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  • CygnusZero42

    Kaine is a little bulldog, and Pence is dancing around all of Trumps transgressions.

  • sofakingback4

    "C'mon man. Why you gotta bring up the Mexican thing. Why you doin me like this Tim???"

    - Pence

    Pretty much said that. lol

    • "you keep whipping out that mexican thing"moldero
    • Kaine won by a large margin on interruptions for sure...robotron3k
  • ********

    Pence talking is like smooth warm coco butter.

    • Kaine looks like a janitor dressed up in a suit.instrmntl
    • lolmoldero
    • People are drinking that shit right up to, letting it run all over their bodies in ecstasy and glorious beauty.monospaced
  • BusterBoy4

    Mike Pence: "I spend part of every day on my knees."

    DonaldTrump: "Must be a pretty sight, you on your knees."

  • Hayoth3

    People's perceptions are funny.

    Caine - whiny little communist who tattletales on the playground; and might be the most annoying/creepiest politician ever. Definitely a peeper.

    Really bad decision by Clintons to pick him.

    Pence - unprepared to debate at any level of intelligence with his varsity Letterman jacket on while being too nice continuing to shake his head. Definitely to country club white.

    Really bad decision by pence to go with Trump.

  • formed2

    It's truly terrifying people support Pence's religious views. He scares me more than Trump. Can you imagine if he became President? We'd be going back 100 years.

    • lol yupmoldero
    • When America was great. aaaahhhh yea, brewed to perfection.sofakingback
    • Isn't it also sexist that people are only concerned with women having abortions and not the men?
    • ?monospaced
    • men can have babies, and it didn't seem like anyone cared to support abortions for men.
    • ok ...monospaced
  • ********

    Which US presidential candidate is the one for you? (QUIZ)

    post quiz answers in comments

    • Jill Stein...a bit too obvious. No questions were serious were they?
    • Literally letting Russia decide who you should vote foryuekit
    • First Lady Bill Clintonfooler
    • I have no idea why they think Trump would be my ideal candidate.
    • we all knew that shitmoldero
    • haha.
  • ********

    How the Pentagon paid a British PR firm
    $500 million for top secret Iraq propaganda


  • CygnusZero41

    When Pence said "Here you go wit hthat Mexican thing again", I wanted to hurt him badly.

  • yurimon-1

    He reminds me of something cheap, i dont know why but thats just my

    • lol 4mb image.

      King of the trolls
    • ^ stop bullying him set.fadein11
    • nothing satisfies you cunts :)yurimon
    • i chuckled
    • lolzinstrmntl
  • fooler2


    The Republican National Committee declared Indiana Gov. Mike Pence to be the clear winner of Tuesday night's vice presidential debate against Tim Kaine.
    There was just one problem: The debate hadn't started yet.

    • Two party system is rigged.
    • lolmoldero
    • Some poor staffer wanted to go home and have dinner probably, so hit publish and go to happy hourBonSeff
    • hahahah simply amazing "I declare myself the winner of all competitions I participate in the future" Really takes the pressure out of things. :)sofakingback
  • Ramanisky23

  • reanimate3

  • fadein111

    "They’re both from Queens. ... They both have these misogynistic, racist points of view. And they spout them.” Does that mean all of Trump’s supporters are racist? “Of course, they’re not all racist,” Reiner said. “That’s ridiculous. ... But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a big strain of racism ... in his constituency, and he knows it."


  • face_melter0

    Now that Race Bannon is running as potential VP, who will protect Jonny and Dr. Quest now? Hadji? Fool can't even look after himself.

  • ********

    We Are Begging the Hillary Clinton Campaign: Stop It With These Terrible, Terrible One-Liners


    Tim Kaine: You are Donald Trump’s apprentice!

    Kaine: On the economy, there’s a fundamental choice for the American electorate. Do you want a you’re hired president in Hillary Clinton or a you’re fired president in Donald Trump? I don’t think that’s such a hard choice.


    We hopefully anticipate Hillary will prepare with better one-liners in her future debates.

