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  • yurimon-5

    • hmm. strange these dv appeared in less then the time it would take to review the video.yurimon
    • auto dv activated.fadein11
    • Find out how this video will make mono and moldy vote for trump with this one trick.yurimon
    • leave me out of your shitstorm of hate, pleasemonospaced
    • this not about hate, trying to generate interest in the content of the vid using various methodsyurimon
    • just leave me out of it... don't mention me in your posts, pleasemonospaced
    • https://3.bp.blogspo…yurimon
    • yuritroll levels max out by end of week then he becomes a buddhist, spreads fake love and threatens to leave, then back on Monday... ugh.fadein11
    • what you think of the vid fadeinyurimon
    • Downvote because it's just more of the same. Molyneux became Trump cheerleader and lost his credibility.yuekit
    • I see he has an earpiece. Obviously being fed answers by the Republican elite.kona
  • BonSeff0
  • monospaced3

    WikiLeaks' 'October Surprise' fails; Assange promises more to come


    excerpt: Despite widespread speculation he would reveal game-changing information on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Assange's 3 a.m. ET appearance featured no new revelations, although he did promise to publish information regarding the presidential election “every week for the next 10 weeks.”

    • next time guise, you can put down the champagne nowmonospaced
    • and pitchforks_niko
    • to my surprise. Hillary "threatened" to drone him. no one cares. media takes Trump out of innsinuation that he "threaten" Hillary and everybody goes crazy!
    • well, nobody cares because she didn't threaten him ... if she said that, and right now there's no proof she did, it wasn't to Assange, so it wasn't a threatmonospaced
    • the transcripts shows she said, "can't we just drone this guy?" clinton openly inquired.
    • yes, I saw that transcript, but haven't seen if it's been verified as real or notmonospaced
    • it also wasn't directed at him, meaning, Assange wasn't even awaremonospaced
    • that wasn't a transcript... a transcript is a written account of what was said by everyone... what you saw is just a screenshot of an anecdotemonospaced
  • monospaced3

    Here it is though, but this time not from a Hillary owned media source.


    excerpt: Julian Assange kept his supporters waiting for more than two hours early Tuesday morning, only to inform them that he was not releasing any major scoops about Hillary Clinton at his Berlin press conference.

    “There’s been a lot of misquoting of me,” Assange said when asked if his upcoming publications would destroy Hillary Clinton.

    “In this particular case, the misquoting has to do with, we want to harm Hillary Clinton, or I want to harm Hillary Clinton.” Assange said that some in the United States want to “personalize” his upcoming publications.

  • bliznutty0

  • bliznutty-2

  • ********


    the pacing and leading is interesting. im with him on his policy reasons, health/mental maybe not so much because I haven't been watching the two too closely. but i still wont accept i have to choose between two shit sandwiches and act like one is tastier than the other. we have to break that idea first and foremost for any positive change to happen. most people are only voting for one person to spite the other knowing they don't like either one. that is absolutely asinine. Seems like we keep doing it over and over and expect different results

