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- Mimio0
When does the letter writing campaign start to the Ohio voters?
- ukit0
So...no debates, no press conferences? WTF is happening to our country?
- ukit0
Up next...Bush gives a speech explaining why he needs $700 billion of our money
- hallelujah0
Told by a reporter that the e-mail had been sent to him and others in the media, Kise said, “F*ck, tell me I didn’t send it to the wrong list.”
Kise said the talking points were meant for McCain volunteers.
I've got the talking points right here, so you can read along at home when you see Nancy Pfotenhauer or Douglas Holtz-Eakin on the teevee.
• To address our nation's crisis, John McCain will suspend his campaign and return to Washington. He has spoken to Senator Obama and informed him of his decision and has asked Senator Obama to join him. The campaign is suspending its advertising and fundraising.
• John McCain is calling on the President to convene a meeting with the leadership of both houses of Congress, including himself and Senator Obama.
• John McCain is directing his campaign to work with the Obama campaign and the commission on Presidential debates to delay Friday night's debate until action has been taken to address this crisis.
• It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem. This is a time to put our country first. We must meet as Americans, not Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved.
• It has become clear that no consensus has developed to support the Administration's proposal. He does not believe the plan on the table will pass as it currently stands, and we are running out of time.
• Last Friday, John McCain laid out his proposal and has discussed his priorities and concerns with the bill the Administration has put forward.
• America faces a historic crisis in our financial system, and we must pass legislation to address this crisis. If we do not, credit will dry up, with devastating consequences for our economy.
• John McCain is confident that before the markets open on Monday, we can achieve consensus on legislation that will stabilize our financial markets, protect taxpayers and homeowners and earn the confidence of the American people.
Just so your armed with the other side's arguments.
By the way, those arguments are completely non-specific on HOW to address this mess. It's also completely at odds with the Obama campaign's version of events.
“At 8:30 this morning, Senator Obama called Senator McCain to ask him if he would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal. At 2:30 this afternoon, Senator McCain returned Senator Obama’s call and agreed to join him in issuing such a statement. The two campaigns are currently working together on the details.”
McCain's trying to look like a tough guy here (perhaps with the ultimate goal of spiking Sarah Palin's VP debate), and his campaign looks as incompetent as ever by leaking their own blinkered talking points about this stunt."
- shit, I cut off the first half. repost belowhallelujah
- shock and awehallelujah
- hallelujah0
The regional spokesman for John McCain in Colorado accidentally sent the campaign’s internal talking points on the candidate’s plans to suspend his campaign to its entire Colorado media list, instead of a list of key volunteers, Wednesday afternoon, PolitickerCO’s Jeremy Pelzer reports.
The memo, titled “TALKING POINTS: SUSPENDING THE CAMPAIGN,” includes a list of points the campaign wants emphasized, and includes this warning from Kise: “Please do not proactively reach out to the media on this.”
In other words, they want to throw a Hail Mary pass but don't want to talk about it.
Told by a reporter that the e-mail had been sent to him and others in the media, Kise said, “F*ck, tell me I didn’t send it to the wrong list.”
Kise said the talking points were meant for McCain volunteers.
I've got the talking points right here, so you can read along at home when you see Nancy Pfotenhauer or Douglas Holtz-Eakin on the teevee.
• To address our nation's crisis, John McCain will suspend his campaign and return to Washington. He has spoken to Senator Obama and informed him of his decision and has asked Senator Obama to join him. The campaign is suspending its advertising and fundraising.
• John McCain is calling on the President to convene a meeting with the leadership of both houses of Congress, including himself and Senator Obama.
• John McCain is directing his campaign to work with the Obama campaign and the commission on Presidential debates to delay Friday night's debate until action has been taken to address this crisis.
• It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem. This is a time to put our country first. We must meet as Americans, not Democrats or Republicans, and we must meet until this crisis is resolved.
• It has become clear that no consensus has developed to support the Administration's proposal. He does not believe the plan on the table will pass as it currently stands, and we are running out of time.
• Last Friday, John McCain laid out his proposal and has discussed his priorities and concerns with the bill the Administration has put forward.
• America faces a historic crisis in our financial system, and we must pass legislation to address this crisis. If we do not, credit will dry up, with devastating consequences for our economy.
• John McCain is confident that before the markets open on Monday, we can achieve consensus on legislation that will stabilize our financial markets, protect taxpayers and homeowners and earn the confidence of the American people.
Just so your armed with the other side's arguments.
By the way, those arguments are completely non-specific on HOW to address this mess. It's also completely at odds with the Obama campaign's version of events.
“At 8:30 this morning, Senator Obama called Senator McCain to ask him if he would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal. At 2:30 this afternoon, Senator McCain returned Senator Obama’s call and agreed to join him in issuing such a statement. The two campaigns are currently working together on the details.”
McCain's trying to look like a tough guy here (perhaps with the ultimate goal of spiking Sarah Palin's VP debate), and his campaign looks as incompetent as ever by leaking their own blinkered talking points about this stunt.
