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    Naproxen, my new hero!!*

    I had been suffering from neck pain for months, with my left arm numb, hardly sleeping ...

    Until yesterday, my doc prescribed it and I started taking it.

    I don't even remember the last time I slept 8 hours straight!!

    Just woke up, rested and without this constant back or neck pain.

    * I hardly take anti-inflammatory or analgesics...

    • lately I associated my bad mood with getting old, not to this constant pain, lolOBBTKN
    • You must be fun at partiesi_was
    • ^ I can assure you! ;)OBBTKN
    • nerve no3.... my wife had the same issue, same wunderdrughans_glib
    • lol, wonder drug? It’s commonly branded Aleve. Just sayin.monospaced
  • jagara2

    Do you read NT™? I do, infrequently.

  • pango3

    it was coyotes a few months ago and now it's frogs....

  • i_was-3

    Anti blue light glasses anyone ? they really seem to work

  • shapesalad-1

    regarding spotify new ui:…

  • shapesalad0


  • PhanLo4

    Court case I was on the jury for had the sentencing today.
    The child abusing monster got 4 years. Hopefully he'll die in jail.

    • Elon Musk salutes you.utopian
    • sounds like a light sentence. not sure if he'll die in jail in that amount of time.futurefood
    • I doubt it either, he'll probably get out in two. A teacher who abused kids I knew at school was decapitated and has his head put in a bin.PhanLo
    • So there's always that.PhanLo
    • https://www.edinburg…PhanLo
    • lol holeee caca! that's real?futurefood
    • ^^ someone killed that guy?futurefood
    • I never understand the legal system here in the states or overseas. fucks like that get short sentences while some drug offenders get harsher ones.futurefood
    • It was a different guy @futurefood. There's so many.
      Yeah it's weird as you say, the branches of trauma that guy has caused will stretch out for generations
    • no castration? disappointment.
      idk if i would have the stomach to sit there and listen
    • re: decapitation. Good. I hope his last moments (hours) were utterly horrifying.Nairn
    • Gross. The sick guy, the traumas and the comments here. People disgust me.StoicLevels
    • @Stoic What about the comments? If you're trying to level a "pedophilia" is a disease case, studies have show that chemical castration is the best way..garbage
    • protect children from these fucking monsters.garbage
    • Active paedos deserve absolutely the worst life & death can give them. My heart goes out to paedos who spend their existence restraining themselves.Nairn
    • Obviously people are ok with society abusing child abusers so sure, melt the nads. Let em flee go to Russia or Nigeria to escape, where they can wank to itStoicLevels
    • *make them fleeStoicLevels
    • And call them faggots.

    • What a disgusting conversation. I'd rather not spend my qbn with this deprivation.StoicLevels
    • Fine by me. T'raa!Nairn
    • The guy embedded himself in a primary school for children who'd been abused and were mentally unwell. After the court case I heard he raped a classmate of myPhanLo
    • brother in law on a school trip when he was an outdoor education teacher, before being a football coach.PhanLo
    • Most of the people I know who are addicted to heroin were abused as children. If not sexually, then violently.PhanLo
    • @futurefood here's the story on the other guy https://www.theguard…PhanLo
    • He was fully dismembered it seems.PhanLo
    • Well from reading that article it just seems he had it coming to him. That's some seriously disgusting rape infoStoicLevels
    • wat.Nairn
    • Nobody called them "faggots". You just clutched your pearls and defended pedos lol. Pretty sus, bro.garbage
    • I defended pedos? Nice spin, faggot lolStoicLevels
    • There's differences in each case of pedophiles hooking up with an illegal. Some are abusive, others not. Surely not a convo for a low IQ simpleton like yourselfStoicLevels
    • Pedophile means attracted to a young person. Sex abuse is sex abuse. There's a difference and you sound way to dumb to have an intelligent convo about itStoicLevels
    • wat.Nairn
    • ELI5.. wait. not 5.

      Definitely not 5.
    • Simpletons like garbage should be castrated and lit like a match to be stopped from procreatingStoicLevels
    • ok, so internet people you have a disagreement with should be put to the torch, but convicted paedophiles should get a pass. gotcha. wat.Nairn
    • What pass? I have not given any pass. IdiotsStoicLevels
    • I'm merely explaining the fact that calling someone a faggot means lighting their ass up and that garbage fits the bill right now lolStoicLevels
    • wat.Nairn
    • Exactly. Wat. Fuck this nonsenseStoicLevels
    • You're embarrassing yourself again. Take your fucking meds.garbage
    • says you. a simpleton.StoicLevels
    • i dont need meds, im a stable genius. you need all the meds, and you will still be as confused as ever. lololStoicLevels
    • is he sticking up for pedos? da fuuuuckKhurram
  • Continuity0

    Finally replaced my ageing Intuos 4 with an Intuos Pro medium; in part because there was a nasty gouge in the work surface of the 4, in part because I finally wanted to get rid of all the cables between me and the monitor.

