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  • Bluejam2

    "So far, Republicans in Congress have been doing just that. Despite the fact that most of them either openly dislike, distrust or disdain Trump, they have been careful to support their fellow Republican in the White House. But now he has stung them with the worst wound of all: betraying his own party. If he keeps it up, all bets are off."


  • ********

  • BusterBoy3

    Trump must be fuming that he's been pushed off the front pages by back to back Hurricanes. Look for him to start tweeting nonsensical rubbish just to get his name front and centre again very soon.

    • it was kind of refreshing not having the pumpkin king on TV all god damn day for onceGuyFawkes
    • Oh, he'll excrete a missive on Twitter proclaiming that horses are illegal because Obama, and Fox will run it for 24hrs.face_melter
    • His popularity is up to 46%robotron3k
    • "Wrong"
    • ha yuekit - that put it in black and white for robo, or should I say black and red :)fadein11
    • From a sample of 50 dogs, 46% *didn't* piss and shit on a picture of Trump.face_melter
    • more like the opposite face_melter, fox will say something stupid and he'll parrot. good times!jaylarson
  • GuyFawkes1

    • Does Trevor Noah wear any other clothes? It's like he dresses for his own funeral every time he does his South African show on Comedy Central.
    • Better than dressing like an alcoholic Nazi, I guess?face_melter
    • where do you shop, girl?zaq
    • omg triggered by a well dressed black man on a 100% American showmonospaced
    • God forbid Noah wears a grey suitRamanisky2
    • Wrong. The Daily Show airs on various networks worldwide with an edited version called TDS: The Globalist Edition for overseas audiences
    • ^BWAHAHAHARamanisky2
    • The show is 100% American.monospaced
    • You would be 100% wrong. Trevor Noah is not an American citizen.
    • ^ BWAHAHA omg my sides are killing
      Whatta a funny guy.
    • OMFG! he's not american? deport his ass immediately!renderedred
    • They tried to deport Trevor Noah in 2015 when they found him on the Texas-Mexico border being a mall rat looking for kicks.
    • Dear heavens, omg! It must vex your Nazi bedfellows something awful to see a black man coming to America and making a success of himself!face_melter
    • omg, all black people should be deported back to africa too. they were brought there for a good reason that now, sadly, does not exist anymore.renderedred
    • If you just deport Trevor Noah back to Africa, nothing would happen. The Daily Show is for Globalists, and they can shepherd the sheep from any location.
    • It's shot in a studio in the US only.monospaced
    • if you seriously think Trevor Noah's POV is American, you have to be delusional as he knows shit about growing up in the US.
    • But neo-racists just see a black person up there and try to pass it off as American.
  • Bluejam5

    Ted Cruz Twitter account 'likes' pornographic tweet

  • Ramanisky24


  • PhanLo1

    This happened in real life

    • what toolbagutopian
    • what a toolbagutopian
    • what a fucking toolbagutopian
    • But it's got electrolytes. It's what plants crave.monospaced
    • It really is like a movie.PhanLo
    • If Kid Rock is a senator of Michigan, Amazon will never choose Detroit as HQ2. You decide.monkeyshine
    • OMG it's a Moth show on acid...bad trip acid.monkeyshine
    • Trump is President...so anything is possible in the US fucken A.BusterBoy
    • ...yeesh.ben_
  • utopian1

    The White House says the DOJ 'should certainly look at' prosecuting James Comey


  • sarahfailin-6

    • what is that? Image is too smallmugwart
    • lol dammit.
      the red circle does nothing.
      I don't even remember what this was.
  • ********

    I've been called a trump supporter in the blanket sense wrongly and without reason. However I think I can define what I like about him now. He is a man smart enough to game the government system and media into "looking" like a success. He has enough common sense to challenge the political status quo which blows there minds. He isn't a genius. He is a a person who knows what he values and how to achieve it. Much better than most politicians. His values are garbage. Reminiscinet of a kid in a line for the latest ipad thinking he is awesome. But with his base and non party sacred cow thinking he has more ability to change shit than any other president in a long run. However some possibly for bad as well as some for good. Not through exectutive order but through media outlets entertainment quotas. However u live by the mob you die by the mob. I still think he has achieved more positive results than obama in 8 years. The FAA control and paris climate are huge. But those wins are ones where he doesnt even see the big picture. He only makes the simple rational decision that is best because he has no ties to it. This wildcard behavior seperates him from a no different bush or clinton ticket.

    I really hoped for a removal of obamacare but u can see the dynamics of politics when something is given freely no party wants to take it back. why such policies are so dangerous and destructive. Right now got grandfathered in before Apr 1 to pick a policy that covered me each month for 90 bucks (im 36) for any doctor i choose anywhere for 2 million dollars. The first 1000 is out of pocket. The next 1000 is at 20%, and than everything covered fully. Beat any obamacare plan and so much cheaper that even if i pay the tax i will come out ahead,

    And on a side note. I dont commute much from from working at home but today I had to grab my girl from the college and get her to the car repair place and than i drove by the local hospital to dodge freeway traffic. Took me over an hour and a half for less than 20 miles, And the size and scope of both college and hospitals has grown at a rate I cant even explain except say stupid. The health and higher edu needs to be checked because gov involvement is so obviously bloating those sytsems uncontrollaby. I have been agaisnt it in theory for awhile. but today i got a reality check in how fucked they truely are and worse than intial thought.

