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As promised. A gathering of all the best posts in the political thread that I've been using in pieces to "Reply All" to any and all Republican smear emails I've been getting. If it doesn't work in this format I have the better spaced, working links txt format available.
To all concerned,
This election is far too important to make a decision against a particular candidate because you fall victim to Internet rumors, deception, and lies. If you are on the Internet reading this email, then all the information you could possibly want or need to form your opinion and make your choice is at your fingertips. Citizens owe it to themselves and this country to make an educated choice in the voting booth on November 4th. I am not telling you who to vote for, rather, I am suggesting that you take some time out of your day to find out the truth when you believe something that is not true.
Barack Obama is not a Muslim. The information is out there and there are links included below to provide more information for you.http://www.barackobama.com/factc…...
Please, take the time to gather valid information that will help you make an informed choice. There is far too much at stake in this election in terms of comparing both candidates; if you're going to vote, do so based on what these candidates say they will do for our economy, our standing in the world, the environment, our dependence on foreign oil, the willingness to embrace renewable energy resources, and what they offer for the future of this country. I truly and completely believe that this is the most important election of our lifetime - it is an election whose outcome can send the country in two very different directions. Those directions are up to you: if you are satisfied with the way things are, then there is a candidate for you. If you are not satisfied with the way things are, there is also a candidate for you. No different than your right to vote, you have the right to choose either candidate. Make an informed choice, that's truly what it should come down to. --------------------------------...
Feel free to send that to people if you wish! :)OBAMA TAX PLAN VS. MCCAIN TAX PLAN: IN PLAIN ENGLISH
Under Obama's plan, the TPC estimates that people (or couples) making between $37,595 and $66,354 a year would see an average savings of $1,118 on their taxes.
Under McCain's plan, on the other hand, those same individuals would save $325 on average — $793 less than the average savings under Obama's plan.
"PALIN:We have that very narrow maritime border between the United States, and the 49th state, Alaska, and Russia. They are our next door neighbors.We need to have a good relationship with them. They're very, very important to us and they are our next door neighbor.
GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?
PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska."SARAH PALIN'S TOTAL GIBBERISH INTERVIEW: EVEN COURIC IS APPALLED BY THE TOTAL IGNORANCE
Can anyone please tell me what her first response even means? Or any of them for that matter? Is this who you want as your Vice President? Is this the person you want a heartbeat away from being President?
SARAH PALIN'S RESPONSE WHEN ASKED ABOUT THE BUSH DOCTRINE: Now, many of you might say to yourselves "the Bush Doctrine... I have no idea what that is... why should she?" She should because she would be a heartbeat away from being President and may have to one day write one of her own.
"GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine?
PALIN: In what respect, Charlie?
GIBSON: The Bush -- well, what do you -- what do you interpret it to be?
PALIN: His world view.
GIBSON: No, the Bush doctrine, enunciated September 2002, before the Iraq war.
PALIN: I believe that what President Bush has attempted to do is rid this world of Islamic extremism, terrorists who are hell bent on destroying our nation. There have been blunders along the way, though. There have been mistakes made. And with new leadership, and that's the beauty of American elections, of course, and democracy, is with new leadership comes opportunity to do things better.THE REPUBLICAN PATRTY MISLEADING ABSENTEE BALLOTS BEING SENT TO CITIZENS BY JOHN MCCAIN
Sarah Palin seems to be the darling of the media now..everywhere I look it's Palinmania. Everyone's exciting about this fluffball interview with her tonite on ABC.
Dare I say she's like a..a...celebrity!! A popular female celebrity!
Will McCain run an ad comparing her favorably with Britney Spears and Lindsey Lohan?PALIN ON A POSSIBLE WAR WITH.... RUSSIA
Palin says "War with Russia? Could be...."
