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- KwesiJ0
- tank020
Mccain's main inspiration...
- autoflavour0
Seriously people..
- hallelujah0
people don't call you fucktards because you disagree, but because you're fucktards
- carpet biter_salisae_
- haha--can't even remember what we concluded this meant last timehallelujah
- i think it describes someone who doesn't show how frustrated they are until they get near the corner of a carpet._salisae_
- ukit0
CBS Likely Voters:
Obama 53
McCain 39
- KwesiJ0
- KwesiJ0
Samantha Ronson's beach proposal
Samantha Ronson proposed to girlfriend Lindsay Lohan with a $99,867 ring while on holiday in Mexico.
(BANG) -
Samantha Ronson proposed to Lindsay Lohan on holiday with a $99,867 ring.The 'Mean Girls' actress was thrilled when DJ Samantha suggested a civil partnership and presented her with the Cartier diamond band during their break in Mexico.
The lovers were having dinner by the beach in Cabo San Lucas when a waiter came over with the ring which was hidden inside a covered silver tray.
A source at the $2,995-a-night Esperanza hotel told Britain's Star magazine: "Sam brought Lindsay down at 9pm to a huge dining table laid out by the water's edge.
"Sam really went all out and even arranged for a group of Mexican singers to entertain them with songs.
"It was a gorgeous ring with a big diamond that Sam had bought before the holiday. Sam asked her if she would marry her and the waiter popped a champagne cork as Lindsay accepted.
"It was such a beautiful setting with perfect weather and was really romantic."
The pair stayed up celebrating with Cristal champagne until 2am before disappearing into their hotel room together.
Lindsay, 22, recently admitted she is very "happy" in her relationship with Samantha.
However, the actress - who has checked into rehab on three separate occasions - doesn't believe her lover is responsible for the changes in her life.
Lindsay said: "People can think what they want. I'm really happy, and that's all that matters. She's a really great person.
"But I think that anything that's change in my life is because of me. I've gone through it and I've had to deal with it and I've made the decision to move forward. So yeah, she's a great person."
- hallelujah0
"The Obama-Biden ticket now leads the McCain-Palin ticket 53 percent to 39 percent among likely voters, a 14-point margin. One week ago, prior to the Town Hall debate that uncommitted voters saw as a win for Obama, that margin was just three points.
Among independents who are likely voters - a group that has swung back and forth between McCain and Obama over the course of the campaign - the Democratic ticket now leads by 18 points. McCain led among independents last week.
McCain's campaign strategy may be hurting hurt him: Twenty-one percent of voters say their opinion of the Republican has changed for the worse in the last few weeks. The top two reasons cited for the change of heart are McCain's attacks on Obama and his choice of Sarah Palin as running mate."
- yes, kewsij, another cut and paste. boo hoohallelujah
- you named yourself so aptly for this thread!_salisae_
- _salisae_0
7 questions for interviewer's of McCain and Obama:
1. What does the Iraq War have to do with the financial meltdown?
2. Can we afford all our wars, all our military bases, and still help our own people as well? Why is PEACE a dirty word in the debates?
3. What are the risks involved with China buying our debt?
4. What are the risks involved with Chinese children being well-educated for free and our children not?
5. Why are Americans so queasy about taxes? There are certain things only government can do. Disaster Relief, Response to Climate change, Space Exploration, Health Care, Education, Bank Bailouts, etc.)
Why do we pretend this is not true? Why do we pretend it doesn't cost anything?
6. What is the problem with a mixed economy: part capitalist, part socialist? We have had such an economy since the Great Depression and World War II. It has served us well. It has made us prosperous. Why the fear of it? Why does the word "socialist" make us quake?
We seem not to mind socialist for the rich -- or for Congress.
7. When will we get real about education? When will we realize we can't afford the dumbest generation in a global world?
- sorry i screwed up with the apostrophe s, mr100!_salisae_
- < -- as written by Erica Jong_salisae_
- Just watch it!MrOneHundred
- RstarW0
Seems a few people figured that no one, besides Barack, makes a more compelling case for an Obama Presidency than John McCain himself - and in his own words. Check it out at:
Send ‘em to an Undecided you love....or anyone you love...because as hard as it is to believe, not only does he think that, yes, he really said that.
- ukit0
In the first three weeks of September, Barack Obama ran 1,342 television commercials in the Washington media market that reaches heavily populated and contested Northern Virginia.
According to The Nielsen Company, in the same period and market, John McCain aired just eight commercials on broadcast stations.
Similar disparities are playing out across the country as the Illinois Democrat flexes his financial muscle to outspend McCain and the Republican National Committee on television advertisements, in some cases by ratios of as much as 8-to-1.
