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Top Obama Flip-Flops
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp…1. Special interests
2. Public financing
3. The Cuba embargo
4. Illegal immigration
5. Decriminalization of marijuanaTop McCain Flip-Flops
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp…1. Taxes
2. The religious right
3. Immigration
4. Roe v. Wade
5. Ethanol
- ********0
- lowimpakt0
Jaz. do you honestly want McCain and Palin to be in charge of your country or do you just not want Obama to be in charge?
- Anyone but the Democrats, is my motto. I'm a registered Libertarian.********
- that's what I suspected. would you be better off not voting then?lowimpakt
- I considered it. I'll not be voting for Obama, he doesn't do it for me. Independent vote, maybe.********
- registered libertarian is an oxymoron********
- is it because he's black?hallelujah
- JazX please watch The Power of Nightmares! Neocons and Muslim fanatics are the SAME!!!!DCDesigns
- Anyone but the Democrats, is my motto. I'm a registered Libertarian.
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my pussy's so hot
- rounce0
post, gif, now!
- ********0
- i like texas and sarah palin********
Thats actually turning me on.PIITB
- i like texas and sarah palin
- moveinspace0
- TheBlueOne0
For 40 years this kids poll has never been wrong:
They're going with Obama.
- BonSeff0
watch this tonight
- TheBlueOne0
Real criticism of Obama and McCain from the economic independent left of center.
"John McCain's two big economic ideas are a freeze on Federal Spending, and a reverse robinhood plan to pay off the rich, and then stuff the poor. It's a pair of proposals so awful as to be nominees for the Smoot-Hawley award for fastest ways to tank the economy. Unfortunately Barack Obama's plans are cut from the same Hooverist mind set. John McCain, out of touch, flailing, erratic, and corrupt, is running on Racism, Rage and Resource Rape.
Barack Obama is running on egoism and a demented Reaganite belief that the problem is that Americans are overtaxed. Here is a run down of the lastest joke of an economic plan from the man who is almost sure to be the next President of the United States, and who is already running hard to be the next Worst. President. Ever. His backing of the bail out bill was not an accident: he really is an economic idiot."http://agonist.org/stirling_newb…
Interesting. Stirling has been right on many things over the last couple of years, economically speaking.
- no one knows anything in this situation and all labels ("hooverist" ffs) fail because it hasn't happened like this before. what next? noone knows: anything********
- before. What next?
anything******** - <!--Break-->********
- I don't like his age or inexperience VP, nor his continuous warmonger speeches.********
- I like his VP, I think he has a great team of advisors, I like his aggressive foreign policyTheBlueOne
- no one knows anything in this situation and all labels ("hooverist" ffs) fail because it hasn't happened like this before. what next? noone knows: anything
- TheBlueOne0
Now I'll be critical of Obama - based on the following comment found on the internets:
"When he is specific, Obama has been consistently clear that he is for transferring ops from Iraq to Afghanistan rather than ending the GWOT, for beefing up the military while changing its mission to suit current challenges, and for tweaking economic neoliberalism to make it more user-friendly without abandoning the neo-imperialism and neocolonialism that it involves. This basically playing the same hand a different way, not a new deal, let alone proposing a new vision, as some seem to feel he is. Unfortunately, many people are hearing "hope" and "change" and filling in what they want to hear and then thinking that Obama said it himself. That's not what I'm hearing, and I've been saying this from the get-go."
I agree with this pretty much, although I'll allow that maybe Obama is saying certain things to get elected and then he'll swing Left. There is nothing that Obama has specifically said that makes him Radical Left or even plain old left. He's center Left at best - or more accurately somewhere between Reagan and Clinton. It's not my ideal place, but it is better place to aim than Bush has done in 8 years - or where McCain's Neo-Con masters will continue to steer him
But I do agree with the guy's comment in that alot of democrats are reading into Obama's rhetoric what they want to hear and fill it in with all sorts of left progressive fantasies. And the Right is making an anti-Obama campaign based on the beliefs of the rank and file Dems as well - trying to paint Obama as a "socialist and friend of the Radical Left" which he is very very far from, which strikes me as rather funny. Either way I think Obama will have to use all his political mojo to steer an odd course between the disappointment of his own party and the sure-as-shit neo-vast-right-wing-conspiracy the radical right will bring against him (starting at day one, already started already - the "socialist/terrorist/muslim/hate... america" meme ain't going to go anywhere, only built upon...).
