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  • Gardener1


    Rain, rain, rain, rain... and cold, and it's Juny...


    • What's the elevation?i_was
    • Juny? Is that a girl you're describing?NBQ00
    • hahahaha @NBQ... June, so sorry, lolOBBTKN
    • Elevation? Here.. 100 meters above sea level, why?OBBTKN
    • Rain here too in New York. But it’ll be 88 this weekend so it’s finemonospaced
    • Rain equals the start of hurricane season for me so that sucksGuyFawkes
    • Because elevation matters for shitty weatheri_was
    • I'm at sea level, I don't see how elevation makes much difference if it's shitty weather regardless.monospaced
    • ^Oh shut up greasy mono don't want to discuss with youi_was
    • Biggest twat fucker on QBN, only comes here to show off but your fat and vulgari_was
    • And you don't smell good, this is why you take a shower everydayi_was
    • oh, tell me more, you absolute stranger and committed racist bigot, please :)monospaced
    • mansplain it to me, you amazing man who certainly does not fuck twats, evermonospaced
    • lol, "greasy mono" what the hell? hahaha, is that your idea of an insult? Here's a tip. If you're gonna insult someone, try to make it relevant ahahahhaamonospaced
    • ahahahhaa <--copied from you, don't laugh at yourself you idiot and go buy some Ikea furniture, you need it!i_was
    • I'm laughing at your pathetic attempts to insult me, even though you couldn't be further from reality. It really is childish.monospaced
    • IKEA furniture? I need it? What makes you think that? Please explain, because I like seeing your corrupt intellect attempt to function.monospaced
    • Relax guys! It just stopped raining... And @iwas, I live in one of the most humid areas in Eu, surrounded by mountains and very close to the sea...OBBTKN
    • Love it, but sometimes, you need a bit of sun ;)OBBTKN
    • @monospaced I'm just kidding you, idiot. Bye fat twati_was
    • @OBBTKN I know where you live, I hate that place, women are fat and ugly.i_was
    • It's where some mocros killed a bus driver right? ugly place like most south of Francei_was
    • i_was on a docpoz rollrenderedred
    • Hahaha @iwas, yes, fat and ugly women, thanks good my wife is spaniard ;)OBBTKN
    • And "mocros"... I had never read that...OBBTKN
  • maquito1

    First week of onboarding for my brand new position in a big enterprise. First time that I work in such a large company and with such an insane amount of learning. Tired, happy, anxious and excited.

  • bainbridge0

    I bring my Macbook to and from work everyday, should I shut it down each time?

    • as long as nothing is still spinning.pango
    • How do I know if it's spinning?bainbridge
    • That's modern slaveryi_was
    • Yes!shapesalad
    • I always shut mine down when I'm done using it.Continuity
    • I carry it around every day and I never shut it down. 20 years. all my macbooks lasted arount 8-10 years. never had a problem...a_aachen
    • do you feel the vibration? do you hear the fan? if unsure, shut it down.pango
    • Back in the Amiga500 days it was good practice to wait 10 seconds with it off when restarting. I've carried that habit forward and always shut down laptops.shapesalad
    • There's something about having the electricity still flowing whilst throwing it around in a backpack that just doesn't sit well with me.shapesalad
    • I had one start on fire in my bag but that was a MacBook from like 2007. Wouldn’t worry. But why not shit it down?nb
    • re: Amiga500 days - wasn't that just to ensure there was nothing left in RAM to infect the bootloader on whatever disk was put in?Nairn
    • I treat it like a phone. Restart if it is behaving wonky, otherwise just close the lid and put in backpack.ESKEMA
    • I never turn them off. exception is when I board a plane.
      but a work computer at home: shut down, take battery off and wrap it in tinfoil.
    • yes, 100%section_014
  • Nairn6

    Got dressed and left for work today in a bit of a rush, grabbing a pair of crumpled shorts and it was only when I sat down on the bus and looked down at my crotch I remembered that I'd dropped a load of saucy fajita-esque chicken on my lap last night.

    I just walked through one of the busier parts of North London with this shit all over my shorts, making me look like some special needs idiot. Doesn't help that my hair is utterly fucking awful (I really am going to a hairdresser this week), and simply adds to image of incapable fuckwit nuttery.

    • Thankfully, no one cared about you and your look.babydick
    • ha, quite.

