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  • _niko4

    I've never been to an orgy in my life. Am I missing out?

    • some get awkwardpango
    • It depends, they're a hit or a miss.utopian
    • How old are you? listen to pango he's an orgy experti_was
    • Only one way to find out. On a totally unrelated note, when is the next QBN meetup?kalkal
    • It depends on what you mean with "missing"... ; POBBTKN
    • I means it's fine if you and your partner got bored of eachother and wants to spice things up. But you still get the most from just 2 participants. imo.pango
    • scarabin's the orgy expert here. that guy fuckspango
    • ^lol!i_was
    • How many ppl to call it an orgy? (Asking for a friend)SimonFFM
    • 6palimpsest
    • 7i_was
    • I'll say this much: they're no Olive Gardennb
    • I went to one once. Had violent diarrhea for 2 days.Akagiyama
    • an orgy starts over 4.sted
    • 5 is just friendly couples and a gimp.
      I maintain 6.
    • "Think of the smell. You haven't thought of the smell."DRIFTMONKEY
    • Are moustaches mandatory?_niko
    • Yespango
    • If there is another dude it will get weird. If it's you and multiple women... I've had those go really well but mind you will work twice as hard not to cum ifcherub
    • they are pretty. I cheated with "substances" but if I hadn't cheated I dunno how long I woulda lasted lolololol.cherub
  • Nairn5

    I've just had an empenada, washed down with some Peruvian Inca Kola.

    Inca Kola's got some of the flavour notes of Irn-Bru, but not the subtle bitterness that Irn-Bru has, from the quinine in its ingredients.

    Interestingly, apparently some people can't really taste quinine, which makes me wonder at yours, inteliboy's, and my disliked-employee ages ago's reaction to Irn-Bru as just being 'bubble gum soda'. I mean, it does have that taste, but not JUST that taste.…

    The place I bought the Kola and Empenada from also sell Sobrasada, so as it's my birthday I treated myself to some of that too :)

    • Oops, I forgot I wasn't in notes here, haha - "Yours" here is supposed to be aimed at #garbage!Nairn
    • I never was a fan of Inca Kola but now I'm curious about Irn-Bru.

      Happy Birthday!
    • Oops, sorry - who'd've thought that once upon a time I was ok at Spanish? :\Nairn
    • Happy birthday, pal!! I see you follow Iturriaga in "El Comidista"... I'm sorry, but I can't stand that guy, but there are some niiice recipes thereOBBTKN
    • Going to dinner some meat in the bbq with missus, I'll open a bottle of txakoli in your honor ;)OBBTKN
    • haha, to be honest, I just googled for it and used the first representative image I found, but now I'll check out their channel! :)Nairn
    • And save my cheer 'til next time you have some of that fine Basque cider - more appropriate ;)Nairn
    • @palimpsest - unless you can get sugar free, don't bother. Instead, go to the Vinoteka wine bar, Tržiště 17, and treat yourself to an Aperol Spritz.Nairn
    • DON'T get one at the Pastacaffe on Vězeňská, as it's shit and over-priced.Nairn
    • unghf, "unless you can get the non-low-sugar one" even.Nairn
    • :D
      Thanks for the recommendation, you know this city better than I do!
      It's a Matuška at home for me today.
    • happy birthday Nairn! find some Chicha to drink :-) or pisco sour!uan
    • flol at the copius tasting notes for irn-bru.hans_glib
    • ihe girls were addicted to that shit, and to this day still have to have an irn bru sorbet whenever they're up in st andrews.hans_glib
    • it used to make them belch like crazy when they were young - such a disgusting stench to go with the ghastly toxic waste colour. vom.hans_glib
    • but happy birthday for yesterday anyway. you do like orange food, dontcha?hans_glib
    • How else would I stay orange?Nairn
  • grafician-8

    What's the password again to the invisibrruuu thread?

  • sea_sea0

    anyone have a live stream for the clippers suns game today? ;P

  • dasohr0

    is anyone here blessed with dual citizenship?
    have you ever left the US with your non-US passport?

    • Not me but a friend is. He uses his non-US passport to enter other countries and uses his US passport on the way back in to the US.nb
    • good way to get detained at border control... not having an entry/exit stamp in a passport during a checkjonny_quest_lives
    • then having to fish out your other passport to confirm your length of visit just seems dumb.jonny_quest_lives
    • US/CanadianGuyFawkes
    • IrishEU/Australian. Having the EU passport travelling in EU was so much easier. Leave and enter on you country of residence passportthumb_screws
    • Irish/UKkingsteven
    • Swedish / UK. Considering binning my UK citizenship when my current UK passport expires. Need to check out the process at my end.face_melter
    • Friend of mine has dual passports (DE/US) and lives in germany. Even got his stimulus. He uses the german passport for travel inside EU because Schengenmekk
    • B'dos. I haven't been able to get back to get my passport, but always wanted to get it for travel to Cuba and unrestricted travel within the EU....oh wellmapleT
    • Do you think only Americans have dual citizenship?i_monk
  • omahadesigns-7

    Work is busy and I'm making some mistakes lately, like typos and forgetting to print a page or two here and there.

