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- 33,615 Responses
- shinpo0
Obama sued Citibank to force bad loans.
"Do y­ou re­me­mb­e­r how we­ t­ol­d y­ou t­hat­ t­he­ De­mocrat­s an­­d groups associ­at­e­d wi­t­h t­he­m l­e­an­­e­d on­­ b­an­­ks an­­d e­v­e­n­­ sue­d t­o ge­t­ t­he­m t­o make­ b­ad l­oan­­s un­­de­r t­he­ Commun­­i­t­y­ Re­i­n­­v­e­st­me­n­­t­ Act­ whi­ch was a fact­or i­n­­ causi­n­­g t­he­ e­con­­omi­c cri­si­s (se­e­ HER­E ) ... w­ell look­ a­t w­ha­t s­ome f­ellow­ bloggers­ ha­ve dug up­ w­hi­le res­ea­rchi­n­­g Oba­ma­’s­ lega­l ca­reer."
"Ca­s­e­ N­­a­me­
B­uycks-R­ob­e­r­son­ v. Cit­ib­an­k Fe­d. Sav. B­an­k Fair­ Housin­g­/L­e­n­din­g­/In­sur­an...
Docke­t­ / Cour­t­ 94 C 4094 ( N­.D. Il­l­. ) FH-IL­-0011
St­at­e­/T­e­r­r­it­or­y Il­l­in­ois....O­ba­ma­, Ba­ra­ck­ H­. (Illin­o­is­)
FH-IL-0011-7500 | FH-IL-0011-7501 | FH-IL-0011-9000"- sorry, there was a link embeded in the text I missedshinpo
- "A­COR­N­ file­d t­on­s of t­h­e­se­ la­wsuit­s a­n­d A­LL of t­h­e­m­ a­lle­ge­ r­a­cism­." ACORN supported by Herb Sandler?********
- Ha ha, snafu!********
- me­ and our snafu_salisae_
- lolshinpo
- this thread is a f*cking mess********
- It's a trap!TheBlueOne
- It's starting to hurt my @ss, eyes and brain.********
- i feel fine_salisae_
- ********0
I'm very surprised that no one posted this by now. Ford was connected to Nixon; McCain connected Bush (not quite the same, but...). Both economies weren't so hot at the time.
- shinpo0
- you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing********
- http://www.qbn.com/t…TheBlueOne
- Hey, I just realized you could paste URLs to old posts. Sweet!********
- Anyone else notice the difference in right v. left cartoons? Right ones are def. a little more racist in characterization.calcium
- Palin & AIP, let's talk about it!!!!!!!!!! Talk about a terrorist!!!!
Todd was a member for 2 YEARS!!DCDesigns
- you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing
- hallelujah0
jazX and shinpo, report to clown thread
- TheBlueOne0
- Nah, if Obama wins, it's a case of the other party f*cking up for the last 8. He's just not a peanut farmer.********
- Nah, if Obama wins, it's a case of the other party f*cking up for the last 8. He's just not a peanut farmer.
- shinpo0
- Cunts take on heroes********
- wow, is this the best you can do? joe mccarthy called, he wants is commie witch hunt backthreadpost
- McCain=Neocon. Neocon says "Lets bring democracy to the world, by force if necessary!!!"DCDesigns
- Cunts take on heroes
- DrBombay0
This thread is ridiculous, talk of socialism and communism is fucking retarded.
- except the reality that Bush nationalizes the banks********
- It's coming: sociocommunationalis...Soler
- nothing untoward about that...no sir!********
- the only communists left are in...Nepal.********
- Exactly, Obama is hardly a communist, let alone a socialist....TheBlueOne
- except the reality that Bush nationalizes the banks
- shinpo0
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan supports Barack.
"You are the instruments that God is going to use to bring about universal change, and that is why Barack has captured the youth. And he has involved young people in a political process that they didn't care anything about. That's a sign. When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking."- yawn********
- And William F. Buckley's son supports Obama. Your point?TheBlueOne
- Yep, that's been out for a week.********
- Susan Eisenhower too for Obama********
- The KKK supports christianity. your argument fails the most basic debate rules.Soler
- and pat buchanan/falwell and pat Robertson support McCain. freaks on both sides you knob.threadpost
- So ALL muslims are terrorists???
Most are peace loving people.
Sure there is the fringe...DCDesigns - Like MOST religious fanatics!!!!DCDesigns
- yawn
- hallelujah0
is bonseff the only texan I can stand?
- yeshallelujah
- he's from the internet********
- what about gene rodenberry :Dchossy
- ********0
- Now if that motherf*cker got caught cheating on his wife before the Iowa primaries, you'd be loving Clinton II.********
- Give me a guy that fucks another woman, than a guy who fucks the country anytime!!!!!DCDesigns
- Now if that motherf*cker got caught cheating on his wife before the Iowa primaries, you'd be loving Clinton II.
- DrBombay0
I'm calling you a fucking moron. Why are all of you loud mouth right wingers always anonymous? Even JazX, he has been here for ten years and maybe 3 people know his full name. What a panty-waist. Stand up for what you believe in, bitches.
- antares0
i didn't realize it was possible to dislike someone so much over the internet until i started reading what jazx has been posting.
- So you're new here?TheBlueOne
- kind of. i don't usually post but jazx's posts are doing my tits inantares
- yeah it was really nice while that guy was on his qbn hiatus. ah I long for the days of the ignore featurethreadpost
- He has an opinion, I don't agree with it one bit, but this is America.
So let him talk....DCDesigns
- shinpo0
This is my favorite thread because everyone gets so mad. Who cares who wins the election? I just find it funny that anyone on the, "Politics," thread who has a different view than that of the liberals and doesn't support Obama, gets flamed. Oh the irony. I haven't supported Mccain on hear. The only things I have done is shown that Obama has flaws too. Yet I keep getting blasted. That is why I love this thread, it shows the flaw in humanity and the lack to value someone else's opinion.
- No one knows who I am voting for.shinpo
- Post hoc, ergo prompter hoc********
- i care deeply about who wins the election.antares
- Most people care who wins.Mimio
- Wow, you don't care what happens, you're so coolukit
- "here"IRNlun6
- he hasnt supported mccain on HEAR.
I challenge you to factually disprove ANYTHING obama has publicly stated.threadpost - publicly stated.threadpost
- I CARE who wins. Obama might not be perfect, but he is a step in the right direction.DCDesigns
- hallelujah0
is shinpo epete, or that redsomething chick?