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  • brooke0

    Contrast brings perspective, Jnr.

  • canuck0

    I need to get organized.

  • visualplane0

    I hate the confusion of one line or seperate lines at the store. It always leads to arguments, stupidity, people trying to cut you off, etc. It gets annoying.

  • TheTeacher0

    Brooke, Brooke, Brooke.

    Such a naive little soul you are, quite quaint you might say. Butterflies and flowers grow about you like a soppy little vector drawing penned by some squeamish little student still wet behind the ears with the blood of fingernail cuts given by his roman catholic tutor as he earnt his grades, gagging on his seething bar of flesh, a phallus scarred with warts and an aroma remniscent of chorizo fused with parmesan. Wondering in his guilt if this is what his well to do parents had paid his tuition fees for, was this their dark plan?

    That is what grows around you Brooke with your soppy talk of hope and happiness, its as if you are so weak and lost that your mind has created a mindscape of its own, a virtual landscape where nothing can hurt you and everything will go just fine. A little lamb you are yet your field is not as lush and green as you imagine. This field is my field Brooke, all the fields are mine for I am the farmer of hatred on this pathetic planet, I sow the seeds and scatter the darkness on the ground, your blood runs in the fallows as I harvest your sallow flesh, the sickles and sythes of a thousand farmhands slashing at your flesh, returning you to the dirt, back to the earth where you belong, back with the earthworms and the lice you little weasel of naivety. Come back when I have taught you the lessons of your life, come back when you are ready but don't be long for I am waiting, I am waiting under your bed, you can hear me breathing can't you? I am there - you can look but you can't see. I am there alright, make no mistake, I am there and you like it, you like it alright.

  • brooke0

    Such a drama queen.


  • brooke0

    PS. The world is a beautiful place.

    Possibly the most possible place for possibilities.


  • ********

    that is how the teacher shows his love

  • ********

    Hmmm--does the lateness of the hour blow holes in my theory that the Teacher is Rasko? On he oher hand, i could imagine that Rasko doesn't sleep.

  • Jnr_Madison0

    Who is The Teacher? He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say his father was German. Nobody believed he was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew anybody that ever worked directly for him, but to hear Rand tell it, anybody could have worked for The Teacher. You never knew. That was his power. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

  • jevad0

    Well, let's see here. I stayed up yesterday until 8:30ish in the morning. Went to bed and woke up around 2:00. I had a tattoo appointment to attend at 3. I was exhausted and only had a bagel to eat. I considered putting it off but I really just wanted to get it done today. When Kali and I got there Django was actually working on some other girl's rose. It was quick but in the meantime some pervert decided it was okay to talk to me. Showed me his own tiger tattoo on the side of his torso and said something along the lines of, "If you want, you can reach down into my pants and grab the tail." I'm sure he found that infinitely clever. The trashy woman to the left certainly did by the sound of her braying. I just wanted to puke from the look on his face.

    So the tattoo was so much more painful than last time! Especially toward the bottom and top of my spine. Three hours of excruciating pain. Well, the first hour and half was the worst because that was the outline. He was doing the outline near the bottom and we had to stop for about 5 minutes because my vision started getting extremely blurry and he said I became really pale. He gave me a coke and made sure I drank it all because he said the sugar would help. It definitely did and I drank one more before the 3 hours was up.

    Near the end I could hear Kali talking to Alex, the cute grandson of the owner of the parlor. I came out and was much disgruntled to find her smiling prettily and speaking conspiratorally with this riff-raff! Anywho, she was hungry so we went to Save Mart to pick up some stuff. Was questioned by many strangers. Not suprising considering the bandaged and bloody state of my back. "You're so tiny and braaaave!" "...Thanks?" Dmitra wasn't there but Cameron did accost Kali as we were leaving. He swept her into a bone-crushing hug (Kali: "It hurt!"), and goodness, that boy managed to fit in far too many idiotic and semi-offensive statements in such a short amount of time.

  • brooke0

    Holy shit! I think I just landed myself the most awesome apartment in the universe.

  • jevad0

    pics please

  • c_valencia0

    It's not awesome unless there's midget involved.

  • mattyd0

    i spent all of last friday night in the ER after i thought i was having a heart attack or the rare stroke while awake. as i lay in the bed in the ER with an IV in my arm and all those weird patches over my body, i couldn't help but take in my surroundings as the tests were being performed.

    on the other side of the curtain next to me was a family and a man who was having kidney problems. the whole time his 'loved ones' kept berating him, telling him they messed up their weekend, and how this better be something or else they are going to be upset. it was very unsettling to hear and i was about to say something as the doctor went in and told the man his condition was serious and they needed to take him to another level for closer observation.

    across the way from me, in plain sight, was a man in his late 20's/early 30's who had all the same things going on as me (IV, patches, etc). he laid there, eyes half open and the arm with the IV in it prominently laying by his side. i couldn't help but stare and we made eye contact. in many respects it was comforting to know that i'm not in as bad of shape as he is in, and in a way, i feel he got some comfort from knowing someone younger than him was going through the same thing -- if only by the look of it. ten minutes later paramedics rushed in, scooped him up, and whisked him away presumably to another, more qualified hospital. i said a prayer from him as he left.

    a week on, and i am feeling ten times better. turns out i had fluid building up in my heart and my lungs which was causing my left side to go numb and make me feel like i was having a heart attack. i was giving a thing of pills the size of my arm and i have been taking them all week coupled with my new exercise routine. i haven't felt this good since i played football. i still have a massive bruise on my left arm from where the IV was though...

  • ********

    damn, matty, that's intense.
    all my best to you.
    that's some good writing there, too.

  • ********

    what caused the fluid buildup?

  • mattyd0

    yeah, the two weeks prior i felt like absolute shit. i was literally on my knees before bed the saying 'if i die before i wake...' prayer. then last week my entire left side went numb when i was on the commuter train. i started to feel faint so i was just like 'fuck it' and got up and started like moving around in the aisle. i had my iPod on and i saw a few smirks while i was doinig it. afterwards, i realized i looked like i was straight out of the commercial. but, when i got to my girlfriends place, there was a sharp pain under my armpit on my side that would send a sharp pain up to the right side of my left pec. it was really crippling.

    the doctor said the EEG didn't show anything and the x-ray showed the build up all around my chest that was causing my heart and lungs to become tender. when i asked what could be causing it -- since im only a week short of 24 -- he said it could be a number of things. firstly, i have 2 brain contusions from when i smashed my head off a side walk after passing out from a panic attack and i still get side effects from that. coupled with the fact that i was a QB in high school and my offensive line in football wasn't the greatest. i got three level 3 concussions while i played. he said it could be that there isn't enough bloodflow which can be remedied by exercising. there is a potential that my heart could have a whole in it, but he said if i felt better this week after taking the precautions he suggested, its unlikely.

    so, its all good for now. which is nice.

  • mattyd0

    and thanks for your concern, rand. it is appreciated.

  • ********

    wow. iPod thing: hilarious

    I wonder if this would help:…


  • peteski0

    you kinda put a dent in my whole rotater cuff surgery recovery plus Xgiving flu blog post that's still in editing.

    stay well.