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- 33,624 Responses
- utopian3
- I think it's even more ridiculous to assume May has the lady-balls to do anything about it...robotron3k
- She has more balls than your mango daddy. He's a fucking moron when it comes to keeping his mouth shut about security issues and info.face_melter
- Rest assured that even though she is reserved, the security services are screaming at the silly cunts in the US for letting him go off like this.face_melter
- The Met have already restricted passing sec. info to the US because Trump can't shut the fuck up. This won't change now. Try again, muppet.face_melter
- utopian1
- They're blaming Trump?! They've got a set of balls to say that 'doing nothing' is now Trump's fault... The fucking policy has been on it's way to the shitter...PonyBoy
- ... and this has been known long before Trump ever arrived on the scene. CNN... what a fucking farce of a new outlet.PonyBoy
- Trump never once stated he wanted to 'hurt' the markets. The dude's been trying to FIX them since stepping in office w/the simplest method: repeal and replace.PonyBoy
- Trump WARNED the damned policy was approaching failure... never did he say or act as if he wanted to 'hurt' any fucking market... CNN... lie me a river. wow.PonyBoy
- Pubs and the like have been warning that this shitty policy is a turd waiting to be flushed... now the CBO agrees and CNN blames Trump? huh?PonyBoy
- I could give two shits about the orange turd-in-chief like the next guy—but ffs CNN is point-blank lying right in the headline— how does one trust these fucks?PonyBoy
- I think what they are saying is...if you are going to repeal then repeal. But by not repealing and withholding the subsidies for consumers like Trump did, youyuekit
- just end up jacking up the cost of insurance even more.yuekit
- That's what the Budget Office in Congress determined, CNN is just reporting it.yuekit
- that's not reporting to use the phrase 'wanted to hurt' as your headline when that is not remotely close to reality. Trump can't do this shit w/out the...PonyBoy
- ... Leg. branch. And... again—he's done nothing but push to fix the failing policy... the healthcare bills taking a shit is not his fault.PonyBoy
- Well the Republicans including Trump promised something they had no plan for. During the campaign Trump said he had some kind of new plan that would coveryuekit
- everyone and be cheaper than Ocare...which didn't actually exist. Not sure why you are giving him a pass here.yuekit
- Trump has repeatedly said in public he wanted to kill obamacare, why would you pretend that CNN is making that up?zarkonite
- He had NOTHING to do with this, zark... that's my point. All he said was it WILL fail and 'now let's watch' cuz congress wouldn't act. The blame is not...PonyBoy
- ... on him. The headline says Trump wanted to 'hurt'... that is not true at all. All he's wanted to do was fix the fucking mess and he tried more than once.PonyBoy
- To put the blame on him—'he's succeeded' is pure bullshit. This is due to congressional inaction—Trump tried over and over. Bullshit lie CNN (repeating myself)PonyBoy
- Obamacare is not Trump's legacy or mess... Dems need to take some fucking responsibility for the piece of shit healthcare bill they stuck us with.PonyBoy
- Um, the ACA is riddled with holes and compromise BECAUSE of Republicans.garbage
- ^ His utter incompetence and the GOP's prioritization of fucking anything with "O" on it vs. lifting a finger for America is why it's failing, period.formed
- Fix it or shut the fuck up and let people that care about this country fix it. The destruction the GOP/T is promoting is disgusting.formed
- Fix it or shut the fuck up and let people that care about this country fix it. The destruction the GOP/T is promoting is disgusting.formed
- The finger wavers that chant "see, see, it's destined to fail" are only one step behind and are actively causing rates to continue to increaseformed
- while pouting in the corner of the sandbox with Tman.formed
- formed... there is no finger-waving... grow the fuck up. These are folks warning LONG AGO this shitty policy is going to die... and now here we are.PonyBoy
- The first 6 months of his administration (if you weren't blinded by the Russian BS) was his attempt to 'repeal and replace... TWICE. WTF else do you want?PonyBoy
- The guy not only did his job here but battled to get both sides in the fucking room and talking TWICE. Many times he said it was heading or failure...PonyBoy
- ... if Congress didn't act. Many times DEMOCRATS have said the same fucking thing. Back to the point: The CNN headline is a complete lie.PonyBoy
- *heading FOR failure (not 'or')PonyBoy
- What makes you think the GOP alternative is going to be better? All the stuff I've seen them propose is pretty much the same as Obamacare, just with lessyuekit
- spending on subsidies and fewer consumer protections.yuekit
- I never said the GOP deal was better, yuekit... the HEADLINE (again...lol) is my point. 'hurt' is the wrong word... Trump didn't want to hurt a fucking thing...PonyBoy
- ... he tried TWICE (fuck that's the third time I've made this point now) to fix the shitty policy. You may not like his 'fix'... but he did not want to hurt...PonyBoy
- ... the fucking markets! He wants to overhaul / fix the fucked-up system... that is not HURTING!!PonyBoy
- The CNN headline puts 100% of the blame on Trump and even goes so far as to indicate he wants to 'hurt' and not fix.PonyBoy
