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- 33,624 Responses
- lowimpakt2
- Well, it does not strictly DETERMINE the outcome, does it? Mobility is still pretty good in the US.nb
- the data on social mobility from the OECD suggests otherwise - see Page 185 (P5 of PDF) https://www.oecd.org…lowimpakt
- Lots of assholes out there dedicated to negatively impacting the determinate outcomes of lives of people they don't like.monospaced
- ^ i don't think they really think about it at all.Gnash
- I think he means C-section versus the vaginal canal.mg33
- Yeah, American mobility is maybe not the best but still pretty good, compared globally.nb
- And again, it doesn't strictly determine it.nb
- Isn't this the root of the greatest con in American society, the illusion of a fair shot? The culture is dominated by tales inked by survivorship bias.detritus
- ...so too is much of contemporary British culture too, in case you think I'm having a pop at The States.detritus
- sure ... it's a con that conservatives are working hard to preserve, and that progressive liberals are working hard to correctmonospaced
- ********-9
- fact: zero legislation passeddorf
- Thousands of Tweets and zero legislation passed...This sums up the Donald.utopian
- land of the free.********
- Home of the stupidRamanisky2
- heheh********
- Is that what passes for humor among conservative?yuekit
- "enemy" interesting.sofakingback
- So turn this off - disregard what is in this fake image made by one of Trump's chucklehead army. Got it.face_melter
- You Nazi types aren't too smart, are you? Can't even get your message right. Sad.face_melter
- so alt right trolls photoshop a fake news image to whine about fake news?inteliboy
- after 2 decades of Fox News and somehow the right are the victims of fake media.inteliboy
- "omg attempts humour. fails again"fadein11
- 卐 Cool Story Bro 卐moldero
- ********-9
- again?********
- I hear JCPenney have a deal on white polo shirts, tell your Nazi LARP'ing pals.face_melter
- a fake person posting a fake image about a fake storyzaq
- oh georgesutopian
- 卐 Cool Story Bro 卐moldero
- again?
- ********-8
- the only person capable of making her look like the better option :)fadein11
- shit happensmonospaced
- 卐 Cool Story Bro 卐moldero
- yuekit4
The president of Switzerland says she is prepared to help mediate a solution between the regimes of Kim Jong-Un and Donald Trump.
- probably it won't work cause she's not a 10********
- ^lol! How are there so many fools that elect a punk that can say such nonsense?!formed
- Besides having a square flag, Switzerland is prepared for a nuclear war, if there ever was one.********
- Their flag is a big plus.monoboy
- ^ BOOMHayzilla
- +1 monoboy********
- probably it won't work cause she's not a 10
- utopian2
- keep fucking up trumpy..
playing right into our handsmoldero - https://pbs.twimg.co…********
- keep fucking up trumpy..
- utopian6
Ex-GOP strategist: Republicans 'deserve the reckoning' that comes for supporting Trump
- monoboy1
If the US attack NK first, it'll simply prove their point and justify everything they can throw. Nobody wins.
Putin is right, sanctions won't help and conflict would be catastrophic. The entire country has been on a war footing and under state propaganda since the 50s.
Weather you like it or not, NKs nuclear programme puts them in a different league now. You have to give them a seat at the table.
Sabre rattling will only exacerbate it.
Trade with them. Give the people prosperity and the regime will eat itself within two decades.
- http://www.bbc.co.uk…monoboy
- *whethermonoboy
- trade with them? they have nothing to offer and have zero purchasing power.hotroddy
- you're making it sound like it's our fault that they are poor and miserable rather than communism's fault.hotroddy
- but it is dude hotroddy. who killed 20% of the population bombing that country beyond of what was necessary to win a war?uan
- you give prosperity by opening market forces and allowing people to manifest their own wealth.hotroddy
- It's estimated they export $4bn worth of minerals, food and products to China and Russia every year.monoboy
- true, I have nothing to say against this. but you must be clear about who is responsible for the fear created in NK that allowed a dictatorship to last so long.uan
- That what I meant by giving people prosperity. You've jumped to the wrong conclusion in your haste to defend free-market capitalism.monoboy
- Jong-Un has actually been reforming the economy within past decade.yuekit
- https://www.theguard…yuekit
- Ironically, 'free states' use purchasing power to suppress communist or socialist states causing a vicious cycle.monoboy
- Or they shift manufacturing jobs to totalitarian regimes for the cheap labour.monoboy
- That at least would open the door to trade and eventually individual prosperity and therefore overthrow the regime. You can do anything with dollars.monoboy
- It's pretty clear that the conflict is purely the result of the fact that we are already in conflict with them.yuekit
- kill them with kindness, ie. mcdonalds and coke.Beeswax
- great so lets reward their behavior with buying their state owned natural resources so the state has more resources to invest in defense.hotroddy
- Obviously not. But Dumpf did sell billions of weapons to a country he accused of masterminding 9/11 weeks ago.monoboy
- There'll be NK cash in US banks too I bet. Complicity and corruption everywhere.monoboy
- I don't disagree w u that Saudi Oil funds our terrorists. But what good is us to do the same w NK?hotroddy
- As I've just explained. Prosperity will lead to the regime collapsing internally. It's already happening in China.monoboy
- as in 'shift manufacturing jobs to totalitarian regimes for the cheap labour'?hotroddy