    • In all fairness, her campaign has had some killer one-liners: The tweet one and the chapter 11 one are hawt faya!!!!sofakingback
  • ********

    This is the type of behavior Hillary wants to support. Hillary thinks killing babies is morally right. You don't have to be religious to see that this type of behavior is wrong. They call it pro-choice, but it hides the idea that its pro-murder. I know there are circumstances that may condone such actions, but the other 99% of women should better consider adoption instead. People want to call it punishment to not allow this. It's hard to suggest that I think tax dollars would be well spent to support this as it's more of a personal choice. There are tons of available parents without kids these days. This is sad.

    This was the most civilized photo, but the reality of abortion are too horrifying.

    Warning (graphic reality):

    • What surprises me is the many soulless down votes that willfully support this. Elections aside, do you really think this is the right thing for young girls?
    • let me guess your stance on an incest or rape pregnancy..BonSeff
    • yesFax_Benson
    • ..if that's what THEY decide is best in the circumstances.Fax_Benson
    • Yes, there's the forgivable 1% for victims of rape and related incidences. But many see abortions as responsible contraceptive next to condoms and lube.
    • the woman's choice begins at sex. Do you choose to have sex? yes. are you responsible and old enough to have sex? yes.
    • woman's choice shouldn't begin with the violent act of killing babies. we don't handle responsibility with killing the young.
    • abortions up there with breast implants and plastic surgery. things that make you feel and look better.
    • the choice should begin and end with her - not you.Fax_Benson
    • especially not youFax_Benson
    • I'd rather spend ten times more of my tax dollars by giving life a chance. Instead of smashing the skull of a human baby for $400
    • not when it concerns tax dollars.
    • breast implants are also a woman's choice, but why should people pay for that?
    • i'm still up for woman's choice, but I don't want to condone death with tax dollars.
    • what a conundrumFax_Benson
    • and what about the father. Shouldn't he have anything to say?
    • I think it's more of the immediate family's choice. mom and dad.
    • and unfortunately the baby doesn't have a choice if anyone is concerned with human rights.
    • “Perhaps there is no greater miracle than finding a loving home for a child who needs one.” – President Bill Clinton
    • ohhh omgRamanisky2
    • Steve Jobs: ‘I’m glad I didn’t end up as an abortion’
    • ohh omgRamanisky2
    • Nice how you make women soley responsible for the choice to have sex. Nobody cares what you're up for. It's not about you.monkeyshine
    • Everyone is responsible for their own bodies, and it takes a male/female to make a baby. However its your body, so no means no, or yes means yes.
    • the choice to have sex is dependent on each other. Obviously if you are not part of that circle, it's none of your business.
    • You must love the GOP then, since they have been making it harder for women to get abortions.reanimate
    • Clinton, Stein and Johnson all support right to choosereanimate
    • The reality of unwanted, abused and starving child's is far worse than any photo you can find regarding abortion. Solve that, then come back to the table.formed
    • The question is whether to keep the baby or not, but not resort to killing it.
    • reanimate, I believe in the right to choose. There are two choices, and i have made one. That is called the right to choose.
    • When its my turn to have a kid, I will choose to keep it, rather than kill it.
    • What if that baby would kill your wife if she held it to term? Would you allow an abortion then if it saved her life?monospaced
    • What if your daughter was responsible, had birth control and still got pregnant? It happens. Would you force her to keep it instead of going to college?monospaced
    • formed, so you think that if a child is unwanted, abused or is hungry, that they were better off dead? Rather than giving it a home, food, or trusting parents?
    • It's this mentality that we can simply get rid of responsibilities by killing off who we think is wrong. In this case, its the baby.
    • mono, if there are health issues such as the baby being disfigured, sick, or causing sickness to the mother then it becomes necessary to save lives in that case
    • meaning abortion is required and not used to fend off responsibility.
    • If my daughter got pregnant, I would be a grandfather and hopefully I would be very joyous. Usually that is the case.
    • but again I wouldn't condone killing to fend off responsibility. There's nothing wrong in taking off a semester or two before or during college.
    • "They call it pro-choice, but it hides the idea that its pro-murder."
      "I believe in the right to choose"
    • You are either not that bright, or trolling.reanimate
    • reanimate. Pro-choice is a contradictory word as it condones a right to choose, but insinuates that you're okay with abortion, which is not true in all cases.
    • You can condone a right to choose, but also not be in favor of abortion.
    • There is a third option that you're just not seeing.
    • Actually many people don't see it, and they think that abortion is just another method of contraception, and an easy way out of responsibility.
    • So the next time someone tells you that they're pro-choice. Ask them if they're on the side of murder or life as their right of choice.
    • Which are you? The side of murder or life?
    • You are talking flippantly about a serious issue that a lot of women grapple with.reanimate
    • It's easy to get outraged over pictures of fetuses that look like babies, but is abortion one month after pregnancy murder? Is birth control murder?reanimate
    • Where do you draw the line? If you really think it's murder, than logically you should be in favor of banning it.reanimate
    • If you take this murder argument to its natural conclusion, then every time you rub one out you are committing genocide.reanimate
    • people seem to think that abortion only affects women, but its an issue for parents, and that requires both man and woman. and yes respectful is important.
    • the 3rd week after conception marks the beginning of the embryonic period when the brain, heart and organs form.
    • So you think abortion is OK second week but fourth week is murder?yuekit
    • Seems kind of random and arbitrary. But in terms of law, pretty much any Democrat would say the same thing -- should be legal but as rare as possible.yuekit
    • One of the ways to reduce abortion would be to expand access to birth control including morning after pill... which conservatives oppose.yuekit
    • what century is it?fadein11
    • ohhhhh omgRamanisky2
    • yuekit, i just don't think abortion should be the quick solution for lack of contraceptives or a convenience tool, which many young adults are turning to.
    • but there are areas where we turn to abortions for instance health regarding mom and child, and rape victims.
    • we'll end up having to define appropriate times that abortions become inhumane.
    • in the timeline when the baby goes from embryo to fetus. its a big gray area of unknowns.
  • fadein111

