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  • drgs0

    2000s design forum, called something either "Bazed and confused" or "Dazed and confused", trying to find it on, anyone remembers the exact name?


  • Continuity43

    Well, that's that.

    Three interviews with six seemingly very lovely people later over the course one month and 2 days, a well-known agency in Berlin is offering me a CD gig.

    Having a call with the HR director in an hour and a half to discuss conditions.

    • Congrats!palimpsest
    • Really happy for you, especially after hearing about your struggle over the past year.shapesalad
    • Sweet!Gnash
    • Hey brilliant news! Congrats.fadein11
    • Get that paper!palimpsest
    • Get in there!mort_
    • Thanks, chaps.
      Yeah, the road was rough, but I got there in the end. And very happy for it!
    • That's great news.Fax_Benson
    • *opens champagnedrgs
    • Congrats man!spl33nidoru
    • Congrats. Well deserved! So your leaving Bavaria and will move to Berlin?SimonFFM
    • way to go my man!renderedred
    • Congratulations! Wait, it's "Creative Director" and not "Coffee Dude", right?microkorg
    • Fuck yeah!garbage
    • Sweet!GuyFawkes
    • fantastic!!! congrats!!!loool
    • Thanks again, folks!
      @Simon Not for at least another three months, and even then it might end up being a flex HO/real office model.
    • @microkorg Oh! Well, that's a good question, I'll have to confirm that with HR.Continuity
    • Congrats! I know its been a long road, but its gotta feel all worth it.desmo
    • Great! Congrats!fisheye
    • Congrats man!! Finally a bit of "good luck"... Happy for youOBBTKN
    • YEAH BOIII!!!ideaist
    • Slow clap mateWordsworth
    • congrats, awesome news!BaskerviIle
    • Nice, mate! Heimat, Scholz or TLGG? ;) Hit me up, when in B.RGBurn
    • Congrats, dude! Bravo!Krassy
    • Huge congrats! Sounds like a couple of kolsch are in order!stoplying
    • Or JvM or McCann or MediaMonks? Anyway: Congrats.Longcopylover
    • ah niiice :) to be frank i was a bit worried that you're join the desperate and post stuff on lnkdn to get some eyes on your profile...sted
    • ps: I did a check on you when I was working for DeepBlue years ago :)sted
    • We’ll miss you. Guess you won’t have time for qbnshapesalad
    • Congrats my man!!!maquito
    • About gadm time. xD Jkjk!
      Happy for you Ph! xo
    • About time, you bum.
      Congrats ;)
    • oh lol, same joke as sea_sea, right before me, d'ohNairn
    • ^ Haha!
      Thanks again folks, it's exciting stuff.
      And @RGBurn, actually, it is one of those you listed. ;)
    • Now you can relax a bit.shellie
    • Congrats on the gig, man. Let´s meet some Beers in X-Berg sometime.RGBurn
    • Well done man, time to enhance your worki_was
    • As soon as I get to visit Berlin again, you better be ready for some drinks, eh?maquito
    • @RGburn and maq, absolutely fellas!
      I just need to eventually get to BER first. :D
  • Akagiyama1

    Almost June, and it's 55F/12.7C degrees in Las Vegas.

    Not complaining, I LOVE cold weather. But, what the....

    • and 30ºC at the Arctic circle...grafician
    • Cold and rainny here too... Not rare in Basque Country, but we're into this for 8 months now, gosh!OBBTKN
    • It's 80F in NYmonospaced
    • You in Vegas? It's been nippy last nite, I agree.dasohr
    • Summer in Ontario, Canada!!!ideaist
    • hehh 3C(~38F) at 5:30am in Melbourne, feels like -3sted
    • 89 in Pittsburgh.section_014
    • ugh air conditioners hate it :Dsted
    • Yeah, in Vegas. And were going to get down to 49F tonight. One last night to sleep with the window open until October!Akagiyama
  • Gardener1

    dropped by a local charity shop, there were hundreds but even at 5p each I still struggled to spend a pound

  • futurefood24

    Just recently quit a design job at an art studio to jump back into advertising. Before I left, knocked a few of these out when no one was looking! haha Damn laser machine was bugging out when trying to remove the extra bits but didn't have long to work it out. Going to clean them up and paint them.