- the headline should read:
"Trump warned Obamacare markets were in danger. He was correct CBO says"PonyBoy - Both things can be true at once -- insurance rates under Obamacare were already high. Trump's policies are projected to make it even more expensive startingyuekit
- next year. That's what the story is saying.yuekit
- I see what you're saying about the title, maybe they are inferring his motives too much. But then again he did say "we'll let it implode" so...?yuekit
- The part you might be missing is that Trump, while he can't repeal the law on his own, has control over how Obamacare is implemented.yuekit
- And he is refusing to fund several aspects of the program, resulting in even higher rates for next year. Fun times.yuekit
- haha you cant fix obamacare. nor can you repeal such a failed policy when installed. you see there is no real incentive on either side to dismantle it********
- it would require congress to give up power and perceived power that they can do shit to help. all the while edu has preached gov is god and ppl dont want there********
- god to abandon them and make them have to live for themselves and decide and plan. stick a fork in healthcare. pass a shitty single care medicare plan capped at********
- 20% GDP. and we will have to get secondary insurance like every other retarded country, and they wont be able to profit from our R&D. no reason for R&D after********
- be piss poor healthcare and a higher cost, but a cap and secondary plans (hoping they let them be free) can maybe change provide a better system********
- the poor will be fucked worse than before having to deal with basically VA hospitals but fuck them. they voted for it. always lookign for a easy out********
- the upside to expensive and stagnate care is we might actually look at how we value life amongst the elderly. I 100% believe most elderly should be put down********
- my grandma finally passed last week. she has been living on prescription cocktails and machines. she doesnt no who i am, brain has completely wandered********
- Which medical care after the stroke at like 90+ it drained her savings and lawyer had to split assets for my gramps (suffering from dementia)********
- but after it wiped out about 50% of what normally be handed down to family it also costs tax payers about 8K a month for a year and a half for bed ridden grams********
- now the other 50% is being eaten by the healthcare system for gramps in a home before medicare kicks in to do the same for him********
- both of them died to me a couple years ago. what they are living and lived isnt living. we need to start dying with dignity********
- and if we strap into a socialized system I will say that will be an upside of it. be nice to go back and get this benefit but some things just cant be done********
- of course than hospices cant drain the livelihoods of old people. theyll lobby against such measures********
- funny you find the next step death ppl arrive after medicare kicks in.********
- ^ username checks outyuekit
- it is a prevailing problem which will get worse as medicine allows for longer non-living with no spending caps or price controls********
- anyone asking seriously for a single payer needs to address that. even obamacare tried with their "death panels." hard to take anyone seriously that doesn't********
- this is why sanders and everyone else that tries to put a plan through is a joke. just voter chum for their own greed.********
- it should also be a large issue for people worried about growing wealth gaps. really hurts the middleclass********
- sofas-3
- sofas-3
I think part 2 might be part 1
- psychic at a protest rally...BonSeff
- "honestly? i don't remember none of it right now..." LOLrenderedred
- it's like gay jack black that psychic.renderedred
- ********-3
what ever happened to that whatthefunk guy? Was he a russian spy posting anti trump stuff like CNN to keep people in their bubbles? or just orazal having fun with everyone. Always thought it was weird he came on so strong out of nowhere. Seemed like a SEO seeder to me. He had the usual 3-4 post s a day bit. No insight, no real dialogue, motive to just push the material.
- probably that weirdo who supposedly logs on with a huge amount of accounts and tor browser. bizarre.inteliboy
- i just assume that every weird account is orazal now. strange experiment.capn_ron
- cap_ron gets huge boners for orazal and yuri. always saying hi to them everywhere he/she goes.********
- hi yuri! hi orazal!capn_ron
- lolfadein11
- curious because he was different from orazal. im still speculative of his intentions and if he was fake how he got ppl behind him********
- well not how... stupid is as stupid does... but wether those ppl who did will question their manipulation********
- yuekit5
Inside the new battle against Google
Lynn's group, called Open Markets, has spent six years arguing that the Democrats have become too comfortable with corporate money and power, and need to rally around a new principle: Breaking up monopolies.
As the party remains locked in a struggle to reboot itself, unable to craft a unifying vision in the Trump era, Lynn and his group are trying to push it into a new fight against global corporate titans, targeting big companies like Google by name, and arguing that it’s time to use federal antitrust law to chip away at their influence. They see the fight as both a boon to democracy and a political framework that could excite voters in a new, more energized populist moment.