"When asked by Gibson if under the NATO treaty, the U.S. would have to go to war if Russia again invaded Georgia, Palin responded: "Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a NATO ally, is if another country is attacked, you're going to be expected to be called upon and help....'And we've got to keep an eye on Russia. For Russia to have exerted such pressure in terms of invading a smaller democratic country, unprovoked, is unacceptable,' she told ABC News' Charles Gibson in an exclusive interview."MATT DAMON ON SARAH PALIN
"You do the actuary tables, there's a one out of three chance, if not more, that McCain doesn't survive his first term, and it'll be President Palin. It's like a really bad Disney movie, "The Hockey Mom.' Oh, I'm just a hockey mom from Alaska, and she's president. "She's facing down Vladimir Putin and using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink. It's absurd."
"It’s absurd, it’s totally absurd, and I don’t understand why more people aren’t talking about how absurd it is. It’s a terrifying possibility. The fact that we’ve gotten this far and we’re that close to this being a reality is crazy.
I need to know if she really think that dinosaurs were here 4,000 years ago. I want to know that, I really do. Because she’s gonna have the nuclear codes.”- Matt Damon, in Toronto
The NATIONAL ENQUIRER’S exclusive ongoing investigation of GOP VP Nom Sarah 'Barracuda' Palin’s goes far beyond a mere teen pregnancy crisis this week!
The Enquirer’s team of reporters has combed the Alaskan wilderness to discover the hidden truth about Gov. Palin’s family, which has become a central part of political identity.
The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that Sarah's oldest son, Track, was addicted to the power drug OxyContin for nearly the past two years, snorting it, eating it, smoking it and even injecting it. And as Track, 19, heads to Iraq as part of the U.S. armed forces, Sarah and her husband Todd were powerless to stop his wild antics, detailed in the new issue of The ENQUIRER, which goes on sale today.
THE ENQUIRER also has exclusive details about Track's use of other drugs, including cocaine, and his involvement in a notorious local vandalism incident.
“I’ve partied with him (Track) for years,” a source disclosed. “I’ve seen him snort cocaine, snort and smoke OxyContin, drink booze and smoke weed.”
The source also divulged the girls would do anything for Track and he’d use his local celebrity to manipulate other guys “to get them to steal things he wanted.”
“He finally did what a lot of troubled kids here do,” the source divulged. “You join the military.”
And as Gov. Palin has billed the state of Alaska for various expenses related to her children, as reported by The Washington Post, The ENQUIRER's investigation reveals that she was so incensed by 17-year-old Bristol's pregnancy that she banished her daughter from the house.
Another family friend revealed pre-prego Bristol was as much of a hard partier as Track was.
“Bristol was a huge stoner and drinker. I’ve seen her smoke pot and get drunk and make out with so many guys. All the guys would brag that the just made out with Bristol.”
When Sarah found out the teen was pregnant by high schooler Levi Johnston, she was actually banished from the house. As part of the cover-up, Palin quickly transferred Bristol to another high school and made her move in with Sarah’s sister Heather 25 miles away!
And the ENQUIRER also learned that Levi Johnston, the baby mamma’s future wedded dada, who was glad handed by John McCain at the GOP Convention, isn’t too happy about his impending shotgun nups either.
“Levi got dragged out of the house to go to Minnesota,” Levi’s friend told The ENQUIRER. “Levi realizes he’s stuck being with Bristol because her mom is running for Vice President.”
The friend also confided that both Bristol and Levi “broke up a few times and they definitely messed around with other people.”
Meanwhile, as members of the Palin family’s war viciously over “Trooper-Gate” and claims of Sarah’s extramarital affair have turned the political race into a chaotic arena of threats, denials and vicious attacks by political black ops, The ENQUIRER has discovered shocking new details about the red-hot affair scandal!
For the full story of the secrets Sarah Palin is trying to hide – pick up the new ENQUIRER!MCCAINISMS AND THE HYPOCRISY WITHIN
"The man who can't remember how many houses he owns cries "elitist!"
The man who said "The issue of economics is not something I've understood as well as I should, and "I believe the fundamentals of this economy are strong," cries "economy!"
