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- 3,337 Responses
- utopian4
- Look at that Drag Queen.Ramanisky2
- Needs to do something about that cross made out of his hair too.PhanLo
- Can't wait until the boys inside get a go at Dennis, he'll be pleading alright. Fuck these hypocrite monster torturers, he'll get his...whatthefunk
- PhanLo2
- not an unicornoey_oey
- has a relationship with Jesusmonospaced
- PhanLo3
- god be fucking animalspango
- mysterious? nahmonospaced
- he has risen!YakuZoku
- THE DUCK DID IT!…garbage - life, uh, finds a way…sarahfailin
- hydro743
- they caught him smoking a cig backstage at the crucifixion. he had to make up something!futurefood
- I'll go full nerd: Old Testament types were like "Oh shit, I fucked up. I must now sacrifice a lamb to atone for my sins or God will kill me."garbage
- "Whoops, I fucked a goat. Better go slaughter a lamb. Whoops, I overcharged when I sold my daughter into sex slavery. Better go slaughter a lamb."garbage
- "Whoops, I pulled out because I was doing this rape wrong. Better go slaughter a lamb."garbage
- Because the lamb was seen as pure and sinless, and what was required to atone for these sins.garbage
- After thousands of years of this, God was like "Jesus Fucking Christ, I'll do it myself."garbage
- So he manifest himself, was sacrificed as the Lamb of God. Picture him as a lamb with infinite lives, because that's essentially what Christianity is based on.garbage
- Ramanisky20
- Needs some butter.PhanLo
- my daughter's asshole on the other hand…_niko
- Haha nikofuturefood
- lol nikoRamanisky2
- needs a gerkin in there.shapesalad
- TBF many Christian men have no understanding of vaginas based on actual experience and actually belief sex changes their shape.monospaced
- Taylor Swift here, bringing the ham to a good sub. Who'da thunk it? Praise be, internet.Nairn
- The intellectual maturity never seems to fail on #QBNcanoe
- Perhaps because religion hasn’t earned the respect n dessert for intellectual discussion or maturity. Responses are more than fitting.monospaced
- The intellectual ignorance, and ultimate dishonesty of Christians is what really never fails.monospaced
- Fucking a lot has nothing todo with the shape of your pussy.milfhunter
- datrobthelad
- utopian4
- Why do all of these white Republican MAGA child molesting children of Jesus Drag Queens all have beards?utopian
- So what’s this Drag Queens stage name?Ramanisky2
- Hotroddy obviouslymonospaced
- ^ lolzRamanisky2
- hydro7414
- Just confirming, God don't mind if you wank yourself clean to cum. Also He says we should end world hunger cos we think we're God now. He's having some time offrobthelad
- Unconfirmed nonsense response confirmed.monospaced
- Making excuses for the moral hypocrisy of in imaginary cunt lord is high up on the list of ways Christians justify how ridiculous their beliefs are.monospaced
- that's all well and good, but the meme's fucking funny.Nairn
- mono still can't admit that he's not a god-botherer, but he's still bothered by god.garbage
- I have nothing to admit or to discover about myself, nor am I bothered by god. I'm bothered by people speaking for this god like total maniacsmonospaced
- This meme is absolutely hilarious, of course.monospaced
- garbage, are you delusional or confused? I'm an atheist, I don't believe that gods exist. God botherer? What's that?monospaced
- Personally I love an audience.hydro74
- .^flol!Nairn
- flol. I think you're confused. "God Botherer" is a fairly common term for somebody who is praying.garbage
- You're an atheist that gets triggered by talk about God. Hence "bothered by god". You're old and have a wife and kids, right?garbage
- So why do you still approach atheism like a teenager? There is no god, but it the concept still affects you and makes you react.garbage
- I love ya'll whatever you say or feel or think. But I am eyebrow raised that @mono said, "I have nothing to admit or to discover about myself."robthelad
- A god botherer is someone who bothers other people with their beliefs in god. You're clearly confused.monospaced
- You implied I am not admitting something, and you're wrong about that. My comment was about robthederp making excuses for a made up god being a cunt.monospaced
- If I get triggered when people do this, it doesn't mean I'm not mature, it just means I can't handle that level of absolute absurd stupidity in the world.monospaced
- I approach atheism like any good atheist, which is that I don't believe in the lies and myths, but I do not go around talking about it either. Grow up.monospaced
- So if you're going to call people names, at least understand what you're saying, because that was just pathetic.monospaced
- And no, I can't admit something that isn't true. Next.monospaced
- The fact is, robthelad is the god botherer here, and is triggered when people criticize his unfounded, childish, and fragile beliefs that he clings to .monospaced
- If you want to talk about god or atheism seriously, go ahead, but this is a FUCKING JOKE MEME about it. I didn't post it, so go get triggered over who did.monospaced
- Saying I'm not doing it right is missing the point, especially when you offer NOTHING yourself.monospaced
- Jesus dude. Sorry you didn't know what a "god botherer" was, and sorry that you didn't get the joke. If you don't give a fuck about god, don't get so botheredgarbage
- Which is exactly what you did in this screed.garbage
- I haven't told anyone my unfounded, childish, and fragile beliefs that I cling to. I'll give you a hand. I don't believe God exists, I AM. So are you.robthelad
- utopian3
Former priest pleads and MAGA devotee guilty to drugging, molesting as many as 17 men in Metairie. Stephen Sauer may have at least 50 additional victims that aren't identified, according to JPSO.
A former priest has pleaded guilty to drugging and molesting as many as 17 men that he met in the French Quarter and drove to his Metairie home, according to a press release from the Jefferson Parish District Attorney.
He was sentenced to 25 years in prison and ordered to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life, and banned from contacting 12 of his victims for the rest of his life.
Stephen Sauer, 61, had admitted to offering men he met in the French Quarter help and drugging them, then taking them back to his home in the 4700 block of Purdue Drive.
Sauer formerly served as the executive director of ARC of Greater New Orleans, a non-profit that aids the mentally disabled.
- utopian10
- related…PhanLo
- I'm grateful for the diagrams on the bottom. It helps explain the concept.CyBrainX
- ISLAM IS FUN********
- I must do this because of my religion
You must do this because of my religion
=Fuck off.jagara - My son who is a dancer, a young man with an extremely toned physique, has hundreds of married muslim men follow his accounts.
I found it really odd at first...PhanLo - ...then I checked out who they followed, loads of athletic kids, like footballers and gymnasts. Seemed to be a religious work around.PhanLo
- Was weird explaining to my son that the men were keeping images of him to masturbate.PhanLo
- You really explained that to him? i guess it would be weird if he finds out himself. still these cultural differences are understandable to some level.sted
- Why wouldn't I explain it to him? Along with those guys were a lot of young gay men, in their early 20's, same follower pattern.PhanLo
- I had to manually delete and block all their accounts, it was like nonce whack-a-mole.PhanLo
- The weird thing was I could see who they followed, so I imagine their family and friends could see that the bulk of the people they followed were young...PhanLo
- ...athletic children, was really weird. I deleted 100's of them.PhanLo
- wow PL, crazymonospaced
- Naively I was like wow, all these dudes must really like dancing.PhanLo
- Allah must be pissed********