- People aren't going to rally around Google breaking up, that's a dumb idea. Amazon, though, will be broken up, eventually.formed
- I don't think they are talking about breaking them up necessarily, but putting limits on their power to encourage competition.yuekit
- I thought Dems were going to keep with their victimized role of resisting for the next 8 years. So now they're moving towards destroying corporations? lol********
- "Democrats have become too comfortable with corporate money and power" in other words, they're corrupt, lying scamming thieves who destroy art and statues.********
- stfu, you know you support the defunding of the arts and anything of cultural valuemonospaced
- defunding useless tax leeches such as PBS is not the same as painting over historical artifacts and ripping them out of the ground because feelings.********
- ...more energized populist moment.... or emotionally charged mob moment... this party doesn't have much substance********
- The Open Markets view is that government should use its antitrust powers broadly, to structure industries to meet societal goals.... open markets is a bit of********
- a misnomer. so they have that going for them. a lot of hubris in thinking a congress can plan economies looking at history********
- Leninism worked out so well. Again road to serfdom great think piece on the eventual degradation of such systems into tyrannical dictatorships and failed econs********
- They'll end up break Amazon up, or it'll start spinning stuff off. Google already 'broke' itself up with Alphabet, Ms went through the anti-trust ringer too.formed
- the breaking up of companies is the distraction piece********
- dont fall for the misdirection. they simply think of themselves same way as pelosi. i know better how things should be ran. same story********
- It's hardly such a radical idea to set certain rules in a market economy to achieve a social outcome.yuekit
- For instance, child labor laws mean that a large part of the potential workforce is banned from working...to take one example that almost every civilizedyuekit
- country and economist agrees with.
You may not like it but kind of silly to call it communism.yuekit - well i didnt call it communism. i said leninism. same pitch. all social planning eventually degrades to what we have seen. lenin would say stalinism was differ********
- or mussolini facism, maoism, bernie venezuela socialism isnt his either. but they all have a simple common denominator********
- a belief a small group knows best and can make the world better. and extra irony of being scared of monopolistic power while trying to get it yourself********
- all the socialism philosophy is slow entrophy of a free system. the more the central banks/gov allow people to incrue debt the faster the entrophy********
- how do u think these kids will vote after 100k vacation and no skills https://www.nytimes.…********
- and on child labor laws. you cant force kids to work unless your a girlscout. but it made findign work hard for me. i ended up working at a landscape company********
- with illegals watering plants for 2.50 an hour. im a kid with a bike and no skills, take what i can find. took the time there to read all plant labels and absor********
- b what i could. Get rid of minimum wage and let kids work instead of going to school if they choose. Hard to say wether school + lack of work has done anything********
- but Im smart enough to not try and centrally plan for everyone or say what is right. My way doesn't work for everyone. My way completely ignores the fictional********
- reach for equality, or at least it sees it for what it is and that is stagnation and death.********
- Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.********
- Bootstrap horseshit from a rambling simpleton.face_melter
- sorry, are you really promoting inequality in freedoms in the united states of america?monospaced
- horseshit to one who doesnt understand the value of gold. the other to a person who doesnt understand a natural right vs legal right********
- u do notice your approach right? dont challenge any of the reason behind what i say and try to use logical fallacies********
- trying to help u out here. no gain for me jerking off tards that dont get smarter. im not obama or insert majority politican name********
- like mono u are asking a question that is clearly obvious unless you are unfamiliar with tocqueville. unequal in freedom is by natural rule********
- michael jordan can dunk while others cant. that is an unequal freedom afforded by genetics. that is the point but i guess maybe it is my bad to skip over it********
- equality of rights is different than equality in todays standards. americans are confused as pointed out int the 1800s********
- why has all societies fail. why is it the 1% that make all progress in society. really need to check your reasoning with history. if u justify your reason********
- by association or majority you are likely in that group that creates the downfall you u despair. remember we are no smarter than 10k yrs ago********
- we just know a little more and live off the achievements of those others. try to be better know and know more. simple request but some people dont get it********
- if i was a central planner type like bernie sanders you should be scared of me. if that even makes sense to you, but id doubt it********
- If there is one thing our centrally planned public schools definitely did fail at, it was teaching you to summarize.yuekit
- lolmonospaced
- de Tocqueville died two centuries ago and nothing he wrote is a lawmonospaced
- yuekit some stuff cant be summarized easily. be nice if it could. but it cant. ads we sell slogans to generalize message and summarize but its all BS********
- so probably good thing I didn't fall into the public school ad trap. i think you didnt either but you dont want to take the effort to discuss.********
