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  • babydick-5

    What the fuck is going on at IMDB:…

    17 941 IMDb users (and 15 802 are 1-star) have given a weighted average vote of 6,9 / 10

    "Our rating mechanism has detected unusual voting activity on this title. To preserve the reliability of our rating system, an alternate weighting calculation has been applied."

    Fuck IMDB.

    • Rotten does that shit tooGuyFawkes
    • review bombing losers, that's what's going oninteliboy
    • That's some multiverse shit. I can't wait for the Obama biopic portrayed by an albino jew, though.babydick
  • sarahfailin2

    finally got an AC set up that keeps my apartment below 85 degrees when it's 100 outside


    • First world pleasureszaq
    • If you get two of them, you might get to something comfortable.monospaced
  • oey_oey9

    • doing invitations/flyers with a toddler sitting in my lap is not easy, so lets keep it simple ;-)oey_oey
    • randomise the lines on that soundsystem a wee bit and you're done!Nairn
    • Also, fucking kudos on working with a toddler on your lap - my little fucker can't help but try to help, pressing keys and fucking things up... :)Nairn
    • What do you think she tries to do all the time? :-) It took me two short sessions and 10 minutes alone...uff!oey_oey
    • not bad, 21 people dropped bye...okay I've sent around 300 invitations. But 20 is for me a good mark. I'm happy, specially with the session.oey_oey
  • dasohr2

    We should book Carousel of Dingleberries for Kerningman™

  • stoplying1

    Ad-Rock is selling his mid-century crib in Jersey. Any takers?…

  • scarabin4

    Made painkillers for my fucked up neck from stuff in my garden. Ah, sweet releaf

    • Just start to think about how u sleep.
      These things just prolong the disasters reaching your body.
    • Yeah i’m pretty sure i messed it up sleeping weird. Been hurting for like a week now :/scarabin
    • feels old manpango
    • if you can't get into deep sleep it takes forever to heal. High doses of Ibuprofen before sleep, so body can fix the injuries.uan
    • you have morphine in your garden?babydick
    • I do…scarabin
    • I try to grow only useful thingsscarabin
    • Nicebabydick
    • Wachu make? Always interested in natural pain remedies.sea_sea
    • Boiled poppy somniferum pods into a tea, reduced the liquid to a paste, put into capsules. You can drink the tea but it’s grossscarabin
    • You can score the living pods with a knife and collect the milk that oozes out the next day and smoke it if you likescarabin
    • I got the seeds from a breeder but i think garden centers carry them. Just make sure to get papaver somniferum, there are many kinds. Beautiful, useful plantscarabin
    • Intrigued. QBN poppy market, engage!garbage
    • Ooh lovely thank you. Does it only work internally? I wonder if you can make a rub with it? My dad has major neck pain. :(sea_sea
    • It looks like there’s been little research on topical use of opiates but this article discusses other plants that might workscarabin
    • https://www.scienced…scarabin
    • Interesting. So are you just sleeping fucked up, or is it injury-related?garbage
  • sted3

    Woke up at 6:30 for a 7am sunday meeting what we had been planning for a month. After 15 mins I'm the only one in the room, started calling colleagues to find out that the meeting was canceled days earlier. Feels like i'm the asshole who wakes up people on Sundays.

    • That's the punishment for turning your work phone off on a Friday morning.sted
    • Who has a meeting at 7am on Sunday?omahadesigns
    • there are no Sundays in Asia.sted
    • or at least the respect for the weekend off doesn't exists or died out up there.sted
    • C Y B E R W O K Eutopian
    • Hold up whatnb
  • omahadesigns-2

    Cats or Dogs?

  • BusterBoy0

    We normally enter our house through the rear (cue funny laugh) via a lane that runs past the back of the house. For the second time in a couple of months someone has taken a shit right outside the back gate...and even taken the time to wipe their arse with tissues and leave a shit stained mess everywhere. The only difference...this time it was full on diarrhea...absolutely fucking gross and almost made me puke when I went out this morning.

    My wife tells me that some runners take tissues with them in case of emergency...but fuck me. The total lack of respect for someone else's property is unbelievable.

    • testHayzilla
    • I'd be fucking fuming! Surveillance would commence immediately and shared with all local facebook groups and local news.Hayzilla
    • Poo jogger strikes again!thumb_screws
    • Bleach the scene.PhanLo
    • who needs a poop while running. some peoples biology is alien to me.shapesalad
  • Hayzilla6

    Has QBN's SSL expired?

  • thumb_screws4

    Connection secure till Monday, 20 September 2021.