- ukit0
From a Republican blog:
McCain’s decision to suspend his campaign today to focus on legislation regularly referred to as the “Wall Street bailout” is perhaps the most politically tone deaf move I’ve seen from the campaign this year. I agree with Ramesh Ponnuru that this move makes it less likely that John McCain will be president. But don’t worry; I’m sure Ramesh and I will both be savaged as traitorous scum or something of the sort shortly.
In any case, here’s why this move by McCain was insane:
1) The whole thing feels like a gimmick, and voters can intuit that. What voters infer from this move isn’t that McCain is putting country first, but that he’s attempting to utilize misdirection yet again to cover up what voters will assume to be McCain’s dearth of solutions regarding the economy. The campaign suspension becomes a political prop, much as Palin has become one, a woman who should be doing serious interviews about energy and growth with serious journalists.
2) McCain may have suspended his campaign, but Barack Obama hasn’t. Obama’s ads will continue to run and he’ll pull ahead in states like Virginia and Nevada, and probably stay well ahead in all of the blue states plus Iowa, New Mexico, and Colorado. McCain will definitely need stellar debate performances in order to just make up lost ground.
3) Speaking of the debates, if McCain really does succeed in nixing the first debate, he’ll be ensuring that the one debate that he can win doesn’t occur (the one on foreign policy), making it that much harder for him to regain any momentum in the race.
4) But won’t McCain get momentum from showing leadership on the bailout? Probably not. The bailout is extremely unpopular with two groups McCain needs in November: conservatives, who see it as a market-corrupting scheme, and moderates, who see it as Washington once again putting special interests firsts. I can see the Democrats’ attack ads now: McCain suspends campaign to give your money to Wall Street.
5) By trying to postpone the debate, McCain makes it seem as if he’s afraid to face Barack Obama, and that he’s running from the challenge.
The fact that the move is politically tone-deaf, and that it unites the base and center against McCain, will just serve to remind voters that McCain is a creature of the Beltway GOP, which has done so well at pissing off pretty much everyone in the country over the past eight years. This SurveyUSA insta-poll confirms my belief that voters will take McCain’s move in the worst way possible. McCain will almost certainly lose ground via this move, and I’m not certain he’ll be able to gain it back in time. McCain’s fundamental problem right now is that he’s running a campaign based on bells and whistles and not on serious solutions for a serious time. Instead of having Palin sell ANWR while McCain sells his health plan, he’s running on Ayers, mooseburgers, and grit. I think there’s a very real chance that the sensible center may just decide that this party’s over, at least until the GOP starts to stand for something again that makes sense to a majority of Americans.
- kerpow!!! i've never seen so much fall apart by a high official.robotron3k
- acescence0
... some of the most basic details, including the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy.
"It's not based on any particular data point," a Treasury spokeswoman told Forbes.com Tuesday. "We just wanted to choose a really large number."
- 3rd time in this thread...TheBlueOne
- oh, sorry missed it. losing track of all these posts...acescence
- we need more threads!!!acescence
- Blasphemer! :)TheBlueOne
- robotron3k0
- mentioned alot of little people, didn't mention the creation of CDO's based on mortgage backed securities...TheBlueOne
- he delivered his message so cold and calculated, it was teh worst performance of his acting career.robotron3k
- It was "Ok, America...now PANIC!" speech. Won't work anymore moron...TheBlueOne
- He blamed the American people! WOW!! Saying people bought houses they couldn't afford hoping...DCDesigns
- they could sell them for a profit or refinance them. ABSOLUTELY amazing!!!!!DCDesigns
- acescence0
- TheBlueOne0
I miss the good old days. You know, like last week when McCain reassured me that the fundamentals of the economy were sound. Ah, good times.
- ukit0
You have to wonder if the real reason (or part of it) is that this bill will not pass if the Republicans in Congress are in revolt. They don't listen to Bush anymore, hence McCain has to step in and give them cover.
- Sarah Palin will tell them how the molecules move and then they'll see the light...TheBlueOne
- robotron3k0
Wow. I can believe what's about to happen. Bush actually has asked Obama to come back to the White House and solve this $700 Billion mess. I can't believe how these guys have all of a sudden put themselves in a power role and trumped Obama. They sure don't want a black man in the White House that they are willing to dump the whole economy over it. Incredible.
- TheBlueOne0
That's alot of economists against this:
It's pretty rare when the eggheads and the man on the street are in agreement...
- fooler20
- McCain is hoisted on his own petard. today might be the day he lost it for sure...TheBlueOne
- solid goldsofakingbanned
- TheBlueOne0
This bailout plan is bullshit..they're trying to reinflate a bubble that burst. It's just not going to work.
- Actually they are going for the last big heist before the locks get changed. They’re not interested in bailing anyone out...MrOneHundred
- ...out except themselves.MrOneHundred
- ukit0
But is the alternative worse? I don't like the idea of spending that much on it for sure, but I also don't pretend to understand the situation well enough to know what will happen if they do nothing.
- robotron3k0
there is serious criminal activity going on right now and a little certain someone whom I shall not name, but is the current President of the US, is involved in and doesn't want people to know until he has time to get out of office......... can you guess who????
- ukit0
I blame hedge