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- sarahfailin6
- Ezekiel 25:17YakuZoku
- Sweet Baby JesusRamanisky2
- you can't disprove that Jesus didn't own a gun just like you can't disprove anything in the bible to believers so take that atheist libtards._niko
- You can't dispove that Jesus didn't own a gun?
OK, chief!palimpsest - I love how Jesus just turns everyone retarded. Sorry, down-syndromed.palimpsest
- how do you think he hunted on the back of his Velociraptor? with bows and arrow like a common man? pfft_niko
- All is forgiven but not forgotten.palimpsest
- Jesus was an OG criputopian
- Nah more like Latin kings_niko
- 33 CE *Colorizedimbecile
- you also can disprove jesus definitely didn't ride a velociraptorpango
- Wait I meant can'tpango
- Ramanisky25
- Jesus was almost 7’ tall? Way back in 0033?nb
- Is he also on trial with Trump?PhanLo
- He was a Viking clearlymonospaced
- Artist really captured his fat, flabby neck and his sad attempt to jut out his chin to avoid having it fold and flop over his collar.monospaced
- The Grifter and the Drifter_niko
- Both narcissistic, delusional conmen who cared only about making people worship them.monospaced
- oh snap! monoutopian
- one mocks disabled people the other healed them...very fine people on both sides..neverscared
- and the evangelicals will still vote for him.CyBrainX
- So Jesus had small hands as well?Bluejam
- And did Jesus have a mushroom?Continuity
- Mono triggered by Jesus again. The historical Christ was literally the polar opposite of Trump. He was more an anarchist social reform type.garbage
- He was killed for pointing out corruption in the church and state. The cult of personality didn't take hold until about 60 years after him getting crossed up.garbage
- omg stfu, stop mansplaining the same old Christian schtick, it’s unnecessary.monospaced
- And I agree with you. Which is why this is ridiculous. Fucking captain obvious garbage.monospaced
- Anyway, Jesus is just god, and in that case I am 100% right in my assessment. His main goal is that people worship him. Blindly. Without thinking.monospaced
- I’m not threatened by this religious nonsense. So you can drop thatmonospaced
- "[Jesus] cared only about making people worship them."palimpsest
- @monospaced if you took a bit of time to understand religion you wouldn't be making such a fool or yourself. I'm not asking to believe it, just understand it.palimpsest
- Jesus is not just god, that's why the trinity is so important in catholic religion.palimpsest
- Jesus' teachings are emphasized for compassion and concern for the poor and marginalized. He serves a link to the human.palimpsest
- His concern for those in need is as a call to address economic and social inequalities. He does not posture as a god.palimpsest
- Matthew 20:28palimpsest
- (Subscribed)Gnash
- yeah palimpsest Jesus as a hippie philosopher is one thing, Jesus as the son of everyone's favourite imaginary friend is another._niko
- @palimp Exactly. Mono's atheism rings about as deep as "Jesus is dumb". If you're confident in your disbelieve, JC doesn't give you boogeyman vibes.garbage
- I'm guessing he still doesn't know what "God is dead" actually means, and will mouth-foamingly Google this clapback.garbage
- I mean, the dude still uses "retard" as an insult. It's kind of funny that he gets so heated, but he should probably check his rage problems at the door.garbage
- Who else felt insulted by being nominated for Nice Week? Nobody.garbage
- sausages2
The pope has accepted the resignation of a Polish bishop whose diocese has been rocked by reports of a gay orgy involving a male sex worker in a priest’s apartment, as well as previous violent incidents involving his clergy.
- hydro741
- Brad Pitt?NBQ00
- also, despite prayer, he will inevitable ensure plenty of innocent children suffer and die on a daily basis in the most horrific ways imaginablemonospaced
- mono, the real Jesus was actually cool. He was a rebel hippie, having sex, smoking weed. But the church is hiding that fact and making him a saint.NBQ00
- I never said otherwise. I'm speaking strictly of the Jesus who is god in the flesh, god's son, and the one who listens to and chooses to answer prayers (or not)monospaced
- so.. Brad Pitt?hydro74
- PhanLo0
end end times
- Ramanisky21
Mike Johnson (R-LA) on his wife Kelly not being in attendance for his ascension to House Speaker:
"She's spent the last couple of weeks on her knees in prayer to the Lord. And, um, she's a little worn out."