    • i guess this guy voted for brexit.yurimon
    • Iris Elba f'd up big time, he could have been the a black James Bond and changed UK stereotypes.robotron3k
    • Ironically, Brits interpretation of their national character isn't quite as black and white as this guy from London seems to think.detritus
  • robotron3k-3

    Damn, the Hillary fix is in... more than likely Obama was involved as well. I do think she is CIA that is why she is so smug, the election is in the bag for her no matter if everybody votes against her and her cronies. Carry on sheeple.

    "Republicans blast FBI for 'astonishing' agreement to destroy Clinton aides' laptops"

    Top-ranking Republicans on Wednesday escalated their inquiry into a controversial FBI agreement to destroy the laptops of two Hillary Clinton aides questioned in the email scandal investigation, pressing Attorney General Loretta Lynch for answers and suggesting the deal obstructed congressional investigators.


    • Nice, great reporting by Fox news.sofakingback
    • lol @ FOXmoldero
    • It's been echo'd by other non-Clinton supporting news outlets http://washex.am/2dE…robotron3k
    • If' there's no choice, why's it matter? I'd stay away from Fox if you want anyone to take you seriously.formed
    • hahahahaha you think she's cia? Ok just add that to the list of conspiracies you've been getting hung up on for the last yearmonospaced
    • her security clearance must be at the highest level, just because she's been given a pass at all levels. She isrobotron3k
    • Teflon. Nothing can sink her, controversial or otherwise. The powers have lots to lose if she isn't pushed into office.robotron3k
    • @formed, this is the 1st I've heard about destroying evidence, if this can be done it doesn't matter now.robotron3k
    • lol omfg you're seriousmonospaced
    • I'm upset at the lack of downvotes i'm getting now...robotron3k
    • have one from me.fadein11
  • BusterBoy4

    In 1995, Donald Trump accounted for 2% of the ENTIRE accumulated nett business losses in the entire United States. WOW.
