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  • set0
  • i_monk0

    Arya has no time for Hermione's first-world feminism:


  • bklyndroobeki0

    Wonder Woman Takes a Big Step Back
    Now a husband-and-wife team is in charge of Wonder Woman’s image and her story line, and the first comic they produced is both leering and condescending.


  • GeorgesII0

    Teenagers having a who's more feminist fight

  • georgesIII0

    but Georges, you may be overreacting, all the feminist are just poor damsel in distress... because misandry isn't real, you know (let me refill my cup of men tears), only misoginy is!!

    This was a big year for man-hating harpies. We drove an innocent young man to kill through the deliberate denial of sex! We ruined the entire videogame industry, forcing developers to replace all current and future titles about sexy women with games about lip gloss and menstruation! We rose up in a frothing bloodrage simply because we didn’t like a man’s clothing choices, which were entirely without wider resonance! We totally invented rape, which only happens in our minds! We even destroyed ethics in journalism.
    At least, that was our year according to the minds of the whiny, brittle men who genuinely believe “misandry” – the institutionalized hatred of men – is a powerful force in the world. Here in reality, misandry had a big year, too, but it looked a little different. For us, it was a tool to help create a less oppressive future.
    Frustration with men became as vocal in 2014 as it’s ever been – especially online. Instead of commiserating behind closed doors, women and sympathetic men started increasingly bringing our anger to social media. Ban men, we said when tweeting a link about the latest rape apology or nude photo theft. #KillAllMen. Launch men into space. I can’t wait until we send them all to Dude Island.
    We were joking, sort of, but we were also very serious. A lot of feminists are very fond of individual men, but it’s hard to ignore that men as a group are responsible for an ongoing parade of offenses – indignities at best, violence at worst. And while recent circumstances have demanded that many of us take a break from banning men in order to ban white people instead (it’s an emergency), 2014 demonstrated that “ban men” could be a rallying cry, a banner under which we could mass and direct our frustrations.
    This year contained the usual litany of indignities against women: rape and rape apology, violence and harassment, powerful men legislating our bodies or treating them like public goods. But with the half-serious whisper of “ban men” starting to raise to a willful roar, we found that being angry together was so much better than being scared alone.
    Harassment, aggression, dismissal and a lack of humanity: that is what every woman faces every day. That is #YesAllWomen. In May, 22-year-old Elliot Rodger killed six people and injured 13 in California before killing himself, explicitly, he wrote in a manifesto, because of his anger at women and their disinterest in sleeping with him. In response, a Twitter user (who at the time asked me to identify her as “a young woman of color who would rather avoid personal attention”) started #YesAllWomen, a hashtag – increasingly the online version of a protest chant – where women could talk about and demonstrate the everyday harassment, aggression and dehumanization that we’d all learned to take for granted. The result was both mundane and powerful, as women who had accepted fear and danger as our birthright finally started to say “this is not an acceptable status quo”.
    Is it wrong to respond to sickening violence against women by saying “ban men”? Plenty of men said so in 2014 – and plenty of men will next year, too. The most popular response I see to online misandry is something along the lines of: What would you think if I said the same thing about women? The answer, of course, is: You do. And this year was certainly no exception – swarms of profoundly unhappy men (and a handful of opportunistic sociopaths) were everywhere, hounding female game developers from their homes, denying the existence of street harassment, publishing erroneous information about rape victims.
    If women were mad, the women-haters were, if anything, madder. But as much as they might like to believe that “put men in a box and put the box in the ocean” is a threat, they never had anything to fear from misandrists. Women don’t have the power to send all men to an island, or launch them into the sun, or even forcibly oppress them into giving a tiny bit of unearned ground in the name of equality. We won’t beat men into unconsciousness and then say it’s their fault. We probably won’t even publish their information online. All we have is the power to say that we’re angry and fed up, and to nod in recognition at the others who feel the same. That’s what misandry is about: the power of recognizing shared anger. And that small amount of power was a bright spot in a cruel year.
    What will 2015 bring for misandry? My hope is that, eventually, we’ll drop it. Not because it hurts mens’ feelings, or because I imagine some kind of gender-equity utopia is just around the corner and we’ll all get to lay down our arms. You guys have too much work to do. But defining ourselves as misandrists means we are still defining ourselves relative to men, even when avowing that nobody needs ’em. I’m not interested in making men comfortable: men have been comfortable long enough, reclining happily on cushions that just happen to be made by (and from) women. I am, however, interested in making men irrelevant to my self-concept as a woman. I’d rather identify as something that celebrates the togetherness we’ve found under the “#KillAllMen” banner. Maybe a witch.
    Realistically, though, the main 2015 application of the term “misandry” will probably be dudes making “ballbuster” jokes about Hillary Clinton. Ban men

  • ukit20

    It's not that you are wrong about the most extreme feminist, but I question how representative their views really are. I lived in a big liberal American city and have yet to come across any women who share the kinds of views posted in the "Tumblr in action" subreddit, etc.

    You can literally pick and repost out the craziest comments of ANY group and make it look like there is a huge movement of insane people.