    • Bernie 2016!instrmntl
    • only if his policy wasn't straight up socialism. everything he wanted would have led to proven ruin. maybe a fast collapse is better than a slow one
    • One thing to me: Healthcare. GOP wants to take mine away, put me on the street. That's enough of a reason there.formed
    • Next is supreme court justices. Trump would nominate a few, solidifying agendas from 50+ years ago. Bye bye gay marriage, abortions, freedom of religionformed
    • And next he wants to increase our military substantially. We already spend way too much on our military.formed
    • Oh, almost forgot, he wants to start trade wars. The repercussions would be devastating. Our economy would collapse.formed
    • Did I miss anything?formed
    • Healthcare is being taken away as is. Even Im not sure what Trump would do on any of those. But i do know health is fucked because of current policies.
    • The money hospitals spend on advertising prestige stuff instead of services to consumer should tell you that. But i do have fear of justice pick
    • i cant believe they didnt uphold rule and jsut told us if we didnt like obamacare we could vote it back out. it was a case were law should have upheld
    • because voting something out is almost impossible once instilled. look at slavery. bad justices...
    • I actually think trump is a blowhard on all his talk, and think the guy is right about his pacing
    • but if you dont like either dont vote for either
    • The GOP's first item is to repeal ACA. That mean's those of us w pre-existing conditions are on the street (old policies are long gone).formed
    • So yeah, it would get tremendously worse. I dislike both, but one could destroy my life (I'll be on the street w/o insurance)formed
    • So yeah, it would get tremendously worse. I dislike both, but one could destroy my life (I'll be on the street w/o insurance)formed
    • Reality is that if you vote for anyone but H, you are voting for Trump. It'd be nice to imagine a world where that wasn't the case, but that's the reality.formed
    • that isn't reality. that is branding. reality is who you vote for is who you vote for. johnson would actually be good on all the things you are concerned with
    • the hard pill to swallow is to get healthcare back to market principles there will be some pain. like resetting a bone.
    • i think johnson and weld get that. and you need people in charge that understand that so they can create policy to ease it. of course there is too much money
    • for protectionism in healthcare these days it probably is impossible to right that ship. too many in congress would vote against. balance of powers
    • I don't agree with that. If you truly believe in Johnson (I sure don't), then by all means,formed
    • but people are naive to think their vote doesn't have larger repercussions. You can't ignore that voting third party can change the outcome.formed
    • any vote one way or another can change the outcome. voting for lesser of two evils is non sense.
    • personally i think voting the lesser of two evils is just plain justification. they say well this many people voted for me so im right.
    • if you believe in no one don't vote for anyone. dont let the winning turd think he was right by counting your ballot. let peopel say yea u got 5% of public vote
    • so fuck off, and let congress just grid lock them. seems more reasonable to me than the current song and dance
    • But really formed why don't u like johnson. No trade wars, less military, better healthcare, socially liberal picks. Hillary might give u the last one only
  • CygnusZero44

    Another day. Another bludgeoning of Trump in the polls.


    • He's always been the underdog, but when you factor in +/- 3 points poll accuracy, it makes for an even closer race.robotron3k
    • According to 2014 stats 53% of women in USA are single, vs 47% of men, seems to reflect the voting pattern a bit.robotron3k
    • you have really been pushing the sexist angle whenever conspiracies turn out to be complete bullshit, don't you?monospaced
  • utopian2

    Trump angers with suggestion that U.S. veterans with PTSD are weak.


    • He just called their dead war buddies pussies and they still defended him. While if anyone has an opinion about war vets they are "unpatriotic". This country.sofakingback
  • BusterBoy2


    Makes Sarah Palin sound like a genius.

  • ********

    • If that's all Wikileaks has...LOL. Clearly said as a throwaway line.BusterBoy
    • yeah, seems more like a joke. granted i'm sure hillary would be happier if old jules dropped dead.sarahfailin
    • I see you can laugh and support murder. Who are you voting for again?
    • apparently people in the room thought she was joking, but saw Hillary was dead serious.
    • what is this from, EXACTLY?monospaced
  • ********

    Jill Stein

    dump Trump, kill Hill

    • these actors are not endorsing jill stein. i'm just sayin'.sarahfailin
    • They're endorsing the courage to stand up for your values... I'm just saying.
    • what do I care about?

      no god damned climate denying Trump in office.
  • sarahfailin0


    Trump: "If I lose, I don't think you will ever see me again."

    Fat fucking chance. Fat. Fucking. Chance.

    • He just can't saying anything without lying can he. lolsofakingback
  • ********


    but than there is stupid congress decisions like this...

