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- detritus5
Jesus f'n Christ, Morgan.
- wft?Fax_Benson
- that CIR thing is so bad it has to be a plantFax_Benson
- ughcolin_s
- PonyBoy-9
Wiretapping on Trump Tower before and after the election... it was real (wow this had to of been difficult for CNN to report):
Exclusive: US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman
Russia... so far... nothing yet.
- Ha, seriously Pony? Sorry, but you hire a RU shill as a campaign mgr then you're getting tapped.mathinc
- is pony the new georges?********
- My only reason to post this was cuz it was CNN's 'Exclusive' article—same clowns who went ape shit 'laughing' at Frump and team for using the term 'wiretapping'PonyBoy
- ...and my 'Russia... so far' line was merely pointing out that they still have no smoking gun / info... w/a key word 'yet'. So no... I'm not the new george :)PonyBoy
- Many news outlets laughed at the term 'wiretapping' as if were some outdated term. On top of that the same outlets mocked Trump as being insane...PonyBoy
- ... to think anyone in his building was of any concern to the Gov.
Piss poor...dare I even use the term 'journalism'... all around.PonyBoy - They tapped Manafort...not "Trump Tower". Fuck me...it's not that difficult.BusterBoy
- his office @ trump tower, bustyPonyBoy
- and when Trump spoke up "i was wiretapped!!" it would appear he was a 'masked' person on some of manafort's phone calls...PonyBoy
- ... making his statement accurate.
Anyway...hate Trump all you want...CNN, MSNBC and the like got this wrong... painfully too. :/ Sucks.. I want to trust them.PonyBoy - Seriously...spin it all you like mate. You have no idea where Manafort was tapped. And even if it was at Trump Tower, so what?BusterBoy
- hillary was in a panel van with huge headphones on, she heard everything!BonSeff
- so despite the intel agencies confirming that trump was NOT wiretapped you're going to keep regurgitating trump's lie.dorf
- You guys are confusing... CNN is reporting Manafort was tapped while officed at Trump Towers. Trump's conversations w/Manafort included...PonyBoy
- ... what am I lying about, dorf? What spin am I taking, Busty?PonyBoy
- I'm calling out CNN here for shitty journalism... nothing more, ffs. They were so happy to make fun of Trump when he used the term 'wiretapping'...PonyBoy
- ... like it was some archaic term / form of intelligence that doesn't even exist anymore... now it's the key word in their headline.PonyBoy
- The only liars and spinners you should be concerned about are the journalists BS'ing us on a daily basis... not lil ol' PonyBoy on QBN, weirdos.PonyBoy
- Trump spews lies and ridiculous bullshit on a daily basis...literally had the CEO of Breitbart as his #1 advisor in the White House..yuekit
- ..called Alex Jones to thank him after winning the election...but we're supposed to believe his supporters are concerned with fairness and accuracy in media.yuekit
- Fuckin lol @ this storyline...yeah CNN is annoying, as is all U.S. TV news...but compared to Trump and his batshit crazy followers they are like Walter Kronkiteyuekit
- He accused Obama of wiretapping him. That didn't happen.monospaced
- lol—Trump Towers was tapped during the Obama admin. There is no argument now—even CNN had to admit this. Be mad at the Dems / CNN etc—not lil ol' PonyB <3PonyBoy
- Can't argue w/you (btw), yuekit... Trump and AJ etc were / are full of shit. What sucks is I want CNN (or the like) to not be full of shit.PonyBoy
- I flip on CNN or MSNBC and it's a 100% bash Trump / downtalk everything the right Networks are talking about...PonyBoy
- ... I don't need to tell you what's on the 'rightwing' networks. Back to my orig point: CNN 'made fun' of the prez for even thinking that 'wiretapping'...PonyBoy
- ... still occurred. Now it's a key word in their 'exclusive' headline. I know I MUST be a Trump supporter for pointing out hypocrisy... thus the DVs... yes? :/PonyBoy
- I get how it looks hypocritical but you have to keep in mind...zero evidence was presented by Trump at the time that anyone was being wiretapped.yuekit
- Still unclear if Trump even knew about Manafort or if he was just BSing when he said that. If he knew why not follow up and explain himself?yuekit
- You can't fault the media for reporting there is no evidence for something when the person making the claim presents no evidence and is a known liar.yuekit
- holy fuck, they were investigating russian election ties long before trump even announced his candidacy, with lots of wiretaps, and this was part of itmonospaced
- oh... and yes, Trump DID provide evidence: he cited a NYT article that didn't exist, and that didn't corroborate his bullshit claimmonospaced
- LOL... nobody gave a FUCK about Russia IN THE MEDIA (CNN) until Trump legitimately beat Hillary. You keep running w/your bullshit though, mono. :)PonyBoy
- CNN CNN CNN... Try and remember my point here, mono... this all about their bullshit 180 turn on their own moronic reporting.PonyBoy
- sarahfailin2
Senate's massive, $80 Bn spending increase would be enough to forgive student debt and make public colleges tuition-free. Trump only asked for $54 Bn. A 13% increase that would make our defense spending greater than the 10 next most-spending countries combined.