      I hope you feel better about yourself!
    • get your shit together bruv hehehecanoe
    • lol @ "fajita-esque". That's the real crime here.garbage
    • BeBoozed cooking - we had friends over, and by all accounts it was actually quite nice, esp. considering it was all thrown together at the last minute :)Nairn
    • This is fucking hilarious! I've done similar, spilled a huge smoothie on myself (in the car) right before a big meeting.davey_g
    • I once went out with my shirt buttoned so one side was higher than the other, and the people on the train weren't smiling and pointing for good reasons :)monospaced
    • College: I woke up late, 5 min to class. Mad dash but made it. I started to unzip my hoodie as I walked in, at which point I realized I forgot to put on a shirtgarbage
  • Gardener2

    Someone had one of these WW2 incendiary bombs for sale on their stall at the car boot this morning.

    it reminded me how back in the 70's one of these bombs turned up in my dad's second hand furniture shop. Despite what the paper claimed it was me who saw it in a tea chest and told dad who suggested I go round the corner to tell the local newspaper offices and they sent a photographer round straight away and got one of the staff to hold it up. Only afterwards was the bomb then taken away to be blown up, dad just said "anything for publicity" lol

    • So your dad a collector of sorts as well? That's pretty rad.garbage
    • yea but he had 2nd hand shops from 1972 - 1981, he collected old railway stuff & postcards, I posted some here a while backGardener
    • I'm guessing growing up in those shops was a dream.garbage
    • He paid me for working there at weekends in records, the stuff that came into the shops mid 70s was mindboggling, then and looking back nowGardener
  • omahadesigns-1

    What perks does your job give you?

    • Name: Jimdrgs
    • Money for a sex change.monospaced
    • part-time, permanent contract, pension with 19% employer contribution, 6k equipment budget, travel expenses, work from home, 6 weeks leavekingsteven
    • covers education costs, staff education discount, union membership. could get 2x the salary elsewhere but the stability wins outkingsteven
    • Damn, king! SweetGnash
    • Total work flexibility. $250 bonus for taking 40hrs vacation. Protected time every Friday after noon. 12 weeks parental leave. A week off between Xmas and NYEmonospaced
    • Double retirement accounts each matched to 20%. $5000 for backup child or dependent care. Unlimited sick days. Time off for protesting and voting.monospaced
    • Free tax prep software and filing. Financial coaching. Wellness and health coaching. Yearly executive health exams.monospaced
    • 212 hours vacation, plus 6 floating holidays, all in addition to normal holidays. All travel and equipment costs covered.monospaced
    • Free subscriptions to WSJ and Barrons, LinkedIn Learning catalog,monospaced
    • Creative freedomdyspl
  • garbage23

    Took the homie to one of his favorite canyon spots over the weekend because there was supposed to be a windstorm. He seems to enjoy them in the way most dogs stick their heads out of windows.

    Well it ended up turning into an actual sandstorm with 50mph winds that broke the zippers on our tent.

    It was so gnarly that I had to keep all of my actual camera gear locked up, woke up covered in sand. He and I had a great time, but the gf and her bulldog.. not so much.

    I don't think you can embed video here, but three links. One of them is Leo barking at himself as his voice came back to him from the canyon walls.

    Happy Monday all.

    • Awesome!palimpsest
    • nice!GuyFawkes
    • :)Gnash
    • Where is this? Looks like Idaho.davey_g
    • Frenchman Coulee, in the Columbia River Basin in Washington. Lovely place.garbage
    • @garbage - looks dope!davey_g
    • any pointers on discovering fun places to go in WA?robotinc
    • Good boy!!PonyBoy
    • Beautiful dog!Leigh
    • Leo says thanks, ha.garbage
    • @robotinc is a good place to get an idea of where, and where not to go. Hoh is really fun, and wandering around on the peninsula generally..garbage
    • ..same for the Snoqualmie / Mt. Baker region. If you're into anything in-town, there's so much to Discovery Park that's worth seeing.garbage
    • At the top of the bluffs near the sandpit you can descend this rainwater-cut desire path that gets you to the beach in minutes. It's a fun little adventure.garbage
    • Straight down through the remnants of old treehouse encampments and occasionally current ones. Watch out for the forest bums.garbage
    • aww your sweet leo. my pups ears popped up when i played that video of him barking lolsea_sea
    • @sea haha he gets that a good bit. He's got a strong voice, built for the Twilight Bark.garbage
    • That Pup is Swingin!keewee
    • geezuz, for a sec I thought it was a wounded dog, had to check twiceBennn
    • ha no, he just loves catching rays and heavy wind. Sleeping his happiest sleep.garbage
    • Man I need a dog in my life. A little furry buddy to poop and pee and be content with a simple life.shapesalad
    • Do it! There are plenty of pups out there waiting to be rescued. Leo was a rescue, found beaten and left for dead. Thankfully he ended up in a no-kill shelter.garbage
    • I know nothing else about his first 6 months, but I hope whatever scum hurt him has had a horrible life.garbage
    • +100grotesk_neue
  • GuyFawkes18

    I saved 2 pelicans this weekend.