    It's nice, but wow ... the battery life is kind miserable, especially compared to the Magic Keyboard's.

    • Upgrade from yo' Vartas!Nairn
    • You'll need to keep it plugged at all times after a while, it's not an iPad Pro hehegrafician
    • I just did the same thing last week. After 10 years with the intuos 4. Battery life is a bit sad, but wireless!!!futurefood
  • StoicLevels-1

    People disgust me. They really do.

    • pajeet
      my son
    • Oh you're Indian? How's the cow shit going?StoicLevels
    • Easy to say when you're a table.
      You must hate yourself to take this seriously
    • Well I'm a table. Being a table is serious business.StoicLevels
    • People still gross me out, regardless of my table work.StoicLevels
    • I don't hate myself, I'd rather hate you.StoicLevels
  • GuyFawkes2

    one of my white neighbors just pulled up in a new Lamborghini, so fuckin stupid, probably competing with my other dumb ass neighbor that has an F40. why you'd want a half million dollar car in Mexico is beyond stupid, these roads are fucked & attention is the last fuckin thing you want down here.

    • American?utopian
    • retiree? if they don't stupid shit now when else can they?pango
    • time will show them why it was a mistake.sted
    • Lol that YouTube video is actually pretty amazingpango
    • the f40 dude is from WA, a lot of canadians here, lambo dude's either one, both retired boomersGuyFawkes
    • That vid, lolGuyFawkes
    • Holy shit the homemade Ferrari was made in a month and powered by a used rice field waterpump. That's so sick.garbage
  • sarahfailin4

    I've been doing events organizing in my city for 4 years now, and next year I'm looking to make Mardi Gras happen. So far I've got the burning man people and a large marching band signed on. It's going to be huge!

    • Which burning man people?scarabin
    • well i'd rather not leak details yet because it's early on. but they have done some big norcal events! art cars, bikes, lights. gonna be rad.sarahfailin
    • Mardi Gras outside Nola? Okay. Sure.monospaced
    • sounds like a damn good time!capn_ron
  • bainbridge2

    Is $40/hr good or bad in this economy?

    • Which economynb
    • the blowing truckers and taxi drivers in petrol station bathrooms for meth economy?autoflavour
    • in which case, I think its about right LOLautoflavour
    • ^ if you're charging $40 you must be pretty lousy at it.face_melter
    • @autoflavour: You just got a Master's degree and you are only charging $40- for knob cobbler? The numbers just don't add up brah.utopian
    • depends where you live.StoicLevels
    • Bainbridge, blowjobs are jobs too. You should take those $40NBQ00
    • not reallymonospaced
    • maybe for easy production work or brainless work, but not for design or retouching skills.capn_ron
    • true, most of the work goes into chem, packaging doesn't requires a lot of resources just cheap manpower, cutting is overrated. anyone can buy cheap additivessted
    • so $40/hr for blowjobs at a petrol station bathroom to pump the meth economy is an average deal @utopian.sted
    • *i just hope we don't have to die without knowing which economy bainbridge was referringsted
    • Yeah it depends where you live, 40hr is beach house in mexico, buy crypto and all the toys money...... in mexicoGuyFawkes
    • In the states, your scraping by, nyc, sf, your sucking dicksGuyFawkes
    • inserting a somewhat witty comment about getting fucked after my masters degree. lol.. I said insertingautoflavour
    • https://preview.redd…autoflavour
  • StoicLevels-6


    It's about time you know who you're messing with , following me around QBN trying to outwit the KING. QWell, now let me tell ya a little something... there AINT NO OUTWITTIN THE KING

    You want a war, compadre, we can start a WAR!


    Come to daddy.

    • you have outwitted the king with this postkingsteven
    • Snap it to a Slim Jim!!!!StoicLevels
    • LUCK IS FOR DUDES!jagara
    • cunt
    • We were overdue for another crush the blacks yuri freakoutGuyFawkes
    • This is like Jake Paul calling out an actual fighter. I'd say I wish I had noticed this before you got tombstoned, but you were getting boring.garbage
    • Have an upvote, you seem to need it.garbage
  • drgs0

    For someone who grew up in late 90s, guys wearing earrings seem old fashioned (it was more typical of the 80s?)