    Am I too stressed?

    • Nopango
    • Given the amount of tasteless porn you post here, maybe you need to take a br we from wanking?shapesalad
    • *breakshapesalad
    • examine your life a bit deeper.sarahfailin
    • I say wank more—and post more tasteless shit here (you fit right in) as it's fun to watch the 27 other grown men on qbn get bent out of shape over it *group hugPonyBoy
  • BusterBoy10

    My mother was born in an Eastern Europian was her father. They fled that country in WW2 and he worked in various capacities during and shortly after the war in "Asia".

    My brother has been attempting to gain dual citizenship in the country of my mother's birth...allows certain work and travel benefits for him and his children.

    Anyway, to have this done, he needed my mother's complete birth details along with that of her father (my grandfather). So brother hired a good lawyer in this country to organise...Mum's details were easy ebough to get. But he found that my grandfather's complete life records had been sealed...and not due for release until 75 years after the end of the war!

    My brother was told by the lawyer this is only generally done for people that have worked as a spy and the sealing of the records is done completely to protect future generations from being targetted by enemies of the state!

    So chances are my bloody grandfather was a spy...working for his country throughout Asia during and after WW2. But we'll never really know for certain.

    • Watch out, IP and exact location are easy to findi_was
    • great, so the first thing you did was expose him on QBN ;)monospaced
    • 1945 + 75 = 2020. Get your lawyer to open those damn docs and give us Parts II, II and IV!Nairn
    • He might also have been a war criminal of some kind?Nairn
    • @mono Nobody is supposed to know that we're a haven for spyhunters. Mum's the word.garbage
    • @Nairn in lots of Eastern Europian countries those documents are public by request, there are searchable databases.
      they also sealed the docs of informants.
    • a lot of times these "lawyers" just pick up some money and say that the records are gone / sealed.sted
    • Who knows if it's a true story...but I like the mystique.BusterBoy
    • Can be KGB agents, or were part of the Stalin's repression machinezaq
  • kalkal4

    Signed into Vimeo for the first time in... clearly a long time earlier, to my horror videos still up from 14 years ago that I totally forgot existed.

  • capn_ron10

    my wife just accepted a job at a place called "Pango Group". Is she going to be running into the boss there who is also the boss of QBN?

  • autoflavour1

    Wholesome penis humor

    Best not view in public…

  • grafician-10

    Year is half over...

  • SteveJobs-1

    Fun activity idea:

    Go to the chip isle of your local grocery store and try to find a bag of chips that doesn't contain milk ingredients.

    Happy hunting!

    • Yes, they do exist, but the options are pretty limited
    • Reading now "might contain traces of milk and mustard" wtf?!grafician
    • There is no significant lactose in chips, move on with your lifedrgs
    • There is a price to pay if you want stupid flavors on you chipsGnash
    • Tyrell’s light salt = the best 10/10.shapesalad
    • No chips we buy have any milk product.monospaced
    • Just potato, oil and salt in the potato chips. Tortilla chips are just corn masa flour, water, oil and salt.monospaced
  • pinkfloyd1

    Are most offices closed tomorrow July 5th?

  • omahadesigns-4

    Are portfolio websites still relevant?

  • shapesalad1

    You never hear about Tajikistan...over here in the UK on the news... don't think I've ever heard a report from Tajikistan.

    • Try Australian news, most of those plonkers probably think it's in rural Queensland.MrT
    • looks cool:…shapesalad
    • Abdu wants a word shape…kingsteven
    • I zoomed out of that google maps...never noticed before that all country names there end with -an. and there's a bunch of them.uan
    • Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Japan, Oman, Taiwanuan
    • uAN... coincidence?monNom
    • I'm not a land :-) but yep, me also.uan
    • 'stan' means 'land of'
      so, land of the Tajiks
    • I'd love to travel there. I mean most places are 'known', books/movies/travel shows etc. Bet they have some decent local produce to discover.shapesalad
  • Nairn0

    Just texted my partner, who is away, a sarcastic text then randomly spastically selected some emoji to plaster at the end.

    I selected

    Someone having a bath
    A black hand thumbs up
    A large hole

    Honestly, entirely random.

    So, now I'm wondering what she thinks I'm doing with my night.

    • we all know what you're doing tonight Nairn...oey_oey
    • Let's hope she'll send back a snowmanbabydick
    • Is it true?omahadesigns
    • No, I lie constantly on here.
      My life is actually immensely rewarding, both spiritually and financially, and my penis measures 12" when erect. Girth.
  • omahadesigns-8

    I have a neighbor who is a signer, does bar gigs, was doing alright before the pandemic but probably barely scraping by. It's a lifestyle.

