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A little letter that I just Emailed my senators!
Dear Senator Robert P. Casey,
If you approve of Bush's $700- Billion bail out plan and corporate welfare program for Wall Street. "I WILL BE SURE TO VOTE YOUR ASS OUT OFFICE NEXT ELECTION!"
Best Regards,
xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx---
Dear Senator Arlen Specter,
If you approve of Bush's $700- Billion bail out plan and corporate welfare program for Wall Street. "I WILL BE SURE TO VOTE YOUR ASS OUT OFFICE NEXT ELECTION!"
Best Regards,
xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
- robotron3k0
I just sent a similar note to Senator Schumer
- robotron3k0
and Senator Clinton email is here too!
"Presidents are going to have to deal with more than one thing at a time," he said, "it is not necessary for us to think we can do only one thing and suspend everything else."
"With respect to the debates it is my belief that this is exactly the time when the American people need to hear from the person who in roughly 40 days will be responsible for this mess," he said. "I think it is going to be part of the president's job to deal with more than one thing at once. I don't see why we can't be constructive in helping with this problem."
Both these quotes made me pretty happy when I got home tonight :D
- TheBlueOne0
This morning's Wall Street Journal for chrissakes:
"Last we checked, the President of the United States was still George W. Bush, the Secretary of the Treasury was still Henry Paulson, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was still Ben Bernanke, and Congress still had 533 members not running for President who are at least nominally competent to debate and pass legislation.
So count us as mystified by Senator John McCain's decision yesterday to suspend his campaign and call for a postponement in Friday's first Presidential debate so that he and Barack Obama can work out a consensus bill to stabilize the financial system. This is supposed to be evidence of leadership?"
- lowimpakt0
- she really.....
ah fuck it.janne76 - i actually feel sorry for her.lowimpakt
- she really is immensely stupidrupedixon
- queen of the cliche. shore up? let me string together a bunch of words and then end with John McCain will save us.monkeyshine
- remember the SNL skit with tracy morgan where he makes up all these big words but makes no sense? Dejavuuuu!monkeyshine
- why don't reports just call bullshit? I mean really... what the fuck did she just say?sofakingbanned
- sorry "reporters"sofakingbanned
- exactly.. how the fuck can the reporter keep asking questions after the first one?Mirpour
- ouch....
*brain explodesmegE - wait - did she say crisis mode?megE
- reminds me of that miss N.Carolina answer.tasty
- if it wasn't for the fact that she could gain power i'd feel deeply sorry for her.janne76
- she really.....
- GeorgesII0
- "full scrutiny of the written legislation" ahh, the unwritten is unscrutinized********
- "full scrutiny of the written legislation" ahh, the unwritten is unscrutinized
- ********0
Up to 10,000 staff at the New York office of the bankrupt investment bank Lehman Brothers will share a bonus pool set aside for them that is worth $2.5bn (£1.4bn), Barclays Bank, which is buying the business, confirmed last night.
The revelation sparked fury among the workers' former colleagues, Lehman's 5,000 staff based in London, who currently have no idea how long they will go on receiving even their basic salaries, let alone any bonus payments. It also prompted a renewed backlash over the compensation culture in global finance, with critics claiming that many bankers receive pay and rewards that bore no relation to the job they had done.
- hallelujah0
"A senior campaign official says that McCain will NOT debate -- no matter what -- if Congress hasn't reached an agreement on a bailout package.
Yep. Solve the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression in the next 48 hours, or I ain't showing up. That's John McCain's "leadership". Do what I say, or I'll hold my breath and turn blue. (Or hold my breath and turn the whole country blue?)
Better still:
The aide did not know whether Gov. Palin would attend Oct. 2's vice presidential debate if Congress, by that point, still hasn't reached a deal.
Um... wha? Palin might not be able to attend either, because she has to... um... do Senate stuff? Conduct photo ops with leaders more important than her? What exactly would be cutting into her schedule, such that she couldn't manage to show up for her one scheduled pre-election appearance in front of a crowd made up of anything but hardcore Republicans?
Sheesh. This is just sad, at this point."
- it's sick... wtf is going on? I wonder if people are going to fall for all this crap...SigDesign
- hallelujah0
"Like a junior high student who fakes a cough to get out of the exam because he knows he isn't ready, the New York Times is reporting that John McCain has spent little to no time preparing for the debate.
The debate on Friday was to focus on Mr. McCain’s perceived strength, foreign policy. Mr. McCain had not planned to devote large blocks of time to debate practice as did Mr. Obama, who was holing up with a tight circle of advisers at a hotel in Clearwater, Fla., on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to prepare. Mr. McCain had a preparatory session on Wednesday afternoon at the Morgan Library in Manhattan, but advisers said it had been interrupted by his decision, announced immediately afterward, to suspend his campaign.
Democrats were withering in their reaction to Mr. McCain’s decision.
"Now that we are on the verge of making a deal, John McCain airdrops himself in to help us make a deal," said Representative Barney Frank, of Massachusetts and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. "Frankly, we are going to have to interrupt a negotiating session tomorrow between Democrats and Republicans on a bill where I think we are getting pretty close to troop down to the White House for a photo op."
"What, does McCain think the Senate will still be working at 9 p.m. Friday?" Gov. Edward G. Rendell of Pennsylvania said in an interview, referring to the scheduled start time of the debate. "I think this is all political."
The move to "suspend" his campaign is about four things, in my opinion.
McCain is clearly not prepared to debate Obama this Friday. He is not ready to debate on the economy, given his previous statements that he is not that well versed on the issue (as evidenced by his many gaffes on the subject). Frankly, I don't believe he really wants to talk about foreign policy and explain why we should be spending 10 Billion a month in Iraq while Iraq sits on a huge surplus.
