UK PETROL: £1.16-9 per litre

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  • 75 Responses
  • johnnnnyh0

    How can anyone say change your lifestyle or wallow in the expense of it (some post way back)? You really are on another planet. I spent the last six years downshifting, getting out of a city so I could commute and polluet less. We grow food, we shop carefully, but since we live in a rural community we need to drive too, because there's no Starbucks on the corner.
    I've worked to try and gain a better and less consuming based life and it's clear that amongst other things, petrol prices are making most people feel as though one is swimming against a rising tide.
    Crap comments about other peoples lifestyle choices are just pointless.
    We fuel or house on oil because there is no mains gas here - that cost has risen from £400 per year to nearly £1200 per year. My salary has not gone up three times to cover that cost. It's nothing to do with lifestyle it's how some people who don't live in cities actually play out their lives day to day.

    • hard to heat a house which feels like the window is opened. sorry but find the british house standard a littel low. (an other problem)akrokdesign
    • (an other problem)akrokdesign
  • Milky_joe0

    I agree johnnyh, tell the HGV drivers that are getting shafted the same thing, remember these are the guys who bring you your bread, milk, fruit, veg. the things you cannot grow or farm in the city. Perhaps it is you who should change your lifestyle mrdobalina perhaps it is you who should move from the city more of you should populate the land more widley and become more self sufficiant change YOUR lifestyle change the way YOU get your provisions.

    • do you make your own petrol?mrdobolina
    • No the point is less dependance on petrol will lower the price, you know this your just being obtuse.Milky_joe
  • jawks0

    As someone a little bit involved with the oil business in Brazil and Russia, allow me to lay it out for you:

    First of all, it's really simple - if you don't want to pay a certain amount of money for fuel, do not buy fuel. Supply and demand has nothing to do with what you pay at the pump. There is MUCH more supply of oil than it is demand today. Oil that will supply us for the next 300 years was discovered in Brazil alone last year. There is a surplus of 3 MILLION BARRELS a day right now in a market with decreasing demand in several key markets. Just a couple years ago there was only a 1.5 million barrel / day surplus. There are also some very large oil finds that will be coming online in next few years increasing supply in a waning or flat global market.

    Whether OPEC or not OPEC, oil sells at market prices - in this case set by pure speculators. Investors turn away from traditional investments, because they don't want dollars. They want oil. And that's why you pay what you do at the pump.

    The oil companies themselves have very little to do with what you pay in the end. Their adjustments equates to pocket change to the consumer. If you want to riot, blame speculators and your government's tax policies.

    Personally - I'm just glad I can go in to work 30 minutes quicker than I did one year ago becuase there are much fewer people clogging up the roads.

  • johnnnnyh0

    I agree jawks, fuel price is a political issue which bleeds into a nightmare for those of us who *have* to buy it at the price government and traders set for us.

  • alexand0

    I read today that the UK average price was £1.16.9. In the US it's £41.9.

    1/3 of the price, what a joke! And my sister (in the states) complains about how expensive fuel is. Joke.

    • haha, yeah lots of yanks are annoyed with the expensive fuel..Mojo
  • kelpie0
  • Hannman0

    Get a bike.

    • ..and ride 50 miles to work.

      I salute you with my middle finger :)
  • mrdobolina0

    I fail to see why my moving to the country and having to drive into the city solves any problems. In America we call what you did by moving from the city to the country "urban sprawl". And it isn't something to be defended.

    • +1 this is the whole premise of the movie "The end of suburbia"ethanfink
  • mrdobolina0

    Another thing I find funny is that you are traveling all of these miles by car to probably a city to take money from that city and drive it back to your safe little haven. I don't feel sorry for you. I feel like I am talking to someone in America, not the UK. Your country has been taxing the shit out of fuel for ages. You should have known better.

  • digdre0

    i go by bus, costs me €150/year i can take bus how much i want to,
    crisscross trough the country. and I can go by foot and by bike

  • johnnnnyh0

    mrdobolina your assumptions are wrong. I live and work in the country. I cycle to the office or work from my home. There are no cities nearby. My point was about the times when I have to drive and there is no alternative. There are no buses here or train stations.

    I don't need you to feel sorry for me. But you should not say people should change their lifestyle when you know nothing about what that lifestyle consists of.

    • your lifestyle is obviously unsustainable.mrdobolina
    • You are obviously one of a very small % of people who ride their bikes in these areas. My mother is in rural america, and she has to drive 1 hour to work each day.ethanfink
  • mrdobolina0

    I don't know what to tell you. It is not a god-given right to have affordable fuel.

  • Milky_joe0

    mrdobalina you seem like you live in a big city, yet you can't see the connection between this and your dependance on foods and supplies being brought into your city, do you realise how much more it costs haulage companies to get your food to you?!!!! and you sit there saying it's not your god given right to low cost fuel, well your food cost will increase as well due to the cost of haulage, like bananas do you? that will go up in price etc. etc. etc. obviously this is in a distant future but don't be ignorant mrdobalina the cost of petrol isn't just affecting the car driven.

    • I realize this effects the price of everything that isn't my point. You choose to live in the boondocks though.mrdobolina
    • So while you "need" to drive, you "need" to pay whatever it is it costs.mrdobolina
    • If you conceede it affects the price of everything, then why say anymore and just agree that fuel is too expensive.Milky_joe
    • a semi truck carrying thousands of products and a 4x4 are not the same argument to me.mrdobolina
    • It really seems like you are deliberatly being obtuse, are you honestly saying this now correct me if I am wrong.Milky_joe
    • 'So fuck you drive your fault, pay the price', and on the other hand saying you realise it will affect the price of everything?.....Milky_joe
    • I have only ever said less dependance on petrol will lower the price. My geographical location has never been a topic of conversation.Milky_joe
    • you choose to live in the boondocks. We all have to eat.mrdobolina
    • Silly billy watch I can do the same. You chose to live in the city people who live in the country have to travel, to hospitals, to schools etc. etc.Milky_joe
    • Actually I give up, you've tired me out.Milky_joe
    • I don't get it.mrdobolina
  • emecks0

    It's all tax in the uk.

    If the cost were made up of any other factors fuel would not be so much cheaper in the rest of europe.

    Shite the kilt, it is cheapest in Switzerland - Switzerland for the love of fuck!! No sea, no pipelines and the cheapest fuel in Western Europe, why???

    TAXES, that's why. Greedy bastard govt.

    • switzerland hates cars as well !!! by gods sweet thunder crash.Milky_joe
    • and you learned this at the church of Jeremy Clarkson... fanny.emecks
    • I am sorry for watching telly.Milky_joe
    • nothing wrong with telly as long as you filter it... clarkson IS funny, but no authority.emecks
    • Although he needs his ass kicked he is far more knowledgable than I in most motoring matters.Milky_joe
  • Milky_joe0

    They are putting pornos on the pumps to watch while your filling your car up, so you can see other people getting fucked not just you he he he.