- Sanders’s proposal was only estimated to cost the federal government $47 billion per year.sarahfailin
- The US pays communist China $73.9 million a day in debt interest alone.monoboy
- So they're gonna borrow more to make weapons to point at it's allies. Funny old world this.monoboy
- If the gloves are off with nothing to lose, all they have to do is dump bonds, crash the dollar and hope it doesn't take the renminbi with it.monoboy
- Such minute margins of error. Thankfully for us, a 'winning genius' is in charge of the free world.monoboy
- isn't college debt more like a trillion and a half. not to mention the economics of such systems. two costs are growing uncontrollably edu and health********
- edu primarily because of gov backed loans and medical gov backed medicare policy. we keep thinking if we throw more money the cost will go down.********
- and surprised to see more bureaucracy and cost going up. which is in part also due to other gov involvements and non profit stuff********
- spend profits on expansions which usually also are bonded increasing costs. What has the gov done to decrease cost for either? Its so, so simple.********
- https://www.nytimes.…********
- same with obamacare. insurance and hospitals said cool... why would they do that? because it meant more money less competition********
- never intended to decrease medical cost only perceived costs through subsidization fucking the absolute middle class.********
- Edu and Health in the US uses free-market 'systems' aka personal borrowing and premiums to finance it. Premiums always go up as it's entirely profit based.monoboy
- Leaving Uni's and Healthcare providers competing aggressively for the dollars like an arms race. Premiums then go up again. It's a vicious corporate circle.monoboy
- Gov know it's busted so wade into the 'market' in an attempt to close the inequality gap rather than addressing the real issues.monoboy
- BusterBoy2
Remember when JFK went to UN and called Khrushchev Rocket Man & threatened to totally destroy Russia if he didn't remove missiles from Cuba?
- Ramanisky28
- Late night comedians do run a huge risk of fighting their corporate bosses, this is actually pretty impressivecolin_s
- +1dorkKn1ght
- Healthcare insanity continues.PhanLo
- allthethings3
Nice of them to make it explicit.
Koch network 'piggy banks' closed until Republicans pass health and tax reform
Koch officials said that the network’s midterm budget for policy and politics is between $300m and $400m, but donors are demanding legislative progress
- allthethings2
Drew Magary's latest:
This Is What Big Government Looks Like
Republicans never wanted to reduce the power of the Federal Government. They just wanted to reduce the number of people who had any power.
- kona3
Melania called on world leaders Wednesday to come together for the good of their children, warning that children are closely watching the example of adults. She told the spouses of world leaders that they "must teach each other the values of empathy and communication that are at the core of kindness, mindfulness, integrity and leadership."
Quite literally the day before her husband called another world leader "Rocket Man" and days before that retweeted Hillary getting hit with a golf ball from Trumps swing. #gitthefuckouttahere
- It's all a joke. She's just regurgitating some PR that was handed to her.formed
- She’s a clothes horse who married a teletubby for cash and status, so they need to give her something ‘meaningful’ to do instead of loafing about taking valium.face_melter
- Melania who?sted
- Exactly stedkona
- nb0
Hey what about Donald's plan to make a law that says if you want to pass a law you need to eliminate two laws?
Does anyone know whatever happened with that?