- and i get it. it is a lot of effort. i question why i care all the time when so many dont. biochemistry or philosophy, choice of values. if you want to discuss********
- im here. mono many people who have contributed to society have died and nothing they wrote is a law. theory of relativity. but that statement says more about********
- you. a desire to be ruled and a law to follow. same as many of religious folks. you fall into a category that prefers others to think for them as long as its********
- under guise of security. again freedom and thinking for yourself is a shit ton of effort. id love to hit cruise control and let other think for a change********
- I have gained this from philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law.********
- and to be specific on discussion ukit. Why is that pitch not the same as lenin put it? A starting point for communication. im not here to toss my********
- dick size or whatever ppl feel confident about. I actually like discussion. what do i have to lose if change my mind? a new understanding is a win win********
- one thing i dont understand is why so many ppl cling to a belief despite reason. i get it its irrational, which goes against reason. but their has to be some********
- biochemistry there. also hope zuckerberg nevers find out about with his non profit. but at the end of the day the question is are ok with a whole different********
- belief system. can you accept what you have chosen as reality to be merely a want or illusion. i can respect the ppl who say are rational enough to say no********
- ignorance is bliss, but the others who try to force their belief system on others for selfish support are the worse********
- Ramanisky25
- Bill Maher leader of the turd elites.********
- A world of scraping dead babies from the womb, to later go next door for freshly smuggled bags of pot where only illegal guns exist. :: audience claps ::********
- @omg man, oh man you got to be trolling. lol.renderedred
- I am worried about omg. The hostility seems to be ramping up. I hope there's not some horrible melt down around the corner.formed
- at least he's committed. guy has a lot of spare time on his hands.inteliboy
- "Leave omg alone"Ramanisky2
- omg is just rattled because one of his Nazi boyfriends got knocked the fuck out in Seattle.face_melter
- ^LOLzRamanisky2
- Bill Maher leader of the turd elites.
- utopian6
- Reporter at the NYT has just tweeted that he's being indicted. Faces life for espionage. Others may follow or flip. including the Kushner.monoboy
- Flynn is currently crowd sourcing funds legal help as they think he's staying loyal. Gonna get interesting.monoboy
- dont forget LEGALLY wiretappedCygnusZero4
- this nothingburger sure is tastyRamanisky2
- Bluejam3
Last-gasp Republican effort to repeal Obamacare gains momentum
“No matter how many ways Republicans try to dress it up, this bill is even more dangerous than it’s predecessors,” Schumer said during a press conference on Monday."
- Ramanisky24
The Orange Mutant speaks to the U.N.
- "total destruction of North Korea"fadein11
- "rocket man"
fuckingLoLBluejam - https://pbs.twimg.co…Ramanisky2
- Ramanisky23
- more false promises and superficial vanity from the bullshit "leader" of the dumbfucks and assholesmonospaced
- IF this is real ... why would the UN ask him to refurbish their tile? He was nobody to them in 2012, right?monospaced
- fake tweetCygnusZero4
- Even Trumps fake tweet is right...robotron3k
- there's no way to say if what he said is true, because they never asked him, nor would theymonospaced
- this is the first thing I actually agree with him! Those look like those "peel & stick" tiles a cheap rental would use in their bathroom or kitchen floors.fooler
- https://twitter.com/…
not fake, just full retardBluejam
- Ramanisky24
- this fuck is more repulsive every time I see him. like a piece of shit wearing a human costume.bezoar
- allthethings4
The Madness of Donald Trump
The pressures of the presidency have pushed Trump to the edge, but is he crazy enough to be removed from office?
Trump is no malfunction. He's a perfect representation of who, as a country, we are and always have been: an insane monster. Frankly, we're lucky he's not walking around using a child's femur as a toothpick.
When it's not trembling in terror, the rest of the world must be laughing its ass off. America, land of the mad pig president. Shove that up your exceptionalism.
- "...as confounding and ridiculous a conundrum as has ever been observed in an industrial democracy. Can a country be declared unfit?allthethings
- utopian3
At United Nations, Trump goes berserk and threatens 'total destruction' of North Korea!
- yuekit1
Western contempt for China turns to panic
When China’s 2015 stock market bubble popped, prevailing Western opinion held that China’s economic boom would flame out in a debt crisis comparable to America’s subprime disaster of 2008 or the near collapse of Europe’s southern tier in 2013.
Now that China’s tradeable stock market has risen by 43% during 2017 in US dollar terms (with the MSCI-based ETF as a benchmark), Western opinion is melting up.
A sense of resignation, if not outright defeatism, pervades the Trump White House where China is concerned. Washington is dependent on Beijing in the matter of North Korea’s nuclear ambitions; it has no military option as matters stand, and no appetite to undertake the formidable investments in ballistic missile defense that would be required to contain the North Korean threat.
- ********2
- didn't read utopian's********
- and of course, who loved his speech? netaniyahu. make israel great again!renderedred
- didn't read utopian's
- Fax_Benson3
who the fuck wrote that? No way Trump wrote it - unless he was stoned. Totally mental but pretty good.