    • I agree. It seems georges' views are warped from the bizarre sites he visits...set
    • yeah, set, my views are completely warped, but as I told you before it takes years and actually reading real feminist material not jezebel to make up your mind... so maybe hit a book of two, how about that??georgesIII
    • material not jezebel to make up your mind... so maybe hit a book of two, how about that??georgesIII
    • lol, you're funny.set
    • holier than thouset
  • georgesIII0


    it may sound crazy now for you, but when you take a step back and take a good look at the sum of their combat (2nd, 3rd wavers), you can't help yourself in seeing something really bad creeping out,

    only in the past few years, we seeing the creeping of sjw at a point that even when our world wide CEO came and made some fun jokes about his relationship with his wife, some of my coworkers complained that he was sexist (no joke)

    but here's a small list of the criminalizing of male (human) behaviours,

    - all sex without explicit consent is rape
    ( I shit you not)

    - men shouldn't pee standing up

    - men can't sit with their legs open (confortably)

    - men can't have an haven where they would be only between men, but woman only places are totally aah ok,

    - all men are rapist and should be thought not to rape
    (no source needed)

    - criminalisation of men on campus (1 in 5 univ woman will get raped, which was finally proven to be bogus)
    (posted pdf link to research in this thread)

    - All white males are privilege (and don't even know it)
    (eheheh as a black man..... )

    - Video games should cater to people not actually playing them because they are offended
    (muh, gamers r keeping the woman down)

    - men makes more than women (again bogus)
    (won't post again, debunked a 1000 time but still repeated by those who don't understand economics)

    - men shouldn't be left with small children
    (no need for source, see all man are rapist)

    - men who have been raped are only asking for it or saying they have been raped for the attention
    (google "I bathe in male tears", or see the comments of so called feminist about the sha ledouche alleged rape)

    - men can not wear what they want for the fear of being labelled a creep but women should be free to wear whatever they want in any situation because it's freedom...

    - men who wear a moustache are creep,
    (this was funny untill I heard it said in real life, shows you the power of indoctrination)

    - men shouldn't be have a male contraceptive (because patriarchy)

    - men and boys are the first victim of war, thus making women suffer

    - men who get raped by women still have to pay child support

    - men can not make jokes in the presence of women for fear of losing their jobs

    - men have absolutly no say on the conception of a child

    - woman who rape teenagers have always been forced to do it by them because apparently an adult woman can't decided
    etc, etc,

    - if an issue is considered racist or not sjw proof, it will be ignored by loud feminists

    I really couldn't give a rat's ass what those people are saying on the net, but once it start leaking in real life and they start taking right away from me because I was born with a raping penis,

    either you take a stand and stop the emasculation by debunking all their falsehood or you can pretend not to see the problem untill it's too late and your son are identified as privilege, raping cismales as soon as they are out of the womb

    • You're part of the fucking problem... why are you expending so much energy on this utter shite?set
    • you and you're bloody raping penis!set
    • YOURset
    • either you can be an adult and discuss a subject or you can just refrain from addressing it if you believe everything is rosy,georgesIII
    • I've noticed that you rarely expand on your thoughts, maybe it's because you do not know the subject your are defendinggeorgesIII
    • YOU'REset
  • set0

    • yeah, you have been indoctrinated well, it's kinda sad that you can't even discuss a subject you pretend to know :(georgesIII
    • Haha so self righteous. Holier than thou mentality. Humorous.set
  • i_monk0

    The rants of extremists no more represent feminists than the actions of rapists represent men.

    • have you ever seen rapist writing for guardian, telegraph, daily mail, jeezbell, or going to coldbert and spewing falsities?georgesIII
    • Yes.i_monk
  • georgesIII0

    Since a delicious feminist folly occurs nearly every day, I had a hard time picking the sweetest of the cherries off the cupcakes. But here goes, more or less in descending order of absurdity:


    (I can't believe latime actually published this)

    • http://rachelpike65.…set
    • Clickbait. And of course they get a woman to write it.ukit2
    • do you guys even hear yourself, so when someone doesn't agree with your pov, he's probably coerced, so fuckn weak...georgesIII
    • lol wutset
    • set, as I said before if you know anything about the movement you embrace, why don't you expand on it?georgesIII
    • excuse me, what movement do I embrace? hahaset
    • You're deluded as shit. If you bothered to ever read my comments in this thread I've said that...set
    • I think the feminist movement is a dangerous thing that creates more separation.set
    • What you don't seem to realise is that you're fuelling the bullshit fire.set
  • georgesIII0

  • georgesIII0

    according to comments I've read on this board,
    when a muslim commits a crime, all muslims are savages,
    when a christian says something backward, all christians are retrograde,
    when someone makes a donation to a cause that you consider different from your views, he should lose his jobs,

    but when a person that calls herself a feminist, goes on tv, writes news article, makes podcasts, influences policy makers, changes laws, encourage the rise of false rape claims and says crazy shit about the other gender while pretending to be for equality,

    hey, she just one loan nut...

    I will never understand this kind of mindset...

  • set0

    ^ So what you're saying is that you agree with the top four statements and it must also apply to feminists...

