrible…scarabin
    • "Sure, why not."
      — Aaron Draplin
    • Like nb hinted at, I'd assume it's to get an idea of your process and they're likely not expecting something production ready.duckseason
    • Honestly i would spend 45 of those 60 minutes on concept thumbnails. Definitely avoid polishing a turd, no employer wants thatscarabin
    • it seems like SOME of the logo refreshes coming out of pentagram could be done in an hour.nb
    • I did it the other day, took me 2 hours not 1, and it wasn't a logo but the end result looked like I did it in 1 hour. Fun, yes. But I don't have design skillscherub
    • I'd like to learn, though.cherub
    • depends on the client and brief, shirley. If the client insists on something cheap looking, then yes. Otherwise, no.Fax_Benson
    • easily. it might not be any good, but it's simple enoughhans_glib
    • Process: Research company and what they stand for. Research others in sector. Research iconography/Fonts. Mind map. Sketch. Refine. Vector. Refine. etc..shapesalad
    • "I could be bigger."
      — Aaron Draplin's trucker hat
    • My 1st job was for a newspaper and each morning we'd upload the days content and I'd have to make two or three designed section banners before going live at 10Nairn
    • ..i was just starting out, so no doubt I'd wince at how shit they are now, but it was a good education in working to extreme and absolute deadlines.Nairn
    • This was when PS5 with its FUCK ING TERR IB LE kerning came out, which added on entire minutes of frustration... .Nairn
    • Did my fair share of yellow pages ads back in the days before google. 20mins each tops. Surprisingly satisfying.shapesalad
  • omahadesigns-1

    Got a new job but am realizing it's not asking me to use my skills.

    I'm faking it and can do alright until I get better at the type setting for now.

    But part of me wonders if I should let them find someone else that already loves doing this and pursue a job that would let me flourish.

    Or is learning a new skillset valuable?

  • sted0

    rassan who speaks chnese, or chnese who speaks rassan?

  • drgs8

    I will never master this shit

    • yeah, i'm a deer in headlights when i'm on a call and get another call and see these options come upSteveJobs
    • "Say bye and take this new call" "No! I'm on a call, call me back" "Switch calls"shapesalad
    • lol .. My anxiety goes through the roof when this pops upRamanisky2
    • LOL. I thought it was just me.
      Thankfully it's pretty rare.
    • Awful UXmaquito
    • I’d put a red, a yellow and a green circle with pause, stop and phone icon respectively.maquito
    • I switched off call waiting. So I won't have to master this shit. Except, of course, regular calls can be interrupted by FB messenger, WhatsApp and WhatNot.jagara
    • Who's up for a QBN design session to come up with better solutions?BaskerviIle
    • What will usually happen is: I press "Hold & Accept" because the red buttons scare me off. I realize I didnt warn the first caller (who is probably as confused)drgs
    • I try to switch back to the original call, which is impossible to do because I'm talking to someone else. I finish 2nd call and call back to nr 1 to apologizedrgs
    • Join Calls Icon
    • The decline button is redundant. It's just a way to stop the ringing (or send a blunt message). Could be just the other two OR Accept and Hold w/no red buttonsSteveJobs
    • Single, simple icons should show the implied nature of each action, with one that ends the current call and the other holds it.SteveJobs
    • or maybe just this *shrug*…
    • This is a case of “just use text”. The icons confuse the decision making.noRGB
  • i_was-4

    I like Spotify new interface (if there ever was something new) lol

    • Nah.. search isn't always at top. Layout requires more scrolling. Albums are in a mess under and artist.shapesalad
    • Search is on search menu, suffice, second point maybe, it's like I couldn't get "discography" at first glancei_was
    • You’ve said some inflammatory things here, but this one crosses the lineGnash
  • Continuity26

    The first week at my new job is done, and I have to say that I think I really lucked out.

    So far, I haven't run into any massive egos, and everyone I've spoken to seems genuinely supportive and empathetic of others, including my boss, the managing director. And this is what everyone I've spoken to says of their colleagues, too.

    Now, of course, it's been remote over Zoom so far, and I haven't met anyone in person yet, but still ... what a refreshing change it makes from other, toxic agencies I've had the misfortune of finding myself in over the years.

    • time for a beer then!hans_glib
    • plot twist: they don't drinksted
    • Word is, they're legendary drinkers. I think I'm covered there!Continuity
    • ooh you got really lucky,
      nice :)
    • 80% of me is super happy for you, but 20% of me is a wee bit sus and secretly hoping you've inadvertantly joined a cult.Nairn
    • Happy for you!dyspl
    • ^ The best agencies in Germany ARE cults... You have to live with it or leave.Longcopylover
    • Congrats, man! Let your work speak for yourself.maquito
    • Grats man, have a blast!OBBTKN
    • Tell us more!i_was
    • YEAH BOIII!!!ideaist
  • Nairn5

    Someone I was expecting just walked in after knocking on the door and waiting less than a quarter of a second for me to react before just coming in. He's a friend, so no problem. We have a quick chat about something and then he leaves and I sit back at my computer here and realise that I've got Fadein's 'Dream of the Day' post in focus on the QBN homepage, which had been in his full view, and now I'm thinking he thinks I just sit in the dark here all day long, cutting things and reading about dreams.