The man whose running mate denies manmade global warming cries "environment!"
The man with ZERO executive experience cries "executive experience!"
The man who chaired the committee that set a record for unauthorized appropriations cries "I'll make them famous!"
The man who voted with George W. Bush 90% of the time cries "change!"
The man who knowingly spreads malicious lies cries "honor!"
The man whose campaign is run by lobbyists cries "no more lobbyists!"
The man whose running mate has a pregnant, unmarried 17-year-old daughter cries "abstinence!"
The man who cheated on his ailing wife cries "family values!"
The man who can't tell Sunni and Shia apart cries "judgment!"
The man who picked the least experienced VP candidate in history cries "country first!"
The man who got caught in the Keating Five scandal cries "integrity!"
The man who joked about Chelsea Clinton being "ugly" cries "offensive!"
The man whose party mocks service cries "service!"
The man who supported abolishing the Department of Education cries "education!"
The man whose family was targeted by Karl Rove in 2000 cries "get me Karl Rove!"
The man who fought against the Bush tax cuts cries "permanent Bush tax cuts!"
The man who called Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson "agents of intolerance" cries "I love evangelicals!"
The man who cried "no Iraq timetables" STILL cries "no Iraq timetables!"
A man who touts his running mate as a "reformer" cries "get me more Bush veterans for her staff!"
A man who wants to overturn Roe v. Wade cries "I'm the candidate for women!"THE COST OF THE IRAQ WAR: PS... JOHN MCCAIN SAYS "WE COULD BE IN IRAQ FOR 100 YEARS."
The War in Iraq Costs $552,909,231,942
US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama may be struggling to nudge ahead of his Republican rival in polls at home, but people across the world want him in the White House, a BBC poll said.
All 22 countries covered in the poll would prefer to see Senator Obama elected US president ahead of Republican John McCain.
In 17 of the 22 nations, people expect relations between the US and the rest of the world to improve if Senator Obama wins.
More than 22,000 people were questioned by pollster GlobeScan in countries ranging from Australia to India and across Africa, Europe and South America.
The margin in favour of Senator Obama ranged from 9 per cent in India to 82 per cent in Kenya, while an average of 49 per cent across the 22 countries preferred Senator Obama compared with 12 per cent preferring Senator McCain. Some four in 10 did not take a view.
"Large numbers of people around the world clearly like what Barack Obama represents," GlobeScan chairman Doug Miller said.TRUTHISMS: THE DOUBLE STANDARDS IN THE MEDIA BETWEEN OBAMA AND MCCAIN/PALIN
If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're "exotic, different."
Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers -- a quintessential American story.If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track -- you're a maverick.Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
Attend five different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.If you spend three years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a constitutional law professor, spend eight years as a state senator representing a district with more than 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.
If your total resume is: local weather girl, four years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with fewer than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive.If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising two daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.
If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.
If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you're very responsible.If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner-city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's values don't represent America's.
If your husband is nicknamed "First Dude," with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.HOW THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS TAKING AWAY YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE
Democrats ask court to defend right to vote
Republicans 'exploit mortgage crisis to disqualify opponents'
"Focusing on Palin was the smart approach
No one can doubt that McCain's choice of Palin rejuvenated a listless, dying campaign. She excited the Theocon Right and brought them home, and being a fresh new face with an interesting bio, she captivated the nation's attention. Her initial numbers were sky high, and she packed them in for McCain. Suddenly, what had been a large Obama post-DNCC bounce turned on a dime, and Palin delivered a huge surge for her ticket.
Bloggers and tradmed reporters took a hard look at Sarah Palin and began raking her over the coals for myriad transgressions. She is a liar with theocratic tendencies, sports an intellect that makes Bush look like a Mensa member, and features an obvious fondness for Cheney-style abuses of power. And that's not even the worst of it.