As of close of business last week, Obama had spent approximately $195 million on primary and general election ads compared with $99 million by the Arizona Republican and the Republican National Committee, according to the Competitive Media Analysis Group.
And the gap is widening in the final weeks. As McCain constricted his Virginia ad campaign to cable stations and smaller, downstate media markets, Obama doubled down on Northern Virginia.
The Democrat’s average weekly broadcast buy of about $700,000 in Washington jumped last week by nearly threefold to about $2 million, according to station public records.
The spending figures are significant because they demonstrate how Obama’s fundraising advantage has helped him drown out his opponent and maintain a longer — and more positive — presence in the living rooms of voters in critical swing states.
“Obama is spending $3.5 million a day on television ads,” said Evan Tracey, CMAG’s chief operating officer. “If he does that through Election Day, it will be more than McCain got from the government for his entire general election campaign.”
Republicans are using every wrinkle and loophole in — ironically — the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law to try to keep pace and stretch their spending power.
- ********0
It's hilarious how most democrats still refute the proven success of supply-side economics. It's mind boggling. What's next, questioning free market capitalism as the most efficient path to prosperity? I swear the entire left is trying to move us toward socialism.
- Bwahahaha free market capitalism... good one.IRNlun6
- Ignorant twat.BusterBoy
- It's efficient for the winners (aka those already rich enough to be able to risk enough to make buckets more)locustsloth
- BTW, could you go away again, pleaselocustsloth
- ukit0
Perhaps the CBS poll that shows Barack Obama with a 14-point lead among likely voters (12 points when third-party candidates are included) is a modest outlier. But if so, John McCain has more and more outliers that he has to explain away these days. There are now no fewer than seven current national polls that show Obama with a double-digit advantage: Newsweek (+11), ABC/Post (+10), Democracy Corps (+10), Research 2000 (+10), Battleground (+13), Gallup (+10 using their Likely Voter II model) and now this CBS News poll.
These are balanced by other results that show the race a hair tighter. Our model now projects that, were an election held today, Obama would win by 8.1 points. It also expects that the race is more likely than not to tighten some.
Nevertheless, we are a full month beyond the Lehman Brothers collapse in mid-September. Obama has enjoyed quite a remarkable run, turning a 2-point deficit into an 8-point advantage. What's especially remarkable about it is that Obama's lead has continued to increase with an eerily consistency. The collapse itself precipitated an almost immediate 3 or 4 point gain in Obama's poll numbers, moving him from a point or so down to a point or so ahead. But since then, Obama has won news cycle after news cycle, adding another two points or so to his national lead every week.
It's fairly unusual for a candidate to have such a sustained run of momentum so deep into the campaign cycle. And it does appear to be real momentum, with some real feedback loops: the worse McCain's poll numbers become, the more desperate his campaign looks, and the more desperate his campaign looks, the worse his poll numbers become.
McCain now has to go on a run of his own, a large enough run to wipe at least 8 points off of Obama's lead, and perhaps more like 9 or 10 to cover his inferior position in the Electoral College and the votes that Obama is banking in early and absentee balloting. It is imperative that McCain does not just draw tomorrow night's debate, does not just win a victory on points, but emerges with a resounding victory, the sort that leaves the spin room gasping for air. Failing that, we are getting into dead girl, live boy territory.
- hallelujah0
McCain probably could have won, but he hung himself--sweet justice
- _salisae_0
i watched the video you posted yesterday about the pakistani pov of the war on terror. most notable point in the discussion being the interviewee's stance on treating the terrorists with kindness and getting them to believe in you. with terrorism being an idea, not a people.
- MrOneHundred0
Yes, it’s very true, you can’t wage a war on an idea and expect to win. You can only wage an ARGUMENT (god, i wish we could italicise on QBN) against an idea, and if you want to avoid aggression, you have to show empathy in order to engender empathy from your “opponent”. It is an EXTREMELY complex situation when you start talking about negotiating, discussing and empathising with “terrorists” after having spent 8 years demonising them and trying to kill them because they don’t agree with us.
It’s interesting to hear your point of view on the interview since you have no prior awareness of Kahn’s previous life as a sporting hero.
- I’m glad you watched it. I wasn’t sure if he was so convincing because I knew his awesome past.MrOneHundred
- i would like to learn more about him._salisae_
- I don’t have any links, but he built a hospital in Pakistan and as he said, he hopes to be Prime Minister one day.MrOneHundred
- DrBombay0
The only knowledge gleaned from this thread is that JazX is still a total lemming that has political views because Daddy told him so.
All in all, a worthwhile venture.
- BonSeff0
this is really good
- +1 watching nowmonkeyshine
- half way through .. very good watch. thanks, bonseff!_salisae_
- I enjoyed it. Thanks for the heads up. Would have missed it otherwise.Mimio
- DrBombay0
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat stuff
thank for the headup