    Teens wearing earrings today -- how to place them on the coolness scale if this is a new trend? Cannot compute

    • tbf i know two folks my age have had their lobes fixed after stretching them other folks that don't bother with the inserts anymore let them dangle like somekingsteven
    • sort of lobe pride. meanwhile 24 y/o mate got both ears pierced twice over lockdown and it looks great. got a whole 90s soap opera bad guy look going on.kingsteven
    • It's super yuk. gross. Also don't these youngsters need to save up super hard to get on the property ladder, and buy crypto.shapesalad
    • Of all the things to waste disposable cash on, some worthless metal stuck to your lobe = low IQ.shapesalad
    • aforementioned friend just bought an apartment (and probably the piercings) with crypto profitkingsteven
    • u guys sound like old grumpy men.inteliboy
  • jagara8

    Vegan guy: "Let's face it, the only thing that makes meat dishes taste good are the vegan ingredients".

    Taste is the one argument you shouldn't use when trying to convince me to not eat meat.

    • If the taste of meat ain't all that then why they pushing so many meatless alternatives to meat based recipes?palimpsest
    • It's practically saying that a plant based diet is second rate as regards to taste.
      While there are so many great plant based original recipes.
    • I love good vegan food. Just don't knock meat and dairy for its taste - it's an ineffective argument. Climate and environment, those I get.jagara
    • One time this vegan friend was ordering pizza and tried to suggest meat-based pies for the meat eaters. Hilarious randomness.nb
    • "How about ham + garlic? Sausage + tomato? Ham + ground beef?" Green pepper + bacon?" We all lollednb
    • I eat meat, but I'm realizing that the more factory farming intensifies, it creates a less sustainable future for itself. Best to embrace the alternatives now.futurefood
    • @futurefood I fully agree. Taste is just not an effective argument for convincing carnivores, IMO ;)jagara
    • Of all the things I miss it's the 'taste' of meat / dairy (especially dairy... GODDD I miss cheese).PonyBoy
    • the vegans I surf with take more naps on the beach then surfGuyFawkes
    • I’m effectively vegan. But meat is still delicious. My being vegan ain’t changing how good carpaccio or raw bluefin is.thumb_screws
    • I was a strict vegetarian for about 7 years for fitness reasons. The trap that vegans fall into is trying to force vegan food to taste like something it isn't.garbage
    • Beyond is actually pretty impressive imho, but making it sing takes some skill. I'm eating veggies and quinoa tonight..garbage
    • ..but if the butcher has some weird parts I'm bringing them home. Really hope they have lamb hearts.garbage
    • It’s not a “trap” vegans fall into. Almost all vegans were once meat eaters and miss the foods they grew up on. Someone always mentions meat substitutes inscarabin
    • These conversations like it’s some big “gotcha!” moment. Like it’s unfathomable that a vegan might have enjoyed chicken nuggets at some point in their lifescarabin
    • Are you vegan, scarabin?jagara
    • @scara I wasn't doing a "gotcha" thing at all. When I cut out meat, I ate more Morningstar, smart dogs, Quorn, etc than anything and almost gave up because..garbage
    • was fatiguing and food was becoming boring. I have no problem with veganism, and I think it's weird that people have a problem with it.garbage
    • It's when I realized I needed to learn to cook new things and not treat the frozen aisle like a feeding trough, all I was saying.garbage
    • But also a big "fuck you" to Gardein for cancelling their Buffalo wings. Ugh, so good.garbage
    • If you can avoid the processed side of veganism and just cook for yourself you’ll love the diet—and not be hungry. Check the app ‘Forks Over Knives’ for recipesPonyBoy
    • Also, stop searching for the ‘comfort foods’ you are used to... open your mind to exploring new flavors etc and you can get over missing meat / dairy.PonyBoy
    • @jagara i’m not vegan, just surprised we still have this conversation in 2021scarabin

    Just got my second poke.

    • time to mouth-kiss everyone you pass in the street now! getting my second poke next week. gonna be wild after that. Pants off partying.capn_ron
  • Krassy-3

    A rising rapper, an ill-fated Instagram post and a killing in the Hollywood Hills…

    • this reads like a script begging to be turned into a movieKrassy
    • sad. his music was good.inteliboy
    • dude totally looks like 50autoflavour
    • The same guys who rapped about "smokin' nigga, fuckin' ho, pussy panties, money over bitches, body counts on his trigger, etc..." - good riddance!utopian
    • Live by the sword, die by the sword.utopian
    • fuckfacei_was
  • PhanLo7

    Turns out the child abuser did die in prison.
    He killed himself yesterday.