But then the worriers began to question, "Why are we focusing on Palin? McCain is getting a pass! We're tilting at windmills, since she's too popular to damage!" We were told to stop talking altogether about Palin, as if ignoring her would remove the spell she had cast on America. This Andrew Sullivan post must've been emailed to me two dozen times by panicked worrywarts. A few bad polls, and people seemed to be losing their minds and sense.
But we continued to focus on Palin. Republicans were busy trying to build a positive narrative about Palin -- the "hockey mom" who was so folksy she could "field dress a moose" and had "said no to the Bridge to Nowhere and other government waste" and was overflowing with "small town values". McCain had shot up in the polls because of Palin. Common sense dictated it would be hard to knock him back down as long as she consolidated her popularity. So we set out to build the negative narratives about Palin. This is stuff straight out of Taking on the System. I have a whole chapter on it, in fact.
So we focused heavily on Palin, and make no mistake, it's exactly that intense focus that has taken its toll on her numbers:
Approve Disapprove No Opinion 9/11: 52 35 13 +17 9/12: 51 37 12 +14 9/13: 49 40 11 +9 9/14: 47 42 11 +5 9/15: 47 43 10 +4 9/16: 45 44 11 +1 9/17: 44 45 11 -1 9/18: 42 46 11 -4
That's a shocking 18 21-point collapse in a single week. She went from being just about the most popular person on the top of the ticket, to the (lipstick wearing?) goat. And it's not just our Research 2000 polling showing this collapse.
In the three days after Palin joined Team McCain--Aug. 29-31--32 percent of voters told the pollsters at Diageo/Hotline that they had a favorable opinion of her; most (48 percent) didn't know enough to say [..] By Sept. 4, however, 43 percent of Diageo/Hotline respondents approved of Palin with only 25 percent disapproving--an 18-point split. Apparently, voters were liking what they were hearing. Four days later, Palin's approval rating had climbed to 47 percent (+17), and by Sept. 13 it had hit 52 percent. The gap at that point between her favorable and unfavorable numbers--22 percent--was larger than either McCain's (+20) or Obama's (+13).
But then a funny thing happened: Palin seems to have lost some of her luster. Since Sept. 13, Palin's unfavorables have climbed from 30 percent to 36 percent. Meanwhile, her favorables have slipped from 52 percent to 48 percent. That's a three-day net swing of -10 points, and it leaves her in the Sept. 15 Diageo/Hotline tracking poll tied for the smallest favorability split (+12)** of any of the Final Four. [UPDATE: The Sept. 17 Diageo/Hotline tracking poll shows Palin at 47 percent favorable and 37 percent unfavorable--an even narrower +10 split.] Over the course of a single weekend, in other words, Palin went from being the most popular White House hopeful to the least.
The trendline is indisputable (it was just picked up by CBS). And just as Palin's initial popularity bolstered McCain, her sudden faltering is now bringing him back down to earth. You might have even noticed that the latest round of McCain ads don't even feature her or refer to "McCain/Palin". It's back to just "McCain". She was starting to drag him down.
Palin will continue to excite and energize the wingnut base. She was designed for that purpose, and won't fail at that task. But her cratering popularity now hampers McCain's efforts to expand beyond that core base.
All of this is happening because we did not relent on Palin, blocking Republican efforts to paint her in a positive light. The results are speaking for themselves."PALIN SAID "I'LL PUT THE GOVERNMENTS CHECKBOOK ONLINE" TO A ROARING CROWD. TROUBLE IS OBAMA IN 2006 AND 2007 PASSED THE FEDERAL FUNDING ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY ACT, WHICH IS OF COURSE THE VERY THING SARAH PALIN IS VOWING TO DO.
Palin's transparency proposal already exists in D.C.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (CNN) – Sarah Palin likes to tell voters around the country about how she “put the government checkbook online” in Alaska. On Thursday, Palin suggested she would take that same proposal to Washington.
“We’re going to do a few new things also,” she said at a rally in Cedar Rapids. “For instance, as Alaska’s governor, I put the government’s checkbook online so that people can see where their money’s going. We’ll bring that kind of transparency, that responsibility, and accountability back. We’re going to bring that back to D.C.”