His tanking poll numbers have clearly freaked him out. Notwithstanding the NBC poll, just about every national/state poll has Obama surging since the economic crisis hit. McCain has at no point shown any ability to get ahead on the issue. This is like a basketball team calling a 20 second time out after the opposing squad going on a 10-1 run. This stunt gets the focus off his many issues (Palin's disastrous CBS interview, Rick Davis, etc) and back to a discussion of political tactics.
This is speculation, but one wonders if McCain is having something of a money crunch. He only has 84 Million to spend, and while the RNC has plenty of money, they cannot directly coordinate with the McCain camp. "Suspending" their campaign allows them to save money while still getting publicity for this stunt.
Getting Sarah Palin away from the media and debates. The McCain camp is floating a plan to move the debate to next Thursday and moving the VP debate to some later date. Given her awful CBS interview, this is hardly shocking.
Now, I suppose this gambit could work; Ben Smith at Politico posits the best case scenario which I don't think is likely. What's important here is that Congressional Dems have Obama's back and don't do anything to undermine him and give McCain the ability to claim credit for a deal."
- TheBlueOne0
"CHICAGO - Authorities say a man arrested near Barack Obama's Chicago home told police officers he wanted to speak with the presidential hopeful about getting a job.....Antonietti says when police searched his car, they found a .40 caliber pistol, a bulletproof vest and ammunition. Sengstacke was charged with unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and criminal trespassing on state land."
- ukit0
Rasmussen North Carolina General Election Poll
Barack Obama 49% (47%)
John McCain 47% (50%)
- sofakingbanned0
Why do good leaders and people who actually want to do good for our country get killed or have guys coming out the woodwork plotting to kill them?
I mean I dont want anyone to get assassinated but why hasn't anyone taken a crack at Bush or anyone of the tyrants that clearly fuck this country on a daily.
I have heard in conversation people say "If obama gets elected someone is gonna kill him"
I just dont know what to say about that....
...what the fuck is wrong with this world?(this thought came after ready theblueones post)
- good people don't kill other people...SigDesign
- Besides, according to neocons, no two coutnries with McDonald's have ever gone to war with each other...TheBlueOne
- ..oh wait..Georgia and Russia killed that little meme...TheBlueOne
- joeth0
^If McCain somehow gets elected, I will personally volunteer to be one of his bodyguards. McCain would be like a drunk driver behind the wheel of a semi-truck, but Palin would be so much worse. Like a drunk toddler behind the wheel.
- He's riddled with cancer. Riddled. Can't take that one for him.TheBlueOne
- Nope.joeth
- hallelujah0
it seems it's finally starting to sink into the American mind what a useless sack of shit the McCain/Palin ticket is... but I'm not going to overestimate its ability to retain this information than longer than a week
- ********0
...back in 2000, registered Republicans decided this guy......was an inferior choice to this guy...
...but after this guy...
...totally ruined EVERYTHING to legendary levels, people should go ahead anyway and elect this guy...
...even though, as previously mentioned, Republican voters made clear they think he's an even bigger train wreck of a douche bag loser.
- hallelujah0
"You may recall, oh weary reader, the latest in the ongoing stream of baldfaced lies that passes for John McCain's presidential campaign. This one was about his campaign manager, Rick Davis. McCain has been hammered for the large number of lobbyists running and surrounding his campaign, including Davis. But don't worry, said McCain:
On Sunday, in an interview with CNBC and The New York Times, Mr. McCain responded to a question about Mr. Davis’s role in the advocacy group through 2005 by saying that his campaign manager "has had nothing to do with it since, and I’ll be glad to have his record examined by anybody who wants to look at it."
So reporters did. And found that he wasn't telling the truth. Not even close:
One of the giant mortgage companies at the heart of the credit crisis paid $15,000 a month from the end of 2005 through last month to a firm owned by Senator John McCain’s campaign manager, according to two people with direct knowledge of the arrangement.
Well, though, at least Davis isn't involved with his own firm anymore, right? Newsweek reports:
Jill Hazelbaker, the campaign's communications director, said in an e-mail Tuesday that Davis "left" Davis Manafort in 2006. In a statement attacking The New York Times, posted on the campaign's Web site on Wednesday, campaign spokesman Michael Goldfarb said that Davis "separated from his consulting firm, Davis Manafort, in 2006." (A senior campaign official, in an e-mail statement to NEWSWEEK that was not for attribution on Tuesday night, said "Rick is no longer affiliated with the firm.")
Oh, my... You can see where this is going, right? Yep, you guessed it. They're lying yet again. According to Newsweek:
Rick Davis, John McCain's campaign manager, has remained the treasurer and a corporate director of his lobbying firm this year, despite repeated statements by campaign officials that he had ended his relationship with the firm in 2006, according to corporate records. [...]
[McCain campaign] statements appear to have overstated the extent to which Davis had severed his relationship with his lobbying firm. Filings made by "Davis Manafort Partners" with the Virginia Corporation Commission as recently as April 1, 2008, show that Davis was still listed as one of only two corporate officers and directors of the firm, according to records on the commission’s Web site reviewed by NEWSWEEK. That filing records Davis as the "treas/clerk" of the firm; his business partner, Paul Manafort is listed as the president and chief executive officer.
Another filing by "Davis Manafort, Inc." (with the same Alexandria, Va. address, and recorded on Oct. 17, 2007) also lists Davis as an officer and director of the firm, reporting his position as "T/Clerk," a reference to his formal title as corporate treasurer and clerk.
So... "left"? "Separated?" "No longer affiliated?" That's a hell of a definition.
What's so hard about this, for the McCain campaign? Just stop lying. It's not doing you any good. Stop already!"