- china has a grip on their citizens so tight that they'll never collapse.hotroddy
- Everything you own was probably made in China, by companies exploiting cheap labour under a totalitarian regime.monoboy
- Their burgeoning middle class are chipping away at the party so they've had to compromise heavily to maintain a grip on power.monoboy
- It makes for an interesting balance of power. Don't forget that the Chinese bailed the US out in 2008 buy buying billions of Treasury debts and still do.monoboy
- America pays China $450 billion a year in interest payments alone and If they stop leading you money, you're fucked.monoboy
- A run against the dollar or renminbi and the dumping of bonds will cause WWIII.monoboy
- All because some greedy cunts in banks tried to shaft each other by offering bad loans to poor people then tried to hide it.monoboy
- Yet half the population of the US (and the UK) have been duped into thinking it's all the fault of 'globalisation' and immigrants.monoboy
- Always follow the money™monoboy
- ben_1
- British army personnel arrested in terror plot.ben_
- http://news.sky.com/…moldero
- was about to post this. pretty crazy for a number of reasons. The tax trained them to be expert in terrorist methods and how to kill. It would be interesting tolowimpakt
- see their record from the various places they have been stationed.lowimpakt
- ********-16
- "Russa Russa"monospaced
- looks like Garrison doesn't even know how to use an ellipsis eithermonospaced
- great, use a hurricane metaphor for a bullshit cartoon while people are burying their loved ones killed by an actual hurricanelowimpakt
- political cartoons usually have a way of reflecting current events.********
jesus my sides hurtRamanisky2 - this one doesn'tmonospaced
- downvotes are points for omgmoldero
- Soros, open borders. Might as well start chanting "the jews will not replace us."yuekit
- or realize that Soros is profiting from illegal immigration.********
- Soros bwahahaha Soros
holyshit, that is too funnyRamanisky2 - Soros actually has very little to do with illegal immigration in the U.S. No reason to mention him except for anti-semitic stereotypes.yuekit
- It seems to me Soros has a much darker agenda. Hiding him behind anti-semitism will just give him a free pass to do whatever evil he wants.********
- evil?monospaced
- 卐 Cool Story Bro 卐moldero
- Ramanisky26
- The son of an immigrant that married two immigrants.lowimpakt
- Son of immigrant parents who came here through legal means & through marriage legalized 2 more. He has a big heart for all America including legal immigrants.********
- but it's not big enough to allow this path to legal citizenshipmonospaced
- Hahaha omg hahaha
Oh man, hilariousRamanisky2 - Do something to help those here stay here—but ffs we do need to get a grip on the undocumented—there's nothing wrong w/signing the fucking guestbook at the doorPonyBoy
- ... we just need to create a better means of doing so. It's literally hell on the average 'legal' immigrant to become a citizen—we def. need some changesPonyBoy
- poor people can't meet the requirements for legally obtaining residencedorf
- Without securing the border, how do you make changes, when laws don't matter? The disproportion of illegals on the border affect a system of legal immigration.********
- ^BWAHAHAHAHARamanisky2
- Maybe omg could explain why we're not building a wall on The Canadian border.allthethings
- or why we're not building any border wall, and never willmonospaced
- A Canadian border would be too long and expensive. 2000 vs 5500 miles, plus Mexico is going to pay for it.********
- ^ BWAHAHAHARamanisky2
- no they aren'tmonospaced
- how is mexico going to pay for it?dorf
- ... even I could detect omg's sarcasm on that one... c'mon guize ;)PonyBoy
- hahaha, I'm not even sure he was being sarcasticmonospaced
- guys, he has a big heart.inteliboy
- jaylarson4
Never in my life have i seen such a threat to the national security here in the US than Drumf, the GOP, and their innane supporters.
- a giant clusterCUNTRamanisky2
- really i find the media with rating whores the driver. it was them that got trump elected. they boasted of ratings in adweek. trump is little in the picture********
- the gop showing true colors of any political party in they have no philosophy but out to get relected. its their paycheck********
- supporters... media is painting a smear campaign amongst supporters. jsut to say i have never supported trump and advised makin fun of him********
- as not to be a pawn in the media game and get him elected. but there is more than that. alone he represents change from the same feudal group. right left all********
- the same as we see. the lay man gets that and with tv ratings that is what got him elected. simple. we need a real party that sees what resonated********
- not a bernie sanders socialist paradise scheme but with lay ppl who only had common sense. ppl want a change so bad they chose trump. wish it was johnson********
- maybe next time a truely capable change outside washington rules and rhetoric. sanders was outside whcih helped him but a person with any common sense could see********
- his lies and false reality. you need a special collegiate education to have enough ability to reason incorrectly with him********
- Ramanisky28
- fyi, good use of the em dashjaylarson
- Member when a President could English?!?
https://pics.onsizzl…Ramanisky2 - The Obama excuse, should be entitled, "I didn't fix the immigration issue while I was President because it wasn't my job."robotron3k
- The real big FU is when these dreamers graduate HS/College, they can't find work at any decent company because they have no papers or sponsor.robotron3k
- ^BWAHAHAHAHARamanisky2
- ^ ...but ...but ...day-took-er jobs!sofakingback