    • Continuing on from…
    • was one of QBN's weirdest threads, the usual suspects stirring BSfadein11
    • yes you stoicfadein11
    • wellllll shiet.... Epstein meme anyone?pango
    • My presence has been summoned here. Ah yes prison is hell... especially to the pedos. A horrific tale.StoicLevels
    • How? I mean, I don't want details, but I'd assume that anyone convicted of that sort of offence would be put on suicide watch for the first wee while at least?Nairn
    • If a blind eye was turned, then meh.

      I feel sorry for his family.
    • t's and p's.garbage
    • whoa that escalated quickly!renderedred
    • I only heard on the grapevine that it happened, but earlier this week it was on the news he had tried to kill himself.PhanLo
    • Defo Epstein parallelsPhanLo
    • https://www.dailyrec…PhanLo
    • Great news! Fuck that dead pedo cuntbabydick
    • Final news story
  • palimpsest-3

    Since pedophilia is trending on QBN. Let's bring back this classic.

    • "...I know murdering someone isn't a good thing"autoflavour
  • StoicLevels-12

    PhanLos REALLY into child abusing pedos.

    Thanks for the updates. When's the next pedo happening?


    PhanLos a pedo.

    • ...and has been revealed to be R KellyStoicLevels
    • Man, it gets tiring having to consciously ignore people on here, when you're scrolling down a page. Please don't add to my mental list.Nairn
    • . o O ( I wonder how many lists I'm on? )Nairn
    • This dude's threads completely retarded and I think he's using dup's now. Total fuckhead.StoicLevels
    • Or she.StoicLevels
    • I think you need to turn your computer off and go for a walk. Drink some sparkling water. Enjoy the night.Nairn
    • I've been here ten minutes. And now I'm gone. The weirdo was calling me out. Sick fuckStoicLevels
    • Um, Phanlo was on the jury that convicted the guy. Hence his interestGnash
    • Are you sticking up for PhanLos? OMG u must be a pedo tooStoicLevels
    • MeowwwwwwwStoicLevels
    • ..wwzzzzzzzNairn
    • Ah nice one, cheers.PhanLo
    • Nairn is one of the soundest people on here. He's like a real person. I get nothing from StoicLevels, doesn't post anything creative so I don't regard him as aPhanLo
    • person on here. Same for anyone else who just whinges on the sidelines without adding anything visual.PhanLo
    • What's the point of being here if you don't post creative stuff. You'll be dead soon, you're just wasting your life.PhanLo
    • Nobody cares what you think Phan lo. I do what I wantStoicLevels
    • I'm merely a visitor. And an investor.StoicLevels
    • You think the art world is only about the artists? You simpleton.StoicLevels
    • so, docpoz?Nairn
    • phanlo, please doin't get involved in the shallow shit here - you don't need to. there are loads of us muck-stained cunts who'll happily white knight your causeNairn
    • So I'm a second class citizen according to PhanLos and Nairn is his daddy. Got it lol. And whatever the fuck is a doc poz. An aids vaccine?StoicLevels
    • You guys are weird but it's cute.StoicLevels
    • You're trolling an actually-valued QBNer, by many, and I happen to be here.

      What do you gain by this, stoic?
    • Honeslyl, i've been here for literally decades, but i put talent above posting, and i feel like a second class citizen to PhanLo.Nairn
    • i have no actual beef with phanlo, im merely responoding to being called out on his threadStoicLevels
    • all of this is call and response. edit it as you wish in your mind. i really dont care. im currently typing this from a line at the supermarket.StoicLevels
    • this sums it up:…StoicLevels
    • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯PhanLo
    • It was the best of meows, it was the worst of meowsStoicLevels
    • who's acting up again?pango
    • i think it's time for you to get banned.
      these are heavy false accusations on a public forum, you should back these up or face the consequences.
    • man stoic you're such an idiot in the end, you must be bobo or docpoz aliasrenderedred
    • I don't remember docpoz calling people pedos...just fucking our mums.oey_oey
    • oey, simpler times.. simpler times.autoflavour
    • The ignore feature was fantastickaiyohtee
    • Someone went Elon Muskpango