    • Where's the success and accomplishments? Even if I agreed with his goals I don't see any.yuekit
    • i should have put quotes around "smart" in second line. Without declaration of types of smart i might lump him with other types. more of s simple idiot with
    • backbone and sense of self. regardless if his world view is correct or not
    • The frameworks are a process ukit. Can u really deny the privatized air control as bad? I can see others needing proof to sway for ppl with hangups
    • i know u dont lie the paris climate but that is a con game amongst investors. hell wait for china to pan petro cars to destablize petro dollar
    • Good or bad it's another example of a failed policy. It died in the Senate just like health care.yuekit
    • the whole e car thing produces more c02 on larger scale due to coal production which the us hates to subsidize for cleaner alternatives
    • he is a fuckin idiot. but all presidencies before push in the same direction. he might accidently be better. especially if ego is stroked
    • ukit there is good and bad policy. that is the line. obamacare and paris climate bad policy, same with faa regualtions
    • regardless of how dipshits vote it is bad or good based on logic
    • He started with hundreds of millions and went completely bankrupt before being bailed out by banks and becoming a reality star. That should tell you something.yuekit
    • Conservatives had many chances to elect a real outsider with serious ideas like Paul or Johnson. Instead they picked a TV celebrity.yuekit
    • haha yea that he is a huckster smart enough to game the gov, media and sucker with no russia collusion to get him elected. not that its genius but he did it
    • i agree he is a royal cunt. but he is more malleable than obama for change. im hoping its for the better. media seems to push for opposite for ratings
    • but he is also a dipshit who is more focused on social media than policy and playing ego games. i wonde rwhat would happen if mob really asked for change
    • And paul and johnson represented phiosophy not taught in schools. and media shuns as stupid. fuck hayek today is still ridiculed. its more a human condition
    • there are people who think they can rule and know all. And can sell it. The best ppl to rule are those who dont want to. Because they understand it
    • they want no aprt and udnerstand the clusterfuck it is. they get nothing emo about it. they just want to live. a marketforce system that doesnt guarantee best
    • results ... and as a free market capitalist I can only hope education fix that gap but with gov edu i see no chance
    • but i find this simple thing ukit. Do you think im a trump supporter? Is there difference of supporting policies vs the the man? im afraid many cant tell
    • the difference. they can not tell what policy is vs the man... and advertising branding and media doesnt help. we shape minds for false gernalizations
    • i find so many in our own field who fail to realize our own tricks of the trade. makes u wonder if they ever knew ...
    • bt so far i think he has done more... bar being is almost every president before has done nothing postiive, its very low
    • if the majority of people understood it would it continue to happen? rise of snowflakes and such. college has been turned into a backwater church
    • i think its obvious. I dont know how the fictional finance will play out. And it stresses me but going with ignorant masses give power. responsibility is null
    • i lie reposnsibility is heavy amongst my character trait. so much its detrimental. im too much john wayne word is law stuff.
    • I think people are wrongly extrapolating from the fact that he won to him being a genius at playing the media. The Kardashians are also popular, does that makeyuekit
    • them geniuses or everyone else stupid?yuekit
    • He's the first perceived 'anti-establishment' 'non-politician' to take the reins. Right idea, wrong guy. It always comes down to vested interests.monoboy
    • He isn't achieving much.monospaced
    • As for American healthcare. It's the most expensive in the world and one of the worst performing systems in the world. A free market system, ripping you off.monoboy
    • When push comes to shove, he'll throw the US under a bus to save his own skin. He's definitely that type of guy. Wholly inappropriate to hold office.monoboy
    • The accomplishments you attribute to him are considered despicable disasters by most of the world.monospaced
    • tl;dr - ramblings on a gullible trump supporterdorf
    • *ofdorf
    • Yeah Trump is def the most radical politician. You think people are mad, just wait till he's re-elected.robotron3k
    • ha ukit! Thank u for checkin that. Genius or the majority are fucking stupid! Most likely the latter which questions monospace majority comment.
    • monoboy. is our system really worst performing? qualify that. Is it a free market system? HA. But he will save face by throwing ppl under the bus i agree
    • and monoboy look at the reasons why its the most expensive. look at sanders recent call to opene medicare for everyone but look at the GDP spendin of that and
    • imagine the cost of expanding that to cover everyone as a percetage of GDP... already over most countries... even sanders in the past said it would bankrupt the
    • nation. and man juct trying to re apply for a short term plan... since april legislation has fucked those up a shit ton. pushed my previous company out of marke
    • t have to choose a sketchier plan with value cut in half at 30% cost increase. Gov need sto get out of HC and non profits period. let price discovery work
  • yuekit0