    • Sorry, that should have been "cutting things, swearing often and loudly, and reading about dreams".Nairn
    • On a fucknig bank holiday weekend too.
      I fucking hate bank holidays - yet again this one snuck up on me. I've only been back at work proper since Thursday..
    • ..and i'm straight into a three day null-zone where clients disappear, don't pay, don't respond to enquiries. Well done, me.
      Again. Againafuckingain.
    • Could have been worse, it might have been the bunghole you posted the other day hehe. 'Sorry man, I'll come back later'. 'It's just QBN man, it's ok...'PhanLo
    • hahaha, that hole that was very quickly deleted? haha, aiee.

    • There was a very childish part of me that wanted to go on some Crouwel/Janne -esque crazed arsehole-posting spree, but thankfully I was not *that* beboozed.Nairn
    • HahahaPhanLo
    • Haha, happy to be of service. some more of it came back to me today, but so dull not even worth sharing. Who dreams about the annoying parts of travelling? Me.fadein11
  • garbage32

    After sitting on pins and needles for almost a week, the vet finally came back with Leo's radiology report. No signs of tumor in his lungs, and nothing significant in his hindparts. The little punk played me for a free trip to Utah.

    I'm so fucking happy. So, so, so fucking happy.

    • Awwww :)Gnash
    • great!oey_oey
    • Fuck yeahbabydick
    • Yaassssss!PhanLo
    • Good doggoPhanLo
    • Leo, you sly fucker.
      So awesome he's OK!
    • moneyz ar coming! good to hear!renderedred
    • Great photo!mort_
    • awesome!Krassy
    • leo about to eat some homework lol.cherub
    • yay!BusterBoy
    • Nice one. Good boy Leo.MrT
    • Yes!!! Good dog, Leo!!!! SO happy for you, garbage!!PonyBoy
    • Thanks all, was a rough week.garbage
    • @cherub funny you say that, because he has always had penchant for eating paper. When he was a pup he ate a check, and I had to call a client to ask them to..garbage
    • ..stop payment and write me a new one because "my dog ate my paycheck."garbage
    • He played you this entire time. Gooboi...BusterBoy
    • He ate your check? He IS MONEY DOG!!!PonyBoy
    • Yay!sea_sea
    • lol money dogcherub
    • Yo, that hike with Leo is going to be extra sweet. Great news my man.Ramanisky2
  • babydick-1

    The new Bo Burnham special is fucking amazing, and you should watch it all alone, in a dark room.

  • maquito6

    I went with my wife and son to spend the weekend in Punta del Este, a very beautiful city 2 hs from Montevideo (google it, it’s worth a look). It was on the occasion that tomorrow I start working at my new job, and we wanted to close the stage and celebrate the event, blah.

    He had a blast on Saturday, cold but sunny. Wonderful day. We woke up today and went to a Japanese Garden; great family trip. Just before checking out, my wife trips, falls on her right foot, and totally twists it. she couldn’t move her foot. Ambulance. Hospital. Serious ankle sprain... yeah, at least she didn’t break her foot, but geez...

    I had to drive with my son back to my parent’s house, went back to the hospital, checked that my wife was being treated, then back to the hotel, pack my bags, etc. luckily the hotel staff was awesome, and my wife and son are back at home after 10 hs. of intense “new job celebration”.

    I hope this all means good shit will happen; I mean, the “break a leg” thing didn’t happen, but anyways. Good night!

    • Oh wow, best wishes to Mrs. Maq.garbage
    • Hope she gets well soon and good luck on your new job!!OBBTKN
    • Well, could've been a lot worse I suppose. Glad everyone is home safe and congrats on the new gig!nocomply
    • Tks guys!maquito
    • Get busy livin' or get busy dyin' bud! Sounds like fun.

      : )
  • milfhunter3

    Getting my first covid-vaccin today


    Stopped working at 17h, get out to garden, wife reading a book, enjoying this sunny hot spring day, youngest daugther studying in the hammock, I took off my shoes, feet on the table, I took the Lefebre comic that I just bought and ...

    Finally, after long months later, this is a little bit of life!

    • I love how much more we appreciate these little moments in life._niko
    • La buena vida! (No digo Salud porque se que estas en el mes de prueba!)maquito
    • Si, casi la teniamos olvidada!!OBBTKN
    • I can relate, and am thrilled by quiet times. The missus and I just had a bbq and an easy evening in the yard.garbage
    • Teniamos olvidada no mas, por favor.garbage
  • Nairn8

    I've been looking after the kid daytime weekdays for the past few weeks (kindergarten's organised - finally! - for next week) and had a moment where I was just lying on our bed mid-morning, playing with my daughter as the sun streamed through an open window and we watched the blue sky with bees and birds all flitting about and it was the first time in a long time I just.. settled. I was like, "Fuck. I can literally just sit here and enjoy the moment". So did.