There’s just one problem with proposing to put the federal checkbook online – somebody’s already done it. His name is Barack Obama.
In 2006 and 2007, Obama teamed up with Republican Sen. Tom Coburn to pass the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, also known as “Google for Government.” The act created a free, searchable web site – USASpending.gov — that discloses to the public all federal grants, contracts, loans and insurance payments.
In June of this year, Obama and Coburn introduced new Senate legislation to expand the information available online to include details on earmarks, competitive bidding, criminal activities, audit disputes and other government information.
Palin might also have noted that her running mate, John McCain, was an original co-sponsor of the 2006 transparency bill that became law.AN ANALOGY FOR VOTING FOR A THIRD PARTY, OR NOT VOTING AT ALL
Let's say you're absolutely starving... like you haven’t eaten for weeks and you might die if you don’t eat something. You finally come across a place to eat that serves three foods: pizza, tuna, and peanut butter. It’s an easy choice, because you don't like tuna at all, you're extremely allergic to peanut butter, and you love pizza. But by the time you get up to order your pizza, they tell you they're all out. Do you just not eat even though you're starving and you don’t know when you’ll have another chance to eat? No, you have to eat the tuna that you don’t like because the peanut butter could kill you, and so could not eating.
Now, pardon the over-simplification... but most people are saying this is the most important election ever. Can we really afford to “not eat” by casting a vote for a third party or by not voting? You may not like the tuna right now (Obama), but seriously... the peanut butter (a potential President Palin) could fucking kill us.
And McCain says Palin is one of the leading figures on Energy. Bah.
A Newsweek article published on the magazine's Web Site Sunday said registration records show the McCains currently own 13 cars — two of which are foreign-made: a Honda and a Volkswagen. That appears to contradict the Republican presidential nominee's past statements he only buys cars made in America. (Cindy McCain also drives a Lexus and daughter Meghan owns a Toyota Prius, but neither are registered to the McCains.)
Newsweek also reported Barack Obama owns one car: a Ford Escape Hybrid.
In a quickly-arranged conference call organized by the Democratic National Committee, United Auto Worker Union President Ron Gettelfinger — an Obama supporter — said the registration records show McCain is not being truthful with Americans and undermining autoworkers.PALIN IS A "POST TURTLE"
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher, who's hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Palin and her bid. The old rancher said, "Well, ya know, Palin is a 'Post Turtle'." Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'Post Turtle' was. The old rancher said, "When you're driving down a country road you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'Post Turtle'." The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain. "You know she didn't get up there by herself, she don't belong up there, she don't know what to do while she's up there, and you just wonder what kind of dummy put her up there to begin with."
A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.
A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.
While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at New Orleans It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division
Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D), is presently asking the Congress for $250 BILLION to rebuild New Orleans Interesting number, what does it mean?
A. Well, if you are one of 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, child), you each get $516,528.
B. Or, if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.
C. Or, if you are a family of four, your family gets $2,066,012.
Washington, D. C HELLO! Are all your calculators broken??
Accounts Receivable Tax Building Permit Tax CDL License Tax Cigarette Tax Corporate Income Tax Dog License Tax Federal Income Tax Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) Fishing License Tax Food License Tax Fuel Perm it Tax Gasoline Tax Hunting License Tax Inheritance Tax Inventory Tax IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax), IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax), Liquor Tax, Luxury Tax, Marriage License Tax, Medicare Tax, Property Tax, Real Estate Tax, Service charge taxes, Social Security Tax, Road Usage Tax (Truckers), Sales Taxes, Recreational Vehicle Tax, School Tax, State Income Tax, State Unemployment Tax (SUTA), Telephone Federal Excise Tax, Telephone Federal Universal Service Fe e Tax, Telephone Fede ral, State and Local Surcharge Tax, Telephone Minimum Usag! Surcharge Tax, Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax, Telephone State and Local Tax, Telephone Usage Charge Tax, Utility Tax, Vehicle Lic ense Registration Tax, Vehicle Sales Tax, Watercraft Registration Tax, < /SPAN> Well Permit Tax, Workers Compensation Tax.