- His smile while saying this makes it even more creepymonospaced
- “Under his eye, blessed be the fruit.”Ramanisky2
- Dear baby simply can't make up this shit.utopian
- the sacrifice she's making for her country is commendabledoesnotexist
- Ramanisky210
- L O LPhanLo
- traitors huddling before another coup attemptmonospaced
- how many of these Republicans fake their faith just to be part of the gang?ben98
- I wonder how many are so deluded and brainwashed they actually believe it to the core.monospaced
- They’ll do anything to get votes, pander to the lowest common denominator. Like trump, remember his favourite bible verse? “All of them”_niko
- looks like the beginning of a formation of the human centipede...neverscared
- Rugby world cupfadein11
- they're playing eeny, meeny, miny, moe. OG 'N word' version, of course.face_melter
- Pre circle-jerk team buildingGnash
- they playing dice?pango
- What type of ancient ritual ceremony are they performing?utopian
- Oh to be in that room and start praying in Arabic lolnb
- did they do one of those crazy evangelical dances after, I love those, vids please.fadein11
- Relax, they’re just looking for a contact lensRamanisky2
- You nazis going to behead anymore children?????Hayoth
- Disgusting.formed
- "yup, Earth is really flat"nbq
- Oh hayoth still using words he doesn’t understand. Commie bitchmonospaced
- They're likely actually praying for Trump, fucking idiotswhatthefunk
- arachnophobes catching a spiderfadein11
- new speaker has a clip of him explaining how we're not a democracy but a bible based republic loldoesnotexist
- bible based my assmonospaced
- Nazis, Commies & Socialism for Dummiesutopian
- 21st century is proving to be a bunch of bullshitinteliboy
- Chill guys. They are all watching carpet designadrok
- They are mostly SBC. I grew up in it, and it's a fucking cult, end of. For people unfamiliar, the new speaker is going to do serious damage to the country.garbage
- They've gotten mainstream attention lately, but the SBC actively politics from the pulpit, and the main goal is to trigger the end times.garbage
- They're antisemitic, but root for Israel because of a prophecy that if Jewish people regain their land, it triggers the apocalypse.garbage
- Also the "Southern" part of their name isn't because they're in the south. They formed their own denomination when..garbage
- ..the other Baptists went against slavery, and the SBC wanted to keep theirs. And now they have a fucking SOTH.garbage
- Yup.monospaced
- It should be legitimately terrifying to anybody with a brain. The SBC has been trying for this for decades, and even as a kid they were quoting Rush Limbaugh..garbage
- if it were scripture.garbage
- I will add a hilarious note: I was about 15, and we had a special sermon where we all had to stay an extra hour or so.garbage
- The wife of the minister of music found pornography on his computer. They made him give an hour-long crying apology and THEN he sang a song about redemption.garbage
- In front of maybe 300 people. I was laughing so hard, and given the rumors, his wife only reported him to the church because she found gay porn.garbage
- Matt Dillahunty has a lot to say about this. He’s awesome.monospaced
- It's the most toxic and politically motivated denomination by far. To put a point on it, a kid my age disappeared for 4 or 5 days.garbage
- Everyone thought he was abducted. Nope, he accidentally bought softcore porn on DirecTV and couldn't delete the purchase.garbage
- He chose hiding in the woods over the public shame fest that he would have to perform with a black eye, because he dad would beat the shit out of him.garbage
- It's a cult.garbage
- Yupmonospaced
- They all look so stupidFNP14
- PhanLo11
- utopian2
- Hayoth care to weigh in?monospaced
- What’s a bigger issue: liberal ideology, or a leader who rejects fundamental scientific facts about reality?monospaced
- The inmates are running the asylum_niko
- PhanLo1
- Gods also actively killing children in horrific wars, starving them, molesting them, and aborting them daily.monospaced
- Isnt every unplanned miscarriage just gods abortion clinic?monospaced