    During the pandemic, he sold his car, collected unemployment.

    One of his bars never reopened.

    I was talking to him last night and he venting to me. He says he can't do some jobs because he doesn't have a car. I asked him if he's been applying for other types of jobs and he says the job market is tough and he only wants to sing. He doesn't want another career. I tell him he could always get a day job and save for a car and then sing again or at night.

    Is the economy bad? Is it hard to get a random day job you don't care about?

    Is it ok to hold on to your dreams and put all your eggs in one basket waiting for success?

    • Think he's…PhanLo
    • I have an old school friend who had a similar job, she spent so much time on the internet in lockdown she thinks the earth is flat now. She has a car.PhanLo
    • Is the transportation system where you are completely shit?PhanLo
    • Singers and dancers are the worstbabydick
    • Why the downvotes?SimonFFM
    • ^ thisoey_oey
    • many musicians go through the period of trying to 'make it' on their music. most fail, sadly. we ought to subsidize the arts. and public transit.sarahfailin
    • DVs are probably from people who think omaha is a subtle troll. Well, significantly less than subtle in the porn thread.Nairn
    • @phanlo - public transport in America, especially the flyover states, is notoriously poor. Too commischef, or something.Nairn
    • I love how singing is seen as a lifestyle. Some people make good money from it - when they're not in a pandemic and everywhere is fucking shut.Ianbolton
  • mg335

    It’s the little things in your job that make you feel good, like when a new dev partner says “wow, we never get prototypes and annotations this detailed and organized.”

    Anyone relate?

    • Yep, and then they still manage to muck it up...duckseason
    • A real unicorn is a dev that can code designs "pixel perfect"grafician
    • ^^^^^duckseason
    • Yep, and thankfully tools like XD and Zeppelin, etc. help make that possible.mg33
  • PonyBoy17

    :( Mrs. Kitty has run out of options / time. She was still chirping and hissing at the other animals all of 3 days ago. She could still even use the 'geriatric kitty steps' to climb up and cuddle right into me and the wife as we slept... all up until about 3 days ago. :(

    The last couple days she just turned... so weak... frail. :( We've been on standby w/the Vet the last 24 hours waiting for an opening and finally got a call @ 7am to bring her in.

    They only needed a few mins to check her / go back over her records... only thing to do now is wait and let my wife sleep in (she was up all night w/Mrs. Kitty). When she wakes we'll hop in the car and drive down to say goodbye...

    ... fucking hate this part... been a blurbing crying idiot since handing her over to the kid at the vet this morning... I knew she wasn't going to have another one of her little kitty miracles she's become known for. Gonna miss her so much. :(

    • so sorry ponyboy. sounds like she had a great life with you all.sarahfailin
    • Sorry man :(OBBTKN
    • Awe man. Sorry.monospaced
    • Fuck, my condolences. Hang in there man.garbage
    • She'll come back 'round, death is not the end. Re-up real quick with a kitten and pour all that sad into love, and Mrs. Kitty will ride.tbgoodwillie
    • :-(
      I'm sorry to hear that.
    • :(dyspl
    • : ( old pets break your heartMrT
    • sorry man, that's toughformed
    • If you are able, find a nice place to lay her to rest on your property. Sorry, man. It's always so hard to say goodbye. =(elahon
    • It sucks. And It hurts for a long time. Sorry.ArmandoEstrada
    • I'm sorry to hear Pony :(utopian
    • sorry to hear xfadein11
    • Thank you, all.... Been a shit day. Mrs. is now in kitty heavenPonyBoy
    • Sorry to hear :( Its quick when a cat is at the end. Your decision to end his suffering is the key, some people wait too long for nothing.Bennn
    • Last time, we call a vet to come home to euthanase our cat, she didnt the stress to go at the vet by car and die in a cold place she dont know.Bennn
    • *sigh* :(Akagiyama
    • "Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."garbage
    • Always so hard to go through this. Remember the good life you guys gave her.stoplying
  • MrT2

    Certainly feels like time for an Australia is Fucked thread.

    • Nah you guys will be fine.utopian
    • Not Sydney hehe Melbourne will be fine though :PSellies
    • I wouldn’t wish it on anyone but hard to see it won’t crop up in Melbourne again. NSW health have been shifty with case origins too...MrT
    • Totally agree with you MrT. Impossible to predict what could happen next. IF anything, we could get another version of COVID that is even deadlier.Sellies
    • #mockdown. Gladys is a fuckwit. Either do a proper lockdown or GTFOBusterBoy
    • khm :D vaccines are going to happensted
    • all hail the check-in marshalsted
    • I was also thinking broader than covid; dodgy mining influence of CSIRO and the BOM, counter-terrorist unit arresting that YTber, arresting journo's etc etcMrT