STILL THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids .
What happened? Can you spell 'politicians!
- tommyo0
- dbloc0
Internet Rumors that Clinton will replace Biden
- I don't believe it.TheBlueOne
- Me either. Would just cause panic and he's ahead.tommyo
- ha ha, i think they got it wrong, Palin is gonna replace McConrobotron3k
- rumourjanne76
- tommyo0
haha I hadn't heard of these Biden goof ups until today...eeeesssh some of these are pretty bad. And this is the guy who brings 'experience' to the table?
"And last night, in an interview with “CBS Evening News,” Biden misspoke when he told anchor Katie Couric that today's leaders should take a lesson from the history books and follow former President Franklin D. Roosevelt's response to a previous national financial crisis.
Declared Biden: “When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened.'”
What's wrong with that, some might ask?
Well, for starters Republican Herbert Hoover was president when the stock market crashed in October 1929. Second, Roosevelt didn't take office until four years later. And, not to be picky, but there were also no televisions in use at the time. Radio was Roosevelt's favored medium. "
Plenty more here:
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/…- When Biden was chosen, the media said he would spout his mouth off. The guy is fiery. As long as the GOP gets caught twice as badly, it's all good.joeth
- ... caught twice as badly, it's all good. http://liecount.com/…joeth
- Very true. Just disappointed in the overall lack of intelligence, moral fiber and general lack of caliber of both sides.tommyo
- akoni0
freakin beautiful:
http://gawker.com/5054512/letter…- and yes i know its been posted... i just think its a beautiful pummelingakoni
- ********0
Thank God I am leaving the country tomorrow.
- Take me with you...TheBlueOne
- I'll take some laxatives, I can fit in your luggage.tommyo
- I'll put you in my guitar case. But you are gonna have to be checked.********
- hallelujah0
"We know John McCain likes to gamble (craps is his preferred game). And we know when he's losing, because he always does something unsettling to, as Richard Wolffe put it 'upset the chessboard'.
When Obama nailed his acceptance speech, McCain sensed an impending loss and went for the Hail Mary with Sarah Quayle Palin. We said at the time it would prove to be a disaster for McCain in the long run, and we were right. All the polls not only show her popularity dropping (below Obama's and below McCain's), they also show majorities and pluralities coming to the conclusion she is not qualified to be President. That drag on the top of the ticket was not a 'game-changer', and how much of a drag is only now becoming clear to the talking heads.
Similarly, McCain sensed he was going to lose this election because of his own statements about not being an economics expert, that the 'fundamentals were strong' on a day the market was tanking, on association with Phil (Americans are a bunch of whiners) Gramm and other economic advisors who so clearly had only disdain for ordinary Americans, and on general anger at this administration for getting us into this mess. Given that, and his poor poll performance, he went to the well to rail against the librul media for not being campaign stenographers, and when that didn't work, he tried to suspend his campaign and cancel both his and Palin's debate as if it weren't important for the American people to see the candidates side by side.
In fact, all he accomplished is to make Obama look Presidential, and himself and his sycophants look panicked. Americans don't want an unsure hand at the wheel as President, and his outbursts (fire someone, inject presidential politics into the work of Congress) are hardly reassuring as a measure of Presidential temperament.
In the meantime, the media is getting out of the habit of rewarding bad behavior by crediting McCain with desperation in the form "boldness". That is not something that wears well over time. Still, media people have to get their heads straight about what matters.
McCain's campaign has been remarkable in its ability to -- in the words of NBCs Tom Brokaw -- engage in guerilla political tactics, which allow him to win political battles that on paper he shouldn't be winning. And this debate gambit is the latest example of this (following his town hall challenge the day after Obama clinched the Dem nomination, and even his pick of Sarah Palin). But while McCain has proven adept at winning these battles, can he ultimately win the war?