    • 3*set
    • you have serious comprehension issues, how about you discuss the subject you hold so dear if I'm wrong,georgesIII
    • I have SERIOUS issues trying to comprehend what you say. Seriously. You're incomprehensible. I agree.set
    • You talk utter, utter, utter, utter incomprehensible, rambling self righteous nonsense.set
    • What's funny is that you seem surprised when people have no idea what you're fucking preaching.set
    • Bless youset
    • calm down kiddo,
      there are two questions for you, go answer them
  • detritus0

    "Let's take a little of this argument over here and sprinkle it over this completely unrelated statement over here. Now take a bowl, pour in 2/3rds of a pint of something utterly irrelevant to anything you've heard before, a litre of navel-gazing Tumblr ridiculousness, 200g of bullshit teenage biliousness, stir for 2–3 years, then sprinkle in some uninformed cherry-picked tosh from here and now we have a global movement that doesn't exist."

    • lives in country with a anti porn law asked to be put in place by feminists still believe I'm making shit up.. go wondergeorgesIII
    • Says the person who clearly has no clue about the history of BFI Classification and media censorship here.detritus
    • why on Earth would feminists be against face-sitting you weirdo? Just think about it for a second.detritus
    • ok, I think the major misunderstanding we all have here is that most of you haven't read any feminist materialgeorgesIII
    • I think the problem here is that you have, and are reading into it way more capability than it threatens.detritus
  • georgesIII0

    set for the 15th time,

    • please make me a list of feminist literature or writers you appreciate, so that I can see where you come from,

    • please also tell me what you see in modern feminism and what for you it has done to actually make women freer around the world

    I only asked you two questions that you will not ever answers like the other 15 questions I asked you before, because you know nothing of the movement you are embracing,

    if I'm wrong, just answer those simple questions,

    • You make the half-wit assumption that because I don't appreciate your nonsense, my views must be the polar opposite of your own.
    • ...opposite of your own. That's what kids and semi-wits do.set
    • because people like you never ever discuss the message, it's easier to make ad hominem attacs, so how about you answer those two simple questions?georgesIII
    • those two simple questions?

      can you just do it?
    • http://en.wikipedia.…
  • set0

    If you weren't so clouded by your own self righteous sense of all encompassing knowledge and superiority (which, by the way I'm guilty of sometimes) you would have seen that I've commented in this thread already that I think feminism causes more separation than good. We need equality not feminism.

    You fail to understand this because you instantly jump to the iota-wit assumption that because someone doesn't appreciate your ramblings, they simply must have the complete polar opposite views to you.

    • respond to the question I asked you, stop with the ad hominem,georgesIII
    • You still don't get it do you, hahaha. Christ.set
  • set0

    You've gone in my estimations from full-wit, through semi-wit to iota-wit in this feminist thread. Though I'm assuming you possess at least one pubes worth of wit as evidently you're able to use a keyboard.

    • yeah, I know I'm full of shit, I'm a twat, blah blah
      now answer the question
    • still not getting my above post, thus proving this post...set
    • you realize you're being a mono right now set, right?monospaced
    • I get you 100% now either you point out where I'm wrong in my or answer my questions which are basic, now you can trow bullshit equality in your terms to make you look like you are well centered, but you aren't for equality, if you were you would be discussing this subject with a little more seriousnessgeorgesIII
    • bullshit equality in your terms to make you look like you are well centered, but you aren't for equality, if you were you would be discussing this subject with a little more seriousnessgeorgesIII
    • be discussing this subject with a little more seriousnessgeorgesIII
    • So thick. Why would I answer your questions when I've already started 10 times that I share your general view of feminism... ?set
    • ..of feminism. Such a deluded, self righteous, incomprehensible half wit.set
  • georgesIII0

    set if you care so much about a subject and I'm so full of shit and stupid and annoying and so on and so on,

    why don't you defend the subject with all of your knowledge?
    wouldn't it be easier to just counter my points with truths?

    so I ask again,

    • please make me a list of feminist literature or writers you appreciate, so that I can see where you come from,

    • please also tell me what you see in modern feminism and what for you it has done to actually make women freer around the world

  • detritus0

    I think the only thing people here take issue with is your peculiar faculty for conspirationaloonation, wherein you extrapolate a few otherwise-worthless datapoints into some absolute hegemonic bloc of intent and organisation.

    There are 3.5Bn people on the internet, and a fuckload of those are irritating spotty dorks who don't fit in well, so spend a lot of time online venting their frustrations through whatever narrative best fits them.

    Go take a walk around Milan, or come over here to London, and see just what effect all the aspects you appear to fear have on actual reality.

    And even if there was some dark and utterly-capable and ruthless feminist movement, you don't think that its first actions would quickly be shat upon by all the norms in the world?

    Christ, man — take off your fedora, turn off 4Chan and go for a walk.

  • detritus0

    Aside from anything, you appear to think this is something new.

    We've had radical feminists fucking up the general call for equal rights since the 60sd certainly, since Emiline Pankhurst possible (if you're being a brutal in your appraisal..).

    Ever read Viz when you were younger? They had a character called 'Millie Tant' who espoused the same noxious crap the people you appear to be so fearful of do today, and this is from the late 80s and 90s.