    • ooh nice.
      next time: apply coating or just cover the wood with transfer tape and it won't get burned. (i see you played with the power settings)
    • i'm still waiting for Nairn to etch the logo in an oatcake. these wooden ones look kinda tasty tbfkingsteven
    • @sted, haha I was trying to control the etch and the cutout in the same file. the laser machine had some jerry-rigged power potentiometerfuturefood
    • @king I really wanted to make sets of coasters! but I didn't have extra wood handy.futurefood
    • Sweetinstrmntl
    • Nice!cherub
    • :) so nice.sea_sea
    • Looks sweet!SimonFFM
    • Good Lord, their machine needs calibrating - lines are wobbly af :\Nairn
    • Here's one I did a few years back, in white perspex and red felt :)
    • And, for the record..
    • I want to eat both lolfuturefood
    • I ate them, they weren't super tasty.

      needed that original baking crust, lol
  • sted4

    Found a nice spot, had a great idea. Went back to work on it, but I couldn't finish the job because the two 500chromes weren't enough for the fill. Two days passed, before I could go back tonight to finish the work that everyone can enjoy at sunrise.

    Mr. Buff was faster, it's all gone.

    I didn't bought any blacks for this circumstance, so now I'm sitting at home totally disappointed because the sun is going to shine all day :\

  • maquito13

    I had my last day after almost 11 years at my “old” job today. Although I was working 100% remotely (I have been for the last two months), when I got to the office today to leave all my things (and to take many others), there were plenty of coworkers that decided to keep going to the office instead of being remote. And also my former boss...

    Even if I usually get to handle this kind of situations pretty well, I must say it was hard. I got really nervous. It’s weird; I already quit. What could go wrong?! Stupid anxiety.

    I showed up with pastries and beverages for everyone. I left all my stuff at HR, and then I had a 30min conversation with my boss. I had resigned via Zoom with all the directors two weeks ago, but the face-to-face stance was pending. Luckily it went very well kind words, politeness, and best wishes.

    Then came the goodbyes with all those who were there. Someone plaid Dust in the wind just for the lolz. I feel like the penny didn’t drop yet. It’s been too many years. I guess i’m going to be hit little by little. Anyway, next week: no working! Yay!

    • *playedmaquito
    • Oh, the new: Senior Product Designer for well known Enterprise, starting in June. Much money, good benefit, much amaze.maquito
    • 11 years wow, respect for that. I hope the new place will give you so much to do that you won't have time to think about the past :)sted
    • What do you do when you're not working?SimonFFM
    • Wow 11 years! I bet that feels like a life time. Suerte por tu nuevo trabajo!Chimp
    • Suerte Maqui!! Seguro que va a ir genial! Yo dejé mi anterior agencia hace 6 años, tras 13 trabajando en ella... Ojala me hubiese ido antes!OBBTKN
    • Un abrazo!!OBBTKN
    • @sted tks, man! @Simon, being a dad, composing music, fishing, cooking.maquito
    • @chimp @OBB gracias a ambos! Ahora bien, 13 años!!! Ostias, tenía que ser vasco! Jajaj (lo dice un nieto de gallegos ;)maquito
    • fuck agency work. tech is the way to go ;)microkorg
    • And what about covid man? did you kiss everyone?i_was
    • We’re all good. Almost everyone in Uruguay got two shots of Pfizer or Sinovac already. Waiting for the side-effects.maquito
    • @micro you’re damn right. Pretty sure I will enjoy this onboarding a lot :)maquito
  • drgs0

    The gyms are opening but I haven't had my vaccine yet. Should I wait till I'm vaccinated (around July)?

    To catch the covids just before the finish line -- sounds like something I would do


    • Waitgrafician
    • Ask the gym what they think.monospaced
    • waitshapesalad
    • Go for iti_was
    • Set up a home gym! I just got a weight bench and squat rack. Fuck paying for clubs!scarabin
    • If you’re going on Tinder dates you might as well go to the gym.NBQ00
    • Are people wiping equipment down? Mine still is. I've been going, pre-vaccinated, since last summer.formed
    • Opens on Monday, I'm guessing wiping still a thingdrgs
    • you can always just run outsideGuyFawkes
    • I waited 14 days after my second shot to rejoin the gym. Me never skips legs day.utopian
    • respect, utopiandrgs
    • So, apparently you need to book time in the gym. I think there are some restrictions to how many can be gathered at the same time...drgs
    • Weightmort_
    • Paying for clubs is gay man!i_was
    • Good one, mort_.palimpsest
  • kingsteven0

    facebook is really coming in to its own these days

  • _niko2

    Naked dude in his 60's was walking around our neighbourhood today, saw him at a busy intersection with the the family, my 12 y/o pointed him out.

    kids were a little creeped out but we started laughing.

    it was a in a family community, he had a backpack on and decent hiking shoes so he wasn't homeless or anything, just taking his junk out for a leisurely stroll lol