  • drgs2

    Getting my first shot June 30th

    • where at?pango
    • what took so long?monospaced
    • I'm in the very last group on their priority listdrgs
    • Talk to us after the second
      We're waiting for you to activate that 5G cell
    • Can you put it in sharing mode, like a hotspotdrgs
    • Just stick the antenna out. Everyone within a 5km radius will be leeching your 5G juice.palimpsest
    • I'm just lookin to replace my internet provider at homedrgs
    • Hold on, all my devices will have to disconnect if I'm not home, fuckdrgs
    • We'll get our notifications, see you soon. Beware of bluetooth speaker complications and the nightvision is a bit wonky, seems very last minute.garbage
    • get magnetized!renderedred
  • scarabin1

    What an amazing job they did on Kung Fu (1972) making Carradine look half-Chinese. Even today it holds up under close scrutiny

    Most other examples of this I've seen were just embarassing

  • Gardener1

    cooking ahead, got soup for my supper tonight

  • Nairn1

    I just spent half an hour etching an expensive thing only to realise the client had made a typo which I absolutely did not see. One of those "you didn't spot the two thes in the sentence, did you?" sort of typos.

    As soon as it was on the table in front of me at a metre width, it was beyond obvious.

    ho hum. I'm interested to see how this gets resolved.

  • NBQ00-2

    I think my biological clock is ticking.

    More and more I'm thinking about making a baby with a woman and I'm not even in a relationship.

    I've always had existantial thoughts but lately it's starting to intensify.

    • Grow upbabydick
    • That is growing up.monospaced
    • wait until you find out how they're made.Fax_Benson
    • You'll spaff your trunks.Fax_Benson
    • wait until you find out how much they cost... spaffed trunks will be the least of your worries :PPonyBoy
    • Try Figmaoey_oey
    • But men can't get pregnant and don't have biological clock. Except Arnold, that one timegrafician
    • I love my son (now in college) more than anything. However, I regret every decision that led up to his birth. I wasn't ready. Take what you want from that.DRIFTMONKEY
    • LOL "Try Figma".evilpeacock
    • It will be the biggest time and financial commitment of your life. SO MUCH WORK!FNP14
    • Nothing matches the happiness and level of love you have for your own offspring. I had no idea.monospaced
    • And yes men do have a biological clock. We are pretty much defined by our need to fuck and spread seed and protect.monospaced
    • go outside and fuck somebody already!pango
    • NBQ00 will die broke, alone, and a virgin on a Friday.BabaVanga
    • lolNBQ00
    • Weren't you together with some skater girldrgs
    • @mono Not all men. I'm never having one, have never stayed with a woman that wanted one. For me, there are bigger joys in life than children. Much bigger.garbage
    • Not trying to be insulting, but it is disingenuous to suggest that every dude looks a newborn in the eyes and thinks all love.garbage
    • My reaction to my friends that have kids is "you ruined your life for this?". Diff strokes, diff folks. Still annoyed that my brother made me an uncle.garbage
    • Nobody says all men want this. Also you won’t know the joys of fatherhood until you are one. That’s the point.monospaced
    • I don't think most parents would say their lives are ruined by kids.monospaced
    • "you won’t know the joys of fatherhood until you are one" well I'm not fucking doing that just to realize it's shitebabydick
    • I have 100% zero interest in kids. I would not have that magical moment where I look into that thing's eyes and feel the joy of fatherhood. Not my bag.garbage
    • I'd realize that I needed a pack of smokes and be back in a bit. And I don't smoke anymore.garbage
    • I also need to get a pack of cigarettes. Maybe I'll be back never.
      looking at or playing with other people's kids is enough for me.
    • one kid taking care of another kid is not going to end well.pango
    • I'm with garbage. I'm not even remotely interested in breeding. Yuck. I can't think of a better way to ruin my life.Continuity
    • Well, there's also heroin, I suppose. That doesn't do anyone's life any favours, either.Continuity
    • you can adopt babydick and lock him in a cupboard.face_melter
    • lol facefadein11
    • lol this thread got drastic.garbage
    • I got that a bit as I got around 30 and started putting things together to make it a reality... I've got two little girls now, and they are my world.monNom
    • You give up some things from your life, but what you gain makes up for it tenfold. I've never smiled so much as I do spending time with my girls.monNom
    • You want to know the meaning of life? Have kids and be a good father to them. That about as pure a definition as you'll find.monNom
    • ^ That's a bit of a sweeping statement. The meaning of life is different for everyone.Continuity
    • If you've got a better definition, I'd love to hear it. This is the best I've found yet. It has harmony over time and space and from the individual to the groupmonNom
    • I think that was his point. There's no singular solution for deeper meaning in life, but also not a knock on your kids.garbage
    • For me the meaning of life is freedom, spontaneity, and a certain sense of wildness that I've seen stripped from so many friends that ended up with kids.garbage
    • If my girlfriend went nuts said "You're going to be a father", I have no idea what my reaction would be. Probably leave her with my savings and kill myself lol.garbage
    • You should definitely not have kids.monNom
    • But you know that already. Point well taken.monNom
  • PonyBoy4

    holy fuck... I've yet to touch dairy or meat now for well over 5 months (6 month mark is in 2 weeks)