  • ben_0
  • sarahfailin0

    ah here we go

    • phone number looks legitmonospaced
    • Mm-hm. So she misspells her own name in her signature, does she?Continuity
    • isn't it DNC, not DMC?monospaced
    • there it is. proof of ties to russia. put them all in prison. Harambe's ghost too.capn_ron
    • no mono-- that's why she was RUNningsarahfailin
    • omg approved #notrealitalianpizza...fadein11
    • hahaha, sarah, I totally thought of that when I saw it the first timemonospaced
    • Downvoters want to cover up the truth that Harambe was an inside job!sarahfailin
    • i KNEW IT!!!Gnash
    • https://pics.onsizzl…
    • ^ The most honest thing you posted on here. Your medication must be working, keep using that dose.sofakingback
    • fake emailzzzCygnusZero4
  • allthethings1


    #BREAKING After bipartisan meeting with House moderates, Trump says rich may pay higher taxes

    Does anyone actually believe this? Does he?

    • to his credit, he does have a history of saying the rich should pay more - legislation may be different.dorf
    • he said this to help him win the election, he'll promote it to help again, but nothing will happen with the GOP running thingsformed
  • yuekit0

    If the Trump administration gets its way, U.S. citizens boarding international flights will have to submit to a face scan, a plan privacy advocates call an ill-advised step toward a surveillance state.

    The Department of Homeland Security says it's the only way to successfully expand a program that tracks nonimmigrant foreigners. They have been required by law since 2004 to submit biometric identity scans — but to date have only had their fingerprints and photos collected prior to entry.

    Now, DHS says it's finally ready to implement face scans on departure — aimed mainly at better tracking visa overstays but also at tightening security. But, the agency says, U.S. citizens must also be scanned for the program to work.


    • naturallyGnash
    • what could possibly go wrong?formed
    • can I just use my iPhone X??? errr.... like... right guise?sofakingback
  • allthethings0

    Why Mueller is drilling into Trump’s role in drafting Don Jr.’s false Russia statement

    It could help him get over one of the toughest legal hurdles in proving obstruction.


  • utopian1

  • detritus0

    "Number of Babies Born in Each Continent in 2016"

    RIP Europe.

    • Of course that didn't link.
    • ROTW; start fucking or stop complaining.Fax_Benson
    • That infant mortality rate though.face_melter
    • wealthy people too busy partying to have annoying kids, state pensions looking after elderly instead of relying on pesky kids,lowimpakt
    • cost of living too high to afford little shits, lack of religious dominance increasing contraceptive uselowimpakt
  • detritus0


    • this could trigger a few users - view with caution.fadein11
    • This is why it's understandable that people don't want to take in lots of Muslim refugees.
    • A few generations down the line and... as you say... RIP Europe.
    • Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
    • To put in perspective, in 1800 Europe's entire population was 150 million...today almost 750 million.yuekit
    • I don't think Europeans are in danger of dying off. Only looks like a problem in comparison with other parts of the world.yuekit
    • indeed yuekit - it's the silly idea of an invasion again. Of course taking huge numbers of refugees is unsustainable (UK didn't by the way) butfadein11
    • you could argue that declining birth rate is being off-set by migration and the Muslims are saving us as we replace children with gadgets and craft beer.Fax_Benson
    • when half the country are spoonfed rightwing media telling them that a. all muslims are a terror threat or b. they want to convert Europe to Sharia it gets evenfadein11
    • sillier.fadein11
    • Anyway we are fine post Brexit! Our borders are secure and under the competent control of the tory government. PMSL.fadein11
    • I imagine AI will take over long before Muslims get the chance anyway
    • I'm with Set and fax on this. We are fucked and I think we are partly to blame. With PC now in scary full swing things are going to get a hell of a lot worse.mugwart
    • This chart tells me the counties where people have the most and least sexrobotron3k
    • I see it we are being manipulated to create a new working poor class.mugwart
    • robotron3k, you don't understand how contraceptives work?lowimpakt
    • lol, robo, sex isn't just for reproductionmonospaced
    • This graphic is bullshit anyway. No way 628K babies are born in Australia in 2016. Would be lucky to be half that.BusterBoy
    • Well regardless, Muslim families without doubt have more children on average than the average western family
    • The groups that create the wars and manipulate the currency, and created Islam in the first place, for that matter, would rather have a world...
    • ... populated with people still under the thumb of an archaic religion than that of the ever opening and rebelling minds now flourishing in the west.
    • As usual it seems like a rather obvious chess move when you're able to put the peices together.
    • ... As usual I'm sure the ignorant will shout 'that's crazy... because... well... it sounds crazy to me... so it must be'. Long live the derpiness
  • kona0

    Obama wore a tan suit & got dragged by the crusties at fox news yet Trump wore a navy jacket & black pants and it's "...but Hillary"

    • Pressing issues.
    • trouser-pressing issuesFax_Benson
    • Just try being consistent, how about we start there.kona
    • long as fuckin ties and no one says anything! national disgrace. human beings do not wear ties that long! #compensationCygnusZero4
    • long ass*CygnusZero4