What matters is the war, not the battles. McCain's tactics have completely eroded his brand as an honorable campaigner. There is no getting that back. That means when McCain in retrospect lies about how important he was to the Congressional bailout process, it won't stick. he's full of these gimmicks, and everyone knows it (see David Letterman, see the View). By the way, if media wants to claim that McCain 'had to do this' because he was losing, then they owe us the honesty of telling us he was losing. Funnily enough, they never do that part. No matter. We do.
Bottom line: this not a guy we want anywhere near the WH when it matters. And if you want to know why, just watch what happens and how McCain acts when he's losing. It's not pretty."
- Ramanisky20
if McCain wins .... I will explode .... and not in a good way
- lolhallelujah
- how can he win at this point? It seems that people are starting to see through him. I hope.monkeyshine
- TheBlueOne0
- gallup pole = calling people who still have land lines, not cell phones.robotron3k
- gallup is very odd today... all the others seem to show Obama widening his leadhallelujah
- robotron3k0
- haha, thats terrible. The original of that really fucked me up when I was about 6 and saw it.mikotondria3
- this is the only way he can become a hero again...robotron3k
- that deserves a better PS jobKwesiJ
- you can tell I'm a creative director huh?robotron3k
- haha ya ...noggin on the left is a tad tinyKwesiJ
- hallelujah0
"COURIC: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?
PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land-- boundary that we have with-- Canada. It-- it's funny that a comment like that was-- kind of made to-- cari-- I don't know, you know? Reporters--
PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah.
COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials.
PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our-- our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia--
COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?
PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We-- we do-- it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where-- where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is-- from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to-- to our state.
You have to watch her. It's mesmerizingly horrendous. Watch how she says "as Putin rears his head".
- "Putin rears his head and comes into the air space."
It's like poetry.TheBlueOne - I picture a giant easter island putinhead floating over the channelhallelujah
- O.M.G. what do you even say to that?mg33
- Why o why didnt Katy ask her about South Africans' educations ?mikotondria3
- heart beat away......
a fucking heart beat away.sofakingbanned - "I personally beleve that most US Americans don't...uh...have access to maps...and such as..."BusterBoy
- "Putin rears his head and comes into the air space."
- hallelujah0
who would you rather burned in the flames of hell, M or P?
- sorry, that was a bit harsh. I meant to say "which lying sack of shit"hallelujah
- robotron3k0
Call me optimistic, but it's been a number of days since the announcement and our economy is maintaining. could this perhaps be another WMD / The economy is gonna fall ruse?
- The people of America are so brilliant and our country is so rich in everything, we got a whole to go before going to hell...robotron3k
- mg330
Can anyone shed some light on all the things that could be refuted in what Palin said above? Do individual states have involvement with another country on the level that she's implying; has she had any involvement really with "trade missions," etc? What's she trying to say?
- since she's never been to russia she probably doesn't have much involvement with the countrylackofcolor
- hallelujah0
- LOLhallelujah
- ha! hot damn, you can interview Palin, so you interview the interviewee of Palin.robotron3k
- How do you get pwned by Katie Couric? It's unpossible.TheBlueOne
- hallelujah0
- shore up the economy and the iraq and the other asian countries who don't have mapsBonSeff
- Will the molecules be flagged under the bailout? America wants to know...TheBlueOne
- is that George Bush made-up to look like Tina Fey?Ramanisky2
- ********0
Palin is a sideshow.
- one particularly rich in end of the world humorhallelujah
- TheBlueOne0
"Me Sarah. Me have boobies. Me see Russia. Tyrannosaurus favorite Jesus-horse. Go Sarah Go! News people ask mean questions. You vote for Sarah now. Vote Sarah Vote. Why liberals hate boobies and America? John good, name mean he like to pay to see boobies. Drill, baby, drill. USA! USA! USA!"
- SteveJobs0
sarah palin is the catherine harris of 2008.