    Saturday morning i'm at the beach around 7:am seen a pelican with a broken wing by the water, I was just watching him for a bit while everyone was taking selfies with it, stressing it out, till someones dog started attacking it, so I just ran up to it, grabbed its beak shut, brought it to the lifeguards booth and had him call the animal dudes to pick him up,

    Sunday morning, im in the line-up and notice another pelican just past the break, sitting in the water, trying to fly but cant, so I paddle past it and start paddling towards it to move him towards the shore, we get to about waist deep when i grabbed its beak shut and hold him, brought him to the life guard dudes again, but on the way everyone on the beach is just asking for pics with it, I ignored them, but they took their pics once I handed it over to the lifeguards,

    these days suck, everyone is more concerned about their fuckin insta's and facebooks that they're just completely oblivious to the fact that they could have done something to fuckin help this god damn bird

    • "They gotta get them views."utopian
    • Nice job Moldy!utopian
    • the only views that matter are on QBN, smash dat Upvote button!GuyFawkes
    • In my nephew's words... "So you interrupted the life cycle?" (as I mentioned saving a bird from my cat.) lol
      Good job GuyF, you're my kind of people.
    • +1 to you Guy.
      -1 to people
    • Lifeguards: "This guy again?"drgs
    • Lifeguards: "Why does he keep wrestling those poor birds?"a_aachen
    • lol a_aachenNairn
    • Wow. I have to ask: How weird do their gullets feel?garbage
    • I didn't touch it, just had a hold near the tip of the beak, I love those damn birdsGuyFawkes
    • Keep doing the good things.garbage
    • :)GuyFawkes
  • BusterBoy7

    Still being semi stalked by an ex I broke up with probably 25 years ago. A few years after we split, she goes on Wheel of Fortune and the first thing she asks for is "B for BusterBoy" - just transplant the B for the first letter of my name etc etc. She repeats this about 4 times during the show using different letters and attaching them to words we always used to use for each other!

    Random things over the years...Insta and Facebook posts (yes we're still friends online...not sure why!) - suggestive messages clearly directed at me. And no, Im not imagining this...they are just plainly obvious.

    Last week she goes onto Facebook to introduce her 2 new of them she's named after my first name...the other has the nickname she used to use for me.

    It's kind of funny, creepy and sad all at the same time. She knows I've been happily married for over 20 years. And she has a new bloke she's been with for a couple.

    All really quite weird.

  • grafician0

    looks like imgur is down, so most of QBN's images are down so QBN is basically down lol

  • renderedred0

    @milfhunter broke listening to thread LOL

  • GuyFawkes8

    Slack: coworkers seemed very busy
    Me: sneaks off for a quick 1 hour surf session behind the house
    Slack as I walk in: you done with that thing?
    Me: just wrapping it up now!
    Slack: wow that was fast

    • stop (slack)ing offcapn_ron
    • QBN - Slack integration coming up soongrafician
    • Slack is Surfer Proofutopian
    • Ace, you can surf behind the house?grotesk_neue
    • yes :)
      its not my favorite spot but it works when its not closing out
    • do you have any vids of you surfing?utopian
    • no, im usually filming them, but i dont even do that anymore, watching them have all the fun being all hot n shit on the beachGuyFawkes
    • then when I go out i have to worry about my gearGuyFawkes
  • oey_oey6

    So one day I arrived home with my 17 month old daughter sleeping in my arms and my partner asks me:

    Who's X and what does she want from you with a very serious face.

    I was like: what!?

    And she trying not to be too loud because of t he little one sleeping and very serious: Who is X and what does she want from you?!

    And I swear I didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

    So after a slapstick comedy style back and forth in a half silent and gestures way my partner in a very seriously way of jealousy shows me a SMS...

    I read it and I was like:Aaaaaah! That's a friend from our housemate/neighbor...

    So a housemate of ours asked me if It would be possible for a friend of hers to record from the computer to a tape using my gear and if she could give her friend my phone number.

    I said sure, why not.
    I'm happy to help and mixtapes are truly a great thing.

    And our housemate gave her friend my partners phone number instead of mine...

    So we cracked...

    Yesterday and the day before I arranged everything for her to come by and told my partner that the friend of our housemate is not the pretty one with the dark hair it's another one...

    And she was like: Aha! So, so...

    The friend came today and we were in my working space where I was explaining to her how the stereo,the mixer and t u e tape deck works.

    I realize it's getting l a te to meet my partner and I say goodbye and leave as we were already ready with everything.

    As soon as I close my studio's door I face my partner and she was like so?

    And I said: I'm done here let's go upstairs.

    And she Replied: oh...I was curious to know how the woman looks like.

    And I said: well she's really pretty.

    My partner: interesting....and laughs.

    So the rest of the day we kept making jokes about the woman back and forth pretending being jealous and that I was actually just helping out of interest, everything very healthy.

    But as the day passed started to get a guilty ty feeling cause I can't get that woman out of my head but not like in an oh-my-god way but like how an interesting person I found her to be and I ended sending her a message asking if she wants to-go paint together.