    I've been contemplating going pescaterian the last 2 months but everytime I'm feeling like I'm ready to grab some sushi or a fillet I just can't seem to do it.

    Also... I'm really missing the simplicity and instant satisfaction of eggs... pango's frittata post is killing me :(

    • lolpango
    • no cheat day?pango
    • I've tried... and fail every time... I'm a terrible cheater :/PonyBoy
    • you're my hero, i wouldn't last for a week :D
      yeah pango's frittata is something i'm preparing to copy in the weekend :D
    • Yes yes. Eat my frittata (◠‿◕)pango
    • Pesca is a great way to go, I can point you to some good recipes if you want. Also sorry for getting heated in a different thread lol.garbage
    • You feeling better for dropping dairy and meat?thumb_screws
    • definitely, thumb—much more energy, less pain / aches—especially FAR less headaches—less inflamation in general. Most importantly my cholesterol normalized.PonyBoy
    • I'd almost argue and say eggs are vegan if you know where they've come from. They're not fertilised are they?Ianbolton
    • @Ianbolton
      They are produced by animals, like honey, so they are not vegan.
      But vegetables are also produced by animals, humans, so not vegan either.
    • @PonyBoy
      Are you trying to get away with being vegan without saying you're vegan. What animal products do you consume?
    • Good to hear pony. I’m on a plant based diet too and found the impact of switching comparable to when I quit smoking.thumb_screws
    • Vegetables are not a human byproduct. Eggs are nothing but pure animal cells, not even remotely vegan.monospaced
    • Vegetables are produced by humans, humans are exploited in the production of vegs. One of the main reasons behind veganism is to end animal exploitation.palimpsest
    • Wish I could eat fish, I'd be much healthier. Can't stand it.kalkal
    • The struggle is real.palimpsest
    • ha, another one to the club along with Continuity and myself, Kalkal :) Fish *looks* lovely to me, and then I get the barest whiff of it and want to gag.Nairn
    • To the fish gaggers: Try swordfish. t could be your gateway fish.garbage
    • "Are you trying to get away with being vegan without saying you're vegan?"

    • What about human flesh?i_was
    • To all fish gaggers: saba sashimi is not for you.pango
    • Fish gaggers. Jump in the deep end. Fresh raw blue fin. Meat of the gods. Fuck I miss the taste of itthumb_screws
    • ugh saba sashimi and blue fin are so good.garbage
  • misterhow0

    There's been a lot of frittata talk lately. I love eggs and I'll eat your frittata but it just take too long to make compared to veg and scrambled eggs. Why wait?

    • Why cook when you can just stick a feeding tube in you?
      Cuz I enjoy it.
  • mg335

    How do people get away with selling band shirts on sites like Etsy and RedBubble that are literally copies of official artist merchandise, or that even incorporate copyrighted names, brand imagery, etc?

    • The sites don't care, and they can do it until the cease and desist letters start rolling in.section_014
    • Good grief - why did someone downvote this???mg33
    • perhaps becuase they rip shit off on etsy?hans_glib
    • ^ Ha.mg33
    • Talentless cucks do that, I hope they cry themselves to sleepbabydick
  • shapesalad1

    What do you do with your father (or mother’s) stuff after they die? The small personal items. The photos. The bits and bobs from their life?

    What to do with it all when you have no space yourself to store it. Will you want to look at it often? Infrequently?

    • awe manmonospaced
    • Take some for keepsake, and donate the rest. Or garage sale.pango
    • Pics is hardGuyFawkes
    • Kept a few items of my dads clothes I still wear, the rest got sent to charity. Father in-law died recently and virtually all his stuff went to charity except..PhanLo
    • ... photos and the parts my mother-in-law wanted.
      Some people find it really hard to let go, I've seen really different responses in my family
    • Going narrow it down to a ‘memory box’. Just one box I can store of stuff to remember them by.shapesalad
    • I took pictures / scans of it all and made a websiteGnash
    • +1 for the memory box idea, a few special items that can go anywhere with you. For me/us, the person was the memory of them rather than their stuff : |MrT