    • *then
    • ^ hahaformed
    • "I love the poorly educated."
      — Donald J. Trump
    • only if perfect grammar made us educated. id assume he means everyone running memes making fun of him. that helped him with the media coverage he needed
    • please don't confused "poorly educated" with "uneducated"monospaced
    • oh, and your assumption ... it's wrong, he meant people who are poorly educatedmonospaced
    • he was specifically referencing the ones he polled well with ... he likes them BECAUSE they support himmonospaced
    • haha. my assumption is wrong because your assumption is right... it also could be making a reference to Montaigne...
    • and no confusion on poorly vs un-, i know a poorly educated person can be worse off than an uneducated person
    • but people can focus on words and grammar and geo locations and totally miss the real conversation
    • Look. I'm not saying you're uneducated. Obviously you are. You made two very basic grammar mistakes so clearly something went sour along the way.monospaced
    • And I didn't miss what you were saying. I was able to decipher it perfectly, just like most typos and the such. It's a big part of my job doing that.monospaced
    • formed gets itmonospaced
    • Naw. You said it no need to hide it. I dont mind. I dont like using grammar as a means to deflect from content posted as a segue to an insult. its childish
    • peace, please. it wasn't as much of an insult as you might thinkmonospaced
    • if you want to challenge my intelligence choose a position on something. have fun and take the position where its right to sue governments and we can discourse
    • i like to stretch the ol gray matter or i can take the position where its right to sue governments. its all fun to me, like a game of chess.
    • That's the thing. I've said it twice already. I'm not challenging your intelligence. I made a point at your expense and I'm sorry.monospaced
    • ok. well i think the link is a big issue that hasn't been pointed out yet. with possibly huge repercussions. i wish more coverage focused on it
    • honestly I wasn't even referring to that, just thought it was funny how you labeled something stupid and had two writing errors that most 4th graders could findmonospaced
    • it was a dumb jokemonospaced
    • i know you weren't referring to the link. Thats what bugged me. The focus on my typing. Which was missin the larger picture. Similiar to johnson and aleppo
    • plus i have issues with ppl and grammar, and the way ppl think about it and how its taught in school as substance vs the meaning of words
    • insults dont bother me at all, but attacking grammar and spelling instead of message is what bugs me. everyone has their buttons i guess
    • I totally get it. But the holy grail of the internet is when someone calls someone else stupid, and does it with typos and bad grammar. It's a timeless classic.monospaced
  • ********

  • KaitlinMcCarthy-2

  • ********


    "When you talk about the mental health problems when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of folks in this room have seen many times over, and you're strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can't handle it, and they see horror stories, they see events that you couldn't see in a movie, nobody would believe it. Now we need a mental health help and medical and it's one of the things that I think is least addressed and it's one of the things I hear — like your question — one of the things I hear most about when I go around and talk to the veterans.

    So we're going to have a very, very robust, very very robust level of performance having to do with mental health. We are losing so many great people that can be taken care of if they have proper care.

    You know when you hear the 22 suicides a day, it's a big part of your question, but when you hear the 22 suicides a day, that should never be. That should never be, So we're going to be addressing that very strongly.

    And the whole mental health issue is going to be a very important issue when I take over, and the VA is going to be fixed in so many ways, but that's gonna be one of the ways we're gonna help. And that's in many respects going to be the number one thing we have to do because I think it's really been left behind. Ok? Thank you very much."

    So trump didn't say PTSD people are pussies? Media is getting out of hand with the way they're spinning headlines for ratings. No wonder CNN just acquired some buzzfeed writers. Its a joke.

  • moldero2

    Tim Kaine debates like a child.

    • Kaine is Hillary's little Bitch Boy
  • utopian3

    Donald Trump used $286G in charity money to build his political brand.

    Wake up white people!


    • I'm sure he was gonna just put it back.monospaced
    • dat picmoldero
    • This is 100% proof he's got what it takes to be a Presidental candidate just like Hillary...robotron3k
    • Btw, can someone point me to to a live stream of the debate, I'd like to watch from Bangkok...robotron3k
    • it's on CNN INT. if your room has cablemoldero
    • FOX too, i just checkedmoldero
    • 'Tis! Irobotron3k
    • *thanksrobotron3k
    • $285g is just Trump change.
  • 20020

    kaine = folksy
    pence = cop who shot some black folks