    • Where you at? This sounds like San Fran or somewhere in Nevada.utopian
    • I forgot Florida.utopian
    • lol, you'd think. In Toronto, I've never seen anything like that here before._niko
    • I walked to my local convenience store a while ago and there was an old dude stood at a bus stop with just his old chap out, I was walking with my 7 year old.fadein11
    • It was so small she luckily didn't notice.fadein11
    • Once should always zip up the zipper fadein.utopian
    • A little David Lynch moment for the kids to rememberPhanLo
    • I took my daughter to the beach once to find a 70 year old man running away naked from lifeguards chasing him with garbage bagsGuyFawkes
    • something hilarious about naked people in public.inteliboy
    • Seeing naked human is like a pin prick to the bubble. Let's not forget we are just animals like pigs, donkeys and goats. We're not offered to see them 'naked'.shapesalad
    • I think the 'shock' comes more from the fact that compared to our furry friends, we looks a bit 'vulnerable' when naked.shapesalad
    • i reckon i could get into naked hiking, tho probably not in towns. probably comes from watching too much eurotrash back in the day.hans_glib
    • lol hans, I know what you meanfadein11
  • i_monk3

    Victoria Day sunburn ✓

  • utopian2

    Are you being summoned back to the office by your employers yet? I have a few friends that are declining to return back to the office for work. They feel that it's too soon.

    • What is office?grafician
    • i've a friend who was told it was permanent, sold his house and moved back to ireland from england - got the call last week to come back in...kingsteven
    • fortunately he got it all okayed and in writing from his bosseskingsteven
    • i'd like to be back in the office but my boss loves working from home too much, i'm not sure we'll ever be back...kingsteven
    • We'll be doing home office for probably another three months, by the sounds of things.Continuity
    • Work from home or a $30K raise? Employees said it wasn't even close.
    • ^^ We couldn’t find the page you were looking for.ESKEMA
    • No. We adapted to full flexibility and cater to everybody’s needs.monospaced
    • I was saved by the bell. In my previous job (until last week), they started bringing teams back to the office. In my new job (starting next week), 100% remote.maquito
    • It doesn't even make sense to go back. Why pay for double infrastructure? Two places for one human. All that car driving and parking.ShenanigansTV
    • My entire office has proven to work better remotely. It seems only the old people and those without a life want to go back.ShenanigansTV
    • https://www.bizjourn…utopian
  • Gardener3

    even lizards can be difficult when it comes to eating their greens...

  • Nairn1

    So I always try and find a balance between allowing my kid to do potentially harmful things or not shy her away from slightly dangerous things so as not to mystify them and get her to develop a bit of common sense, or whatever. I dunno. Not got a clue what I'm doing.

    Part of this is letting her take berries and seeds and flowers and things, so she can put them in her pocket and .. well, just let them rot before I find them before putting them in the washing machine, but whatever, collecting them and playing with them makes her happy. "Mani si - boca, no! (hands yes - mouth no!).

    I've been careful to teach her not to share the berries with other kids in the playground, if only to not incur other parents' wrath.

    Curious about a plant right next to the kitchen door here, I Googled for 'plants with black berries' and now as far as I can fucking tell, it turns out the plant I was for some reason a wee bit wary about letting her play with the berries anyway might be fucking Deadly Nightshade.

    Now currently trying to go through various plant ID sites to check, but so far it's not looking like anything else...


    • https://wildfoodgirl…Gnash
    • Lol! You said black berries and i knew immediately what plant you were talking about. That nightshade is my #1 garden enemy, i cannot get rid of itscarabin
    • What’s fuct is it’s a 3’ tall plant but if it’s only got a little bit of dirt it will still grow only a couple inches,scarabin
    • complete its entire life cycle, and throw seeds. Like poppies but without any meritscarabin
    • Use a bit of napalm to get rid offOBBTKN
    • j/k... I know kids here intoxicated with berries, not fun :(OBBTKN
  • i_was-3

    Anyone heard the song who won Eurovision? I found it crap, there's no refrain(?), I don't know but to me it sounds broken

  • PonyBoy7

    Mrs. Kitty is just about to turn 19... maybe a month away according to her records. She's gotten really skinny over the last year and has also started scratching so hard this last week that she's removed a bunch of hair from the back of her neck.

    We got her to the vet this morning and the first thing they noticed was a lump in her abdomen. :( Thing is... she's a piglet in terms of food. She doesn't stop eating or pooping... just a constant lil eater. She's still very vocal, affectionate and even playful / explorative in her own way. She doesn't show signs of anything wrong other than the excess scratching this last week.