    And I realized wait this is crazy, what am I doing, she's mid twenties, 20 years y o Unger and I want to keep contact and after all the jokes and so on!?

    I started getting depressed thinking my time is soon over and how it is so great to be in our twenties in the present day with all the openness about sexuality and relations, political correct Ness and respect, how's every thing a challenge, how I evolved and kept emancipation myself...and I'm like WTF!?

    I have a great privileged life and I'm aware fit, I don't have much and I could be more committed to my work specially t he last t here years but I got it really good and I find out there's certain things that I can't change, like feeling attracted to attractive, emancipated, smart, young, interesting and intelligent mid-twenty/thirty year old women.

    I feel I have to talk with my partner about this because I've been avoiding two or three people for months now because I don't feel secure enough to meet them and not be tempted to lose control.

    Damn! I just wanted to write a small text about how nice it was to meet someone and find her interesting not in a sexual way at least or now...and continue to peel the potatoes for tomorrow and suddenly it sounds like a mid-life crisis.

    No, not signs I'm getting old....

    But damn,she was really pretty and simple and interesting.

    • And she Replied yes to go pain together...fuck! LOL!oey_oey
    • Ah, I wrote this with basically one finger so...oey_oey
    • There's so much more to it, to my thoughts and reflexions but I really have to peel these potatoes.oey_oey
    • There's one solution to this: You need an 9v battery. Imagine her naked. Have a walk. As you ah hum... stick out your tongue and press the 9v battery on it.shapesalad
    • By 'walk' autocorrect meant 'w an k'shapesalad
    • Only half joking here....shapesalad
    • go take a walk. have some fruit and relax bro.dasohr
    • Thanks ,but I'm relaxed. We also have an open relationship but not right now cause there's so much going on.oey_oey
    • Sorry for the errors, one finger typing and fucked up auto correctoey_oey
    • yeah listen to shapesalads autocorrect take the 9v for a walk.sted
    • pics or it didn't happenautoflavour
    • you know what you should do, is go on a public Internet forum and talk about it.. what can go wrong?autoflavour
    • That's exactly what I'm thinking while drinking y first morning coffee auto...oey_oey
    • "my 17 month old daughter"
      Worst timing to cheat on your woman, seriously
    • You should both bang her. I would keep EVERYTHING above board, though, no secret messagesscarabin
    • lol scaragarbage
    • little daughter, partner, housemate, hot mixtape chick...coming soon to Netflixstoplying
    • Your partner is jealous AF.BusterBoy
    • i'm in one of the nicest and longest relationships I've been in and it's open and polyamorous. talk to your partner. the promised land awaits!sarahfailin
  • inteliboy12

    Adulting is quite hard.

    • yes, it is, now I understand my parents... Hard, adulting and parentingOBBTKN
    • Eldering is even harder.shapesalad
    • ^ This. In my early 20s I took care of my mom after she caught a brain tumor. Then and there I decided I was never having kids, and never getting old.garbage
    • ^ I read that as "Elden Ring" and got even more depressed.DRIFTMONKEY
  • scarabin1

    I don’t get why the castaways don’t just eat Gilligan. He’s the sole reason they never get off that damn island

    • Jeff Probstnb
    • I'd eat GingerGuyFawkes
    • Cuz they never seemed to run out of food.DRIFTMONKEY
    • I would eat him just out of principlescarabin
    • The Skipper would feed more people_niko
    • Fear. Behind Gilligan's ramshackle countenance lies a raging torrent of anger and violence. He toys with the castaways for his own amusement.face_melter
    • There were originally 10 who washed ashore on the island, but Gilligan destroyed two for mocking his hat, as a warning to the others.face_melter
  • nocomply18

  • autoflavour8

  • scarabin0

    How come we don’t call driving nails “hamming”?

    • Because that's what we call when I eat an entire roast pig by myself every year on Easter Sundaynb
    • Steam powered hammers = steamed hamsstoplying
    • because that term is reserved specifically for the sexual act: "I got hammed so good last night. I think my legs are broke."sarahfailin
  • sarahfailin0

    I bought 80 feet of sound-sensitive LED strip online for $30. my garage and music space just got an upgrade!

    • link to purchase please?Krassy
    • was trying not to plug amazon, but:…
      it actually got *cheaper*
    • awesome

      thank you!
    • If you run into any issues lemme know, i’ve been working with that stuff for around a decade now. Probably ran into every kind of problem one canscarabin
    • Is there a central sound detector, or are there multiple ones on each of the repeated circuits? If latter, could poss see speed of sound :)Nairn
    • there's a mic where the manual control buttons are near where it plugs in-- works out to be right by my speakerssarahfailin
    • I started out trying to split and solder it into four separate pieces, but proved hard. I kept it one continuous piece and just covered some w/ black tapesarahfailin