I like Obama. I like his character and his leadreship abilities, I like his real politik take on foreign policy. But beyond that I am very uncertain about the guy when it comes to how his specific policies will work out. He's definitely nowhere near progressive enough for me. My main bone of support for him is that he has created this monster of a grassroots movement, that has gotten people involved in government again. That's something that died in the last two decades - and it's high time it returns to the political landscape of the US. Obama has been the catylst of this movement, and he might even end up hung on it's pointy petardy end by the time his presidency draws to a close, but dammit it's about time people stand up and demand accoutnablity from power in the United States again.
- But I do agree with the guy's comment in that alot of democrats are reading into Obama's rhetoric....********
- I agree as well...it's not what he is saying at all...TheBlueOne
- But I do agree with the guy's comment in that alot of democrats are reading into Obama's rhetoric....
- ********0
Sen. Obama's economics plan centers on his claim that he'll cut taxes for 95 percent of American workers. Left unsaid is that to accomplish this, he'll have to levy a massive tax increase against the other 5 percent who already pay nearly 60 percent of all taxes.
Just as troubling, however, is this little factoid: Even the one-third of all American working families who pay no income taxes now will receive a government check under the Obama plan. And that number could rise to about 44 percent under Obama's proposal.
And for most, these payments would exceed even the amount they pay in payroll taxes.
Obama is not offering a tax cut. He's proposing welfare payments. And it represents an extraordinarily noxious expansion of the welfare state.
- I think Obama is more about closing loopholes in corporate taxes than taxing more the wealthy...TheBlueOne
- ..and my household will see our taxes rise under Obama's plan and me and the wife are cool with it.TheBlueOne
- Even more social welfare? No thanks.********
- We definitely don't agree on what constitutes "social spending"...TheBlueOne
- Increasing what they've classically called "welfare" scares me. Expansion of the welfare state? huh...?********
- _salisae_0
Across the country, authorities are becoming concerned that the nation's financial woes could turn increasingly violent, and they are urging people to get help. In some places, mental-health hot lines are jammed, counseling services are in high demand and domestic-violence shelters are full.
- http://www.huffingto…_salisae_
- Get a grip. it's not that bad.********
- i didn't write the article you nim nut_salisae_
- _salisae_0
- what an amazing relationship they have. i am jealous through and through._salisae_
- ..for the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country. F*ck that crap, another reason to not vote D.********
- that may be, but in this pic he looks like he is about to punch hershinpo
- Hey give it some time. Think Clinton and Edwards. Dirty, cheating, immoral bastards.********
- "Can you smellalalalalalala... what Barack is cooking?"locustsloth
- show me a moral man who lives********
- Touche, but you should be in the Oval Office. Take it seriously.********
- i'm sorry but the way he looks at her is creepy and bizarresputnik2
- _salisae_0
- you are a double failed wizard of oz, jazx. since oz was just foreclosed._salisae_
- You're making no sense now.********
- the wizard of oz's existed to make reality appear 'not as it was' .. just like the republican platform._salisae_
- and now with the economy broken .. they have no oz nor do they have a convincing platform_salisae_
- ********0
- Like I said above, Obama is Reagan Returned, yet the Repubs are making him look like Mao...odd...TheBlueOne
- cheney: "Go fuck yourself"********
- Obama= Reagan redux? are you drunk?********
- Just mark my words.TheBlueOne
- TheBlueOne0
JazX you make no sense - so Obama says he's going to cut taxes and that's Un-American, but...but...but...for the last 8 years the Republicans said "Them evil socialist democrats are going to raise your taxes!"
Make up your fucking mind..unless you're just saying whatever it takes to stay in power and suck off the spigot like the good little corporate whores that the Right really is...
- I'm just attempting to interpret his economic plan. He will raise taxes on those that already pay a ton.********
- Redistributing it to those individuals with no jobs in the first place!********
- I'm just attempting to interpret his economic plan. He will raise taxes on those that already pay a ton.
- ukit0
McCain Transition Chief Aided Saddam In Lobbying Effort
William Timmons, the Washington lobbyist who John McCain has named to head his presidential transition team, aided an influence effort on behalf of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to ease international sanctions against his regime.
The two lobbyists who Timmons worked closely with over a five year period on the lobbying campaign later either pleaded guilty to or were convicted of federal criminal charges that they had acted as unregistered agents of Saddam Hussein's government.
During the same period beginning in 1992, Timmons worked closely with the two lobbyists, Samir Vincent and Tongsun Park, on a previously unreported prospective deal with the Iraqis in which they hoped to be awarded a contract to purchase and resell Iraqi oil. Timmons, Vincent, and Park stood to share at least $45 million if the business deal went through.