    Anyway... she's had a nice long life for a cat (and I'm hoping it continues—we will have test results shortly)... I just needed to speak out loud about Mrs. Kitty (aka Carmella).

    • Good luck!OBBTKN
    • :)GuyFawkes
    • Sounds like someone is getting a can of tuna fish for dinner tonightstoplying
    • took me a minute to realise you were talking about an actual cat.autoflavour
    • Going through the exact same thing. Hope Mrs. Kitty makes it out of her teens.garbage
    • That’s a long life for a cat!scarabin
  • i_was7

    My view at 4PM, ugly Mediterranean sea

    • where?_niko
    • Terribleyuekit
    • no waves, wood not bangGuyFawkes
    • Too much water 8/10 - IGNSteveJobs
    • ugly? nocherub
    • throw yourself into it, you fucking prick.face_melter
    • I'd love to have one of those intelligence agency jobs where from one photo you pinpoint the exact location and possibly the time the photo was taken.shapesalad
    • desolate & lonely . Love it!Krassy
    • i_was lives in the south of France, so choose a 5-10 mile wide bay with a mole at least 200m long somewhere on its East side and go from there.Nairn
    • Côte d'Azursted
    • Curious thing is reconciling this with a previous image i_was posted, presumably of th eother side of this view, as it looked distinctly inland.Nairn
    • @Nairn lol not hard to puzzle out this coast is at second largest city of france.sted
    • @face_melter If I do that it will just feel sweet, loli_was
    • How come you’re such a cunt with that viewpoint? Fake.maquito
    • +1maquito
    • lol face_melterpango
    • Doesn't this picture clearly reflects the tagline "For a better tomorrow"?i_was
    • I wonder where the boats have gone but I love your sea view.SimonFFM
    • Maybe it's because of Covid timesi_was
    • I don't know but it clearly makes the view a lot niceri_was
    • He said its his view at 4:pm, not his view all the time, unlike that one qbnr that lives on a beach in mexicoGuyFawkes
    • This view looks nice, but it also looks like it smells like fuel.GuyFawkes
  • stoplying0

    Do any of you work at a place that uses Salesforce? I'm being asked to be a "champion" at my job which means knowing how to create cool assets to be used in marketing type emails etc. Have any of you created assets/graphics/videos for use in Salesforce? Specifically I'm curious about what's possible with video within this environment. Thanks in advance for any knowledge!

  • Krassy1

    what's the oldest/first ever thread on QBN?

  • garbage14

    Not really wanting to glom on all of the bad news today, but yesterday was one of the worst days of my life.

    Leo (money dog) has been ill at ease, so yesterday morning we popped him off at the vet for an echo. We were hoping for a hurt heart, but nothing significant was found. Had x-rays done on his lungs and are waiting to hear back from the radiologist.

    Dollars to donuts he has cancer in either his lower GI or lungs, but his RRR is so accelerated during testing that they are hesitant about doing more work because we can't be with him for COVID reasons. Calm while home, but borderline heart attack when at the vet.

    He and I have been joined at the hip for about 13 years, and today I'm still dealing with the fact that very soon I'll have to put him down because I will not let him suffer.

    He's a traveling dog, and we're going to Zion NP soon. As for his last hike, I have a place in mind here in Washington but holy fuck I am not ready for that last hike and goodbye.

    • Oh man that’s rough. Glad he has such a caring owner and friendscarabin
    • Sorry to hear. Sounds like he’s had a rad 13 years.thumb_screws
    • Very sad, he looks beautifuli_was
    • we all are led by the hand of godsarahfailin
    • :(pango
    • Thanks for the kind words. He might have months, might have a year. No way of knowing.garbage
    • Also apologies for the overdose of Leo photos in the future, will try to keep them quarantined in the Dog of the Day thread.garbage
    • Man that's hard. Sorry brostoplying
    • Damn. That's a bummer.
      Seems you've cared for him for years and he's had a good life. The best we can hope for anyone.
    • Again thanks. It's not that the end is imminent, just that now we know we can't buy him a couple more years with heart meds. Every day is a gift at this point.garbage
    • Sorry for what you're dealing w/garbage... I know how much love one can have for these fuzzy lil fuckers... I'm hoping for good news. <3PonyBoy
    • :(Akagiyama
    • so tough ... I’m so sorry. I hope you’re last hike with him will be a lasting & beautiful memory.Ramanisky2
    • xNairn
    • @Pony same to you. I think he's got a good year and a few lucky Fridays left in him, just not as many as I want for him.garbage