    Clearly, my life is hellishly out of balance.

    • +1, yes, it's being very stressful... If it weren't for these little moments ;)OBBTKN
    • Nice. I need to get far away from my eldest to experience moments like that. He's a teenager. Enjoy it while it lasts!mort_
  • drgs0

    Some youtube channels offer memberships ("join" button). What the hell is it?

    • click it and see.Nairn
    • secret QBN Pro sign-up formutopian
    • Monthly recurrent payments for some "loyalty badges". What the hell is it?drgs
    • Seriously, just more dumb content that Youtube is trying to sell its sheeple.utopian
    • Youtubes answer to patreonGuyFawkes
    • It’s like NFTsmonospaced
    • first attempts at decentralized creator economyuan
    • secret access to:…Krassy
    • "Signs your getting old", drgsNBQ00
  • bainbridge0

    Casual acquaintance emailed me asking me if I wanted to be featured and put personal work in a magazine he’s making.

    It’s free to put in content but I’m not really feeling the rest of the contributors or the design of the last issue he designed.

    What do I say to decline?

    • Could be some free advertising and if the other designers are shity it just makes you look better and more work 4 uGuyFawkes
    • ^ yeah, but I feel like it makes my work look bad. Or if I’m not into the other work, he won’t show it to people looking for good work?bainbridge
    • Tell the fellas "Fuck you, Pay Me!"utopian
    • kiss my unwashed assholeautoflavour
    • If you've got concerns about the other content watering down your work, don't do it. A proper decline is just a professional one.garbage
    • It sounds like he's got some particular content in mind, so just throw him a white lie that you had other plans for it.garbage
    • My two cents anyway. Been in a similar situation, and it is an awkward jam to be in.garbage
    • What's a proper decline? Do I say it doesn't interest me?bainbridge
    • ShutterStock + 5 mins photoshopping with some free actions and Luts.shapesalad
    • If it's a casual acquaintance, then yeah? Just say you had other plans for it. Or shovel out shape's idea lol.garbage
    • tell him you're stuck in an oil painting or "i have other priorities at the moment, maybe next time"dorf
    • Whats the downside to participating?drgs
    • ^ They give me press on their instagram and website and cooler clients think the design is badbainbridge
    • ^ like a nice clothing brand in a bad storebainbridge
  • i_was0

    I'm in Burgundy

    • tres bien! doesn't look like wine country thohans_glib
    • It does! vines were all aroundi_was
  • i_was-6

    • Cosne sur Loire cinema!i_was
    • why the downvotes?utopian
    • pop across the river to chavignol, there used to be a lovely little auberge selling omelettes, crottins and sancerre. it's probably gone now.hans_glib
  • grafician-1

    While picking strawberries from the garden, also found a small coin in the dirt, dated 1975!

    A sign?

    • your vision is still ok.uan
    • Clearly a sign of...i_was
    • A communist coin from '75 lolgrafician
    • This means you're fuckedi_was
  • i_was0

    How much RAM do you have? anyone here with a machine with lots of RAM, like 64Gb of DDR?

    • People still using DDR?kalkal
    • Yes old or newi_was
    • You can use old applications too with loads of RAMi_was
    • 48gb of ddr3 whatever that meanshans_glib
    • 32gigabongsPhanLo
    • @hansglib Really? what for? video workstation?i_was
    • @PhanLo On your desktop machine?i_was
    • Had 64gb ram on a work iMac that was super top range.. After Effects + c4d still ran same speed as a 2013 iMac of mid level specs and 16gb ram.shapesalad
    • Not impressed at all. Maybe it's due to adobe not optimising... but so far, yet to use a top spec machine that justifies its price.shapesalad
    • You won't see much of a performance gain with extra RAM with the same CPU/GPUkalkal
    • My workstations are 48 / 64GB, slowly 64 becomes bare minimum for architectural renderings, ideally 128GByovkov
    • I built me a Ryzen 7 with 128gbGuyFawkes
    • ^wow!i_was
    • I need a new laptopdrgs
    • Lenovoi_was
    • I have a Lenovo X230 with SSD and 16Gb of RAM, it's old, from 2012 and the shit is fast!, I run Ubuntu and Windows10 on iti_was
    • 64gb, next machine will have at least 128gb. Even a good laptop has 64gb these days (at least the one I am getting)formed
    • ^what yovkov saidformed
    • Next gen machines will have half the RAM, as evidenced by SOC trends, and exemplified by the M1. Everyone is on board with this, as a matter of fact.monospaced
    • Mac Pro 2010 128gbfuturefood
    • lol mono ends everything with what he said being a factGuyFawkes
    • lol, Mr know it alli_was
    • I'm just saying, Intel, AMD, Apple and even MS are working on it. If I'm wrong I'm totally cool with that. It just happens to be an area I follow regularly.monospaced
    • Yep, I have a 2012 iMac, 32gb was the highest I could get I think.PhanLo
    • 64gb herescarabin
    • Lenovo W530, 16 GB, maxxed out.jagara