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- TheBlueOne0
"Who cares who wins the election?"
I do. I love America. Of course to you I guess it's a big fucking joke, eh? Enjoy your cheetos and your Laz-e-Boy.
- I care about America as well, we can do so much better as a country.DCDesigns
- ukit0
"I don't care who wins" = McCain supporter
- KwesiJ0
i sort of care who wins the american election but am well aware that its a big fucking joke and anyone who takes this as seriously and copies/pastes as much rhetorical media drama as some people here should get some perspective on what exactly they're talking about. There's way better ways to be political than being a news junkie.
- shinpo0
You love the kind of America that Obama supports, but there are tens of millions of people who love the kind of America Mccain supports. I find it perplexing that you say anyone who supports Mccain is a f***tard. If I am not mistaken, in America people can believe what they want to believe. If this is true, then why do you blast all those who have a different opinion than yours?
- It is all stupid. You will continue on with your life no matter who wins.shinpo
- that's politics.lowimpakt
- yes, mccain supporters are fucking idiots or old or both.DrBombay
- point proven.. thank you.shinpo
- if you can't take a difference of opinion don't discuss politics.lowimpakt
- exactly..that is what I am saying...everyone gets so mad on here...it's crazyshinpo
- politics is all about difference of opinion, debates, shouting, anger, consensus and fuckinglowimpakt
- WOW Shinpo! My family is a lot worse off because of Bushenomics, I need a change!DCDesigns
- So what America do you support? Is trickle down working for you???DCDesigns
- ukit0
I would be more tolerant of the other side if I hadn't spent the last decade watching them single-handedly fuck up our country.
- Yeah..my tolerance ran out somewhere in 2003...TheBlueOne
- TheBlueOne0
You can say we take politics all too seriously or whatever, but we're nowhere near this nob:
- shinpo0
Yeah, that was a mistake. What if they don't win? That name will be a curse.
- TheBlueOne0
"...I no longer have any clear idea what, exactly, the modern conservative movement stands for. Eight years of 'conservative' government has brought us a doubled national debt, ruinous expansion of entitlement programs, bridges to nowhere, poster boy Jack Abramoff and an ill-premised, ill-waged war conducted by politicians of breathtaking arrogance. As a sideshow, it brought us a truly obscene attempt at federal intervention in the Terry Schiavo case.
So, to paraphrase a real conservative, Ronald Reagan: I haven’t left the Republican Party. It left me."
- William F Buckley, Jr.
- TheBlueOne0
For the people who don't read history (thus doomed to repeat it), who don't remember how the Right-wing, throughout the 20th century created false flag scares (Kristalnacht, McCarthyism, et. al..) to get the populace to rally around them and to manufacture "righteous justification" for their grabs at power:
The whole "voter fraud" and ACORN thing is the same type of narrative, but you morons keep falling for it.
- I keep saying it, WATCH The Power of Nightmares, it explains SO much!!! Repubs = Fear!DCDesigns
- ********0
LOL @ TBO defending ACORN.
- Hey, my favorite imaginary asshole is back....TheBlueOne
- He hasn't defended Acorn. Just pointed out that it's a non-issue.IRNlun6