Or has he failed because he hasn't found two laws to eliminate yet?
- Does he even fall for the shit that spews from his face sphincter?monospaced
- it was for every new regulation two had to be eliminated.dorf
- utopian2
"I assumed when I won, I would 'sit down at my desk and there would be a healthcare bill" - Donald J. Trump (R)
- What a dumb fucking asshat in chief!utopian
- Yes, someone needs to tell him Obama wrote all his laws between entertaining Jay-Z and Beyonce.robotron3k
- monoboy2
- Bluejam2
“If he was thinking he could scare us with the sound of a dog barking, that’s really a dog dream,” he added. In Korean, a dog dream is one that makes little sense."
- allthethings1
Drew's really on a roll.
Drew Magary has been a little on edge this past year. Which is why he tried to smash, slash, and cuddle his way to having a little less rage.
Excerp, from Anger Journey, Phase I: Breaking Stufft:
All that power I felt in that room was, of course, an illusion. Silly, even. I changed nothing. I accomplished nothing. Trump was still out there, shitting on the world. And all I had done was pay to temporarily distract myself.
- utopian4
Where is 'Nambia'? President Trump 'invents' African country
"Nambia's health system is increasingly self-sufficient," said US President Donald Trump at a lunch with African leaders in New York on Wednesday, reeling off a list of their nations' achievements.
- lolfadein11
- west of SamosaBluejam
- South of CovefeKrassy
- Nambla President!moldero
- ^hahahaRamanisky2
- lol he's got the media all a buzz and distracted.robotron3k
- that's not a good thingmonospaced
- BonSeff0
- utopian3
How the right lost its mind, sold its soul and embraced Donald Trump.
- Hehe... No surprise about the author. "Charles Jay Sykes is an American political commentator and prominent never-Trumper."robotron3k
- That's just idiotic robo. Sykes is a conservative. I agree with him on nothing, but he's right.allthethings
- ^LOL********
- allthethings needs to get hip https://en.wikipedia…robotron3k
- Ben Shapiro is also a never-Trumperrobotron3k
- Get hip? I described Sykes accurately. Anybody who thinks Trump is good for democracy, any democracy, is completely unhinged.allthethings
- bliznutty0
republicans want power and control and to rule over the people and democrats want power and control to be ruled over them (just in a good way). so as republicans continue to fail to meet the ruling needs of democrats, the liberal of the future will soon enact AI instead of men to rule over them as they will argue that it will be much better/fairer than being ruled by men (and point at the republicans). so now imagine a future where men are ruled by robots (no police, etc.). was there ever a point in man in which he just simply didn't want to rule or be ruled? does it have to come to this? does man need authority so bad that they are will to give it away to an artificial intelligent species? am i living in the beginning scenes of a sci-fi movie?
- Been writing a comic about that very subject. AI might actually end up saving us instead of destroying us.PhanLo
- /\ neat! please sharebliznutty
- damn i smoke a lot of weed..bliznutty
- did Asimov ever imagine this?monospaced
- http://uploads.neato…robotron3k
- ********-4
- conclusion: trump is CIA's bitch
#winningmonospaced - Gee, I wonder why he went from Truman to Kennedy to USA... and not Trump, beat up down on his knees like he should be. Gee... I wonder...kona
- Because if he were to draw Trump beaten being pulled by the CIA it would be accurate to of the CIA coming down on his ass for his Russian involvement. See belowkona
- conclusion: trump is CIA's bitch
- kona0
Zuckerberg admits Russians exploited Facebook during last year’s election.
The full extent of Russia’s involvement in last year’s elections still isn’t fully known, which is one reason special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating. But Russian interests, among other things, purchased ads on Facebook that generally praised Donald Trump—the Kremlin’s preferred candidate—while deriding his opponent, Hillary Clinton. In general, it’s illegal for foreign interests to run ads in the United States on behalf of political candidates.
"... But but but... Hillary's emails and pizzagate wuz real!" - omg
- omg already considers Facebook to be an extreme-left major player in the Democratic conspiracy to rape children and ruin this nation with equality and opportunimonospaced
- The Clintons are like Kona's herpes. Painful, embarrassing, and they won't go away. #HerpesHillary********
- won't go away?monospaced